frequencies 发音
英:[ˈfriːkwənsiz] 美:[ˈfrikwənsiz]
英: 美:
frequencies 中文意思翻译
frequencies 常用词组
high frequency ─── 高频
low frequency ─── 低频率;低周波
frequency domain ─── [化]频域;频率范围
frequencies 词性/词形变化,frequencies变形
frequencies 短语词组
1、intermodulation frequencies ─── [电] 互调频率
2、frequencies of the angel ─── 天使的频率
3、relative frequencies ─── [数]相对频率, ─── [数]相对频数
4、natural frequencies ─── 固有频率;自然频率
5、staggered frequencies ─── 参差频率
6、solfeggio frequencies youtube ─── 视唱练耳频率youtube
7、frequencies for life ─── 寿命频率
8、at frequencies at ─── 频率
9、range of frequencies ─── 频率范围
10、band of frequencies ─── 频带, ─── 频率带
11、annoying frequencies ─── 恼人的频率
12、cb frequencies cb ─── 频率
13、cb radio frequencies cb ─── 无线电频率
14、lost frequencies ─── 丢失频率
15、frequencies meaning ─── 频率意义
16、microwave frequencies ─── [电] 微波频率
17、dispersion of frequencies ─── 频率色散
18、feminization frequencies ─── 女性化频率
19、observation frequencies ─── 观测频率
frequencies 相似词语短语
1、frequence ─── n.频率,频繁;频数
2、gyrofrequencies ─── n.[电磁]旋转频率;回旋频率
3、feculencies ─── n.污物;渣滓
4、frequences ─── n.频率,频繁;频数
5、frequency ─── n.频率;频繁
6、fervencies ─── n.热情;炽热;热烈
7、frequentness ─── 频度;频率
8、low frequencies ─── 低频率;低周波
9、sequencies ─── n.顺序
frequencies 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Digital audio aliasing is introduced when one attempts to record frequencies that exceed half the sampling rate. ─── 在录音频率超过抽样频率的一半时,会造成数字音频混叠失真。
2、Isozyme frequencies of PGI, SKDH, and 6PGD were observed from electrophoresis. ─── 另以电泳技术测得PGI、SKD及6PGD等同功酶之频率。
3、At low frequencies, the DC resistance of a given conductor is essentially the same as its AC resistance. ─── 在低频情况下,给定的导体的直流电阻实际上与其交流电阻一样。
4、But what happens at lower frequencies, when the “wave model” takes over due to the longer wavelengths? ─── 但当波长较长,声透镜的“波状效应”起作用时,低频段会发生怎样的变化呢?
5、The two constituent frequencies are clearly discernible. ─── 可以清楚地辨别出两种成分的频率来。
6、Light is a wave composed of coupled electric and magnetic fields oscillating in synchrony at very high frequencies. ─── 光是一种由电场与磁场耦合在一起进行高频同步振荡所形成的波。
7、In Dorset sheep,these frequencies were 0.60,0.40.The polymorphic fragment amplified by primer 2 was sequenced. ─── 小尾寒羊AA、AB基因型频率分别为0.83和0.17,多赛特羊AA、AB基因型频率分别为0.60和0.40。
9、of ground-nesting warblers produce begging cheeps of higher frequencies than do their tree-nesting relatives. ─── 相比在树上筑巢的同种类雏鸟,在地面筑巢的鸣禽雏鸟会发出频率更高的乞食叫声。
10、Basing this question, trying to auto-detect and auto-identify the base-frequencies of multi-targets is one of our most important work. ─── 本文的主要工作之一就是基于这些问题,尝试机器自动检测和识别出多个目标各自的基频。
11、In the majority of cases, most of these partials are of very high frequencies. ─── 在大多数情况下,大部分泛音的频率非常高。
12、At some frequencies, it can penetrate walls. ─── 在一些频率,它能穿透墙壁。
13、Because the higher worlds have higher frequencies, and our burdened soul is not very familiar with that yet. ─── 因为高境界的频率也比较高,我们沉重的灵魂一时还不太适应。
14、The difference, expressed in Hertz, between the two limiting frequencies of a band. ─── 一个频带的上下界频率之差,单位用赫兹表示。
15、The gene frequencies of serum LDHH and erythrocyte ESDI of hybrids F2 and F3 are tended to be towards Angare goat ram. ─── 中卫山羊母羊和F1血清LDH4和LDH5间出现一条变异型酶带LDHY。
16、In contrast, CDH subtypes, headache frequencies, or medication overuse were not correlated. ─── 与之相反,CDH亚型、头痛频率、药物滥用与高自杀倾向无关。
17、The frequencies of ESA and ESa alleles were 0.6426 and 0.3574 respectively. ─── ESA和ESa分别为0.6426和0.3574;
18、Then the energies move like wave frequencies throughout the channels within the physical structure, moving right up to the brain. ─── 这样能量会像波频一样游遍身体中的各个经脉,直达大脑。
19、The frequencies of the returned beams are compared with them to obtain the true ground speed. ─── 将它们与反回射束作对比而获得真实的地面速度。
20、A loudspeaker designed to reproduce bass frequencies. ─── 低频扬声器设计用来再现低音频率的扬声器
21、It's got AM, FM, shortwave, longwave, SSB and aircraft band frequencies. ─── 它的获得时,调频,短波,长波,SSB及飞机频段频率。
22、The frequencies of AMY2~A and AMY2~0 alleles were 0.1283 and 0.8717,respectively. ─── AMY2A和AMY20等位基因频率分别为0.1283和0.8717;
23、Pure tones of the same intensity but different frequencies do not necessarily produce sensations of equal loudness. ─── 声强相同而频率不同的纯音,未必产生响度相同的感觉。
24、P1 (0.1520) and Dia (0.0182) gene frequencies in Guizhou Han ethnic group are lower than those in other Han subgroups. ─── 其它系统的基因频率为P=0.2171、q=0.1858、r=0.5969、m=0.5400、n=0.4600、S=0.0478、s=0.9522、Jk~a=0.4633、Jk~b=0.5367、Fy~a=0.9367、Fy~b=0.0633。
25、Methods based on spatial frequencies evaluate the coefficients of the autocorrelation function of the texture. ─── 基于空间频率的方法估计纹理的自相关函数。
26、The frequencies of Di b-,Mur+,Jk(a-b-)in Chinese are higher than those in Caucasian and black people. ─── 上海地区人群中Dib-、Mur+、Jk(a-b - )的红细胞表型明显高于白种人和黑人。
27、It's easier to find and acquire jamming equipment for some frequencies than it is for others. ─── 某些频率的干扰设备比其他频率的更容易找到和获得。
28、A graphic record of hearing ability for various sound frequencies that is used to measure hearing loss. ─── 听力图对各种音频听觉能力的图表记录,用于测量听力损伤。
29、As an example, the frequencies of a composite laminated cantilever plate are calculated. ─── 作为例题,计算了复合材料悬臂层合板的频率。
30、An instrument for measuring hearing activity for pure tones of normally audible frequencies. ─── 听度计,听力计对正常可听单音频的听觉能力测定仪
31、Gene frequencies were:EAP~a=0.169, EAP~b=0.831.The race differences in EAP gene frequecies were compared. ─── =0.169,EAP~b-0.831。 结合文献资料分析了EAP型分布的种族差异,指出了各人种EAP型分布的特点。
32、Intend to flush out of your immediate field all non-resonant or discordant frequencies, entities and cords. ─── 、意想将所有非共振或不协调的频率、有和连线从你的能量场中奔涌而出。
33、Again, looking at some numbers, Blackfin processors run at a range of voltage and frequencies. ─── [预览] 随着通信技术的飞速发展,光纤通信技术已成为通信的重要手段。
34、Predicting East Coast Winter Storm Frequencies from Midtropospheric Geopotential Height Patterns. ─── 从对流层中层位势型预报东海岸冬季风暴频率。
35、The Histogram analysis tool calculates individual and cumulative frequencies for a cell range of data and data bins. ─── “直方图”分析工具可计算数据单元格区域和数据接收区间的单个和累积频率。
36、Side effects like skin rash and conjunctivitis occurred at low frequencies similar to placebo or comparator drugs. ─── 副反应像皮疹,结膜炎发生率较低,类似于安慰剂或者对照用药。
37、A Fourier transform is a way of looking at a time series as a sum of sine waves at different frequencies. ─── 傅里叶变换是一种把它看成不同频率的正弦波的级数和的方式。->傅里叶变换是一种将时域序列看成是不同频率的级数和(频域序列)方法。
38、Gene frequencies at Aam-I locus were estimated in 4 grand-parent lines of yellow broilers. ─── 对“三黄”鸡4个品系的血液淀粉酶(Amy-l)基因频率进行了估计,结果表明:Amy-l基因频率具有明显的品系特异性,父系Amy-lA高;
39、Again, ask for all frequencies necessary for you to heal and release to be added to this region by my 'Marias. ─── 再一次,请求你治愈和释放所必须的所有频率通过我的“Maria”们加入到这个部位里。
40、Only certain discrete frequencies are left without benefit of external stabilization due to the feed system. ─── 只有某些个别的频率没有利用供应系统的外部稳定作用。
41、Permeable to electromagnetic radiation of specified frequencies,as to visible light or radio waves. ─── 可透过的可以让某些频率的电磁辐射通过的,如可见光或无线电波
42、A new method for power measurement of audio frequencies is introduced. ─── 介绍了一种音频范围内功率测量的新方法。
43、An interconnection between two A.C. systems operating at independent frequencies. ─── 以不同频率运行的两个交流系统之间的联结。
44、Humans can hear frequencies as high as 20,000 hertz and as low as 20 hertz. ─── 人类可以听到频率高达2万赫兹和低到20赫兹的声音。
45、A wave phenomenon sharing the physical nature of sound but with a range of frequencies below that of human hearing. ─── 次声一种波现象,它有声音的物理特性和频率又在人耳的听力范围之内
46、The interval between any two frequencies having a ratio of 2 to 1. ─── 倍频程频率比率为2比1的两个频率的间隔。
47、The frequencies of the allele E and e of the Ningxiang, Daweizi and Duroc were almost equal. ─── 只有杜洛克猪的等位基因E的频率略小于等位基因e的频率,在其余四品种中,都是等位基因E的频率大于等位基因e的频率。
48、Resonant frequencies are related to the shape and size dimensions of the element. ─── 共振频率与这种元件的形状和大小有关。
49、Chebyshev filters are used to separate one band of frequencies from another. ─── 切比雪夫滤波器用来分开两个不同频率。
50、The deformation frequencies are not sufficiently distinctive. ─── 其变形频率不是十分明显的。
51、The inputs can be PWMed for current or speed control at frequencies up to 250 kHz. ─── 可将输入脉宽调制(PWM)为频率达250千赫的电流或速度控制。
52、In addition, artificial selections for economic tarits could change Amy-1 gene frequencies. ─── 另外,人工选择也可能造成Amy-1基因频率的改变。
53、From a scientific point of view, waves are frequencies. ─── 从科学的观点来说,波长就是频率。
54、At low frequencies, such as 10 per sec., pulsation is sensed rather than vibration. ─── 在低频率(譬如每秒十次)时, 所感觉到的是脉冲而非振动。
55、The experimental photographs of a transient plasma in the daylight lamp are clear at frequencies of 10 GHz and 35 GHz. ─── 在频率10GHz和35GHz下,用日光灯作瞬态放电实验的照片是清晰的。
56、Radio Beijing broadcasts on a dozen different frequencies. ─── 北京电台以十几种不同的频率进行广播。
57、There are different impinging tone frequencies corresponding to helical and symmetric flow pattern. ─── 并且螺旋模态与对称模态对应不同频率的冲击单音,在同一工况下可能存在两种流动模态共存的情况,此时冲击单音也具有多频率特性。
58、Figure 4 shows the locations of these fossae and their frequencies at autopsy. ─── 图4显示了这些隐窝的位置和其尸检的检出率。
59、May and 4 groups video frequencies compressions card mix use. ─── 可以与4路视频压缩卡混合使用。
60、At certain brainwave frequencies, a sense of ego boundary vanishes. ─── 在某脑波频率上,利己自我感边界消失。
61、Spatial Structure of Allozyme Frequencies in Castanea mollissima Bl. ─── 中国板栗居群间等位酶基因频率的空间分布。
62、There are only a limited number of broadcasting frequencies. ─── 只有数量有限的广播频率。
63、Impacts of ENSO on Snowfall Frequencies in the United States. ─── ENSO对美国降水频率的影响。
64、In a panicle, the frequencies in the stronger spikelet were higher,but in the weaker ones lower. ─── 在同一稻穗中的多卵和多胚苗频率,强势颖花要明显地高于弱势颖花。
65、And because the connectivity is wireless and channel frequencies are fixed, users can roam within the coverage area and still remain the connectivity. ─── 同时由于连接是无线的、信道频率是固定的,所以用户可以在覆盖区域内漫游,但仍保持着与局域网的连接。
66、There is a remarkably wide range of frequencies and sound pressure levels over which the human ear can detect. ─── 人类耳朵对声音频率和声压级的感应范围很广。
67、One of the frequencies produces nausea for more than an hour. ─── “给我钱以及3个月时间,”她说到,“我将能影响这个城市80%的人的行为而不被他们察觉。”
68、NK cell frequencies were analyzed using flow cytometry. ─── NK细胞频率采用流式细胞仪进行分析。
69、Frequencies of apomictic embryo sacs were the highest in winter and summer respectively in two years. ─── 两年中,无融合生殖胚囊出现的频率分别在冬季和夏季最高。
70、Large baleen whales primarily use the lower frequencies and are often limited in their repertoire. ─── 大长须鲸最初使用低频,他们的全套本领很有限。
71、Electromagnetic radiation with frequencies in the ultraviolet and visible region can be absorbed by molecules. ─── 分子能吸收频率在紫外和可见光区的电磁辐射。
72、The interval between any two frequencies having a ratio of2 to1. ─── 倍频程频率比率为2比1的两个频率的间隔
73、There are specially made electricity wave apparatus to inspect the frequencies being used in normal games. ─── 在正规的比赛都有使用特制的电波监测仪器监测场地范围的频率使用情况。
74、At higher frequencies, the spacing is small and this in turns limits the kerf width between two adjacent channels. ─── 另外,压电材料的厚度亦正比于波长,故在高频时由于材料太薄而使得切割易造成碎裂。
75、The frequencies of the CMA genotypes and A, G alleles were not different in DCM and control group. ─── CMA基因AA、AG、GG基因型及A、G等位基因频率在DCM组与对照组的分布差异无显著性意义。
76、The long-touted scarcity of radio spectrum in the future may be replaced by a surfeit of available frequencies. ─── 困扰大众已久的无线电频谱不足问题,未来将变成可用频率太多。
77、The tool is made to vibrate a few hundredths of a millimeter at ultrasonic frequencies ranging from 19kHz to 25kHz. ─── 刀具以19,000Hz至25,000Hz的超声频率作百分之几毫米的振动。
78、Both stations broadcast via short-wave and medium-wave radio frequencies, which are easily picked up on African radios. ─── 两家电台都用中短波的广播频率播出,很容易就可以被非洲的听众接收到。
79、Low frequencies are deep, substantial and rigorously controlled, while the midrange is uncluttered and believable. ─── 低频部分即深又充实也被严格控制,同时中音区域整洁而可信。
80、The frequencies of occurrence of the Arg and His alleles of XRCC1 280 were 85% and 15%, too. ─── XRCC1280(Arg/Arg、Arg/Hi、His/His)三种基因型频率分别为69.3%、30.7%和0;
81、The allele frequencies in the three populations are consistent with that of the Mongoloid. ─── 他们的基因频率与蒙古人种其他人群是一致的。
82、It seems that this could be an alternate approach to illuminating a room uniformly at all frequencies. ─── 看起来这是一个在所有频率上一致的辐射到整个房间的可选的方法。
83、The frequencies are marked with labels made from a Brother P-Touch labeler. ─── 你也可以发挥自己的想象力,用手头所有的材料在制作度盘。
84、They tested his hearing with pure tones of different frequencies. ─── 他们用不同频率的纯音测试她的听力。
85、B1,B2 allele frequencies of CETP gene were 54.25%, 45.75%,and similar to that of Caucasian, and yellow race. ─── CETP-TaqIB基因B1、B2等位基因频率为54.25%和45.75%,与欧美白种人、黄种人均相近。
86、You frequencies don't match up. ─── 因为你们的频率不一样。
87、Harmonic: it identifies frequencies and amplitudes of the spectrum components. ─── 和音:它能够识别频谱要素的频率和振幅。
88、The alarms produce a wide range of frequencies that enable the brain to determine where the sound is coming from. ─── 这种警报器发出的频率范围广,使人脑可以判断出声音的来源。
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