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erigeron 发音

英:[iːˈrɪdʒərˌɑːn]  美:[ɪˈrɪdʒərɒn]

英:  美:

erigeron 中文意思翻译



erigeron 短语词组

1、Erigeron annuus ─── [网络] 一年蓬;墙头草;白顶飞蓬

2、Erigeron philadelphicus ─── [网络] 春一年蓬;外来入侵种春一年蓬;飞蓬

3、Erigeron kamtschaticum ─── [医] 勘察加蓬

4、Erigeron pulchellus ─── [网络] 飞虱

5、genus Erigeron ─── [网络] 飞蓬属

6、Erigeron canadensis ─── [网络] 加拿大飞蓬;小飞蓬;加拿大蓬

7、Erigeron glaucous ─── [网络] 飞蓬glaucus

8、Erigeron aurantiacus ─── [网络] 橙黄飞蓬;橙花飞蓬

9、Erigeron L. ─── [医] 飞蓬属

10、Erigeron speciosus ─── [网络] 飞蓬;奥勒冈紫苑;菊属

11、Erigeron acer ─── [网络] 飞蓬;长茎飞蓬;飞蓬属

12、erigeron oil ─── [化] 飞蓬油 ─── [医] 飞篷油

13、Erigeron divergens ─── [网络] 飞镖飞行员

erigeron 词性/词形变化,erigeron变形

名词复数: Erie |

erigeron 相似词语短语

1、refrigerant ─── n.制冷剂;adj.制冷的;冷却的

2、erigerons ─── n.飞蓬属植物

3、Quiberon ─── n.基伯龙(法国地名)

4、Percheron ─── n.佩尔什马(一种产于法国的重型挽马);;Percheron动脉(当双侧旁中央动脉发自一侧大脑后动脉时,称为percheron动脉,起自大脑后动脉P1段)

5、enteron ─── n.[解剖][动]肠;消化管

6、aileron ─── n.副翼

7、armigeros ─── 阿米戈罗斯

8、Origen ─── n.奥利金(埃及的亚力山大的作家、基督教神学家)

9、armigero ─── 阿米格

erigeron 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords capillary electrophoresis;Erigeron breviscapus (Vant.) Hand.-Mazz.;dengzhanhuasu;scutellarin; ─── 毛细管电泳;灯盏花;灯盏花素;灯盏花乙素;

2、Erigeron pseudoseravschanicus ─── n. 假泽山飞蓬

3、Erigeron multiradiatus(Wall.) Benth. ─── 多舌飞蓬

4、Erigeron oreades ─── n. 山地飞蓬

5、Erigeron annuns ─── 一年蓬

6、Effect of Erigeron Breviscapus(Vant.)Hand-Mazz on the activity of retinal ganglion cells in rabbits with elevated intraocular pressure 项敏泓,钟一声, ─── 带虹膜人工晶状体植入治疗复杂性眼外伤1例边阳甫,辛延峰,宋新华,冯小赛,张暹梅

7、Erigeron acer ─── n. 飞蓬

8、Erigeron himalajensis ─── n. 珠峰飞蓬

9、Don) Merr. [Erigeron molle D. ─── 拉丁学名 Blumea mollis (D.

10、The chemical compounds of the Erigeron breviscapus(Vant.)Hand.-Mazz., its pharmacological functions and the structure activity relationship were summarized in this paper. ─── 摘要综述了近几十年来有关灯盏花的化学成分、药理作用、配伍及化学成分的构效关系研究工作。

11、Erigeron L. ─── [医] 飞蓬属

12、Studies on Determination of Total Flavonoids and Similarity of UV- spectrum of Erigeron Breviscapus from Different Regions of Yunnan Province ─── 云南不同产地灯盏细辛药材总黄酮测定和紫外光谱对比研究

13、Keywords Erigeron Breviscapus(Vant.)Hand-Mazz;chronic elevated intraocular pressure;retinal nerve fiber layer;retinal ganglion cells;optic nerve;protective effect;rabbit; ─── 灯盏细辛;慢性高眼压;视网膜神经纤维层;视网膜神经节细胞;视神经;保护作用;兔;

14、Erigeron seravschanicus ─── n. 泽山飞蓬

15、Erigeron eriocalyx ─── n. 棉苞飞蓬

16、Objective: To investigate renoprotection effect of erigeron breviscapus in diabetic nephropathy. ─── 目的:探讨灯盏细辛对糖尿病肾病病人肾脏的保护作用。

17、The effects of different nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium levels on the growth development and photosynthetic pigment contents of Erigeron Breviscapus were studied. ─── 摘要研究从氮、磷、钾不同水平对灯盏花生长发育和光合色素含量的影响,探讨灯盏花的营养特点。

18、Erigeron multifolius ─── n. 密叶飞蓬

19、Erigeron lanuginosus ─── n. 棉毛飞蓬

20、Erigeron allochrous ─── n. 异色飞蓬

21、Erigeron tenuicaulis ─── n. 细茎飞蓬

22、Keywords Erigeron brevisecapus Hand.Mazz;Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge;Ginkgo biloba Linn;Carthamus tinctorius L;Antioxidant;Quantum chemistry calculation; ─── 关键词灯盏花;丹参;银杏;红花;抗氧化剂;量子化学计算;

23、a weedy North American plant(Erigeron canadensis) having narrow leaves and numerous small white or greenish flower heads grouped in panicles ─── 一种(加拿大飞蓬飞蓬属)属的细瘦的北美植物,叶子狭窄,开无数白色或淡绿色小花,呈圆锥花序

24、Erigeron lonchophyllus ─── n. 矛叶飞蓬

25、Erigeron fukuyamae ─── n. 台湾飞蓬

26、Erigeron leucoglossus ─── n. 白舌飞蓬

27、OBJECTIVE To investigate the optic neuroprotection components of Erigeron breviscapus. ─── 目的研究灯盏细辛视神经保护的活性成分。

28、Keywords Erigeron breviscapus;Brain death;Kidney;Pig; ─── 灯盏细辛;脑死亡;肾脏;猪;

29、Keywords Erigeron breviscapine;silent myocardial ischemia;coronary heart disease;myocardialinfarction;dynamic electrocardioram; ─── 灯盏细辛;无症状心肌缺血;冠心病;心肌梗死;动态心电图;

30、Erigeron komarovii ─── n. 山飞蓬

31、After nightfall, the candles will be placed into a pattern Erigeron lit one by one, showing a light calligraphy. ─── 夜幕降临后,用蜡烛将摆成图案的灯盏一一点燃,呈现出灯火字画。

32、Keywords Erigeron breviscapus;medical ethnobotany;optic neuroprotection;effective components;fingerprinting;innovational medicine; ─── 灯盏细辛;药用民族植物学;视神经保护;有效组分;指纹图谱;创新药物;

33、Erigeron breviscapine ─── 灯盏细辛

34、Erigeron elongatus ─── n. 长茎飞蓬

35、Erigeron annuus ─── n. 一年蓬

36、Erigeron philadelphicus ─── 春一年蓬

37、The liver injury was induced by intestinal ischemia-reperfusionand the protective effect of erigeron injection (EI) was studied in mice. ─── 制作小鼠肠缺血再灌注肝损伤模型,观察灯盏花注射液对小鼠肠缺血再灌注肝损伤的保护作用。

38、Erigeron kamtschaticum ─── [医] 勘察加蓬

39、Erigeron aurantiacus ─── n. 橙花飞蓬

40、Keywords Erigeron breviscapus(vant)hand-mazz(EBHM),Oxygen induced retinopathy(OIR),Mouse,Retinal neovascularization; ─── 灯盏细辛;氧致血管增殖性视网膜病变;视网膜新生血管;小鼠;

41、Erigeron lachnocephalus ─── n. 毛苞飞蓬

42、[Erigeron cochinense Spreng.;Blumea leptophylla Hayata;Conyza setschwanica Hand. ─── 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Blumea aromatica DC.

43、Erigeron purpurascens ─── n. 紫茎飞蓬

44、Erigeron Injections Effects on Pathologic and Hepatotoxicity Induced By Intestinal Ischemia-Reperfusion in Mice. ─── 灯盏花注射液对肝损伤病理及生化指标的影响。

45、Erigeron leioreades ─── n. 光山飞蓬

46、Erigeron breviscapus ─── n. 短葶飞蓬


48、Erigeron patentisquamus ─── n. 展苞飞蓬

49、Sect. Erigeron ─── n. 飞蓬组

50、Erigeron tianschanicus ─── n. 天山飞蓬

51、Erigeron altaicus ─── n. 阿尔泰飞蓬

52、Erigeron petiolaris ─── n. 柄叶飞蓬

53、A weedy North American plant(Erigeron canadensis) having narrow leaves and numerous small white or greenish flower heads grouped in panicles. ─── 加拿大飞蓬一种(加拿大飞蓬飞蓬属)属的细瘦的北美植物,叶子狭窄,开无数白色或淡绿色小花,呈圆锥花序

54、injection erigeron phenol ─── 注射用灯盏细辛酚

55、Erigeron morrisonensis ─── n. 玉山飞蓬

56、Effect of Micro-environment Control on Microstructure of Plantlet in Sugar-free Tissue Culture of Erigeron breviscapus ─── 微环境调控对灯盏花无糖组培苗显微结构的影响

57、any of several North American plants of the genus Erigeron having daisylike flowers; formerly believed to repel fleas. ─── 北美的飞蓬属植物,花类似于雏菊;以前被认为能驱逐跳蚤。

58、Erigeron vicarius ─── n. 蓝舌飞蓬

59、Keywords excitatory amino acids;glaucoma;neuroprotection;erigeron breviscapus (vant) hand-mazz; ─── 关键词兴奋性氨基酸;青光眼;神经保护;灯盏细辛;

60、Common North American weed with linear leaves and small discoid heads of yellowish flowers; widely naturalized throughout temperate regions; sometimes placed in genus Erigeron. ─── 北美洲常见杂草,有线形叶子和圆盘状黄花头状花序;温带地区广泛引入;常归为飞蓬属植物。

61、Notulae de genere Erigeron L. generibusque affinibus florae sinicae. ─── 中国飞蓬属及其邻属植物的研究.

62、Erigeron kunshanensis ─── n. 贡山飞蓬

63、AIM: To study the chemical constituents of Erigeron Injection by HPLC. ─── 前言:目的:用HPLC图谱来研究灯盏细辛注射液的化学成分。

64、fleabane Any of various plants of the genus Erigeron, having variously colored, many-rayed, daisylike flower heads. ─── 蚤草多种飞蓬属植物中的一种,长有色彩丰富的、有许多舌状花的菊花头状花冠

65、Erigeron krylovii ─── n. 西疆飞蓬

66、Bioassay on the herbicidal activity of extracts from Erigeron canadensis ─── 小飞蓬提取物除草活性的生物测定

67、Erigeron taipeiensis ─── n. 太白飞蓬

68、Therapeutic effects of different dosage Erigeron breviscapus on cerebral vascular spasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage of SD rats ─── 不同浓度灯盏细辛对SD大鼠蛛网膜下腔出血后血管痉挛的防治作用

69、The ultrasonic wave and aqueous two-phase system co-extraction of total flavones from Erigeron breviscapus was studied in the thesis. ─── 将超声波技术和双水相萃取技术耦合用于提取灯盏花中总黄酮。

70、Erigeron canadensis L. ─── 小飞蓬

71、Erigeron schmalhausenii ─── n. 革叶飞蓬

72、smile are not without tears, but they are good at heart into tears Erigeron, shining on the way forward.Smile is a temperament, benefited from the cultivation of temperament; ─── 微笑着的人并非没有眼泪,只不过他们善于把眼泪化作心灵的灯盏,照耀着前行的路。

73、Objective: To compare the quality of the crude drug Dengzhan Xixin (Erigeron breviscapus) from different regions of Yunnan. ─── 前言:目的:从所含化学成分的角度来比较云南省内不同产地灯盏细辛药材质量的异同。

74、Erigeron kamtschaticus ─── n. 堪察加飞蓬

75、sometimes placed in genus Erigeron. ─── 常归为飞蓬属植物。

76、Objective:To study the effect of water stress on the content of scutellarin and caffeate in Erigeron breviscaps. ─── 目的:研究土壤水分胁迫对短葶飞蓬灯盏乙素和咖啡酸酯含量的影响,验证逆境效应理论。

77、Keywords Erigeron breviscapus;Subarachnoid hemorrhage;Basilar artery; ─── 关键词灯盏细辛;蛛网膜下腔出血;基底动脉;

78、Don) Sch.-Bip. [Erigeron alatum D.Don;Blumea alata (D. ─── 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Laggera alata (D.

79、Erigeron porphyrolepis ─── n. 紫苞飞蓬

80、any of several North American plants of the genus Erigeron having daisylike flowers; ─── 北美的飞蓬属植物,花类似于雏菊;

81、Erigeron kiukiangensis ─── n. 俅江飞蓬

82、Effect of Erigeron Breviscapus on the Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in the Periodontal Tissues of Rabbits during Orthodontic Tooth Movement ─── 中草药灯盏花对兔正畸牙移动过程中牙周组织血管内皮生长因子表达的影响

83、abstract: Objective To establish a TLC identification method of Erigeron breviscapus. ─── 目的建立灯盏细辛的薄层色谱鉴别方法。

84、Subgen. Erigeron ─── n. 飞蓬亚属

85、Keywords Erigeron canadensis L.;extracts;herbicidal activity; ─── 小飞蓬;提取物;除草活性;

86、Erigeron multiradiatus ─── n. 多舌飞蓬

87、Objective: Observation medicine intravenous drug injection Erigeron phenol treatment of cerebral infarction Cerebral syndrome of blood stasis in the collateral of the brain clinical efficacy. ─── 摘要目的:观察静脉滴注中药新药注射用灯盏细辛酚治疗脑梗死脑络瘀阻证临床疗效。


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