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08-22 投稿


unshaken 发音

英:[ʌn'ʃeɪk(ə)n]  美:[,ʌn'ʃekən]

英:  美:

unshaken 中文意思翻译



unshaken 网络释义

adj. 不动摇的;坚决的;泰然自若的

unshaken 短语词组

1、unshaken tab ─── 不抖动选项卡

2、unshaken lds ─── 未动摇的lds

3、unshaken jared halverson ─── 不屈 ─── 不挠的哈尔弗森

4、unshaken jared ─── 毛纱

unshaken 相似词语短语

1、unshapen ─── adj.未定型的,不成形的

2、unshale ─── 未出售

3、unshales ─── 取消销售

4、unshape ─── 不成形

5、unshaven ─── adj.未修面的;不剃须的

6、shaken ─── v.摇动,动摇(shake的过去分词);n.(Shaken)人名;(俄)沙肯

7、unshakenly ─── 不动摇地;坚定地

8、unshaled ─── 未缩放

9、unshaded ─── adj.无遮蔽的;没有阴影的

unshaken 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Who you are is unattached and unshaken. ─── 谁您是是独立和坚定的。

2、Every end is just a new beginning. Keep your spirits and determination unshaken and you shall always walk the glory road. ─── 每一次结束都意味着一个新的开始。保持你的高昂情绪,坚定你的决心,你将永远走在辉煌的路上。

3、unshaken courage ─── 不可动摇的勇气

4、You--the unshaken tree; ─── 你是一棵坚定的树;

5、A belief in spiritual as well as physical evolution has sustained me in an optimism still unshaken by cynics. ─── 精神和肉体都在进化,这一信仰使我十分乐观,愤世嫉俗者也没有动摇这种乐观主义。

6、Mona remains unshaken by her ordeal and is matter-of-fact about her courage. ─── 蒙娜在考验面前毫不动摇,

7、A mountain rising above worldly concerns unshaken by the winds of emotions, ─── 一座超越世俗,不被无明之风摇撼的高山;

8、"Having refuted the wise old man's wrong view,he went on digging every day,unshaken in his conviction. ─── 当然不同的人有不同的看法,可以讲,自从有了人们开始学习外文,就有方法问题。

9、More than being unshaken by the quake, the lifesaving mission was given added impetus, which deeply moved Zhang Min. ─── 抢救生命的爱,没有因为地震而破灭,反而带来更多的希望,也让张敏感动不已。

10、Our hope for you is unshaken, for we know that as you share in our sufferings, you will also share in our comfort. ─── 我们为你们所存的盼望是确定的,因为知道你们既是同受苦楚,也必同得安慰。

11、Since Mr.Pierre de Coubertin founded the modern Olympic Games at the end of the 19th century, the peoples of the world have remained unshaken in their resolve to pursue the Olympic ideal. ─── 自19世纪末顾拜旦先生首创现代奥运会以来,世界人民对奥林匹克理想的追求从未动摇。

12、Even as a solid rock is unshaken by the wind, so are the wise unshaken by praise or blame. ─── 就像磐石不会被风摇动,有智慧的人不会被称赞或者责怪所动摇。

13、Your concern, love and cheer that I was able to feel, give me big energy to come here unshaken. ─── 我能感到你们的关爱与支持,它们给我充沛能量使我来到这里也不惧怕。

14、Are you still unshaken in your integrity? ─── 你还坚持你的耿直吗?

15、If, in spite of the surprising diagnosis, the person’s sexual self-identification remains unshaken, the issue of the newly discovered “true” physical sex is simply ignored. ─── 不管这种令人惊讶的诊断如何,如果这个人的性别认同仍旧稳固,新近所发现的“真正的”生理性别问题只是会被忽略。

16、They remain unshaken in their loyalty. ─── 他们仍然忠贞不渝。

17、The mountain rises far above worldly concerns and remains unshaken by the winds of emotion. ─── 雪山远远高出于世俗世界,人类的激情暴风无法撼动它。

18、3.Despite the pressure of economic downturn on public finances, our resolve to invest in education is unshaken. ─── 虽然经济困难,公共财政面临重重压力,但我们投资教育的决心丝毫未变。

19、I am silent but unshaken ─── 我低头沉默却坚定

20、He is a gentle but unshaken man. ─── 他是个举止文雅但行动坚决的人。

21、Submarine, "Unshaken," also sighted the German fleet, but all to no avail. ─── 英国的水上侦察机和潜艇“不动”号同样也发现了德军舰队,但也没有起到什么效果。

22、but still I find with surprise that the old argument is, as I conceive, unshaken as ever. ─── 但是我惊讶的发现前面的论证是无法动摇的。

23、The appearance looks as the unshaken stone. ─── 坚毅的容颜若磐石般无畏。

24、So to ensure our ability to withstand the brunt of the enemy's attack and remain unshaken ---- flexible use of normal and special strategies is necessary in operations. ─── 因此,只有将分合、奇正、虚实三种方法综合运用,相互配合,才能在智力对抗中驾驭敌人,实现战役谋略目的。

25、She has made sure that their belief in Santa Claus and the spirit of giving remains unshaken. ─── 她确信他们对圣诞老人和给予精神的信心始终没有动

26、A belief in spiritual as well as physical evolution has sustained me in an optimism still unshaken by cynics. ─── 精神和肉体都在进化,这一信仰使我十分乐观,愤世嫉俗者也没有动摇这种乐观主义。

27、They sacrificed their lives most willingly and remained unshaken in their faith to the very end. ─── 他们完全心甘情愿地奉献自己的生命,直到最后一刻也未曾动摇自己的信念。

28、Even as a solid rock is unshaken by the wind, so are the wise unshaken by praise or blame. ─── 就像磐石不会被风摇动,有智慧的人不会被称赞或者责怪所动摇。

29、My presentation and behavior have built my unshaken position in my company, you all don't need to waste your energy. ─── 这世界凭实力说话,我的表现奠定我在公司里不可撼动的地位,你们别浪费力气了。

30、one's mind remains unshaken, sorrowless, stainless, secure; ─── 心中该保持坚定、稳固、不悲、无染,

31、We will train our hearts and bodies for a firm unshaken spirit. ─── 我们要磨练身心,养成坚固不拔的精神。

32、they're unshaken by life's alarms; ─── 他们不会因生活的艰辛而动摇;

33、if an unshaken confidence in the honor, spirit, and resources of the American people, on which I have so often hazarded my all and never been deceived; ─── 应当对美国人民的荣誉、精神和力量抱有不可动摇的信心,我向来经常把自己的一切都寄托在这上面,而且从未失望;

34、Since the United States is profoundly influenced by the Western culture, I thought of the similarity between the once seemingly unshaken Roman Empire and this once great country we now reside. ─── 由于美国深受西方文化的影响,我觉得她与曾被认为不可动摇的罗马帝国十分相似,而我们则居住在这个大国里。

35、I am the leaf that quivers, You-the unshaken tree; ─── 我是抖抖颤颤的叶,你是大树永不晃;

36、You-the unshaken trees; I am the leaf that quivers. ─── 我是树叶震颤不停,你-一颗大树,永远坚定。(拟植物)

37、The opposition of exogamous and endogamous "tribes" on which his whole system rested not only remained unshaken, but was even universally acknowledged as the keystone of the whole history of the family. ─── 他的全部体系所依据的外婚制“部落”与内婚制“部落”的对立,不仅没有被动摇,而且甚至被公认为全部家庭史的基石。

38、God is the spiritual pillar of American civilization and the unshaken belief of Americans. ─── 上帝是美国文明大厦的精神支柱,美国民族不可动摇的信仰。

39、unshaken faith ─── 坚定不移的信念

40、Despite the pressure of economic downturn on public finances, our resolve to invest in education is unshaken. ─── 虽然经济困难,公共财政面临重重压力,但我们投资教育的决心丝毫未变。

41、A hundred years, you constantly struggle ahead, fragrant peaches and plums have long and fruitful, although wind and rain after the ups and downs still unshaken, trees were thousands. ─── 一百年来,您不断地拼搏进取,早已桃李芬芳,硕果累累,虽历经风雨坎坷,犹矢志不渝,树人万千。

42、His integrity is still unshaken ─── 他的耿直正派仍旧不变

43、They remain unshaken in their loyalty. ─── 他们仍然忠贞不渝。

44、The people looked, with an unshaken hope, to see the minister come forth out of the conflict, transfigured with the glory which he would unquestionably win. ─── 人们都怀着不可动摇的希望,等着看到牧师焕发着必胜的荣光,走出这场争斗。

45、To ensure that your whole host may withstand the Brunt of the enemy's attack and remain unshaken--this is effected by maneuvers direct and indirect. ─── 三军之众,可使必受敌而无败,奇正是也;

46、You are the unshaken tree ─── 你是那大树永不晃

47、In that trying hour his hope and courage were unshaken. ─── 在那最危急的时候,他自己的希望和勇气并没有动摇。

48、Unshaken in his conviction, the Foolish Old Man kept on digging at the mountain every day. ─── 愚公毫不动摇,每天挖山不止。

49、"He's really unshaken by everything. He's so long, and he knows how to use his length. That's the key; he's smart. He's young, but his knowledge of basketball is huge." ─── “什么都不能动摇他。他个子高,而且知道怎样利用自己的高度。密钥就在此。他太聪明了,如此年轻,却如此洞悉篮球的奥秘。”

50、For it is only when love is unshaken that the marriage will sustain. ─── 它是只有当爱是坚定不移的,婚姻会维持。

51、We will train our hearts and bodies for a firm unshaken spirit . ─── 我们要磨练身心,养成坚固不拔的精神。

52、It is like the blacksmith's anvil, which receives constant blows from the hammer and still remains unshaken. ─── 这好比一个铁匠的砧骨,持续不断的受到铁锤的敲击,却仍然没有变形。

53、Do you have unshaken confidence in the Lord? ─── 你对神的信仰坚定吗?

54、unshaken confidence ─── 不可动摇的信心

55、I am the leaf that quivers,You-the unshaken tree; ─── 我是抖抖颤颤的叶,你是大树永不晃;

56、She has made sure that their belief in Santa Claus and the spirit of giving remains unshaken ─── 她确信他们对圣诞老人和给予精神的信心始终没有动摇。

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