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08-24 投稿


meditative 发音

英:[ˈmedɪteɪtɪv]  美:[ˈmedɪtətɪv]

英:  美:

meditative 中文意思翻译



meditative 网络释义

adj. 冥想的,沉思的;耽于默想的

meditative 短语词组

1、meditative techniques ─── 冥想技巧

2、meditative music ─── 沉思音乐

3、meditative whale ─── 冥想鲸

4、meditative story podcast ─── 冥想故事播客

5、meditative mind ─── 禅心

meditative 词性/词形变化,meditative变形

名词: meditativeness |副词: meditatively |

meditative 相似词语短语

1、medicative ─── adj.有药效的;可治病的;有治疗作用的

2、meditating ─── v.冥想,沉思;考虑,谋划(meditate的现在分词)

3、mediatise ─── vt.置于中间(等于mediatize)

4、levitative ─── adj.可飘浮在空中的

5、mediatize ─── v.纳为附属领地

6、meditatively ─── adv.沉思地,冥想地

7、meditate ─── vt.考虑;计划;企图;vi.冥想;沉思

8、hesitative ─── adj.支吾其辞的;踌躇的

9、mediative ─── adj.调解的;斡旋的

meditative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This article applies the meditative mode of the rational spirit, probes its positive factors, and hopes to pose a few profitable views for the understanding of the Classcism of 17th century in Europe. ─── 本文运用理性精神中的沉思方式,探求其中的积极意义,希冀对欧洲17世纪古典主义的认识提出些微有益的看法。

2、If nothing appears to you when you first do this exercise, you will benefit from experiencing the meditative state and your mind will become conditioned for self-hypnosis and past life regression. ─── 当你首先做这个练习时候,假如对你来说什么也没有出现,你将会从这经验里受益,那就是冥想状态和你的头脑将变得易以自我催眠和过去生命的衰退(退却)。

3、The Sedona Method also has a unique meditative technique for dealing with fear. ─── 人生零阻力也有一个处理恐惧的非常独特的沉思方法。

4、46、Indulge not in heedlessness, have no intimacy with sensuous delights; for the earnest, meditative person obtains abundant bliss. ─── 不沉缅于放逸,不贪恋感官的享受,具有热忱而且常沈思真理的人,可获得大安乐。

5、Therefore, we must cultivate samadhi (meditative concentration).With samadhi, we will always be in command, and have the wisdom to know when to advance or retreat, to engage or let go. ─── 所以必须修习禅定,有了禅定,便能时时作主,具有知进退、知取舍的智慧。

6、He folded his tree-bough legs and sat in a meditative pose, the level of his gaze still higher than Burak's. ─── 他盘起自己大树枝杈般的双腿,摆出冥想的姿势。即使这样,他目光的位置仍然比巴拉克还高。

7、Electra can create deeper states of meditative calm and oneness with cosmic principles and universal laws. ─── 在学习时尽量放轻松,只要有外在的干扰,就不容易进展。另外就是要锻鍊到充耳不闻:闻而不觉。

8、The crisis of modernity cannot be overcome until philosophy retreats from public life and retrieves its own meditative attributes by becoming a private mode of living. ─── 哲学只有作为个人的生活方式,退出公共生活,重新回归自己的沉思本性,现代性危机才能被克服。

9、And at night, when the whole organism is at rest, the meditative mind has no dreams for it has been awake all day. ─── 那么到了晚上,当整个有机体休息时,冥想的心不会有梦,因为它整天都是清醒的。

10、You're very meditative today ─── 你今天思考得很深沉.

11、Tantric Sex is meditative, spontaneous and intimate lovemaking. ─── 坦陀罗性是静心的,自发和亲密的调情。

12、And know move to the center of the emerald green, the creative energy within you may be stimulated as you are in these meditative processes. ─── 现在,进入绿宝石之光,这能量可以激发你们内在的创造力。

13、her mission to take audiences on a journey that moves from reggae dance party one minute to a meditative, thoughtful state the next. ─── 她的目标就是使观众踏上一个音乐之旅,穿梭于瑞歌舞晚会和思想的盛典之间。

14、Which, you see, Pip,' said Joe, pausing in his meditative raking of the fire, and looking at me, `were a drawback on my learning. ─── 皮普,你看,”乔说到这里,停下了他漫不经意的拨火动作,望着我说,“我就是这样又失去了上学的机会。”

15、The meditative sway of our silkroad gold bactrian camels is almost soporific. ─── 甚至影响到其对人生的态度,甚至绝望,甚至堕落!

16、Do not give way to heedlessness. Do not indulge in sensual pleasures. Only the heedful and meditative attain great happiness. ─── 因此人们不应放逸,不应沉湎于欲乐,因为勤奋的人,通过禅修,即会得证至上乐。

17、During the two hours of face mold work, I tried to remain very quiet and at peace, in a meditative phase. ─── 在近两个小时做这个工作的时候,我尽可能的保持平静,在念经,默想。

18、Better it is to live one day virtuous and meditative than to live a hundred years immoral and uncontrolled. ─── 有德及有禅修的一天,好过无德与不能自制诸根的百年生命。

19、His eyes were more meditative, and his expression was more sad ─── 他的两眼更加郁郁沉思,表情更为凄楚。

20、Ziqi started from the first meditative heaven, which is the first stage of the four meditative concentrations that detach desire, evil, misdeed and misbrief and perception. ─── 子綦由离欲、恶、不善法、有觉有观、离生喜乐的初禅。

21、There is much to learn with this but basically it is the organization of the mind/thought patterns in a positive manner while in a meditative state. ─── 对这个有大量的学习,但基本上是用一个正面的方式头脑/思想模式的组织,同时处在一个冥想的状态中。

22、The forests and waters inspire contemporary works of art; and the meditative soul of the Finns, who Blend in with nature to the point of camouflage, is nourished by these fresh colors. ─── 森林和湖水赋予现代艺术灵感,也赋予了将自己与自然融为一体的芬兰人深沉的性格。

23、Meditative techniques are also a key element in the Arthritis self-help Course at Stanford University. ─── 在斯旦福大学,冥想的方法也是被当作一门课程,一把可以打开自助治疗关节炎的钥匙。

24、During meditative journeys at the pyramids, he had the unique opportunity to make recordings in the Cheops pyramid. ─── 在游历金字塔的精神之旅中,他获得了绝无仅有的一次机会在基奥普斯的金字塔制作唱片。

25、And even Dr.Ambedkar did not add to the constitution that helping people to be more meditative is the greatest charity, helping people to become enlightened is the most important charity. ─── 甚至,他没有在宪法中加入这一条:帮助人们更加静心是最伟大的慈善,帮助人们达成开悟是最重要的慈善。

26、You yourselves must strive; the Buddhas only point the way. Those meditative ones who tread the path are released from the bonds of Mara. ─── 你必须自己努力,如来只能指示道路。修禅者得以解脱魔王的束缚。

27、The wise ones, ever meditative and steadfastly persevering, alone experience Nibbana, the incomparable freedom from bondage. ─── 他持续地修禅(止观),持恒者得以体验解脱:至上的涅盘。

28、Celtic harp and Native American flute blend in meditative, imaginative, free flowing, soothing music. ─── 沉思般的凯尔特竖琴和印地安长笛,富于想象力,给人安慰柔和的音乐疗效。

29、47.He is a meditative story-teller or romancer. ─── 他是个善于深入思考的故事家。

30、For this purpose, one should form in one's mind the view that every world is pure land in nature, then dispel all instincts of confusion and visualize everything as the pure Buddha land in the meditative state. ─── 为了达到这一目的,依照生起次第,首先抉择情器一切世间皆是清净本尊刹土,消除与之相悖的庸俗迷乱执着心,并通过禅定之力,观想一切皆是清净的佛世界。

31、You value living life at a slow, peaceful, meditative pace. You give insightful advice, helping others to overcome obstacles. ─── 你以一种缓慢的、平和的、沉思的速率生活你给予他人远见,帮助他人克服困苦。

32、She found him in a meditative mood. ─── 她见他正在沉思。

33、2 Ziqi started from the first meditative heaven, in which he detached desire, evil, misdeed and misbrief and perception. ─── 子綦由离欲、恶、不善法、有觉有观、离生喜乐的初禅,

34、After giving them time to sink into a deep meditative trance, he injected them with a radioactive dye. ─── 在赋予他们时间去投入深度冥想出神态,他给他们注射一种放射性染剂。

35、After five minutes, the models broke into two groups and walked towards each other in slow meditative steps. ─── 五分钟后,模特们分成两组,迈着沉思的脚步慢慢地走向对方。

36、Some meditative questions about executing ISO cement strength inspection standard in precalcining plant design ─── 新型干法水泥工厂设计中贯彻水泥新标准需要考虑的问题

37、When worried seem to be crushing you, take some meditative moments to appreciate the wonder of your own life experience. Know that you are exactly where you need to be. ─── 如果忧虑笼罩心头,静一静,默想生命中的丰富经验,你会了解这是你必须经历的过程。

38、Purify The World With A Holy Meditative Vibration ─── 以打坐的神圣振动力净化世界

39、More meditative and philosophical, Thomas Jefferson was frequently at odds with Hamilton ─── 杰斐逊是一个较为深思熟虑并且有哲学素养的人,他和汉密尔顿的意见往往是格格不入的。

40、When a holy man has reached the summit of two paths (meditative concentration and insight), he knows the truth and all his fetters fall away. ─── 当婆罗门善立了二法(即止禅与观禅),智者(婆罗门)得以灭除一切束缚。

41、Some, entering into a meditative or alpha brainwave state of consciousness, are able to clearly see a fourth pyramid, in the foreground of the other three. ─── 某些可以进入冥想状态的或具有整体意识知觉的人,在其它三个金字塔很醒目的位置上能够清楚地看见第四个金字塔,。

42、The last four limbs are meditative stages: control of the sense (Prathyara), concentration (Dharana), meditation (Dhyana) and enlightenment (Samadhi). ─── 最后四个阶段为制感,专注,冥想和入定(三摩地)。

43、These range from meditative essays on the scale of whales' lives through to hard scientific reporting. ─── 书中内容众多,从富有思想性的文章到内容详实的科学报告一应俱全。

44、Heart rate is the sensitive autonomic nervous activation index of experienced meditative exerciser during meditation. ─── 呼吸频率和皮肤温度是没有经验的练习者静坐时自主神经活动的敏感指标。

45、Meditative Mind ─── 禅

46、Using such techniques within a meditative state is called “active” meditation. ─── 用这些技术达到冥想的状态叫积极(主动)冥想。

47、Beautiful spacious music that takes you into deep meditative places. Includes transmissions by Archangel Zadkiel and Sanat Kumara. ─── 优美宏大的音乐,带领您进入深刻的冥想地带。内容也包含了来自智天使然德基尔,以及萨内鸠摩罗*的讯息。

48、Past LivesThe child can become conscious only if in his past life he has meditated enough, has created enough meditative energy to fight with the darkness that death brings. ─── 当一个小孩能够变得有意识,唯有他在前世时有做过足够的静心,有创造出足够的静心能量来跟死亡所带来的黑暗抗争。

49、Used as a meditative aid, it helps to calm the mind. ─── 作为一种沉思的援助,这将有助于冷静头脑。

50、From the sassy "Shoebox" line to meditative "Between you and Me" cards, Hallmark covers the gamut in personal messages. ─── 从时髦的“鞋盒”短笺到令人深思的“悄悄话”贺卡,霍尔马克公司的产品包罗了个人信息联系的全部形式。

51、a lyric poem of some length,usually of a serious or meditative nature and having an elevated style and formal stanzaic structure ─── 一首有一定长度的抒情诗,通常具有庄重或思考的性质,风格严肃和有正式的诗节结构

52、6. Beautiful spacious music that takes you into deep meditative places. Includes transmissions by Archangel Zadkiel and Sanat Kumara. ─── 优美宏大的音乐,带领您进入深刻的冥想地带。内容也包含了来自智天使然德基尔,以及萨内鸠摩罗*的讯息。收藏指正

53、His classes are of a universally Integval practica emphasizing a meditative discenning mind health body and illumine spirit. ─── 他的课程是综合了多种元素,强调冥想和思辨的能力 健康的身体和开朗的精神。

54、Without the meditative background that is criticism, works become isolated gestures, ahistorical accidents, soon forgotten. ─── 没有冥想背景下 , 是批评,作品成为孤立的姿态, ahistorical事故,很快被遗忘。

55、Some people who enter a deep meditative state of consciousness are able to discern a fourth pyramid, in the foreground of the other three. ─── 某些可以进入冥想状态的或具有整体意识知觉的人,在其它三个金字塔很醒目的位置上能够清楚地看见第四个金字塔。

56、At once romantic, spiritual, and meditative, the pieces strike chords on many levels, lending themselves to relaxation, meditation, and other healing arts. ─── 由于没能找到相关专集的中文资料,所以在这里就不过多评介此辑。

57、Music can induce a meditative state. ─── 音乐能引人进入沉思的状态。

58、You're very meditative today. ─── 你今天总在沉思。

59、The forests and waters inspire contemporary works of art; and the meditative soul of the Finns, who blend in with nature, is nourished by these fresh colors. ─── 森林和湖水赋予了现代艺术灵感,而它们清新的色彩也赋予了与自然融为一体的芬兰人深沉的性格。

60、a meditative poem ─── 一首冥想诗

61、And the familiar scenes made me realize that this feeling came from vibrations in the depths of my heart-my meditative experience and dreams had come true! ─── 此情此景彷佛似曾相识,终于我明白这种感觉是来自心灵深处的撼动我在禅定及梦中的体验竟然全实现了!

62、It is relaxing and restful with a soft, meditative serenity. ─── 它是用一种舒缓、想平静使人放松和宁静的音乐。

63、Kundera makes philosophy go with fiction’s content, creating the concept of “meditative fiction”; ─── 在构建小说结构方面,昆德拉则运用了反复叙事和复调结构。

64、All within hearing immediately turned about, and beheld the semblance of Mr. Hooper, pacing slowly his meditative way towards the meetinghouse ─── 听见的人全都立刻转过身来,望见胡波先生若有所思地缓慢地向礼拜堂走来。

65、His eyes were more meditative , and his expression was more sad . ─── 他的两眼更加郁郁沉思,表情更为凄楚。

66、For experienced meditate exerciser, the different meditative methods and time make changes of brain electrical physiological activation rather autonomic nervous activation. ─── 对于有经验的练习者来说,不同的静坐方法和练习时间引起了他们脑电活动的变化,而未引起他们自主神经活动的变化。

67、Some runners also find it very relaxing and meditative. ─── 有些跑者还发现游泳特别能放松神经。

68、Willard enters a meditative state in which his heartbeat is slowed, allowing him to reduce hand tremors and sculpt between pulse beats。 ─── 威拉德在创作时接近于冥想状态,脉搏减慢,这使他可以减少手颤,并在心跳间隙进行雕刻。

69、If you become aware and alert, meditative, then sex can be transformed into love. ─── 批注: 我们所说的爱事实上是所有各种关连,从地(世俗)伸展到天(神性)。

70、Whenever someone dies you have to be meditative near them, because a temple is just near and it is holy ground. ─── 当一些人死的时候,你一定要在他们附近进行静心,因为一个神庙就在附近,一个神圣的地方。

71、Yet here was Beau, meditative dog monk, teaching me how to“ be” and love quietly, assuming“ the position” for the fifteen minutes we sat at each visit. ─── 可是还有博,每次探访,这只狗"和尚"就摆出姿势"坐禅"一刻钟,教我如何"陪"凯瑟琳及表示无声的爱。

72、meditative taste ─── 禅意

73、As she spoke she untied her little velvet bonnet and tossing it away with her long cloak stood looking at him with meditative eyes. ─── 她一面说着,一面解开小丝绒帽的系带,把帽子连同长斗篷扔到一边。她站在那里,用沉思的目光望着他。

74、Those who attend his teaching sessions will enjoy in sharing such an opportunity and will learn to go into the meditative depth of hatha-yoga as well as raja-yoga. ─── 所有参加他课程的人都将有机会分享他的教学风格和学会进入哈他瑜伽和王瑜伽的深度冥想。他不断地接受韦达大师的培训和指导。

75、The vivacity of former years give wayvo a more restrained and meditative art. ─── 他开始使用相关连的、相近的色系,而不是之前惯用的冲突色彩;

76、This made a grave and persistent noise in the still air, that seemed meditative like the chirping of a solitary little bird. ─── 这在寂静的空中发出低沉、持续的响声,犹如孤独的小鸟在林中啁啾,似乎带着沉思冥想的韵味。

77、Effect: Your character can effortlessly enter a meditative state when she chooses, and can remain in it for as long as she wishes. ─── 效果:当你的人物愿意的时候,可以毫不费力的进入冥想状态,并且想保持多长时间就保持多长时间。

78、The society's evils are worth meditative. ─── 社会上的罪恶是值得思考的。

79、The Nonsectarian, Ch`an or Meditative School ─── 无门宗

80、Having established himself as a top Easy Listening composer, Bekker went on to compose, arrange and produce a solo series of soothing, meditative, nature inspired albums. ─── 作为一个已经达到顶级擅长于倾听的作曲家,贝克仍然在作曲,并组织、出版着力表现沉思、冥想、自然灵感的独奏系列。

81、the meditative mind ─── 禅心

82、Subconscious is the silent uninvolved processor of our thoughts. It is functioning most when either we are asleep or in the meditative state. ─── 潜意识是我们思想的沉默的局外处理器。它在我们处于熟睡或沉思状态时功能最强。

83、One sample routine would be to ”while in a meditative state ”silently name every part of you body and focusing your consciousness on that part. ─── 举一个例子,方式可以是,当出于冥想状态时候,静静地说出你身体每一个部分,集中你的意识在那一部分。

84、From this silence alone the meditative mind acts. ─── 独由此宁静之境,冥想之心灵始自我呈现。

85、Tyre tracks show many silkroad gold are still visited, but some of the older graves.The meditative sway of our silkroad gold bactrian camels is almost soporific. ─── 人体解剖学的运用使油画中的人物造型有了如同真实般 准确的比例、形体、结构关系;

86、Rhett, watching Wade's face with meditative eyes, saw the boy flinch. ─── 瑞德若有所思地注视着韦德那张小脸,发现这孩子在难过。

87、She stood looking at him with meditative eyes ─── 她站着用沉思的目光打量他。

88、McCarthy disarms us with wry humor, quiet wit, and a meditative pace and before we know it we've found ourselves immersed. ─── 然而好心的沃尔没有让他们露宿街头,他宽容的收留了这对可怜的情侣。

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