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09-04 投稿


disincorporation 发音


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disincorporation 中文意思翻译



disincorporation 反义词


disincorporation 同义词

indispose | dissuade | discourage | deter | prevent |put off

disincorporation 短语词组

1、disincorporation of a city ─── 解散城市

2、disincorporation of a city in california ─── 取消加利福尼亚州一个城市的法人资格

3、disincorporation definition ─── 解散定义

4、disincorporation def ─── 取消公司定义

disincorporation 词性/词形变化,disincorporation变形

动词第三人称单数: disincorporates |动词现在分词: disincorporating |动词过去分词: disincorporated |动词过去式: disincorporated |名词: disincorporation |

disincorporation 相似词语短语

1、discorporating ─── 解散

2、disincorporating ─── vt.解散法人组织;vi.解散

3、disinformation ─── n.故意的假情报;虚假信息

4、discoloration ─── n.变色;污点

5、disincorporated ─── vt.解散法人组织;vi.解散

6、incorporation ─── n.公司;合并,编入;团体组织

7、disincorporate ─── vt.解散法人组织;vi.解散

8、reincorporation ─── 重掺入;重参入

9、disincorporates ─── vt.解散法人组织;vi.解散

disincorporation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、{0>2.The member’s congress determines a resolution of disincorporation. ─── 二社员大会之解散决议。

2、Where the disincorporation is not registered within the time limit set forth in the above paragraph, the regulating authority may directly issue a public announcement to abolish the registration. ─── 未依前项规定期限办理解散登记者,主管机关得迳予公告废止其登记。

3、{0>2.Registration of disincorporation shall be made for the cooperatives eliminated due to incorporation. ─── 二因合并而消灭之合作社,为解散之登记。

4、{0>Article 57 Resolution of disincorporation f cooperatives shall be reported to the regulating authority within 1 month for registration; ─── 第57条 合作社决议解散,应于一个月内向主管机关声请登记;

5、{0>Punishment of parties shall be limited to warning, setting time limit for correction, and disincorporation. ─── 对于政党之处分,以警告、限期整理及解散为限。

6、Order of disincorporation. ─── 六解散之命令。

7、It announced its disincorporation in Mar.3,1950, when most of financial guilds are reorganized after liberation of Shanghai in May,1949. ─── 1949年5月上海解放后,在金融业各同业组织被改组归并的情况下,学会于1950年3月3日正式宣告结束。

8、A cause for disincorporation set forth in the constitution occurs. ─── 一章程所定解散之事由发生。

9、{0>Article 59 In case of disincorporation or incorporation of a cooperative, notices shall be separately given to the creditors within one month, and public announcement shall be issued. ─── 第59条 (解散与合并之程序)合作社解散或为合并时,应于一个月内,分别通知各债权人,并公告之。

10、Article 59 In case of disincorporation or incorporation of a cooperative, notices shall be separately given to the creditors within one month, and public announcement shall be issued. ─── 第59条 (解散与合并之程序)合作社解散或为合并时,应于一个月内,分别通知各债权人,并公告之。

11、The member’s congress determines a resolution of disincorporation. ─── 二社员大会之解散决议。

12、Registration of disincorporation shall be made for the cooperatives eliminated due to incorporation. ─── 二因合并而消灭之合作社,为解散之登记。

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