festers 发音
英:[ˈfestəz] 美:[ˈfestərz]
英: 美:
festers 中文意思翻译
festers 词性/词形变化,festers变形
动词第三人称单数: festers |动词现在分词: festering |动词过去式: festered |动词过去分词: festered |
festers 短语词组
1、festers syn ─── 化脓综合征
2、festers meaning ─── 溃烂的意思
3、festers 2 ─── 溃烂2
4、festers garage ─── 化脓车库
5、festers synonym ─── 溃烂同义词
6、festers pizza wadesville in ─── 韦德斯维尔的菲斯特披萨
7、festers define ─── 溃烂定义
festers 相似词语短语
1、mesters ─── n.主人(对男主人的称呼);老爷;n.(Mester)人名;(法)梅斯特尔;(德、意)梅斯特尔;(罗、匈)迈什泰尔
2、fosters ─── v.培养,促进;代养,照料(他人子女一段时间)(foster的第三人称单数)
3、esters ─── n.酯类;n.(Esters)人名;(德、英)埃斯特斯
4、pesters ─── vt.纠缠,烦扰;使烦恼;n.(Pester)人名;(德)佩斯特
5、nesters ─── n.穴居的兽;筑巢的鸟;放牧地自耕农;试验筛组的单位筛;n.(Nester)人名;(英、俄、法)内斯特
6、westers ─── n.西风;vi.向西;西行;n.(Wester)人名;(英、德、匈、芬、瑞典)韦斯特
7、fester ─── vi.溃烂;化脓;vt.使……溃烂;使……痛苦;使……恶化;n.溃烂;脓疮,脓疱
8、jesters ─── n.(中世纪宫廷或贵族家中的)小丑;爱开玩笑的人;n.(Jester)人名;(英)杰斯特
9、testers ─── n.电笔;考试人;试验装置(tester的复数形式)
festers 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、A dirty wound will probably fester ─── 一个弄赃了的伤口, 可能会化脓。
2、Unfortunately, when the responsibilities in a relationship are lopsided, resentment festers. ─── 但不巧的是,两性关系中的责任是不平等而且易于滋生怨愤的。
3、Wounds will fester if the inflammation is not reduced in time. ─── 伤口不及时消炎是很容易溃脓的。
4、A dirty wound will probably fester. ─── 一个弄脏了的伤口,可能会化脓。
5、But the main thing to remember is that you should take action to deal with any problem before it festers like bad cut, ─── 但最主要的是,你应该在事情变得不可收拾之前就采取行动,
6、The thinking time treats the grief most effective good medicine, has forgotten actually, along with time passing, some wounds may heal, but some can become inflamed actually the fester. ─── 以为时间是治疗伤痛最有效的良药,却忘了,随着时间的流逝,有些伤口可以愈合,而有些却会发炎溃烂。
7、(Gastritis of sex of 4) acute fester: Gastritis of acute fester sex is gastric wall bacterium the fester sex pathological change that infection causes. ─── (4)急性化脓性胃炎:急性化脓性胃炎是胃壁细菌感染引起的化脓性病变。
8、It' s lucky that the wound did not fester. ─── 幸好伤口没有化脓。
9、Otherwise the crisis will fester," said Thitinan Pongsudhirak. ─── 否则的话,危机将会进一步恶化。”
10、Illnesses can take on many forms, those of the body are easy to treat, much more difficult, are the hidden maladies that fester in our hearts, the secret addictions that consume our souls. ─── 亲吻的动作亘古未变,但每个吻的含义各不相同。可以是丈夫的专心付出;可以是妻子的无尽懊悔;也可以代表母亲每日俱增的担忧或情人间的无限激情。
11、Crises were symptoms of deeper problems which if allowed to fester would prove increasingly unmanageable ─── 危机只是更深刻的问题的表面症候,这些问题如果任其发展,就会变得越来越难驾驭。
12、Oral cavity jaw is facial phlegmon is to point to the floorboard of inflammation of sex of fester of organization of week of oral cavity, jaw and neck upside. ─── 口腔颌面部蜂窝织炎是指口腔、颌周组织及颈上部化脓性炎症的总称。
13、Allowed the once beautiful park to fester. ─── 任由曾经美丽的公园荒芜
14、In 1980, an American youth had a disease, systemic fester, pneumonia and soon died. ─── 1980年,一名美国青年得了一种怪病,全身溃烂,肺炎,很快死亡。
15、Hatred and tension continue to fester in the war-torn city. ─── 仇恨和紧张在这座饱受战乱的城市中滋长。
16、The biggest lesson of bringing the Balts in is that it resolves security problems that might otherwise fester. ─── 允许波罗的海人加入的最大好处是解决了他们可能溃烂的安全问题。
17、[NIV] My wounds fester and are loathsome because of my sinful folly. ─── 5[和合]因我的愚昧,我的伤发臭流脓。
18、The absolutely insane images of Zio Fester going nuts after the final whistle that day, in late May 99 in Perugia. ampirone looked as if he were choking!!!Unforgettable!!! ─── 99年5月,佩鲁贾。当联赛最后一轮的终场哨响起,秃子大叔加里亚尼万分激动,完全失去常态,平时冷峻如吸血鬼的他甚至于哽咽无语,那个场面令人至今难忘!!!
19、She can pick up immediately on problems, concerns, or issue and take care of them before they fester or grow. ─── 在事情和问题发生并发展之前,他可以迅速的发现他们。
20、burst;ulcerate;fester, or after examine is abscess and dissectioning by accident, can form armour shape tongue to be in charge of fistula. ─── 囊肿感染自行破溃,或误诊为脓肿而切开后,可形成甲状舌管瘘。
21、They resolve arguments rather than letting things fester. ─── 他们解决争端而不是放任事情一再恶化。
22、They fester the longer you ignore them and ultimately compound the cost of the project. ─── 如果你长时间忽视问题,问题只会越来越严重,最终会增加项目的成本。
23、But it wasn't just that.It was about letting the sting fester and scab, and then nipping it in the bud even when there were no clear answers, no map, no end in sight. ─── 但它并不仅仅是这样,它是个努力工作与突破的过程,也是让新芽萌发的缺口,即便仍然没有清晰的答案、地图与看得见的终点。
24、The wound festers during several days of torture. ─── 伤口溃疡了,折腾了我好几天。
25、That which festers must eventually explode. ─── 溃烂之处最终必须爆发。
26、It's never too late If you have let a grudge fester for decades, remember it's never too late to heal wounds ─── 从不嫌晚如果内心的积怨已长达数十载,请记住抚平创伤总比留着好,从不嫌晚。
27、It's never too late If you have let a grudge fester for decades, remember it's never too late to heal wounds. ─── 从 不 嫌 晚 如 果 内 心 的 积 怨 已 长 达 数 十 载 , 请 记 住 抚 平 创 伤 总 比 留 着 好 , 从 不 嫌 晚 。
28、Hate is a malignancy that festers and grows, stifling joy and threatening our health. ─── 仇恨是一种会化脓、膨胀的恶性肿瘤,扼杀我们的快乐,威胁我们的健康;
29、Local organizations pressure sore is due to prolonged pressure, blood circulation obstacles, local sustained hypoxia ischemia, malnutrition caused by local organizations fester necrosis. ─── 压疮是局部组织由于长期受压,血液循环障碍,局部持续缺血缺氧,营养不良而导致局部组织溃烂坏死。
30、And he has taken too long to produce his plan for dealing with the trillions of dollars of toxic assets which fester on banks’ balance-sheets. ─── 对侵蚀着银行资产负债表高达数万亿美元的有毒资产,他的应对计划酝酿过久,珊珊来迟了。
31、Call pointed abscess of root of acute fester sex or abscess of acute tooth chamfer again, it is one of the most serious tooth defect that clinical place sees. ─── 又称为急性化脓性根尖脓肿或急性牙槽脓肿,是临床所见的最严重的牙病之一。
32、The wound began to fester. ─── 伤口开始化脓。
33、The safety of nail painting has come under the spotlight recently as a woman in Kaohsiung alleged that nail polish caused her fingers to fester. ─── 彩绘指甲的安全性最近引起大众注意,因为一名高雄女子宣称,彩绘指甲造成她手指溃烂。
34、There was no place for any potential legion of Jordan "haters" to unite, to allow the negatives surrounding him to fester. ─── 当时的条件没有潜在可能使得乔丹憎恨者统一起来,不可能会让负面的消息围绕着他。
35、The lips begin to fester. ─── 嘴就开始腐烂。
36、"In der Anlage werden Sie begeisterte Anerkennung von Firmen finden, deren Name ein fester Begriff in unserem Lande . ─── 在附件中您将会找到一些公司对我们令人振奋的表彰,他们的名字 在我国是有口皆碑的。
37、If ignored, they bother us, affect our health, fester and eventually turn us into the living dead. ─── 如果忽视了,它们打扰我们,影响我们的健康,溃烂,直至最终让我们成为活着的死人。
38、Although there is a general impression that the two-decade-long insurgency in Indian-administered Kashmir-the country's only Muslim-majority state-is in remission, it still festers. ─── 尽管人们笼统的认为印控克什米尔地区长达20年的叛乱开始缓和,但这个唯一以穆斯林为主的省份依然是千疮百孔。
39、Fester goal ─── 培养目标
40、But it is better than leaving the mess to fester and investors to fear the worst. ─── 但这总比放任市场进一步恶化、在投资者中产生恐慌要好。
41、They rarely demand public action.A result is a lack of accountability, even impunity, that lets corruption fester, solvable problems mount and disasters repeat. ─── 他们鲜少要求公开行动,结果出事没人扛起责任,甚至肇事不必受罚,造成贪腐积久如毒疮溃烂,本来可以解决的问题堆积如山,灾难一再发生。
42、Sty is inflammation of sex of fester of acute of eyelid board gland inside. ─── 内麦粒肿为睑板腺急性化脓性炎症。
43、It's natural.But letting it fester will destroy your momentum. ─── 但是让其继续发展下去会毁坏你的动力。
44、(Soft chancre of sex of 2) wool bursa, the chancre of syringe needle size, be like folliculitis, can defeat;burst;ulcerate;fester. ─── (2)毛囊性软下疳,针头大小的下疳,似毛囊炎,可破溃。
45、The heaven lord therefore blamed him and came out on his body 500 festers. ─── 天神怪罪下来,使妙庄王全身长了500个大脓疮。
46、(1) is diagnosed ambiguous, suspicion has lumbar ruinous disease, be like the patient of tumor, n/med tuberculosis or fester sex disease, unfavorable treat with drawing. ─── (1)诊断不明确,怀疑有腰椎破坏性疾病,如肿瘤、结核或化脓性疾病的患者,不宜用牵引治疗。
47、So long as the Kurdish problem, in particular, festers, Turkey cannot be a truly healthy democracy. ─── 民主的难题和库尔德问题一样历史长久,尤其是它已经溃烂,者使得土耳其不能有一个真正的,健康的民主。
48、The small erythema that does not have self-conscious symptom is first, what apophysis turns into after is callous, broken finally;burst;ulcerate;fester, erosion, form ulcer. ─── 初为无自觉症状的小红斑,以后变为隆起之硬结,最后破溃、糜烂,形成溃疡。
49、And women are particularly skilled at dealing with the motives for murder: the tensions, intrigues, jealousies and resentments which can fester in the closed circles beloved of crime writers to erupt finally into the ultimate crime." ─── 并且妇女特别善于分析谋杀的动机:紧张、阴谋、嫉妒和忿恨,这些都郁集在侦探小说家喜欢的封闭环境中,并最终引发犯罪。”
50、One American adult in 100 festers behind bars (with the rate rising to one in nine for young black men). ─── 每100个美国成人中有1人锒铛入狱(就年轻的黑人而言,这一比例上升至九分之一)。
51、Physical wounds may heal, But wounded pride festers like a cankerous sore ─── 利刀割人疮犹合恶言伤人恨不消
52、If you allow a wound to get dirty, it will probably fester. ─── 假如你让伤口脏了,将会化脓。
53、The Relationship between Fester Capacity and Effect on Allergic Asthma Treated by Scarring Moxibustion ─── 化脓灸治疗过敏性哮喘中化脓量与疗效的关系
54、Fester sex meningitis can make little patient cerebra general be put into trouble, the purulent sex exudation that channel of cerebral tissue surface and cerebral heart, head, head is cracked and spinal cord surface all has different rate. ─── 化脓性脑膜炎可使患儿大脑普遍受累,脑组织表面及脑底、脑沟、脑裂和脊髓表面均有不同程度的脓性渗出物。
55、The absolutely insane images of Zio Fester going nuts after the final whistle that day, in late May 99 in Perugia. ─── 99年5月,佩鲁贾。当联赛最后一轮的终场哨响起,秃子大叔加里亚尼万分激动,完全失去常态,平时冷峻如吸血鬼的他甚至于哽咽无
56、The doctor enjoins: "This kind of blade is easy fester, want to eat bit of antiphlogistic drug ability to had grown. ─── 医师嘱咐:“这种刀口轻易化脓,要吃点消炎药才能长好。”
57、Cusp shoe still can cause mallet state toe or embed armour (toenail just embeds from side in the skin) , cause inflammation, red ache, fester to wait. ─── 尖头鞋还会造成槌状趾或嵌甲(趾甲从侧方嵌入皮肤之中),引起炎症、红肿疼痛、化脓等。
58、After discharging the wound fester, or healing. ─── 伤口流脓溃烂以后,还是会愈合的.
59、Therefore, it is advisable to forestall situations that call for these heroic deeds, by acknowledging hurt openly and honestly, at an early stage: before the wound begins to fester. ─── 当你真正想要的是让伤害你的人内疚,让他们知道任何愧疚都无法弥补他们的过错时,你就是在惩罚他们,即使是以毁掉你自己为代价。
60、Defeat after 24 hours;burst;ulcerate;fester, erosion, scabby. ─── 24小时后破溃、糜烂、结痂。
61、And he has taken too long to produce his plan for dealing with the trillions of dollars of toxic assets which fester on banks' balance-sheets. ─── 加上几万亿的不了资产都快把银行资产负债表烧起来了,他的应对计划却跟难产似的,就是不肯出来。
62、Resentment of the regime's marginalization of Sudan's peripheries also festers in other states, notably Kordofan and Blue Nile. ─── 怨恨政权的苏丹周边其他国家也溃烂,尤其是科尔多凡和青尼罗边缘化。
63、Fester nature meningitis ─── 化脓性脑膜炎
64、My wounds fester and are loathsome because of my sinful folly. ─── 因我的愚昧,我的伤发臭流脓。
65、Yet in a region where nationalism is rife, territorial disputes fester, and arms races abound, miscalculation or misplaced hubris could lead to tragedy. ─── 但是在这个民族主义盛行、领土争端加剧、军备竞赛增多的地区,错误的估算或是不合时宜的嘲笑都会引向悲剧。
66、But sometimes they can find a place to hide in larger organizations where they fester like a cancer. ─── 但有时, 他们可以找到藏身之地在较大的组织溃烂他们象癌症一样。
67、CUI Qing-man, YUAN Chun-ying, ZHANG Yuehong.Studies on preventive medicine and pathogen of skin fester disease of Trionyx sinensis[J].Reservoir Fisheries, 1998,18(5): 13-14,35. ─── [3]崔青曼,袁春营,张跃红.中华鳖腐皮病病原菌及防治药物研究[J].水利渔业,1998,18(5):13-14,35.
68、Fester sex inflammation but bureau be confined to inside a clearance, also can affect a few clearance of photograph adjacent, form dispersion sex phlegmon or abscess; ─── 化脓性炎症可局限于一个间隙内,也可波及相邻的几个间隙,形成弥散性蜂窝织炎或脓肿;
69、It still festers. ─── 它现在仍在溃烂。
70、Yet these delusions of recovery have been an excuse for doing nothing as the jobs crisis festers. ─── 然而,就业危机烦扰我们的同时,这些复苏幻觉却一直是无所事事的借口。
71、Having got so far with China, however, bankers will be remiss if they let the misapprehensions fester. ─── 中国前进了不少,然而,银行如果任由误会深化,会再次遭损失。
72、Cervix fester ─── 宫颈糜烂
73、A Tentative study on the muscle fester disease and its prevention in Spinibarbus sinensis Bleeker ─── 中华倒刺鲃肌肉溃烂病及其防治的初步研究
74、Unfortunately, when the responsibilities in a relationship are lopsided, resentment festers . ─── 但不巧的是,两性关系中的责任是不平等而且易于滋生怨愤的。
75、Do you wish you could learn to deal with minor irritations before anger festers into intense resentment and explosive aggression? ─── 你是否希望自己能学会处理令人生气的小事,不让愤怒发展成强烈的憎恨和爆发性攻击行为?
76、Observation on the histopathology of skin fester disease of the Chinese soft shelled turtle ─── 中华鳖腐皮病的病理组织学初步观察
77、But it is more likely to fester when people have no way to hold their rulers accountable. ─── 但当一国人民没有办法督促统治者负起责任的时候,他们更容易遭受腐败的侵害。
78、Do you wish you could learn to deal with minor irritations before anger festers into intense resentment and explosive aggression? ─── 你是否希望自己能学会处理令人生气的小事,不让愤怒发展成强烈的憎恨和爆发性攻击行为?
79、Have pity upon yourself and upon those who love you and do not let your wounds fester until you are poisoned against this world. ─── 不要让伤痛郁结在心里毁了自己,就是对爱你的人最大的怜悯了。
80、To come to a head, as a boil; fester. ─── 发展成脓肿;化脓
81、Other salt can't hurt yourself, unless you have festers. ─── 别人撒盐伤不了自己,除非你身上有溃烂之处。
82、It's never too late If you have let a grudge fester for decades,remember it's never too late to heal wounds. ─── 如果内心的积怨已长达数十载,请记住抚平创伤总比留着好,从不嫌晚。
83、Our wounds will continue to fester and never heal. ─── 就 永 远 无 法 修 复 自 己 的 创 伤 , 伤 口 会 继 续 溃 烂 , 永 不 愈 合 。
84、Far below, where shadows fester as they grow ─── 底下,阴影在发展增浓
85、London ist auch der Ort, wo die Schokolade erstmals in fester Form auftaucht. ─── 在伦敦巧克力也是第一次以固体形态出现在世人面前。
86、Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of dexamethasone in treating infantile fester tonsillitis ─── 地塞米松佐治小儿化脓性扁桃体炎发热的利弊
87、Their arms and legs fester - foreheads dripping blood - but with eyes still full of light, granted comfort from their beliefs. ─── 他们的手臂和腿都化脓了,前额流着血,但双眼依然炯炯有神,是信仰给了他们安慰。
88、The wound did not fester. ─── 伤口未溃烂。
89、For the truth is that unless we can forgive, we can never recover.Our wounds will continue to fester and never heal. ─── 如果满怀仇恨,心中的伤口就会逐渐溃烂,无法愈合。
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