groundless 发音
英:['graʊn(d)lɪs] 美:['ɡraʊndləs]
英: 美:
groundless 中文意思翻译
groundless 词性/词形变化,groundless变形
名词: groundlessness |副词: groundlessly |
groundless 短语词组
1、groundless means ─── 毫无根据的手段
2、groundless fears ─── 杞人忧天
3、groundless fear ─── 毫无根据的恐惧
4、groundless raw ─── 毫无根据的生的
5、groundless statement ─── 无稽之谈
6、groundless meaning ─── 毫无根据的意义
7、groundless syn ─── 空穴来风
8、groundless gfci ─── 无根据的gfci
9、groundless anime ─── 毫无根据的动漫
10、groundless def ─── 无根据的定义
11、groundless beliefs ppt ─── 毫无根据的信念ppt
12、groundless beliefs ─── 毫无根据的观点(GroundlessBeliefs,A.E.曼德的文章)
13、not groundless ─── 炳 ─── 炳凿凿
14、groundless talk ─── 流言蜚语;风风雨雨
groundless 相似词语短语
1、frondless ─── 不向前的
2、groundlessly ─── adv.毫无根据地
3、soundless ─── adj.无声的;寂静的
4、groundsels ─── n.千里光;千里光属植物(等于groundsil)
5、groundmass ─── n.基质,石基
6、grounders ─── n.滚地球
7、woundless ─── 无情的
8、boundless ─── adj.无限的;无边无际的
9、roundlets ─── n.小圆
groundless 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、For a moment it looked as though all the fears that had accompanied the build-up to the American-led invasion had been groundless. ─── 一时间,所有在美国为首的联军攻打伊拉克前夕萌生的担忧似乎都是毫无根据的。
2、Levchenko's anxieties seemed groundless ─── 列夫钦科的忧虑似乎是多余的了。
3、It can indicate deep-rooted - or sometimes groundless - fears or anxieties, or a resistance to pursuing objectives when the going gets tough. ─── 它也可以显示出根深蒂固--或有时是毫无根据的--恐惧或焦虑,或当事情变得艰辛时,抗拒追求目标。
4、It is no use worrying about those groundless things because everything is still up in the air. ─── 你这么杞人忧天是没有意义的,事情还没定呢。
5、Almost nothing. Just rumors. But I think that his claims are groundless. ─── 几乎没有。只是谣言。但我认为他的说法是毫无根据的。
6、My astonishment was groundless. ─── 不过我的惊异,实在并无根据。
7、But to be sure, this custom is not groundless. ─── 但可以肯定的是,这种习俗并不是毫无来由的。
8、Of course, I'm referring to criticism and not to rumour-mongering, slander, abuse and groundless charges, none of which should be tolerated. ─── 当然这是说批评,不是说造谣诬蔑,攻击谩骂,那是不许可的。
9、She maintains that the accusation is groundless. ─── 她坚持该指控是毫无根据的。
10、In a way, that assumption is not entirely groundless. ─── 在某种程度上,这种假设并不是完全没有根据的。
11、He always creates groundless rumors. ─── 他常凭空编造一些谣言。
12、Of course,I'm referring to criticism and not to rumour-mongering,slander,abuse and groundless charges,none of which should be tolerated. ─── 当然,这是说批评,不是说造谣诬蔑,攻击谩骂,那是不许可的。
13、It is groundless to build a reservoir in the desert. ─── 在沙漠里建水库,这根本是无本之木,无稽之谈!
14、The resolution, he said, “makes groundless accusations against China’s religious policies” and “rudely intervenes in China’s internal affairs. ─── 他说,该决议“无端指责中国宗教政策”,“粗暴干涉中国内政”。
15、I can say with confidence that such rumours were totally groundless. ─── 我可以很有把握地说这些传言完全没有根据。
16、Let's think over a moment how great our private worries were about what would happen in Hong Kong after the handover. Now those worries have largely proved groundless. ─── 我们曾经那么担忧香港回归后的发展。但现在看来,那些担心几乎都被证明是没有根据的。
17、We categorically reject this groundless charge ─── 我们断然否认这种无理指责。
18、He then made it clear that his case was airtight, but offered to forgive the $25,000 overpayment if the employee agreed to forgo his groundless suit as well. ─── 他强调说这件案子公司方面没有任何问题,但是如果该员工同意放弃他毫无根据的诉讼,公司愿意不追究那$25,000的超额报酬。
19、China's state media immediately rejected the report, calling it groundless and irresponsible. ─── 对此,中国官方媒体立即予以还击,斥责该报告毫无根据、不可靠。
20、It is vague and groundless to attribute DU Shi-niang's tragedy to the feudal ethics. ─── 将杜十娘之悲剧归结为封建礼教的观点,是空泛而脱离文本的。
21、Thus the idiom “Like the man from Qi who feared that the sky might fall” means to hold a needless or groundless fear or worry. ─── 后来人们根据这个故事引申出“杞人忧天”这句成语,现在用来比喻不必要或无根据的忧虑和担心。
22、In the present age of advanced communications and technology, it would be all the more groundless to imagine that one can win victory by fighting in the manner of roving rebels. ─── 在交通和技术进步的今日而企图用流寇主义获得胜利,更是毫无根据的幻想。
23、He had behaved very well in the regiment, but he was not liked, and Rostov, in particular, could not endure him, and could not conceal his groundless aversion for this officer. ─── 他在兵团中表现得十分出色,可是大家都不喜欢他,尤其是罗斯托夫,罗斯托夫既没法克制也没法掩饰他对这个军官的毫无理由的憎恶。
24、Her fears were groundless ─── 她的担心是毫无根据的。
25、A close inspection of this argument would reveal how flimsy (groundless) it is. ─── 仔细想想这个问题就会发现它其实毫无根据。
26、'The only objective of these farcical and groundless trials is to defame me in the media, ' Mr. Berlusconi told reporters. ─── 贝卢斯科尼对记者们说,检方提出的这一系列看似闹剧且毫无根据的指控就是为了在媒体上诋毁他。
27、"The reports were groundless," said a statement from the bank. ─── “这些报道实属子虚乌有,”该行一位发言人表示。
28、The accusation against him was groundless. ─── 对他的控告是没有根据的。
29、But his impresario Qiu Rubai's implication that Mei's art is inspired by loneliness is groundless and rather cliched. ─── 但邱如白的“是梅兰芳的孤独成全了他”的陈词滥调相当站不住脚。
30、China's stand and act for peace indicates that the excuse used by India that its nuclear tests were prompted by distrust for a nuclear weapon-possessing neighbor is totally groundless. ─── 中国的和平立场和行动表明,印度以其邻国拥有核武器来作为进行核试验的借口,是完全站不住脚的。
31、Fear of the big-character poster is groundless. ─── 怕大字报,是没有根据的。
32、Thus the idiom "Like the man from Qi who feared that the sky might fall" means to hold a needless or groundless fear or worry. ─── 后来人们根据这个故事引申出“杞人忧天”这句成语,现在用来比喻不必要或无根据的忧虑和担心。
33、I suppose what he says is not groundless. ─── 他的话想来不是没有根据的。
34、Duan Yongji answered that, it was said that the central bank has been increasing interest programme, which was probably not groundless at all, even a mere guess is logical. ─── 如果美元利率不上调而我们先加息,可能出现国际“热钱”一涌而入来“淘金”的情况。
35、the Harlow test is purely objective and turns primarily on legal issues, so that groundless cases can often be terminated through summary judgment. ─── "哈罗"案的标准纯粹是客观的且主要取决于法律问题,因此毫无根据的案件常常可通过即决审判而终止。
36、Main equipment of air-conditioning system has excuse me , groundless cold water machine those? ─── 您的位置:凡人谷知道>生活>家电>请问风冷冷水机空调系统主要设备有那些?
37、Such fears are not entirely groundless if the recent conduct of some of Congo's neighbours is anything to go by. ─── 如果这一切在周围的国家也正在发生着,那么这种担忧并不是毫无基础的。
38、For the groundless rumors, what you can do is not spread them. ─── 对于没有根据的谣言,你所能做的事变是不要散播。
39、The reasoning it stated was unfounded and exaggerated, it is a groundless accusation. ─── 中间所提出的理由似是而非,有点危言耸听,说法不大成立。
40、The state-controlled news media were also critical of the article, quoting farmers and aquaculture officials as saying that the report was "totally groundless. ─── 国家控制的新闻媒体也批评那篇报道,引用渔民和水产养殖的官员话说,那篇报道是“毫无根据的”。
41、But groundless hope, like unconditional love, is the only kind worth having. ─── 只有无根据的希望,例如无条件的爱,才是唯一值得拥有的东西。
42、Facts have proved these worries groundless . ─── 事实证明,这些忧虑都是无根据的。
43、If he is referring to the number of Asian immigrants, the fear is groundless. ─── 如果他指的是亚洲移民,它的恐惧是毫无根据的。
44、He said they had voiced worries about dangerous space debris and escalating military rivalry in space, but said such fears were groundless. ─── 他说这些国家担心太空碎片会有危险以及太空军事竞争升级,但是他说这些担心毫无根据。
45、Facts have proved these worries groundless. ─── 事实证明,这些忧虑是没有根据的。
46、" It is clear that Li Jia Wei for this groundless reports of irritability and upset, she should insist on media workers "Facts" as reported. ─── 很显然,李佳薇对于这篇空穴来风的报道感到苦恼和烦躁,她坚持媒体工作者应该以“事实”为报道的基础。
47、In a statement, Rosneft said the British court order was groundless and it was taking all necessary measures to protect its interests. ─── Rosneft在一份声明中表示,英国法庭的命令毫无根据,该公司将采取一切必要手段保护自身的利益。
48、Fears that the world was about to run out of fuel proved groundless. ─── 担心地球燃料即将用尽被证明是没有根据的。
49、They dismissed his accusations as groundless. ─── 他们认为他的指控毫无根据,因而不作处理。
50、With women a delusion may be seen to be groundless and still be cherished. ─── 对女人来说,即使她们已经认识到了某种幻觉是毫无根据的,她们仍然可能执迷不悟。
51、Imperfect in theory and defective in practice, it has been proved wrong and groundless that internet addiction lacks obvious physiological mechanism. ─── 台湾学者认为网络成瘾缺乏明显的生理机制的观点是错误的,在理论上是不完善的,在实践上是有欠缺的。
52、To achieve this political purpose, the report leaves no stone unturned to distort facts, substitute one thing for another, make subjective assumptions and groundless accusations and resort to demagoguery. ─── 为达到这一政治目的,报告不惜采用歪曲事实、移花接木、主观臆断、捕风捉影、蛊惑人心等种种卑劣手法。
53、It's entirely groundless that you put on the sarcastic stop ─── 你发出讽刺的调子是毫无根据的。
54、If the absolutely groundless "resolution" of the Nanking Executive Yuan is followed and the Kuomintang is unwilling to carry on peace negotiations unless there is first a cessation of hostilities, then where is its sincere desire for peace? ─── 如果照南京行政院的毫无理由的“决议”,不先行停战就不愿意进行和平谈判,则国民党的和平诚意在什么地方呢?
55、Most of Nigel's worries proved groundless. ─── 奈杰尔的大部份担心被证明是毫无根据的。
56、After the emperor Xiao Zong succeeded to the throne, Yue Fei was cleared of the groundless charges and a temple was built in his memory at the foot of Qixia Ling by West Lake in Hangzhou. ─── 宋孝宗即位后,为岳飞平反,并在杭州西湖畔栖霞岭下为岳飞建了一座庙,以纪念这位民族英雄。
57、"Me at Juve? This must be a joke, these reports are absolutely groundless," said the 31-year-old. ─── "我去尤文?这一定是个玩笑,这些报道完全没有根据,"31岁的弗林斯说.
58、Simply put aside useless anxieties and groundless jealousies...and, naturally, trust your own instinct. ─── 只要将不必要的焦虑及无端的猜忌摆在一旁,很自然的相信自己的直觉即可。
59、It has been fully explained above that the theory of national subjugation is groundless. ─── 亡国论之没有根据,俱如上述。
60、On Tuesday, China's commerce ministry said the report's conclusions were groundless and could hurt relations between China and the U. S. ─── 中国商务部周二说,报告结论没有根据,可能损害中美关系。
61、A near inspection of the argument be to reveal how flimsy (groundless) it is. ─── 仔细想想那个重难点型就会呈现它其实毫无根据。
62、Most jurisdictions allow legal actions, civil and/or criminal, to deter various kinds of defamation and retaliate against groundless criticism. ─── 大多数司法,让法律行为,民事和/或刑事责任,以遏止各种诽谤和打击报复毫无根据的批评。
63、Don't labor yourself with groundless anxieties. Everything will be all right. ─── 不要胡思乱想,一切都会好起来的。
64、So to believe a name altered can change everything is groundless and worthy of no trust. ─── 因此相信改个名字就能改变一切是没有根据的,不值得相信的。
65、There are no other kick the legs, "said the media after beating drunk, I totally groundless speculation. ─── 也绝对没有踹了对方四脚,“媒体说我醉酒后打人完全是凭空猜测。
66、Of course, these implications would sly and groundless , and the opposition would realize it. But the voters might not. They would say where there's smoke there's fire. ─── 当然这些暗示是狡诈的,毫无根据的,反对派懂得这点。但选民不一定懂得,他们会说无风不起浪。
67、Prof. Fan Gang, economic adviser to the State Council, refuted the so-called "20-year time limit" for the development of the oriental economy, saying it is groundless. ─── 国务院经济顾问樊纲教授认为所谓东方经济“二十年大限”没有根据
68、create groundless rumours ─── 凭空杜撰
69、If the hearing officer considers the objection well grounded, he shall revoke the action taken by him. If the objection is considered groundless, it shall be denied. ─── 主持人认为异议有理由者,应即撤销原处置,认为无理由者,应即驳回异议。
70、Our fears proved groundless. ─── 我们的担心证明是毫无道理的。
71、What he has said is groundless. ─── 他所说的话没有根据。
72、The fact will prove these worries groundless. ─── 事实会证明这担忧是无根据的。
73、The contention of some writers, that Napoleon's cold was the reason of his previous instructions and commands during the battle being weaker than usual, is completely groundless. ─── 一些作者又说,由于拿破仑感冒,他的部署和在战斗中的命令不像以前那么好,这完全不正确。
74、It should be pointed out that the accusations are groundless. ─── 应当指出,这些指控是毫无根据的。
75、It is groundless and utterly wrong to be sceptical about the domestic situation and the future of the four modernizations. ─── 对于国内的形势和四个现代化的前途抱怀疑态度,是完全错误、没有根据的。
76、In 1955, Moscow exonerated her, stating the charges before had been groundless ─── 1955年,莫斯科给她恢复了名誉,说以前对她的控告是毫无根据的。
77、Their groundless accusation is made with ulterior motives. ─── 他们的无端攻击是别有用心的。
78、He said claims that their friendship turned sour over the battle for the top post were groundless. ─── 他称有关传言指他俩因竞逐处长职位而不和是毫无根据的。
79、Personally, I feel what he said is groundless. ─── 个人觉得他所说的毫无根据。
80、Other charges are mostly groundless. ─── 其它的指责多半毫无根据。
81、Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister said America's accusation of Iraq's development of mass destructive weapons is groundless ─── 伊副总理称美指控伊发展大规模武器毫无根据
82、How can you believe these groundless rumors? ─── 你怎么能相信这些流言蜚语呢?
83、"There is no agreement with Milan, the news that he will leave for £4.2m is totally groundless," stated an unknown source inside the club. ─── “我们还没有和米兰达成一致,关于我们接受了420万英镑的报价的新闻都是不真实的。”这是从皇马俱乐部方面传出来的消息。
84、I'm afraid your fears are groundless. ─── 你的恐惧恐怕没有什么根据。
85、As an application, we suggest that the present conclusion that the present-day nuclear magnetic resonance quantum computation does not have quantum entanglement is groundless. ─── 作为一个应用,现在认为现有的核磁共振量子计算中没有纠缠的结论是没有根据的。
86、The Chinese Government and people are strongly indignant over this groundless attack that fabricates facts and confuses black and white. ─── 对这种捏造事实、颠倒黑白、捕风捉影的攻击,中国政府和中国人民表示极大的愤慨。
87、Even so, their apprehensions are groundless. ─── 但是,尽管可以原谅,也还是一种错误的想法。
88、Facts have proved these worries groundless ─── 事实证明,这些忧虑都是无根据的。
89、With regard to the so-called "20-year time limit" for the development of the oriental economy, Prof. Fan said it is "groundless" ─── 对于所谓的东方经济“20年大限”论,樊纲认为“没有根据”。
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