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tarantula 发音

英:[tə'ræntjʊlə]  美:[tə'ræntʃələ]

英:  美:

tarantula 中文意思翻译



tarantula 词性/词形变化,tarantula变形

名词复数: tarantulas |

tarantula 短语词组

1、goliath tarantula ─── 巨人狼蛛

2、meanest tarantula ─── 最卑鄙的狼蛛

3、brachycephalus tarantula ─── 狼蛛

4、tarantula forum ─── 狼蛛论坛

5、European tarantula ─── [医] 欧狼蛛

6、tarantula lycosa ─── [医] 欧狼蛛, 欧毒蛛

7、black tarantula ─── [医] 黑狼蛛

8、tarantula spider ─── 狼蛛

9、tarantula videos ─── 狼蛛视频

10、American tarantula ─── [医] 美洲狼蛛

11、Tarantula Nebula ─── 蜘蛛星云

12、tarantula acnh ─── 狼蛛

13、cubensis tarantula ─── [医] 古巴狼蛛酊(顺势医疗派用以治疗痈、白喉等)

14、tarantula pendulum ─── 狼蛛摆

15、tarantula island acnh ─── 狼蛛岛

16、tarantula movie 1955 ─── 狼蛛电影1955

17、tarantula hawk ─── 食蛛鹰蜂

18、giant tarantula ─── 巨型狼蛛

19、goliath birdeater tarantula ─── 歌利亚鸟蛛

tarantula 相似词语短语

1、tarantulas ─── n.狼蛛(tarantula的复数);毒蛛

2、tarantass ─── n.俄式四轮马车

3、tarantulae ─── n.狼蛛;塔兰图拉毒蛛(tarantula的变形)

4、tarantellas ─── n.其舞曲;一种快速旋转舞

5、tarantella ─── n.其舞曲;一种快速旋转舞

6、tarantism ─── n.跳舞病;毒蜘蛛舞蹈症;毒蛛病

7、maranta ─── n.竹竽

8、ranula ─── n.[口腔]舌下囊肿

9、tarantas ─── 塔兰托

tarantula 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Tarantula venom is weaker than that of a honeybee. ─── 狼蛛毒液的毒性比蜜蜂的都弱。

2、He had a huge hairy tarantula in the box. (SS6).Lee commentates the Quidditch matches at Hogwarts, using a magical megaphone to make his voice heard all over the stadium. ─── 他负责解说霍格沃茨的魁地奇比赛,他用一个魔法扩音器,好让球场里所有人都能听到他解说。

3、With the tarantula. ─── 用我的狼蛛。

4、Unless you are allergic to tarantula venom, they are harmless to humans (though they pack a painful bite). ─── 除非你对狼蛛毒素过敏,否则它们对人体是无害的(尽管它们咬你一口会很痛)。

5、The cosmic Tarantula also lies near the site of the closest recent supernova. ─── 这只宇宙蜘蛛还位于最近发生的超新星附近。

6、Revenge of the Creature Tarantula ─── 造物复仇

7、He had a huge hairy tarantula in the box (PS6). ─── 盒子里装的是一只巨大的、毛茸茸的狼蛛(魔法石第六章)。

8、We need an antitoxin to counteract the bite of the tarantula. ─── 我们需要抗毒素来解被狼蛛咬后产生的毒。

9、The authors noted that the Chilean Rose tarantula releases the barbed hair on the back of its body to defend against predators. ─── 作者们指出,智利玫瑰蛛能够用它的后背释放带刺的毛发来对抗捕食者。

10、Can one imagine a naturalist refusing to study the viper, the bat, the scorpion, the centipede, the tarantula, and one who would cast them back into their darkness, saying: "Oh! ─── 一个人,拒绝研究毒蛇、蝙蝠、蝎子、蜈蚣、蜘蛛,见了这些便把它们打回到它们的洞里去,同时还说:“啊!

11、American tarantula ─── [医] 美洲狼蛛

12、An extreme close-up shows the delicate hair of an orange baboon tarantula, a resident of the Great Plains Zoo in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. ─── 意译:生活在颜色:橙色。一个大特写镜头显示这细致优雅的头发的橙色狒狒多毛毒蜘蛛,一个居民在大平原动物园位于苏人的瀑布,南达科塔。

13、Mike: It's uh, it's kind of interesting, don't you think, George, that your back went out just as you were getting ready to leave? Hey! Look out! A tarantula! ─── 迈克:真是非常有意思,乔治,你刚准备要走,你的背就开始犯病了,嘿,小心毒蜘蛛!

14、But unlike capsaicin, the tarantula toxins target the outside of sensory neurons and could be used to study neurons without destroying them. ─── 但与辣椒素不同的是,毛蜘蛛毒素瞄准的是感觉神经元外侧的受体,因此可用来研究神经元而不会破坏神经元。

15、Replug the keyboard (Tarantula LED should start glowing) ─── 重新接上键盘(狼蛛键盘的LED灯将开始闪耀)

16、European tarantula ─── [医] 欧狼蛛

17、A tarantula will sometimes kill a small animal like a snake, frog, or bird, but crickets, beetles, and other insects are more typical prey. ─── 狼蛛有时候会猎杀一些小型动物,譬如蛇、青蛙或者小鸟,但通常列在它食谱上面的则是蟋蟀、甲虫或者其它的一些昆虫。

18、We were holding cool drinks and idly watching a hand-sized tarantula seize moths that came to the lone bulb on the generator shed beside us. ─── 我们手里拿着清凉的饮料,悠闲地看着一只有手那么大小的狼蛛捕捉纷纷扑向我们身旁发电机棚屋上一个灯泡的飞虫。

19、A tarantula will sometimes kill a small animal like a snake, frog, or bird, but crickets, beetles, and other insects are more typical prey. ─── 狼蛛有时能杀死蛇、青蛙、鸟等小型动物,但蟋蟀、甲壳虫等昆虫才是它们的日常食物。

20、A tarantula," she says, "will stroke the female's legs to ensure she is receptive." ─── 狼蛛,”她说,“会抚摸雌性的腿部,以确保她能接受。”

21、Explanation: In the heart of monstrous Tarantula Nebula lies huge bubbles of energetic gas, long filaments of dark dust, and unusually massive stars. ─── 说明:蜘蛛星云的中心存在着由高能气体,长长的丝状黑暗尘埃带,以及质量异常巨大的恒星所形成的巨大泡泡。

22、black tarantula ─── [医] 黑狼蛛

23、In the heart of monstrous Tarantula Nebula lies huge bubbles of energetic gas, long filaments of dark dust, and unusually massive stars. ─── 在巨大的蜘蛛星云心脏地带,存在着活动剧烈的气泡,长丝状暗尘云,和不寻常的大质量恒星。

24、Were the Tarantula Nebula at the distance of the Orion Nebula -- a local star forming region -- it would take up fully half the sky. ─── 假如狼蛛星云在猎户座星云——一个本地(银河系内)恒星形成区——的位置上,它将占据半个天空。

25、In fact, she relished cuddling snakes and had to be stopped from reaching for a tarantula. ─── 事实上,她曾试图拥抱这些蛇,研究人员还不得不阻止她靠近狼蛛。

26、Just like the tarantula it's killing, the centipede has two curved, hollow fangs, which inject paralyzing venom. ─── 和猎杀方法狼蛛一样,蜈蚣有一对弯曲中空注射的毒液使猎物马上瘫痪。

27、The human brain anticipates unimportant sensations, such as your own touch, so it can focus on important input like, say, a tarantula crawling up your neck. ─── 人脑能预感到一些不重要的感觉,比如自身的触摸,这样它就可以集中关注那些重要的外界刺激,比方说,有只狼蛛爬上了你的脖子。

28、QUESTION How do I clean my Razer Tarantula keyboard? ─── 我如何清洁狼蛛键盘?

29、Don Lockwood: Meet the greatest actor in the world! I'd rather kiss a tarantula. ─── 唐:遇见了世界上最伟大的演员!我宁可去吻狼蛛。

30、Gradually, as their classmates' sticker count rises, the girls break ranks and allow themselves the odd stroke of a millipede's back or a quick touch of a tarantula's leg. ─── 但是渐渐的,当有贴纸的同学越来越多时,这群女孩的决心终于土崩瓦解,她们伸出手来轻轻摸一下蜈蚣的背,或是很快的碰一下大蜘蛛的毛毛腿。

31、" Mr Bayliss also tried London Zoo's programme, which culminates in participants holding a tarantula and claims an 80% success rate. ─── 贝利斯也试过了声称80%有效的伦敦动物园计画,整个疗程的高潮就是把一只狼蛛放在掌心。

32、The prominent red knot on the right is 30 Doradus, or the Tarantula Nebula, a giant star-forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloud. ─── 影像右方明显的红点是剑鱼座30也叫蜘蛛星云,是大麦哲伦星系重一个巨大的恒星形成区。

33、Were the Tarantula Nebula at the distance of the Orion Nebula -- a local star forming region -- it would take up fully half the sky. ─── 蜘蛛星云位于遥远的猎户座星云内,是一个恒星形成区域,它占据了半个天空。

34、I don't want a pet that could be dangerous,like a tarantula or rattlesnake. ─── 我不想要一只危险的动物,比如狼蛛或响尾蛇之类的。

35、The UK's Prince William was given a tarantula spider to hold as he officially opened the Darwin Centre at the Natural History Museum in central London. ─── 在正式为伦敦自然历史博物馆达尔文中心揭幕的仪式上,英国威廉王子与一只有毒的大蜘蛛进行了"亲密接触"。

36、LL: Yeah, I don"t like spiders very much either.My friend has a pet tarantula, which is a really big hairy spider, and it is the freakiest thing I"ve ever seen. ─── 我真搞不懂,像你朋友那样的人怎么会养蜘蛛当宠物,毛茸茸的蜘蛛想起来就让人头皮发麻,怎么还能当宠物,真是freaky耶!

37、JPG) A zebra tarantula can produce silk from its feet.S. ─── JPG) 一个斑马狼蛛可以在脚部产生丝 S.

38、To some, it may seem a sinister place, and a fitting home for the great hairy legged hunter, the Desert Tarantula. ─── 对某些动物而言,这是个不祥之地,但它却确是巨大毛腿的捕猎者——沙漠狼蛛的快乐家园。

39、"The human brain anticipates unimportant sensations, such as your own touch, so it can focus on important input like, say, a tarantula crawling up your neck. " ─── "人脑能预感到一些不重要的感觉,比如自身的触摸,这样它就可以集中关注那些重要的外界刺激,比方说,有只狼蛛爬上了你的脖子."

40、'Tarantulas are poisonous,but they only bite if they think they're in danger',says Mike.'if you do get bitten by a tarantula,it's not that painful -no more painful than a bee sting. ─── '狼蛛是有毒的,但只有当他们认为自己处于危险境地时候才会咬, '麦克说.如果你们被狼蛛咬到不会很痛苦,不会比被蜜蜂叮到更痛。

41、When I was nine, my mom and dad gave me a small tarantula. ─── 九岁那年,爸爸妈妈给了我一只小狼蛛。

42、'if you do get bitten by a tarantula,it's not that painful -no more painful than a bee sting. ─── ‘如果您得到由塔兰图拉毒蛛咬住,比蜜蜂的螯不是痛苦-没有痛苦。

43、Gas and dust clouds in 30 Doradus, also known as the Tarantula Nebula, have been sculpted into elongated shapes by powerful winds and ultraviolet radiation from these hot cluster stars. ─── 剑鱼座30中的气体和尘埃云也就是著名的蜘蛛星云,它们被来自这些炽热星团星的强劲星风和紫外辐射塑造成细长的形状。

44、They'll eat almost anything they can catch, butterflies, other spiders, even small snakes and fish, but not humans, although if threatened spiders, such as this tarantula, will bite. ─── 它们几乎捉到什么就吃什么,如蝴蝶、其它蜘蛛,甚至小蛇和鱼类,但不包括人类。当然如果遭到威胁,比如有毒的狼蛛,就会咬人。

45、Her success was unusually dramatic: after treatment, she was able to hold a live tarantula (which crawled partway up her arm) for several minutes with little anxiety. ─── 她的成功经验更是非比寻常:在治疗之后,她已经可以用手抓住活生生的毛蜘蛛长达数分钟之久,并让毛蜘蛛爬上手臂,却不会引起太多的焦虑。

46、This was considered a small tarantula, although I would still hate to find it in my boot. ─── 您必须登录后才能执行这个操作。不是会员吗?

47、The prominent red knot on the left is 30 Doradus, or the Tarantula Nebula, a giant star-forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloud. ─── 影像左上方的醒目红色光斑为剑鱼座30,又称为是蜘蛛星云,是大麦哲伦星系的巨大恒星形成区。

48、cubensis tarantula ─── [医] 古巴狼蛛酊(顺势医疗派用以治疗痈、白喉等)

49、In the new study, a team led by neuropharmacologist David Julius from the University California, San Francisco, identified three pain-causing molecules in tarantula venom. ─── 在这项新的研究中,已经从狼蛛毒素中标示出了三种可以引起痛苦的分子。

50、An image of a tarantula was set inside the virtual kitchen; the illusion was enhanced by suspending a furry spider toy with wiggly legs above the patient's bed so that he could actually feel the virtual spider. ─── 虚拟厨房会出现毛蜘蛛的影像,而悬挂在病床上方、扭动著脚的毛绒绒蜘蛛玩具则加强了这个幻觉,让患者可以真实感受到虚拟蜘蛛的存在。

51、My parents practically hollered the roof down when they found out what I'd done the tarantula had cost quite a lot of money. ─── 不用说,事情的结果并不像动画片里的那样。蜘蛛被撕成了碎片。

52、tarantula lycosa ─── [医] 欧狼蛛, 欧毒蛛

53、tarantula nebula ─── 蜘蛛星云

54、The prominent reddish knot near the bottom is 30 Doradus, or the Tarantula Nebula, a giant star-forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloud. ─── 在影像底部附近,那个突出的红点就是剑鱼座30,也被称为蜘蛛星云,是大麦哲伦星云内一个巨大的恒星形成区域。

55、That there is a state-of-the-art Tarantula rocket launcher.Hold down the trigger to lock on to the enemy.Even you coudn't miss. ─── 这个东西是联邦的艺术品,狼蛛火箭发射器,按住扳机不要松开,锁定敌人,锁定结束后就可以松开了。就算你这个大老粗也不会射到别的地方去的。

56、In fact, among the star forming regions within the Local Group of galaxies, NGC 604 is second in size only to 30 Doradus, also known as the Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud. ─── 其实,在本星系群中的恒星形成区里,NGC 604是大小排名第二的恒星育婴室,仅次于大麦哲伦云中的剑鱼座30(又被称为毒蜘蛛星云)。

57、This cosmic Tarantula also lies near the site of the closest recent supernova. ─── 这个宇宙蜘蛛也位于距离最新超新星最近的位置附近。

58、In the heart of monstrous Tarantula Nebula lies huge bubbles of energetic gas, long filaments of dark dust, and unusually massive stars. ─── 在巨大的蜘蛛星云心脏地带,存在着活动剧烈的气泡,长丝状暗尘云,和不寻常的大质量恒星。

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