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09-01 投稿



discontinuance 发音

英:[,dɪskən'tɪnjʊəns]  美:[,dɪskən'tɪnjʊəns]

英:  美:

discontinuance 中文意思翻译



discontinuance 反义词


discontinuance 短语词组

1、voluntary discontinuance ─── [经] 自动中止诉讼程序

2、discontinuance law ─── 中止法

3、discontinuance def ─── 中止定义

4、discontinuance of appeal ─── [法] 中止上诉

5、discontinuance stb ─── 中断机顶盒

6、discontinuance of counterclaim ─── [法] 撤销抗诉, 撤回反诉

7、notice of discontinuance ─── [法] 中止诉讼通知

8、discontinuance noa ─── 中止noa

9、discontinuance mean ─── 中断平均数

10、discontinuance form ─── 中止形式

11、involuntary discontinuance ─── [法] 被迫中止, 被迫中止诉讼

12、discontinuance of action ─── [法] 终止诉讼, 诉讼撤回

13、discontinuance of possession ─── [法] 占有中断

discontinuance 同义词

discontinuation |interpreter

discontinuance 相似词语短语

1、discontinuities ─── n.不连续(discontinuity的复数);间断点

2、continuance ─── n.持续;停留;续篇;诉讼延期

3、noncontinuance ─── 不连续性

4、discontinue ─── vt.停止;使中止;vi.停止,中断

5、discontinuances ─── n.废止,中止;撤销诉讼

6、discountenanced ─── v.使丢脸;不赞成;使慌张(discountenance的过去式和过去分词)

7、discontinuing ─── vt.停止;使中止;vi.停止,中断

8、discountenance ─── n.不赞成;v.不赞成;(使)惊慌失措;(使)羞愧;(使)混乱

9、discontinuation ─── n.中止(等于discontinuance);停止;废止

discontinuance 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The reasons above on ideological theory reflected certain subjectivity of the discontinuance of the New Democracy. ─── 以上思想理论方面的原因,反映出新民主主义社会阶断中断的一定的主观性、人为性。

2、3.I left the office on account of the discontinuance of the bus- iness. ─── 3. 本人离职的原因,系因该公司即将倒闭。

3、Discontinuance of Indirectly Intentional Crimes ─── 论间接故意犯罪的中止

4、if the creditor has filed a case or applied for the arbitration, the guaranty period shall be applied to the provisions on the discontinuance of limitation of action. ─── 债权人已提起诉讼或者申请仲裁的,保证期间适用诉讼时效中断的规定。

5、The limitation period for arbitration shall be calculated anew from the time of discontinuance. ─── 从中断时起,仲裁时效期间重新计算。

6、abeyance noun. condition of not being in use for a time; suspension; postponement; discontinuance 暂缓; ─── 法官在得到可供断案的资料前,先搁置此案。

7、criminal of discontinuance ─── 中止犯

8、the Theory of Discontinuance ─── “间断理论”

9、The Discontinuance of Joint Commission of a Arime ─── 浅论共同犯罪的中止

10、criminal discontinuance ─── 犯罪中止

11、Regal Hotels International assumes no responsibilities and liability for changes or discontinuance of any Partner services. ─── 如合作伙伴更改或终止其提供的服务,富豪国际酒店集团概不负责及不会承担任何有关责任。

12、Complete contract forms, prepare change of address records, and issue service discontinuance orders, using computers. ─── 用电脑完善合同格式,做好客户地址变更记录以及已取消订单的处理。

13、discontinuance of action limitation ─── 诉讼时效中断

14、Results show that the discontinuance of intermittent flow rate caused a reduction of 5% to the efficiency of oil -water separation. ─── 通过实验证明断续流流量的不连续性使旋流器油水分离效率下降5%以内,存在一定负影响;

15、Study on Preparatory Discontinuance of Crime ─── 预备中止问题研究

16、the discontinuance of a relationship,as a marriage or a friendship ─── 破裂,指婚姻或友谊等关系的终止

17、discontinuance ratio ─── 不继续节育的比率

18、discontinuance of counterclaim ─── [法] 撤销抗诉, 撤回反诉

19、Key word: discontinuance of limitation of action; ─── 时效中断;

20、In the event of discontinuance of a hearing, the situation shall be indicated in the minutes of the hearing, which shall be signed by the presiding hearer. ─── 中止听证,应当在听证笔录中写明情况,由主持人签名。

21、Routine liver function test,early diagnosis,immediate discontinuance of the causative drug and timely treatment are the key to management of drug-inducced liver damage. ─── 因此,定期检查肝功能、早期诊断、及时停药与治疗是预后良好的关键。

22、discontinuance of .joint crimes ─── 共犯中止

23、voluntary discontinuance ─── [经] 自动中止诉讼程序

24、Subcommittee on a Treaty for the Discontinuance of Nuclear Weapon Tests; ─── 停止核武器试验条约小组委员会;

25、the discontinuance of a business ─── 企业歇业

26、The Situation of the Discontinuance for Crime ─── 五、犯罪中止

27、Rethinking on Discontinuance of Crime and One Who Discontinues Crime ─── 关于犯罪中止和中止犯若干问题的再思考

28、Then the paper analyzes calculated crime, inchoate crime ,and discontinuance of crime, these three unaccomplished formations of joint crime one by one . ─── 接下来,笔者针对共同犯罪的预备状态、未遂状态和中止状态这三大共同犯罪的未完成状态,进行了逐一分析。

29、In the course of executing the martial law, where conditions allow discontinuance of such steps and measures, the organ shall promptly declare discontinuance of their enforcement. ─── 在实施过程中,根据情况,对于不需要继续实施的措施和办法,应当及时公布停止实施。

30、The discontinuance of a relationship, as a marriage or a friendship. ─── 破裂指婚姻或友谊等关系的终止

31、discontinuance of business ─── 停业

32、A problem of discontinuance of using the whole pipe due to photographing of the interior of the pipe can be prevented. ─── 这可以防止由于对管道内部进行拍照而造成整个管道使用中止的问题。

33、Objective To explore the effect of mental care used in mechanical ventilation of patients with myasthenia gravis and improve success rate of discontinuance of mechanical ventilation. ─── 目的探讨心理护理在改善重症肌无力机械通气患者心理状态及提高撤机成功率中的作用。

34、arbitration shall be calculated anew from the time of discontinuance. ─── 从中断时起,仲裁时效期间重新计算。

35、Postoperative improvements in the mean cell density and percentage of hexagonal cells in patients who were contact lens wearers may be related to the discontinuance of contact lens use after LASIK. ─── 术前使用隐形眼镜的病人,在平均细胞密度及六角形细胞比例上的改善可能与术后不再配戴隐形眼镜有关。

36、Data discontinuance ─── 数据断记

37、On the Timeliness Condition of Crime Discontinuance in Potential Damage Offence ─── 论危险犯犯罪中止的时间性条件

38、band of discontinuance ─── 中断带, 中止带

39、voluntary discontinuance(of proceeding) ─── 自动中止诉讼程序

40、he office on account of the discontinuance of the business. ─── 本人离职的原因,系因该公司即将倒闭。

41、of the discontinuance of the business. ─── 的离职的原因,系因该公司即将倒闭。

42、The legislative defects in punishment of criminal discontinuance in China affect the reasonable judgment on the dangerous criminals in judicial practice. ─── 摘要我国犯罪中止处罚原则的立法缺陷,影响了司法实践中对危险犯犯罪中止的合理认定。

43、voluntary discontinuance (of proceeding) ─── 自动中止诉 讼程序

44、Study On the Crime Discontinuance of Implication Crime ─── 牵连犯的中止形态研究

45、It cannot be determined perfectly in the judicial practice because that the statute in our country is not clearly defined on the discontinuance of joint crime. ─── 我国法律对共同犯罪的中止未作明确的规定,在司法实践中往往容易出现定性不准的情形。

46、acount of the discontinuance of the business. ─── 由于所服务的公司解散,只好去职。

47、The limitation period shall be counted anew from the time of discontinuance. ─── 自中断时起,时效期间重新计算。

48、mentality in criminal discontinuance ─── 中止犯罪心理

49、I left the office on account of the discontinuance of the business. ─── 由於所服务的公司解散,只好去职。

50、discontinuance of possession ─── [法] 占有中断

51、Please note that discontinuance of the product does not translate into lack of support, warranty or repair service.Zefon is equipped to provide all of these services for many years to come. ─── 根请注意这种不再生产的产品,并不意味着缺少技术的支持,担保和后续的维修服务,Zefon的产品将在以后的多年一直提供服务。

52、Regal Hotels International assumes no responsibilities and liability for changes or discontinuance of any Partner services . ─── 如合作伙伴更改或终止其提供的服务,富豪国际酒店集团概不负责及不会承担任何有关责任。

53、15. i left the office on account of the discontinuance of the business. ─── 一自己离职的理由,系因该一自己一自己自己搞即将倒闭。

54、For example, it is helpful to relinquish possession and control by discontinuance of maintenance. ─── 对该资产的实物废弃(如:永久性地废弃该资产)一般会满足上述前两项要求。

55、involuntary discontinuance ─── [法] 被迫中止, 被迫中止诉讼

56、The act or an instance of breaking off;discontinuance. ─── 中止,中断中断的行为或实例;

57、You agree that SYM Stationary shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Services. ─── 阁下同意信谊文具礼品概不就服务之任何修改、暂停或中断对阁下或任何第三方承担责任。

58、The Condition of discontinuance of crime is Cant be Confused the Condition of one who discontinues a crime. ─── 中止犯的成立条件不能混同于犯罪中止的成立条件。

59、discontinuance of appeal ─── [法] 中止上诉

60、There wouldn't be any hassle about any discontinuance of services. ─── 人类中断服务,任何激烈的争论就会消声匿迹了。

61、The act or an instance of breaking off; discontinuance. ─── 中止,中断中断的行为或实例; 不连续

62、Discontinuance of Crime is approved and supported act in our country's law and Sociology, and it distinguishes one who discontinues a crime in nature. ─── 摘要犯罪中止行为是法律和社会赞许、支持的行为,与中止犯(犯罪行为)有着质的区别。

63、Users acknowledge that HKEJ shall not be liable to any party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Service. ─── 信报会确保根据私隐权保护政策内所列出之条款来使用用户的资料。

64、A cessation; a discontinuance. ─── 停止,中断;终止

65、semi - criminal of discontinuance ─── 准中止犯

66、The Arrangement of Discontinuance Mechanism in One Venture Capital Contract ─── 风险投资契约中的中断机制安排

67、I left the office on account of the discontinuance of the business. ─── 本人离职的原因,系因该公司即将倒闭。

68、9. I left the office on account of the discontinuance of the business. ─── 由于所效劳的一自己一自己自己搞解散,只好去职。

69、Through further research, I find it is quiet different from the result of the Universal Education, there is a serious problem for the rate of discontinuance from study. ─── 经深入调查,发现与“普九"验收时的情况有很大差距,存在着严重的辍学率问题。

70、The content of this part includes preparation for crime, discontinuance of crime and attempt of crime. ─── 在这部分论述的是私分国有资产罪的犯罪预备、犯罪中止以及犯罪未遂问题。

71、On several Controversial Issues Concerning the Discontinuance of Crime ─── 论犯罪中止的若干争议问题

72、notice of discontinuance ─── 中止诉讼通知(书)

73、A new limitation shall be counted from the time of the discontinuance. ─── 从中断时起,诉讼时效期间重新计算。

74、e. On account of the discontinuance of business at the company, I left the office. ─── 因为公司的效益不景气,所以,我辞职了。

75、discontinuance of action [suit] ─── 终止诉讼

76、discontinuance of action ─── [法] 终止诉讼, 诉讼撤回

77、Advance Discontinuance of Allotment ─── 提前终止拨付

78、I left the office on acount of the discontinuance of the business. ─── 因为所办事的公司闭幕,只好离职。

79、Law To terminate (an action) by discontinuance. ─── 中止(诉讼程序);撤回(诉讼)

80、An Exploration on Time Constructive Conditions of Discontinuance of a Crime ─── 犯罪中止时间性构成条件探微

81、You agree that _________ shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Service. ─── 你同意 网站不向你或任何第三方承担由于对本服务的更改、暂停或终止所带来的责任。

82、This, along with the discontinuance of the DOHC engine, caused the second generation car to be less competitive on the race track. ─── 这一点,加上同DOHC发动机停止,造成的第二代车,以减少对赛道上的竞争力。

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