denigrate 发音
英:[ˈdenɪɡreɪt] 美:[ˈdenɪɡreɪt]
英: 美:
denigrate 中文意思翻译
denigrate 网络释义
vt. 诋毁;使变黑;玷污
denigrate 短语词组
1、denigrate etymology ─── 诋毁词源
2、denigrate synonym ─── 诋毁同义词
3、denigrate meaning ─── 诋毁意义
4、denigrate define ─── 诋毁定义
5、denigrate defined ─── 诋毁定义
6、denigrate in a sentence ─── 在句子中诋毁
7、denigrate definition ─── 诋毁定义
8、denigrate means ─── 诋毁手段
denigrate 同义词
prevent | abjure | controvert | withhold | veto | except | gainsay | disavow | repudiate | repel | disallow | dispute | disown | renounce | forswear | refuse | negative | forbid | impugn | disclaim | prohibit | decline | abnegate | oppose | spurn | traverse | forgo | reject | rebuff |contradict | disagree | refute | block
denigrate 词性/词形变化,denigrate变形
denigrate 反义词
confirm | allow | admit | concede |affirm | acknowledge
denigrate 相似词语短语
1、denigrator ─── 诋毁者
2、denitrate ─── vt.除去硝酸或氮化物;使脱硝
3、emigrate ─── vi.移居;移居外国;vt.移民
4、denitrated ─── vt.除去硝酸或氮化物;使脱硝
5、remigrate ─── vi.再迁移;重新移植;再移民
6、denitrates ─── vt.除去硝酸或氮化物;使脱硝
7、denigrative ─── 诋毁
8、denigrated ─── v.使变黑;诋毁;诽谤(denigrate的过去式和过去分词)
9、denigrates ─── vt.诋毁;使变黑;玷污
denigrate 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、"He refuses to welcome" the missionaries (v.lOb), and chooses rather to criticize and denigrate the work of the elder and his men (v.lOa). ─── 他不但不欢迎那些宣教士,还恶言批评长老的工作和弟兄(10节)。
2、Parties may be more concerned to denigrate an opponent than with an attempt to convince electors of the virtues of their own policies. ─── 政党可能更关注诋毁对手而不是力图使选民相信他们自己政策的优点。
3、In fact, Monday in Chicago, McCain declared: “In all my reforms, the goal is not to denigrate(诋毁, 诽谤)government but to make it better, not to deride(取笑; 嘲笑)government but to restore its good name. ─── 事实上,周一在芝加哥,麦凯恩发表声明:我所有改革方案的目标不是诋毁政府,而是使政府变得更好,不是嘲笑政府,而是重塑政府的好名声。
4、I disagree that the solution to ego-based problems is to denigrate, eliminate, or transcend the ego itself. ─── 我觉得解决产生于自我的难题不应该通过诽谤、忽略或超越自我本身。
5、I never denigrate my child as a form of punishment. ─── 允许孩子参加计划家务和外出旅行的事情。
6、To lower one's aspiration and denigrate oneself ─── 降志辱身
7、4. Our business is highly competitive, and we aggressively seek to expand our client relationships. However, we must always be fair competitors and must never denigrate other firms. ─── 我们的行业竞争激烈,故此我们积极进取地寻求扩展与客户的关系。但我们坚决秉承公平竞争的原则,绝不会诋毁竞争对手。收藏指正
8、Therefore, you must denigrate viciously, recklessly slanders the woolthe struggle philosophy! ─── 所以,你要恶毒咒骂,肆意诋毁毛的斗争哲学!
9、denigrate sb's character, achievements, etc ─── 诋毁某人的人格、 成就等.
10、This should not be used to denigrate the idea of public service broadcasting. ─── 这不应该被用来诽谤公共广播服务。
11、Koreans denigrate the claim, pointing out that the island has no take, or bamboo, at all. ─── (韩国诋毁了这一要求,指出该岛属韩国所有,并且根本没有竹子)。
12、Everything we shut our eyes to, everything we run away from, everything we deny, denigrate or despise serves to defeat us in the end. ─── 凡是我们害怕面对、逃避、拒绝、贬低或蔑视的事物最终将击败我们。
13、Finally, people have a need to make their feelings and behavior consistent, so if they're living together they may be moved to celebrate cohabitation and denigrate marriage. ─── 最后,人需要情感与行动保持一致,所以如果已经同居则会高兴地维持同居状态同时贬低婚姻。
14、The amendment prohibits obscene or indecent materials which denigrate the objects or beliefs of a particular religion. ─── 该修正案禁止玷污某一宗教客体或信仰的色情或不雅物品。
15、“I demur to the demolition idea,” said one elder.“It will cause outsiders to denigrate our church. ─── “我反对这项拆除计划,”一个长老说,“它会引起外界诋毁我们的教会的。”
16、It was not the joyous laughter which--God knows why--one associates with children. It was mocking and insular, its intent was so denigrate. ─── 这不是愉快的欢笑声--只有天知道为什么--孩子不应该发出这种笑声。它是嘲弄、冷漠、抵毁人格的笑声。
17、Puppy mill operators often denigrate hobby breeders and their dogs in attempts to make a sale. ─── puppy mill的商人通常会诋毁那些好的有声望的爱好繁殖者,这麽做,是为了销售他们自己的狗。
18、However, some of the machines' traditional tasks have been shifted to lower-cost computers in many corporate networks, leading rivals to denigrate the mainframe as a dinosaur. ─── 然而在许多集成网络中,一些原本应是大型机的任务已改由低成本的计算机来完成了。这使得竞争者们将大型机看成是已灭绝的恐龙。
19、This is very important, as users frequently denigrate applications that have jerky or overly slow animations. ─── 这很重要,因为用户总是经常贬低那些拥有笨拙或过于缓慢的动画的应用程序。
20、To assert this is to denigrate the effectiveness of the police. ─── 坚持这一点就是贬低警方的办事能力。
21、He said the rediscovered note could be useful in countering “those who persistently denigrate Pius XII and attack the Catholic Church. ─── 教 会宣讲的是使人自由的真理,这个真理就在人类救主耶稣基督所宣讲的福音里面,耶稣说:“没有我,你们什麽也不能做”。
22、13. Our business is highly competitive, and we aggressively seek to expand our client relationships. However,we must always be fair competitors and must never denigrate other firms. ─── 我们的行业竞争激烈,故此我们积极进取地寻求扩展与客户的关系。但我们坚决秉承公平竞争的原则,绝不会诋毁竞争对手。
23、to denigrate someone's character ─── 诋毁某人的品德
24、Even at the heights of his basketball career, there are those who seek to denigrate his success. ─── 甚至当科比处在自己的篮球职业生涯巅峰期时,还是有些媒体试图诋毁他的成功。
25、Take XWufan as an example: he behaves so poorly that sometimes I just can't help thinking he is a Chinese "Interne policeman" whose job is to denigrate FLG! ─── 我觉得有些事情可能还是没有说开,说开了应该会变好的吧。
26、For those who deliberately provocative, deliberately denigrate the people and give him a smile, let the remaining time to prove that things better. ─── 对于那些无理取闹、蓄意诋毁的人,给他一个微笑,剩下的事就让时间去证明好了。
27、One time I happened to use the word denigrate onstage, and it didn't get any reaction. ─── 一次我碰巧在台上使用了毁誉这个词,但它没有引起任何的反应。
28、It was unkind to denigrate her achievement. ─── 贬低她的成就是刻薄的。
29、Otherwise, please do not denigrate people in other countries who have different views from yours as fascists. ─── 另一方面,请不要把和你观点不同的别国人民诽谤为法西斯。
30、In my kids, I've seen our societal tendency to idolize high achievers, then to denigrate them just as energetically when they screw up, plant the seeds of cynicism. ─── 从我的孩子身上,我看到了我们社会的一种不良倾向:我们总是热衷于将取得重大成就的人捧为偶像,然后在他们出现问题后又不遗余力地口诛笔伐,散布冷嘲热讽的种子。
31、I write all this not to denigrate the great Huntington. ─── 我写这一切不是要贬低伟大的亨廷顿。
32、Denigrate a country's reputation among trading nations ─── 玷污国家在国际贸易中的声誉
33、Even so, don't be too quick to denigrate today's annual rose-tinted smooch. ─── 但即便如此,也不要急于不屑今天这一年一度的被玫瑰花所包围的爱意浓浓。
34、The term was first employed on Usenet in reference to Earl Curley, who had used various pseudonyms to defend his character and arguments and to denigrate his opponents. ─── 总括而言:切忌使用傀儡制造浩大的观点支持幻觉,亦或误导他人,又或者回避封禁。切忌请求朋友只为支持你自己或者第三者而创建用户。
35、Don't intentionally put down (denigrate) other people. ─── 不刻意贬低别人。
36、Would you yell at a client , denigrate him to others or call him at home at all hours? ─── 你会对着客户大吼、当着别人的面诋毁他或是不分时候往他家打电话么?
37、the writers don't sit around inventing new, technologically advanced ways to denigrate women. ─── 作家不坐下来发明新的,技术先进的方法,贬低妇女。
38、It is a marked reversal in academic achievement that Taiwan chooses to deny and denigrate the intellectual contributions of one of its own. ─── 台湾选择否认并践踏自己子民的学术贡献,这是一个明显的学术倒车。
39、to denigrate someone's contributions to a project ─── 贬低某人对一项工程的贡献
40、Typically,those who wish to denigrate and to humiliate those who claim proof isavailable of extensive mind control activity in the US and in otherareas of the world, attack the notion of “proof;” ─── 我曾在以前的文章的一个纲要中提到过一个被控制的世界会发生甚吗。在我的第一篇文章,我作了概述,并且给出一些突出的文件。现有的证据是很多的。
41、If I do not agree with 'the nationalistic feeling of the Chinese people' then I must be trying to denigrate China. ─── 如果我不同意中国人民的民族主义感情,我就是在试图摸黑中国。
42、Some, in fact, denigrate powerful physical training as counter to what the Founder intended. ─── 事实上,有某些师范甚至认为老道主曾经致力的练习的这个身体层面的锻练是不重要的。
43、Then, worried about other people's jealousy, we denigrate our own advantages. ─── 然后,我们担心别人出现嫉妒,于是诋毁自己的优势。
44、Congressman was accused of sending out short messages to denigrate his opposing candidate. ─── 一名国会议员被指以手机短讯发布消息,抹黑敌对候选人。
45、denigrate:To attack the character or reputation of; speak ill of; defame . ─── 诋毁:攻击人格或名誉;说坏话;诽谤.
46、Complaining about perceived rivals. Blatantly trying to denigrate rivals, revealing your poverty mentality and desperation. ─── 意识到有情敌出现就抱怨;明目张胆的试图诋毁对手,暴露出你的可怜又绝望的心态.
47、aspersion, calumny, defame, denigrate, discredit, libel, malign, slander, slur, stigmatise, traduce, vilify. ─── 表“ 诽谤、诋毁” 之意:
48、Denigrate: to say that someone or something is not good or important belittle ─── 小看当作渺小或不重要来描述或叙说;轻视,贬低
49、Humor allows you to elevate and explore rather than denigrate or hide your feelings. ─── 幽默使你能够振奋及探索你的感觉,而不是贬低或掩藏它们。
50、I didn't intend to denigrate her achievements. ─── 我不是想贬低她的成绩。
51、Instead they denigrate freedom,turning ‘free speech’ and ‘liberty’ into weapons to be wielded by theapparently pure West against its inferiors in the cruel, exotic andbarbarous East. ─── 相反,它是对自由的一种玷污,它使“言论自由”和“自由解放”变成了貌似纯洁的西方对付低他们一等的残忍、古怪和野蛮的东方的武器。
52、He said some photographs on the CNN and BBC websites had been deliberately cropped to denigrate China. ─── 他说CNN与BBC上的一道照片是经过处理故意污蔑中国的。
53、You only die from frustration if you compare yourself with others.Consequently, you only denigrate your work without helping yourself a bit. ─── 然后再从这长程目标,分出来几段的短程目标,给自己充裕的时间去用功,以循序渐进,逐层上达。
54、to denigrate someone's good reputation ─── 诋毁某人的声誉
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