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08-26 投稿



rabbis 发音

英:[ˈræbaɪz]  美:[ˈræbaɪz]

英:  美:

rabbis 中文意思翻译



rabbis 短语词组

1、rabbis blm ─── 拉比土地管理局

2、rabbis def ─── 拉比完毕

3、chief rabbis ─── 首席拉比

4、rabbis and ─── 拉比和

rabbis 词性/词形变化,rabbis变形

名词复数: rabbis |

rabbis 相似词语短语

1、rabbi ─── n.拉比(犹太人的学者);法师;犹太教律法专家;先生

2、drabbish ─── 单调的

3、cabbies ─── n.计程车司机;出租马车的车夫(cabby的复数)

4、rabbin ─── n.犹太教教士;拉比

5、crabbit ─── 螃蟹

6、tabbis ─── 塔比斯

7、rabbit ─── n.兔子,野兔;vt.让…见鬼去吧;vi.猎兔

8、rabbits ─── n.兔子;穴兔(rabbit的复数);v.聚拢在一起(rabbit的三单形式)

9、rabis ─── 拉比

rabbis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And the salutations in the marketplaces and to be called by men, Rabbi. ─── 8但你们不要受拉比的称呼,因为只有一位是你们的夫子,你们都是弟兄;

2、The rabbis in Israel have told followers to scorn television and radio.But mobile phones are considered essential in one of the world's most tech-friendly nations. ─── 在世界上对科技最友善的国家之一以色列,犹太教士告诉教徒要摈弃电视和收音机,但是手机被认为是必要的。

3、Delegations in an unending parade-labor leaders, rabbis, businessmen, even Christian Clergy-keep urging him to do more for the Jews. ─── 代表团络绎不绝――劳工领神,犹太教士,企业老板,甚至基督教的牧师――不断敦促他对犹太人高抬贵手。

4、The word " rabbi" means teacher. ─── "拉比"一词意味着老师。

5、She told her rabbi she had two final requests. ─── 她告诉自己的犹太教士说她有两个临终前的要求。

6、Should that person be of another faith, they say, they would be happy to find them a friendly rabbi or imam if required. ─── 他们表示,如果这位员工信仰其它宗教,需要的话,他们会很乐意为他们找到一位友好的拉比(犹太教)或阿訇(伊斯兰教)。

7、It is the gardener of the hot line that people all say the rabbi, for this I very feel proud of. ─── 人们都说老师是辛勤的园丁,为此我甚感自豪。

8、Women are now able to become Rabbis because of what Regina accomplished. ─── 妇女现在能成为拉比是因为雷吉娜曾经做过。

9、The prayer may be led by a "rabbi" (teacher), but it is not necessary, and many synagogues do not have a rabbi in attendance. ─── 可能由一位"拉比"(犹太教学者)主持,但这并非必需,许多会堂并没有常驻的拉比。

10、Meanwhile, rabbis and ministers shared his brick-wall metaphor in sermons this past weekend. ─── 同样,牧师们在这个周末布道时也在提到了他的砖墙理论。

11、Then Judas, the one who would betray him, said, "Surely not I, Rabbi?" Jesus answered, "Yes, it is you. ─── 卖耶稣的犹大问他说:“拉比,是我吗?”耶稣说:“你说的是。

12、Kaufman with Rabbi Kiselve, the leader of Jewish spirit, the authors think that the statue and affection of the former had been more important than the latter on the whole. ─── 如果把考夫曼与哈尔滨犹太人的精神领袖吉塞列夫拉比相比较,那么前者的地位和作用在总体上要高于后者。

13、New York headquarters office staff of 50 Rabbis who are ready to serve as account executives for OU certified companies. ─── OU纽约总部有50位教职客户主管随时为公司提供认证服务。

14、In the 2nd century CE, Rabbi Yohanan used the Greek technique of notarichon to explain the name as the initials of the words afer, dam, and marah, being dust, blood, and gall. ─── 在第二世纪,拉比约翰南运用希腊的特殊拼词法来解释最初的单词afer,dam和marah,是尘土,血液和胆汁。

15、A Polish rabbi wanders through the Old West on his way to lead a synagogue in San Francisco. ─── 一个波兰籍的犹太教教士漫步通过西部去旧金山,他将管理那里的一间犹太教堂。

16、He recalls the commandment of an old Rabbi for Jews contemplating suicide in the Nazi period: “Thou shalt not give Hitler a posthumous victory. ─── 在纳粹时期他回想起老拉比对犹太人关于自杀的戒律:“你不可追授给希特勒胜利。”

17、Bishops and Fishops and Rabbis and Pop eyes, ─── 主教,钓鱼,法师和枪眼

18、The rabbis of old put it this way: “A man comes into this world with his fist clenched, but when he dies, his hand is open. ─── 古代的拉比这样解释:“人来到这个世界上时,拳头是紧握着的,但当他死去时,手是张开的。”

19、He said that minority includes some rabbis who are calling for soldiers to disobey orders. ─── 他说,这一小部分人包括一些提倡士兵不服从命令的传教士。

20、The Jewish collective memory, with its colourful, folkloristic stereotypes of poor beggars, rich merchants and pious rabbis, was a help, but not an answer. ─── 刚刚获得新生的波兰共和国慷慨的允许犹太人与非犹太籍的波兰人共享一个家园。

21、"I will marry you and your David," said the rabbi. ─── "我会为你和你的戴维主持婚礼,"拉比说。"

22、MAYOR, a rabbi, and an organ trafficker sounds like the beginning of a bad joke. ─── 一名市长,一个犹太拉比,还有一个身体器官贩卖者似乎是这起恶意玩笑的开始。

23、And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi. ─── 7又喜爱人在街市上问他安,称呼他拉比(拉比就是夫子)。

24、Thus to resolve this apparent discrepancy, mediaeval rabbis suggested that Eve and the woman of the first account were two separate individuals. ─── 为了解决这种显而易见的差异,中世纪的拉比们建议,有关夏娃和第一个女人的陈述是不同的两个人。

25、" I will marry you and your David," said the rabbi. ─── "我会为你和你的戴维主持婚礼,"拉比说。

26、And they said unto him, Rabbi (which is to say, being interpreted, Teacher), where abideth thou? ─── 他们回答:“拉比,你住在哪里?”(“拉比”的意思就是老师。)

27、The Apostle Paul, a former rabbi, worked with his own hands as a tentmaker and exhorted others to work "heartily, as to the Lord. ─── 使徒保罗原本是个拉比,他也工作亲手做帐篷,并劝勉他人发自内心的为神而工作。

28、Did you know he sawed off the head of the rabbi at Kaunas? ─── |你知不知道他在考纳斯 砍下了一位拉比的头?

29、A rabbi was once asked, "Why does a parable possess such great influence? ─── 一个大师曾经被问到:“为什么语言有如此大的影响力?”

30、But the laughter subsided when we saw that the rabbi was quietly crying. ─── 但当我们看见那名犹太教士在悄悄哭泣时,我们的笑声停止了。

31、The rabbis of old put it this way:"A man comes to this world with his fist clenched, but when he dies, his hand is open. ─── 古时圣人拉比(古犹太人)这样说:“一个人来到世上时,手是紧握成拳的,但离开这个世界时,他的手是张开的。”

32、And when they found Him on the other side of the sea, they said to Him, Rabbi, when did You get here? ─── 他们既在海那边找著了,就对他说,拉比,你是几时到这里来的?

33、Gimple, you know the rabbi's wife has been brought to childbed? ─── 吉姆佩尔,拉比的妻子生孩子了,你知道吗?

34、And they came to John and said to him, "Rabbi, He who was with you beyond the Jordan, to whom you have testified, behold, He is baptizing and all are coming to Him. ─── 就来见约翰说、拉比、从前同你在约但河外、你所见证的那位、现在施洗、众人都往他那里去了。

35、A news agency in Shia-majority Iran posted a story that blasted the sheikh as a front for "international Freemasonry and Jewish rabbis" . ─── 在什叶派占多数的伊朗,一家新闻社登出消息骂他与“国际共济会以及犹太拉比”沆瀣一气。

36、Mat 23:8 "But you are not to be called 'Rabbi,' for you have only one Master and you are all brothers. ─── 太23:8但你们不要受拉比的称呼,因为只有一位是你们的夫子,你们都是弟兄;

37、Rabbis are not uncommon in larger cities of the south. ─── 犹太教祭司在南方大城市并不罕见。

38、Absolutely - just as I'm sure many of you have heard remarks from your pastors, priests, or rabbis with which you strongly disagreed. ─── 绝对如此——就如同我也相信你们中许多人也必定听过你们的牧师、神父或拉比发表过你们强烈不同意的见解一样。

39、He's very thick with these rabbis. ─── 他跟这班拉比倒是搞得挺火热的。

40、Gimple, you know the rabbi's wife has been brought to childbed ? ─── 吉姆佩尔,拉比的妻子生孩子了,你知道吗?

41、But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren. ─── 8但你们不要受拉比的称呼。因为只有一位是你们的夫子。你们都是弟兄。

42、Gimple, you know the rabbi’s wife has been brought to childbed? ─── 吉姆佩尔,拉比的妻子生孩子了,你知道吗

43、The mission of the twelve, indicating the extension of Christ's work, and bringing the disciples more directly into conflict with the rabbis, had excited anew the jealousy of the leaders at Jerusalem. ─── 十二使徒奉差遣出去传道,说明基督的工作有了扩展。门徒更直接地同拉比们冲突,就重新激起了耶路撒冷领袖们的忌恨。

44、And they came unto John, and said unto him, Rabbi, he that was with thee beyond Jordan, to whom thou barest witness, behold, the same baptizeth, and all men come to him. ─── 26就来见约翰说,拉比,从前同你在约旦河外,你所见证的那位,现在施洗,众人都往他那里去。

45、Mastin Buber expresses this idea as he retells an old story of a rabbi who on his death bed sees himself as a loser. ─── MastinBuber在他转述一则老故事时表达了这一观点。

46、The rabbis of old put it this way: " A man comes to this world with his first clenched, but when he dies, his hand is open. ─── 古时犹太教的教士们这样说:“一个人来到世界上时,手是紧握成拳的,但离开这个世界时,他的手是张开的。”

47、Sixteen years have passed since the rabbi married David and me on a rainy October morning. ─── 10月一个下雨的早晨,拉比为我和戴维举行了婚礼。一晃16年过去了。

48、It was really not until after the Roman destruction of the Second Temple in A.D. 70 that Rabbinic Judaism became dominant and the role of the rabbi made uniform in Jewish communities. ─── 事实上就是罗马人在公元70年毁坏了第二庙宇之后,拉比式的犹太教才变得有支配地位,拉比的角色在犹太社团中变得一致。

49、New York headquarters office staff of 50 Rabbis who are ready to serve as account executives for OU certified companies. ─── OU纽约总部有50位教职客户主管随时为公司提供认证服务。

50、For example, one of the women we interviewed, Rabbi Miriam Kane, developed a sense of spiritualism from travels with her family-she observed her father's awe and admiration of nature and Mount Rushmore. ─── 例如,我们调查的一位女性,拉比·米瑞埃姆通过家庭旅行产生了一种神圣的信仰--她看出父亲对大自然和拉什莫尔山怀有的敬畏和崇拜之情。

51、Shalom.Where would I find the rabbi? ─── |你好,请问犹太牧师在吗?

52、The person who officiates the wedding can be a minister, a priest, a rabbi, or a judge. They must be present in order for the wedding to be legal. ─── 主持婚礼的,可以是牧师,神父,犹太教教师,或是法官。一定要有他们在场,婚礼才具合法性。

53、Among the funerals and memorial services was a remembrance for a rabbi and his wife who were killed in the attacks. ─── 在很多葬礼和追悼会中,有一个是为了纪念在袭击事件中丧生的犹太教拉比和他的妻子。

54、Because virtually every Jewish man in Jesus' day did marry, especially those who were considered to be Rabbis. ─── 因为在耶稣的日子的事实上每一犹太人的男人确实结婚,尤其被考虑了是犹太的法学博士的人。

55、Cavuto: Let me ask you this, Rabbi, was life better for the Jews prior to the creation of the Jewish state of Israel? ─── 卡沃托:请允许我问你一个问题,维斯,在以色列犹太国建立之前,是否犹太人的生活更好一些呢?

56、In New York, screenings were picketed by both rabbis and nuns while the film was banned outright in some American states. ─── 在纽约,电影的上映是同时由拉比(犹太人的学者)和修女同时监督的,虽然这部电影立刻就被每个某些州禁播了。

57、In the past, couples like Bill and Susie might have sought to infuse more love and passion into their marriages by consulting a minister, a priest, or a rabbi. ─── 在二十世纪前五十年里,像比尔和苏茜这样,想要为婚姻灌注更多爱与激情的夫妇,只能求助于牧师,神父或者犹太教教士。

58、After coming, Judas immediately went to Him, saying," Rabbi!" and kissed Him. ─── 可14:45犹大来了、即到耶稣跟前说、比、与他亲嘴。

59、Conservative rabbis recognized all conversions done according to halakha. ─── 根据犹太教法,保守的拉比承认所有转换完成。

60、The word “ rabbi” means teacher. ─── “拉比”一词意味着老师。

61、Why do not the rabbis and the doctors of Law forbid them from their (habit of) uttering sinful words and eating things forbidden? Evil indeed are their works. ─── 一般明哲和博士,怎么不禁戒他们妄言罪恶,吞食贿赂呢?他们的行为真恶劣!

62、Beniko’s uncle Moshe was a well-known Rabbi and a devoted Zionist who, in 1898 published and edited “El Avenir”, the leading paper of the Zionist national movement in Greece at the time. ─── beniko的叔父卡察夫是一个著名的拉比和一个专门讨论犹太复国主义者,在1898年发表,并主编的"厄尔尼诺avenir ",领导文件的犹太复国主义运动的国家,在希腊举行的时间。

63、The rabbis of old put it this way:" A man comes to this world with his fist clenched, but when he dies, his hand is open. ─── “一个人呱呱坠地时,他双拳紧握;当他撒手人寰时却是两手空空。”古代犹太智者如是说。

64、Since the members of Mr Clinton's peace team were Jewish (Mr Indyk says one Arab journalist called them “the five rabbis”), their neutrality is sometimes questioned. ─── 因为克林顿先生的和平小组成员都是犹太人(因迪克先生说一位阿拉伯记者称这个小组为“五拉比”),他们的中立性常常被质疑。

65、Abraham Joshua Heschel was one of the leading American Rabbis , theologians, and social activists of the 20th century. ─── 亚伯拉罕·约书亚·赫施尔是美国拉比的领军人,神学家,20世纪的社会活动家之一。

66、Surprising, while Muslim leaders were absent, Israel's ambassador in Washington and a group of Jewish rabbis were among the guests. ─── 令人惊奇的是:在穆斯林领导人们没有到场的同时,驻华盛顿的以色列大使和一群犹太教“拉比”们,却作客席上。

67、Heartbreakingly, abuse is also perpetrated by ministers, by rabbis, by native healers, and in general by people in positions of authority across the entire spectrum of religions. ─── 令人伤心的是,大臣们,法师与术师,以及在这个宗教光环之下的所有政府要员也都曾经干过虐待儿童的恶事。

68、The Ashkenazi chief rabbi of Israel called Cardinal Lustiger a betrayer of his people; the Jerusalem Post denounced him as an apostate. ─── 以色列的德系犹太拉比称他是他的人民的叛徒;耶路撒冷邮报也批评他变节。

69、They said:"rabbi'(which means a teacher),where are you staying?" ─── 他们答道:“拉比(犹太人用语:老师),你住在哪儿?”

70、JOEY: Hi everyone. ROSS: And officiating at tonight's blackout, is Rabbi Tribbiani. ─── 因为这是一个犹太教的活动,当然应该由犹太人来主持,所以ross就给joey起了一个犹太人的名字。

71、In addition,Yifusheng could also counteract the increase of blood sugar in hyperglycemia rabbi... ─── 另外,胰复生能对抗肾上腺素诱发的家兔血糖升高。

72、"I never saw her as a rabbi's wife or something," she said. ─── 她说:“我从来都没有把她看作一个犹太拉比的妻子或其他什么。

73、A rabbi from New York and his wife were killed at a Jewish center in Mumbai while a Virginian man and his daughter were gunned down at a hotel there. ─── 一位来自纽约的拉比和他的夫人在孟买的一个犹太人中心遇害,而一个弗吉尼亚人和他的女儿在一家酒店中倒在了枪口下。

74、a theological school for training ministers or priests or rabbis. ─── 培养教区长助理、牧师或法学博士的神学学校。

75、From April 1989, to April 1990,6 litter Belgium Rabbi ts (39ones ) were mesured. ─── 作者于1989年4月至1990年4月,自建兔舍,亲自饲养,相继对6窝39只比利时兔进行了详细测定。

76、The rabbis of old put it this way:"a man comes to this world with his hand clenched ,but when he dies , his hand is open."could you give me your opinion of this paragraph wants to tell us? ─── 古时候的犹太学者们曾经这样描述过生活:“一个人来到这个世界上的时候,他的手紧握着,但当他撒手人寰时,他的手张开着。”

77、Stood with the rabbi; sat with the family. ─── 与教士站在一起,与家人坐在一块儿

78、The ceremony was solemnized by a rabbi, Denise Eger. ─── 她们的婚礼是由犹太教大师德妮丝-伊格主持的。

79、He pointed out that some Jewish rabbis receive rigorous training, within 15 minutes to shake the pastor's confidence. ─── 他指出,有些犹太拉比接受严格训练,在15分钟内能摇动牧师的信心。

80、In September, in a stirring epitaph to the country's Nazi past, new rabbis were ordained on German soil for the first time since the Holocaust. ─── 今年9月,德国国内自(粹对犹太人的)屠杀以来第一次任命了新的拉比,这在该国纳粹历史的墓志铭上写下了激动人心的一笔。

81、He said that minority includes some rabbis who are calling for soldiers to disobey orders. ─── 他说,这一小部分人包括一些提倡士兵不服从命令的传教士。

82、And Judas, who was betraying Him, answered and said, I am not the one, am I, Rabbi? He said to him, You have said it yourself. ─── 出卖耶稣的犹大应声说,拉比,是我么?他对他说,你说的是。

83、A priest and a rabbi found themselves sharing a compartment on a train. ─── 一个牧师和一个拉比(犹太教教士)在同一间火车车厢里偶遇。

84、A leading Italian rabbi has accused Pope Benedict XVI of turning back the clock on 50 years of Catholic-Jewish dialogue, an editorial in a Jesuit journal. ─── 一位重要的意大利犹太教教士在一篇耶稣会会士刊物中,指责教皇本笃十六世违背了50年以来所遵循的同犹太人展开对话的立场。

85、He sent down to the Talmudic schools of Pumbedita and Sura and brought up thousands of rabbis, and opened up synagogues and schools, and his people became what we call "Jews". ─── 他将其下传至普姆贝迪塔市和苏拉市的塔尔木德经学校,培养出了数以千计的犹太教教士,并建立起了犹太教会堂和学校,他的人民成为了我们所称的“犹太人”。

86、"But you are not to be called 'Rabbi,' for you have only one Master and you are all brothers. ─── 但你们不要受拉比的称呼。因为只有一位是你们的夫子。你们都是弟兄。

87、They were married by one of the last remaining rabbis ninety days before the liquidation of the ghetto. ─── 他们在犹太区被清除的90天前,找到唯一的一个牧师为他们主持婚礼。

88、Mt. 23:8 But you, do not be called Rabbi, for One is your Teacher, and you are all brothers. ─── 太二三8但你们不要受拉比的称呼,因为只有一位是你们的夫子,你们都是弟兄;

89、They thought that He was beside Himself in claiming divine authority, and in placing Himself before the rabbis as a reprover of their sins. ─── 他们知道法利赛人在找把柄要控告他,就觉得他已经给了法利赛人充分的机会。

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