coroner 发音
英:[ˈkɔːrənər] 美:[ˈkɒrənə(r)]
英: 美:
coroner 中文意思翻译
coroner 网络释义
n. 验尸官n. (Coroner)人名;(法)科罗内
coroner 短语词组
1、coroner tv show ─── 验尸官电视节目
2、coroner's court ─── [法] 验尸官法庭, 死因调查法庭, 记录法庭
3、coroner imdb ─── 验尸官
4、coroner's jury ─── [医] 验尸陪审员
5、coroner series ─── 验尸官系列
6、coroner's ─── [法] 验尸官, 法医
7、coroner cast ─── 验尸官模型
8、court of the coroner ─── [法] 死因调查法庭
9、coroner tv series ─── 验尸官电视连续剧
10、coroner cw ─── 验尸官cw
11、certificate of coroner ─── [法] 验尸官证书
12、coroner season 1 ─── 验尸官第一季
13、coroner definition ─── 验尸官定义
14、coroner's inquest ─── [医] 验尸, 检验
coroner 词性/词形变化,coroner变形
coroner 相似词语短语
1、cordiner ─── 科迪纳
2、coronel ─── n.科罗内尔合金
3、coronary ─── adj.冠的;冠状的;花冠的
4、coronet ─── n.(王子、贵族等戴的)小冠冕;冠状头饰;(马的)蹄冠
5、corner ─── n.角落,拐角处;地区,偏僻处;困境,窘境;vi.囤积;相交成角;vt.垄断;迫至一隅;使陷入绝境;把…难住;n.(Corner)人名;(法)科尔内;(英)科纳
6、condoner ─── 纵容者
7、cordoned ─── n.警戒线;绶带;束带层;vt.用警戒线围住;包围隔离;n.(Cordon)人名;(英、西)科登;(法、葡)科尔东
8、coroners ─── n.验尸官;n.(Coroner)人名;(法)科罗内
9、commoner ─── n.平民;自费学生;下议院议员;n.(Commoner)人名;(英)康芒纳
coroner 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Analysis of mental status of coroner appraisers ─── 接受法医鉴定者的心理状态分析
2、Harry was going to ask her more questions but I said maybe we ought to let her tell her story first to the coroner 验尸官or the sheriff , ─── 她重复着他的话说,“我没醒。”我们当时准是看上去无法理解这怎么可能,因为过了一会她又说,“我睡得很死。”
3、He said the coroner had taken possession of the body and would conduct an investigation. ─── 他表示,法医将对遗体进行检验并深入调查。
4、Now, when a death has an "Article 2 dimension" , a high court judge is often drafted in as coroner, as in the July 7th terror inquest. ─── 现在,死亡案件有了“第2款维度”,就得征召一名高级法院法官担任验尸官,就像7月7日的恐怖袭击调查一样。
5、Baroness Butler-Sloss is to step down as coroner for the Princess Diana inquest after admitting she feels she is not up to conducting such a high profile jury hearing. ─── 日前,英国已故王妃戴安娜的验尸官、男爵夫人巴特勒-斯洛斯宣布辞去戴妃验尸官一职。巴特勒-斯洛斯此前表示,她不能胜任主持一个有陪审团参与的立场鲜明的死因听证会。
6、Coroner Lord Justice Scott Baker ruled out the possibility of concluding that the couple were murdered because of insufficient evidence. ─── 死因裁判法庭主法官斯科特贝克排除了该夫妇被谋杀的结论,因为证据不足。
7、A coroner's jury has ruled that Princess Diana and boyfriend Dodi Fayed were unlawfully killed. ─── 一个验尸官组成的陪审团裁定戴安娜王妃及其男友死于谋杀。
8、07 A Coroner's jury unanimously decided that an unlicensed hawker, who drowned in a nullah in Tin Shui Wai last June, died accidentally. ─── 死因庭陪审团一致裁定,去年六月在天水围水渠溺毙的无牌小贩,是死于意外。
9、The body of the 50-year-old "King of Pop" was released to a mortuary by the coroner's office Friday night after a three-hour autopsy. ─── 26日,验尸官办公室对杰克逊进行了3个小时的尸检,当晚将杰克逊的遗体运往一处停尸房等候其家人领回。
10、But what's the result? Not fucking die, and the coroner's people lives very well. ─── 但是结果呢?不该死的人死了,而该死的人活得好好的。
11、The Coroner's Court conducts inquest and inquires into the causes of and circumstances connected with the death. ─── 死因裁判法庭会就死亡个案进行研讯,研究死亡个案的原因及有关情况。
12、coroner's inquest ─── [医] 验尸, 检验
13、Los Angeles County coroner official says a ninth body has been recovered from a home where a gunman shot up a Christmas Eve party and set the house ablaze. ─── 一名洛杉矶县尸检官称第九具尸体已经在这座住宅找到了,一名持枪男子袭击了在那举行的圣诞前夜派对,并纵火烧房。
14、While that report could not be confirmed, Los Angeles coroner's officials did say earlier this week they were probing security breaches in their offices. ─── 尽管那篇报道不能被核实,洛杉矶的验尸官员在本周初时说,他们正在调查验尸官办公室里违犯安全的事件。
15、"We believe we know the identity of the deceased. The coroner's office has been informed," the police added. ─── "我们相信,我们知道死者的身份。验尸官办公室透露已被告知,“警察说.
16、A coroner shall keep an indexed register in the prescribed form of all deaths reported to him. ─── 死因裁判官须以订明表格备存具索引的登记册,以记录所有向他报告的死亡个案。
17、Barone Butler-Slo is to step down as coroner for the Prince Diana inquest after admitting she feels she is not up to conducting such a high profile jury hearing. ─── 日前,英国已故王妃戴安娜的验尸官、男爵夫人巴特勒-斯洛斯宣布辞去戴妃验尸官一职。巴特勒-斯洛斯此前表示,她不能胜任主持一个有陪审团参与的立场鲜明的死因听证会。
18、Experts at the coroner's office also reportedly believe Jackson was moved after his heart attack as they discovered disruptions in the pattern of "livor mortis" on his body. ─── 据报道,在发现mj尸体上的尸斑形式有被破坏的迹象时,法医办公室的专家就相信mj在心脏病突发后尸体被移动过。
19、Sid noticed that Tom never was coroner at one of these inquiries, ─── 希德发现:在验尸游戏时,汤姆再也不扮验尸官了,
20、If coroner's cause-of-death certificates were exact, each one would be unique. ─── 如果验尸官的死因证明是精确的话,每一例死亡都是独一无二的。
21、Michael Jackson's body was released to a mortuary by the coroner's office Friday night after a three-hour autopsy. ─── 26号,验尸官办公室对杰克逊进行了3个小时的尸检,当晚将杰克逊的遗体运往一处停尸房等候其家人领回。
22、The German television network ZDF,working with a German coroner,took archival photographs and film clips of the leader and used facial recognition technology to determine whether the men said to be him were look-alikes. ─── 德国ZDF电视网根据一个德国法医的研究,通过对存档照片以及胶片片段的对比,并运用脸部识别技术来判断那个自称是萨达姆的人是否只是他的替身。
23、The finding of a grand jury; a coroner's findings. ─── 大陪审团的审查结果; 验尸官的报告
24、coroner's court ─── [法] 验尸官法庭, 死因调查法庭, 记录法庭
25、Deaths registration referred by the Coroner ─── 办理由死因裁判官转介的死亡登记
26、The coroner's office says results from its toxicology tests could take up to six weeks. ─── 当局正在试图确认这位流行歌手死前最后几小时内,究竟发生了什么事情。
27、The corpse was disinterred and re-examined by the coroner. ─── 尸体被掘出来,由验尸官重新验尸。
28、The local coroner found no obvious evidence of foul play ─── 当地的验尸官说么有明显的犯罪证据
29、coroner's jury ─── [医] 验尸陪审员
30、In the absence of the active and intelligent beadle, the Coroner conversed with Mr. Tulkinghorn ─── 当那个精明强干的地保不在场的时候,验尸官和图金霍恩先生谈了谈。
31、As if he could have known that Old Man Fellows was going to commit suicide,like the coroner said! ─── 其实,马克根本预料不到费罗斯会自杀。验尸官如是说!
32、A Los Angeles coroner says Jackson's remains were removed from the coroner's office early this morning, eastern time and taken to a mortuary . ─── 一位洛杉矶验尸官称杰克逊的尸体已经于东京时间今晨运离验尸所,放在太平间。
33、Former royal coroner Michael Burgess stepped down from heading the inquests in July citing a "heavy and constant" workload. ─── 前皇家验尸官迈克尔·伯吉斯是第一位止步于戴妃死因调查的人,他辞职的理由是“沉重和持久不变的工作”。
34、As if he could have known that Old Man Fellows was going to commit suicide, like the coroner said! ─── “其实,马克根本预料不到费罗斯会自杀。”验尸官如是说!。
35、The Attorney And The Coroner ─── 律师和法医
36、Dr.Frank Minyard, the Orleans Parish coroner, suggested that further such discoveries are possible as the floodwaters recede. ─── 奥尔良堂区的法医弗兰克.敏雅得博士说,随着洪水的减退,可能会有进一步的发现.
37、If nothing was amiss, why were two autopsies (one by the coroner, another on behalf of Jackson's family) required? ─── 如果没有什么不对劲,为什么会有2份尸体解剖(一份为验尸官,另一份则代表杰克逊家人)的要求?
38、Coron aryartery disease ─── 冠心病
39、The coroner's report is expected by early January and with it, a ruling on whether the financier committed suicide. ─── 预计验尸报告将于1月初之前公布,同时公布的还有彭日成是否死于自杀的裁决。
40、Sid noticed that Tom never was coroner at one of these inquiries, though it had been his habit to take the lead in all new enterprises; ─── 希德发现: 汤姆以前干什么新鲜事情都喜欢打头阵,可现在验尸游戏时,他再也不扮验尸官了;
41、County attorney: And what did Mrs. Wright do when she knew that you had gone for the coroner? ─── 县法官:赖特夫人知道你们去叫验尸官后做了些什么?
42、A summary of the coroner's report said the anesthetic propofol and the sedative lorazepam were the primary drugs responsible for the singer's death. ─── 尸检报告的摘要指出,异丙酚麻醉药和劳拉西泮镇定剂是歌王致死的主要药物。
43、Speaking after an autopsy was performed, a coroner spokesman said there were no signs of foul play. ─── 一位验尸官发言人在初步尸检完成后称没有发现谋杀的迹象。
44、A decision on when to release the body would be made by the Auckland coroner, he said. ─── 万飚的遗体现仍在验尸官的掌握之中,何时能够交回取决于验尸官的决定。
45、"In considering this matter, we will of course take note of the coroner's decision not to refer this matter to us." ─── “在考虑这件事时,我们当然也要留意验尸官的做法,他没有把这件事提交给我们处理”。
46、“I am not so sure that this was not a cry for help from Emma, a cry for help and understanding,” coroner Suzanne Anderson said. ─── "我不是那么肯定说,这不是一次呼救声从爱玛,呼救声和理解,"死因苏珊娜安德森说。
47、My wife's already been to the coroner? ─── 我妻子已经交给验尸官了?
48、Coroner rs Court ─── 死因裁判法庭
49、Pulaski County coroner, told the media, Lisa may have died on Monday, the scene did not murder or other suspicious signs. ─── 普拉斯基县的验尸官告诉媒体,丽莎可能死于周一,现场没有谋杀或者其他可疑迹象。
50、The Alameda County coroner's office was called to the scene of a homicide in Livermore Sunday night, according to the coroner's bureau. ─── 免责声明:本站数据全部由蜘蛛程序自动抓取而来,且仅提供文章链接及部分摘要信息,文章所持观点和本站无关,请点击原文链接查看原作者和出处!
51、Booth s then alerted that the city coroner might have found their suspect Julio. ─── 她说听到有人闯入,并认为这件事可能和青少年中心收留的孩子有关。
52、Wietse is also the author of the Postfix mail system and the co-author of the very cool suite of utilities called The Coroner's Toolkit or "TCT". ─── 它与配套的硬件组成专门工作平台。
53、Mr. Pang's autopsy was scheduled for Sunday, said a spokesman for the Orange County coroner. ─── 加州橘县验尸官的发言人表示,彭日成的尸检定于周日进行....
54、The coroner said,"No. ─── “没有”,验尸官说。
55、The German television network ZDF, working with a German coroner, took archival photographs and film clips of the leader and used facial recognition technology to determine whether the men said to be him were look-alikes. ─── 德国ZDF电视网根据一个德国法医的研究,通过对存档照片以及胶片片段的对比,并运用脸部识别技术来判断那个自称是萨达姆的人是否只是他的替身。
56、Former royal coroner Michael Burgess stepped down from heading the inquests in July citing a" heavy and constant" workload. ─── 前皇家验尸官迈克尔·吉斯是第一位止步于戴妃死因调查的人,他辞职的理由是“沉重和持久不变的工作”。
57、Preliminary auto ies on the dead children Sunday a ear to show they were drowned, Ace Hart, a deputy St. Clair County coroner, told The A ociated Pre. ─── 圣·莱尔县验尸官艾斯·特告诉美联社记者,星期日孩子们的初步尸检显示他们是被淹死的。
58、One reason is that its coroner keeps more meticulous records than others. ─── 一个原因是此地的法医保存了比其它地方更为精确的纪录。
59、The Solano County Coroner's Office said that Cannata and two other inmates died of hyperthermia, extremely elevated body temperature. ─── Solano县验尸官办公室说Cannata以及其他2个同狱囚犯死于体温过高,极快上升的体温。
60、(3) Nothing in this rule shall limit the discretion of a coroner to inform a person of the date, hour and place at which an autopsy will be performed and to permit the person to attend the autopsy. ─── (3)本条任何条文均不得限制死因裁判官运用其酌情决定权,将进行尸体剖验的日期、时间及地点通知某人并准许该人出席尸体剖验。
61、This came out of the British coroner's inquest where driver Henri Paul's drinking is a key issue. ─── 来自英国验尸官的调查结果表明HenriPaul是否喝酒是一个焦点问题。
62、Michael McKay, a 23-year-old employee of the Mountain High ski area, was pulled from the debris, San Bernardino County coroner's office said. ─── 圣贝纳迪诺县验尸官办公室发布消息,在雪堆中发现高山滑雪区23岁雇员迈克尔-马卡。
63、Hey, the first time such a senior Hotels, the coroner to the door several times, I Zhuangzhao first, or you have to control me! ─── 哎,第一次来这么高级的宾馆,这个该死的转门,几次我都撞着头了,还是你们来控制我吧!
64、He is understood to be in want of witnesses, for the inquest tomorrow, who can tell the coroner and Jury anything whatever respecting the deceased ─── 他说,明天验尸的时候需要一些证人,向验尸官和陪审委员团报告死者的情况。
65、By the late 19th century, the coroner's role had shifted to that of conducting inquests into unnatural deaths. ─── 到了19世纪末,验尸官的角色已转变为仅对非自然死亡的尸体进行勘验调查。
66、"Showing that she had struck a light and looked about her when the alarm took place. That is important. And what conclusions did the coroner come to?" ─── “表明遇险的时候,她点了火柴以察看身边发生了什么事。那很重要。那验尸官得出什么结论?”
67、"I am not so sure that this was not a cry for help from Emma, a cry for help and understanding, " coroner Suzanne Anderson said. ─── “我不是那么肯定说,这不是一次呼救声从爱玛,呼救声和理解,”死因苏珊娜安德森说。
68、The coroner, Theodore Curphey, oversaw the full autopsy. ─── 验尸官西奥多·库菲监督了整个尸检过程。
69、Preliminary autopsy reports show that 7 people found dead in a house in Missouri all succumbed to carbon monoxide poisoning.The coroner says the bodies show no signs of trauma. ─── 初步的尸检报告显示,在密苏里州的一住宅里发现的7名死者的死因为一氧化碳中毒,验尸官说尸体上没有外伤。
70、LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Michael Jackson's body was moved from a Los Angeles, California, coroner's office to a mortuary Friday evening, a coroner said. ─── 一个验尸官声称,星期五晚间,迈克尔杰克逊的尸体已经从加州洛杉矶的一个法医办公室移到了一个殡仪馆。
71、Kerry eased the coroner's official car past the ruts and banks created by the police car and tow truck and stopped for a minute to stare at the Rankins' house, amazed at what hate can do. ─── 凯瑞缓慢的把验尸官的公务车从警车和牵引车留下的印痕上开过去,然后停了几分钟来打量兰金兄弟的房子,对于厌恶造成的一切吃惊。
72、Coroner, and you testified that the dessert was poisoned, right? ─── 仵工,你上次说戚家的那一锅糖水里面有毒,是不是?
73、In a statement Friday, Mr. Chernoff said the coroner's news release 'contains nothing new,' and said he wouldn't comment further until after seeing the full autopsy report. ─── 切尔诺夫上周五发表声明说,验尸官办公室的新闻发布会没什么新内容,并表示在看到验尸报告全文前他不会进一步置评。
74、Jackson was pronounced dead after arriving at a Los Angeles hospital in full cardiac arrest, Los Angeles coroner Fred Corral said. ─── 抵达洛杉矶医院后,因为心脏完全停止跳动,杰克逊被宣布死亡。
75、(Full) Senior Coroner ─── 主任法医师
76、Some had funny quotes pinned beneath them, such as: "My high school was so rough we had our own coroner. ─── 一些照片在底下附了有趣的引言,比如“我读书的中学太乱了,我们有自己的验尸官”。
77、The coroner concurred with this assessment. ─── 验尸官同意这个鉴定。
78、And the coroner proceeded to detail their testimony about their accidental meeting of Clyde ─── 接着,验尸官把他们作证时说偶然碰到克莱德的话源源本本讲了一遍。
79、Associate Senior Coroner ─── 副主任法医师
80、“The coroner! ─── “验尸官!
81、They confirmed they impounded the car because "it may contain medications or evidence that may assist the coroner in determining the cause of death". ─── 他们再次澄清扣留医生的汽车是因为“它可能载有能够帮助验尸官判断死因的药品或者证物”。
82、The coroner performed an autopsy shortly after Mr. Pang's death, but awaited a toxicology report before making a final determination about cause of death. ─── 彭日成死后法医很快就进行了尸检,但一直在等待毒物学报告完成才能确定他的最终死亡原因。
83、Butler-Sloss to step down as Diana coroner ─── 戴妃验尸官斯巴特勒-斯洛斯夫人宣布辞职
84、court of the coroner ─── [法] 死因调查法庭
85、Coroner's Court jury has found that lawyer Lim Ken-yip who fell to his death from the flat of a former actress, died accidentally. ─── 死因庭裁定在一名前演员寓所堕楼身亡的律师林竞业死于意外。
86、South Carolina Coroner's Office says a combination of smoke inhalation and burns killed the nine firefighters inside a burning furniture store in Charleston. ─── 南卡罗来纳州验尸官员指出:火焰燃烧(烧伤)浓烟吸入,使9名消防队员在查尔斯顿家具仓库的大火中牺牲。
87、The coroner said she took the children to work and left the four-year-old and one-year-old in the car all day. ─── 据验尸官说,她把孩子带去上班并让年仅4岁和1岁的他们整天呆在车上。
88、coroner recorded a verdict of accidental death. ─── 验尸官判定这是一次意外死亡。
89、The Coroner's Court handles inquiries into unusual circumstances causing death. ─── 死因裁判法庭则负责研究死亡情况不寻常的案件。
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