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09-11 投稿


femininity 发音

英:[ˌfeməˈnɪnəti]  美:[ˌfeməˈnɪnəti]

英:  美:

femininity 中文意思翻译



femininity 同义词

womanliness |femaleness | muliebrity

femininity 短语词组

1、femininity culture ─── 女性文化

2、femininity test ─── [体]确定运动员为女生的女性鉴别

3、femininity hp ─── 女性气质hp

4、femininity define ─── 女性特质

5、face of femininity ─── 女性气质的面孔

6、femininity a ─── 女性化

7、femininity defined ─── 女性特质

8、femininity sk ─── 女性气质

9、masculinity and femininity ─── 男性主义和女性主义

10、finer femininity facebook ─── 更女性化的脸谱

11、finer femininity ─── 更女性化

12、masculinity-femininity ─── [医]男性-女性

13、femininity susan ─── 女人味苏珊

femininity 词性/词形变化,femininity变形


femininity 反义词


femininity 相似词语短语

1、feminality ─── n.女性的特质;妇女喜爱的物;女性

2、femininely ─── adv.女人似地;娇弱地

3、femininism ─── 女性化

4、asininity ─── n.愚钝;愚蠢

5、felinity ─── n.猫的特性

6、feminine ─── adj.女性的;妇女(似)的;阴性的;娇柔的

7、feminility ─── 女性气质

8、feminity ─── 女性特征;女性气质

9、femineity ─── n.女人风度

femininity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She dressed severely, wore flat-heeled shoes, and had her hair cropped short, as if to exorcise her femininity ─── 她衣着朴素,穿着平底鞋,头发剪得很短,仿佛要消除女性的痕迹似的。

2、Celia knew that she looked good and that the combination was a happy blend of business crispness and femininity. ─── 西莉亚知道,这样打扮,把生意人的干脆利落和女性的特点完满地结合在一起了,很中看。

3、There was already more than enough femininity in his life. ─── 他的生活中有太多的“娘娘腔”。

4、Masculinity Femininity Scale ─── 男女气质量表

5、The ' big hair' look is a badge of femininity and often denotes social class as well. ─── “长头发’’的形象是女性化的标志,而且经常用以表明社会地位。

6、At the same time, curvaceous5) women are perceived to be less competent and intelligent than non-curvaceous ones, and therefore women who want to be successful might minimize their visible femininity. ─── 同时曲线优美的女性被认为能力和智慧均不如身材扁平的女性,因此女人要想成功就要尽量减少其外在的女性特质。

7、There are always exceptions, of course, and it is totally up to you whether you choose gracefulness to be an expression of your femininity. ─── 但总有例外,当然,是否选择优雅作为女人味的体现,完全取决于你自己。

8、In any case, over the years, each individual's biological femaleness or maleness is augmented by the psychosocial dimensions of femininity and masculinity. ─── 在任一案例中,随著年代的进展,每个个体的生物学的男性或女性,通过女性或男性社会心理特质会得到强化。

9、A thousand expert voices applauded their femininity, their adjustment, their new maturity. ─── 千百位专家异口同声欢呼她们的女子气质,她们的自我调整和她们的新的成熟。

10、A woman in whom intelligence and femininity were not antagonists but complement to each other. ─── 我理解:一个妇女的智慧和柔情不是对立的两方面而是相互补充的.

11、He was shocked by the softness of the atmosphere surrounding the young prince, arising from the superfluity of the femininity that guided him. ─── 他被那位年轻王子周围的温柔气氛所震惊,那种气氛源自他受到过多的女性气质影响。

12、Sexes, Femininity and Its Studies, and Their Relations with the Harmony of Social Development ─── 性、女性、女学与社会的和谐进步

13、She kept her femininity even in greasy overalls. ─── 即使穿着油腻的工作服,她仍保持着娇滴滴。

14、Like most refined noble women, it is beautiful but low-key.Just this long lasting beauty shows the extreme femininity. ─── 像大多数有涵养的高贵女性一样,低调的美丽着,就是那种经久不蚀的格调美,将女人味演绎到极致。

15、The very best actors are not afraid of playing with their own femininity and leaving aside power struggles with the director. ─── 最好的男演员不害怕展现柔性的一面也不会和导演有权利争执。

16、5 to 7:Children are beginning to realize their own femininity and masculinity, which is why it is common for them to say they hate children of the opposite gender. ─── 5岁到7岁:孩子们开始认识到自己的男女特征,这就是为什么他们常说不喜欢异性孩子的原因。

17、Most importantly, though, my mother, because of the person she is, has greatly influenced my attitudes toward my femininity ─── 但最重要的是,我妈妈的为人,深深地影响了我对女性自身的看法。

18、Imagination of Femininity ─── 性别想象

19、Conversely, older women may fear to lose their femininity if they take the lead and initiate erotic variations. ─── 反过来,老年妇女可能担心,如果她们主导和主动发起各种性活动,会有失女性的文雅。

20、With the two kinds of femininity go two kinds of confidence: There are the women who are cocksure, and the women who are hensure. ─── 存在这两种类型的女性气质的同时也存在着两种类型的自信:自信外露的女人和温驯谦卑的女人。

21、His femininity is outpouring from his narration reconditely or obviously at the same time . ─── 其女性意识也正是在他的叙事话语中得到了或隐或显的流露。

22、Sensitive femininity was eclipsed by devoted purpose ─── 献身的决心使得敏感的女人气质黯然失色了。

23、His initial work found that cultures differ in four dimensions, one of which was masculinity-femininity. ─── 他的最初工作发现文化在四个方面有所不同,其中之一是男性气质-女性气质。

24、Blue, with its intimations of the Virgin Mary, constancy and faithfulness, symbolised femininity. ─── 蓝色象征着圣母玛利亚,忠贞不渝,象征着女性的温柔。

25、You dont need to be opressed, ashamed of your femininity. ─── 你不需要被任何人压抑,不需要对你的女性特征感到羞愧。

26、The key to the new collection lies in not foregoing femininity, making women that wear an M&M dress the life and soul of the party. ─── 本系列不再强调女人味,而是致力于使女人在这一天穿着M&M就成为整个舞会的焦点,尽情享受做生命主角的乐趣。

27、femininity complex ─── 女性情结

28、The " big hair" look is a badge of femininity and often denotes social class as well. ─── “长头发”的形象是女性化的标志,而且经常用以表明社会地位。

29、Gender role and gender identity have then become two sides of the same coin: Femaleness and femininity, maleness and masculinity fit seamlessly together. ─── 然后,性别角色和性别认同成了同一枚硬币的两面:女人与女性,男人与男性,各自无痕迹地整合在了一起。

30、On the Sense of Femininity Reflected in Wang Anyi's Novels ─── 王安忆小说中体现的女性意识

31、I'm very deep in emotive,femininity and beauty,liveliness like a child, sometimes humourous, how about your character ? ─── 我是一个很重感情的人,温柔而漂亮,活泼得像个孩子,有时还很幽默,你的性格是怎样的呢?

32、She's every inch an executive, but she has not lost her femininity, and I think that's one of her greatest achievements. ─── 她是个不折不扣的行政主管,可是她并没有失去女性的特质。我认为这是她最大的一项成就。

33、She would notice femininity and masculinity, no matter where on earth she landed ─── 不论这位外星人降落在地球上任何地点,都会察觉到人类中的男女性别。

34、Mind of missing and making track for it--the male poet's mental state similar to the femininity in the end of Han Dynasty ─── 心灵的失落与追寻--简论汉末男性诗人的女性同构心理

35、femininity test ─── 女性鉴别

36、Her femininity is expressed in how particular she is agreeable how she looks,but way she keeps house and cooks, and the way she cares about others. ─── 她的女性气质是在讲究外貌、做家务和照顾别人等方面中表现出来的。

37、This paper thinks that ci's true qualities is the style of femininity, not only the music . ─── 当时的“本色”应该是属于“女性特色”的风格判断,而不仅仅是音乐性特征的认定。

38、New Perspectives on Islam in Senegal: Conversion, Migration, Wealth, Power, and Femininity ─── 塞内加尔伊斯兰教新观点:转换,迁移,财富,权力,和女性

39、The national team would be given a more shapely kit to emphasise their femininity on the pitch and would swap dowdy track suits for skirts and jackets when travelling. ─── 国家队队员将领到一套更合体的球衣,以便在球场上突出她们的女性特点;当她们外出旅行时,裙子和短上衣也将取代原来松松垮垮的运动服。

40、A brief Analysis on Market-Oriented Economy's Positive Effect on Femininity ─── 浅析市场经济对提升女性美的积极作用

41、The longed-for vessel can be interpreted as the traditional symbol of matrix or womb, the lullaby of femininity, just as another conventional symbol "pearl mussel" implies. ─── 她所渴望的容器自然可以根据传统理解为母体或者子宫、女性特质的摇篮,正如另一个传统象征“母贝”所暗示的一样。

42、femininity cosmetics ─── 女性化妆品

43、Comments: This poem is about women, as everyone can see. It tells the disappearance of the source and origin of femininity and motherliness is rooted out in the society. ─── 极短评:这首诗写女人,这是人人都会承认的。然而,这首诗说出了女人之软从根源上的消失,读来令人惊恐,原来我们的社会甚至已经远离了滋养母性的时代。

44、Femininity and the Gender Narrative in Modern Shanghai Movies ─── 女性与现代海派电影中的性别叙事

45、There are always exceptions, of course, and it is totally up to you whether you choose gracefulness to be an expression of your femininity. ─── 但总有例外,当然,是否选择优雅作为女人味的体现,完全取决于你自己。

46、The final composite stands out by its pronounced femininity. ─── 最后的结果有明显的女性特征。

47、Flaunt your femininity with sweet-edged shades empowered by Advanced Luminous Technology. ─── 淋漓展现妩媚色彩,全凭崭新亮采技术

48、Most important is femininity and understanding.I love girl with intension except for pretty face or good figure.I think i would be good friend to everybody but for bad man. ─── 温柔、体贴最重要,对我而言内涵比外貌更有吸引力和持久力.我想我可以成为许多人的好朋友,除了坏蛋.

49、Are we adapting to a masculine standard, thereby neglecting something of our femininity? ─── 我们是不是耳濡目染了更多男性的标准,从而摒弃了女性特有的美?

50、She is offering up her femininity as the surveyed. ─── 她正展现她的妩媚给他观察。

51、femininity essays ─── 女性散文

52、The delicate depiction of emotion and beautiful body movements fitted his desire to focus on femininity in this, his second piece in a trilogy exploring identity, gender and performance. ─── 对于情感细腻的描述,优美的肢体语言与他的“身份、性别,与表演”三部曲中的第二篇章,也就这出戏中,对于女性柔美特质的关注是如此契合。

53、Yet the thing that interested me most was that these young women freely admitted that they enjoyed using their femininity as a weapon. ─── 然而,最让我感兴趣的事情是,这些年轻女性都洒脱地承认,她们喜欢将女性特质作为武器。

54、Femininity's Action and Status in Industry and Commerce in Western European City in the Middle-Ages ─── 妇女在中世纪西欧城市工商业中的作用与地位

55、The issues of femininity in China should be studied from both the traditional perspective and the modern one. ─── 我们需要站在传统与现代相统一的高度,来认识中国的女性问题。

56、She is the incarnation of perfect femininity. ─── 她是完美女性的化身。

57、Edwards, the artist who also created a life-size nude of Britney Spears giving birth on a bear-skin rug, said he wanted to capture Clinton's age and femininity in the sculpture. ─── 爱德华兹曾经塑造过布兰妮在熊皮地毯上临盆的裸体塑像。他说,他希望在希拉里的塑像中捕捉到她的年龄和温柔。

58、Featuring essence of Moroccan rose oil, this is an exquisite fresh fragrance that simply exudes femininity. ─── 特有摩洛哥玫瑰精华油,既高贵又能突显女性魅力。

59、Demureness, to be sure, is outwardly becoming, it is an outward mark of femininity, like bobbed hair. ─── 温柔谦卑当然在外表上很吸引人,它是女性气质的外部特征,就如同女人剪的短发一样。

60、It is because femininity secretly prevails that it must be recycled and normalized (in sexual liberation in particular). ─── 因为妇女秘密地胜过,所以它是它必须被再循环并且使规格化(在性别的解放特别地)。

61、It says that the great mistake of Western culture, through most of its history, has been the undervaluation of this femininity. ─── 它说,西方文化的一大错误是在其历史的大部分时间内低估了这女性气质。

62、6.It is often said that men should have machismo and women should have femininity.But do you know what is machismo and what is femininity? ─── 6.经常听说男人味女人味,你知道男人味是什么味道,女人味又是什么味道吗?

63、Created by ABC, this brand of fashion is designed for the young and active women who mixes fun with sophistication and looks for versatility, comfort and femininity in her style. ─── 此品牌服装是由ABC公司针对年轻活泼的女性而设计,款式休闲而又不失成熟,风格上追求变化,穿起来舒适得体,使你浑身上下散发着女性的魅力。

64、The most important quality for woman is femininity without any artificial acting. ─── 温柔不单是女性的娇憨和妩媚,还有母性的善良、关切、慈祥。

65、From them, Edna realizes her potential femininity and learns to release her repressed emotional desire.Meanwhile, She begins to construct her selfhood through art. ─── 从她们的身上,埃德娜认识到自身潜在的女性气质,释放了压抑已久的对情感和欲望的追求,并且以艺术为媒介探索自我的生成。

66、And I faced down my own confusion as a mother, as a woman, about the issues that raising a girl raises in me about my own femininity. ─── 在这过程中,我暂且忘记自己是一个母亲,忘记自己是一个女人,在审视养育女儿的问题中,我面对了自己的女性问题。

67、Machismo means men should be brave and open-minded while femininity means women should be tender and considerate. ─── 男人味就是豁达勇敢,女人味就是体贴温柔。

68、Abandoning Traditional Ideals of Femininity ─── 放弃传统女性的概念

69、Their sexual identity, like that of all women competitors, had been officially confined by the Olympic “femininity control clinic.” ─── 她们的性别鉴定,像所有的女运动员的性别鉴定一样,已由奥林匹克“女性医务监察部”正式核实.

70、Cecilia delivered nearly flawless performances, in which her femininity is barely noticeable even if one examines closely. ─── 叶童可说是作了几乎无可挑剔的表演,即使你观察的很仔细,在剧中很难看出出她女性气质的一面。

71、The final finding tell us the major sex types of man students are androgyny and masculinity while women students' sex types is mainly femininity. ─── 另外,研究发现中国大学生男性的性别类型分布主要是男性化和双性化,而女性的性别类型还以女性化为主。

72、The heart adds a rich, sensual femininity with the Tahitian Tiare flower bringing creaminess to an unconventional bouquet. ─── 心灵增加了丰富,感性的女性与大溪地佳雷将奶油花的非常规的花束。

73、The hands of a lady has been a favorite decoration for Valentine's Day for many years and is suppose to depict "femininity" . ─── 一个女的手一直是情人节多年来最喜欢的装饰,是想描绘“女人味”。

74、The epitome of femininity. ─── 女子气质的缩影。

75、I'm looking for a unmarried pretty woman with well educated, honest, unpretentious, marriage minded, soft and femininity. ─── 希望我理想中的妻子应该具有:性格温柔,气质高雅,美丽大方,感情专一,受过良好的教育,会照顾人,有较高的素质和修养的女人。

76、Bitches must show a well-defined femininity which differentiates them immediately from males. ─── 母犬也很容易与公犬区分,因其具有的雌性特质整体较雄性为秀气。

77、Ideals of femininity in adsa were still,quiet,cool females whose empty expressionless faces made them look elegant and mature. ─── 广告中的理想女性是宁静的,安静的,冷静的,她们空洞的、毫无表情的脸使她们看起来幽雅而成熟。

78、The right perfume or beer resolves doubts about femininity or masculinity. ─── 恰当的香水或啤酒使人对女性气质或男性气概不再生疑。

79、"Long hair is traditionally strongly linked to femininity which we're sure is the reason that almost half of men have singled out this long, thick, wavy hair as their number one sexiest style. ─── 尽管有些意外,男人门在谈到发型时还是认为自然的好看,再说一遍,男人最讨厌梳理的一丝不乱的新娘的发型.

80、Have you discover which I became more and more femininity and chariness. ─── 你有没有发现我变得越来越温柔,越来越细心体贴了。

81、I don't know which types are english boys prefer ? The independence or The femininity. ─── 我不知道英国的男孩更喜欢哪一种女孩?独立的还是温柔的。

82、In Lacanian psychoanalysis, masculinity and femininity are not biologically-anatomically determined; ─── 在拉康主义精神分析中,男性特质和女性特质并非生物学-解剖学性地被决定的;

83、Philosophical Origin of Gender Language and Thinking--Psychic Femininity in Psychic Geology ─── 性别言语及思维的哲学起源--精神地理学链条上的精神女性化

84、I wonder if there isn't a streak of femininity in him, a kind of sweetness. ─── 我想知道他身上是否没有一丝女性气质,一种温柔。

85、As far as the feelings contained are concerned, her Ci not only differed from that of other females, but also that of male writers in that her Ci contains femininity and gentleness as well as grandness and unconventionality. ─── 就词情而言,这表现在她有“丈夫气”,不同于一般女子,同时她又是女子,不同于普通士大夫男性作家,因而她的创作既有女性细腻温婉的一面,同时也有倜傥、慷慨的一面。

86、In the book of Lao Zi, femininity embodies the constructive power, which is full of energy and in favor of harmony of the whole world. ─── 摘要理解“柔弱胜刚强”这一命题的关键在于了解《老子》赋予“柔弱”与“刚强”的特定内涵。

87、There is an impression of femininity in bitches as compared to an impression of masculinity in dogs. ─── 它是一种忠诚的、没有异味、耐寒的犬,也是一种很好的宠物,对它要坚决而温和。

88、(2) individual differences in masculinity, femininity, and androgyny; ─── (2)考察男性化、女性化和双性化的个体差异;

89、the consciousness of femininity ─── 女性意识

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