fetuses 发音
英:[ˈfiːtəsɪz] 美:[ˈfitəsɪz]
英: 美:
fetuses 中文意思翻译
fetuses 词性/词形变化,fetuses变形
动词过去分词: fettled |动词过去式: fettled |动词第三人称单数: fettles |动词现在分词: fettling |
fetuses 短语词组
1、fetuses death ─── 胎儿死亡
2、fetuses define ─── 胎儿定义
3、fetuses feel ─── 胎儿感觉
4、fetuses pics ─── 胎儿照片
5、fetuses cells ─── 胎儿细胞
6、fetuses def ─── 胎儿def
7、fetuses found ─── 发现胎儿
8、fetuses means ─── 胎儿意味着
fetuses 相似词语短语
1、debuses ─── vt.卸下;vi.下车;n.(Debus)人名;(英、德)德布斯;(法)德比
2、flatuses ─── n.一阵风;肠胃胀气;屁;气息
3、bemuses ─── vt.使发呆;使茫然;使困惑
4、foetuses ─── n.胎儿(foetus的复数)
5、-tuses ─── n.牛皮手套;古罗马拳击者的手套(cestus的变形)
6、meatuses ─── n.[解剖]道;[解剖]口;[昆]导管
7、Neguses ─── 过失
8、cestuses ─── n.牛皮手套;古罗马拳击者的手套
9、Venuses ─── 小静脉
fetuses 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、To cause the expulsion of(an embryo or fetus) before it is viable. ─── 使堕胎在(胚胎或胎儿)能够成活之前导致其排出
2、And the gene causes something to go wrong while the fetus is developing. ─── 所以在胎儿形成期间,这个基因会导致某个部分出现一些差错。
3、Balut are duck eggs that have been incubated until the fetus is all feathery and beaky, and then boiled alive. ─── 巴鲁特是孵化到一半的鸭蛋,蛋里的小鸭子刚刚长出羽毛和嘴巴,却被活生生煮熟。
4、Cryobiology has allowed unborn fetuses be kept under cryopreservation for years. ─── 低温生物技术能让胎儿在低温条件下存活数年。
5、The position of the fetus in the uterus at birth with respect to the mouth of the uterus. ─── 产位,(胎儿)先露位置分娩时胎儿在子宫中相对于子宫口的位置
6、Is a fetus that has not yet quickened alive or not? ─── 尚未胎动的胎儿是活的抑或不然?
7、It has been suggested that yawning and hiccupping might serve to clear out the fetuses airways. ─── 有人提出,打哈欠和打嗝可能有助于清理胎儿的气道。
8、An unborn child is not only a fetus or a “piece of tissue” to God, but is one of His children. ─── 对上帝来说,未出生的孩子不仅仅是一个胎儿或者别的而已,而是他孩子中的一个。
9、The congenital form is spread to the fetus through the bloodstream. ─── 先天的形式是通过血液传播给胎儿。
10、But preliminary studies of Parkinson's patients suggest that pig cells may work as well as those from human fetuses. ─── 不过,对帕金森氏病人的初步研究表明,猪细胞与人胚胎细胞所起的功能一样好。
11、But only COC fetuses demonstrated low brain weight and low striatum weight on E17, as well as small biparietal diameter (BPD) on postnatal dl (P1). ─── COC组仔鼠生后第 1天(P1)双顶径(BPD)也小于其它两组仔鼠.
12、Because ESW has more effects on the embryo and fetus a... ─── 临床应用ESW,对育龄妇女是安全的。
13、To cause the expulsion of (an embryo or fetus) before it is viable. ─── 使堕胎:在(胚胎或胎儿)能够成活之前导致其排出。
14、It is almost certainly doing something significant in adults as well as in fetuses. ─── 几乎可以肯定的是,它在成人和胎儿身上都起着重要的作用。
15、"A pregnant woman can pass the virus to her fetus across the placenta. ─── 怀孕的妇女可以通过胎盘将病毒传给胎儿。
16、Doctors balance the fetus's need to stay in the womb as long as possible with the strain on the woman. ─── 医生在胎儿需要带母体内健康发育的时间和孕妇过度的紧张之间寻找一个平衡点。
17、Months later they saw the fetus in an ultrasound. ─── 几个月以后,他们通过超声波看到了胎儿。
18、Pregnant women, prenatal anxiety on the mother and fetus had a direct impact. ─── 孕妇产前焦虑会对母亲及胎儿造成直接的影响。
19、Of coerce, adult fish-eaters are at risk, but developing fetuses and small children are especially vulnerable. ─── 对于正在发育的胎儿和小孩特别容易受到伤害。当然,成年人吃这些鱼也是有风险的。
20、Fetuses carried by well-nourished mothers do not, as it were, anticipate the risk of malnutrition, and thus respond to it less well. ─── 而那些营养充足的母亲怀的胎儿,正如我们看到的那样,不能预知营养不良的风险,因此在作出反应方面就不及前者。
21、It is possible that he had abnormality formation when he was a fetus. ─── 同时,不排除是他母亲在怀他的时候,胎儿出现畸形。”
22、Harvesting such cells would mean taking them from a fetus or aborted fetus three to six months into a pregnancy. ─── 意味着在孕期3~6个月的胎儿或流产的胎儿中收集这种细胞。
23、To cause to terminate pregnancy prematurely,before the embryo or fetus is viable. ─── 使败育在胚胎或胎儿成活之前导致其过早停止怀孕。
24、Early in gestation, a fetus develops smooth, raised pads on the fingers, palms, and feet. ─── 怀孕早期,胎儿的手指,手掌及脚掌生长出平滑的凸起的肉垫。
25、Chinese society values sons over daughters. Some parents choose to end a pregnancy if the fetus is a girl. ─── 中国社会重男轻女,很多父母在知道胎儿是女孩是会选择堕胎。
26、In each case, fetuses seem most vulnerable to these drugs in the first trimester of pregnancy, sometimes just a few weeks after conception. ─── 一般说来,怀孕头三个月甚至是只怀孕几周的胎儿似乎最容易受这些药物的侵害。
27、We first used this technique in 1977 to extract cells of a 20-week fetus. ─── 我们首先在1977年用这种方法检查了一个20个星期的胎儿的细胞。
28、Three fetuses of four cases were carriers,one was normal. [Conclusion] Prenatal diagnosis for PKU by STR was ava... ─── 应用STR可在妊娠早期进行苯丙酮尿症的产前诊断。
29、Preliminary DNA results suggest that the one now missing her head could be the mother of at least one of the fetuses from King Tut's tomb. ─── 初步的DNA结果表明,头颅缺失的那具木乃伊就是图坦卡蒙墓中某一位胎儿的母亲。
30、All he would say was that the cloned fetus was healthy and weighed roughly 6 pounds. ─── 只是说,这个克隆胚胎现在状态很好,非常健康,目前体重大约是6磅
31、How to Assess the Fetus in Distress? ─── 如何评估胎儿宫内窘迫?
32、A routine scan revealed abnormalities in the fetus. ─── 一次常规扫描发现胎儿畸形。
33、Would like to know the growth of the fetus do? ─── 想知道现在胎儿的成长情况吗?
34、The 34- and 36-week-old fetuses habituated much faster than the 38-week-old fetuses that had not been tested before. ─── 34 和36周大的胎儿习惯的速度远远超过了38周大尚未测试之前的胎儿。
35、A protective fluid-filled amniotic sac encloses and cushions the fetus. ─── 充满液体的羊膜包裹并保护胎儿缓和震动。
36、Any of the soft membranous gaps between the incompletely formed cranial bones of a fetus or an infant. ─── 囟门一柔软的膜状口,在胎儿或婴儿的未完全发育好的头颅骨头之间
37、The number of the dead fetus increased in the group of 100mg/kg coffeine treated mice. ─── g/kg剂量组除出现上述改变外,死胎数增多。
38、The affected fetuses and neonates typically have severe facial defects, such as cyclopia, as well. ─── 受影响的胎儿和新生儿存在典型的较重的面部缺陷,例如独眼畸胎。
39、A human fetus has fingerprints after three months. ─── 人类胚胎在三个月大时就有指纹了?
40、CDH were detected in 61.7% (58/94) of fetuses. ─── 实验组致畸率达 61 .7%。
41、If an expectant mother can't metabolize sugar properly, her fetus may start producing extra insulin. ─── 假如孕妇不能正常代谢糖分,可能会导致胎儿分泌过剩的胰岛素。
42、Why does the law allow people more freedom to destroy fetuses than to create them? ─── 为什么法律允许人们有堕胎的自由却不让他们创造一个生命?
43、Objective: To discuss the relationship between hydramnios and fetus anomaly. ─── 摘要目的:探讨羊水过多与胎儿畸形的关系。
44、That is,the passing on of HIV infection from a pregnant mother to her fetus. ─── 即怀孕的母亲将HIV传播给胎儿。
45、Not only can fetuses hear outside noises, they sometimes remember what they've heard. ─── 不仅胎儿可以听到外部声音,他们有时还能对此产生记忆。
46、Researchers say one out of every twenty-five female fetuses in India is aborted , estimated half million a year. ─── 研究人员表示每二十五个女婴就有一个被打掉,估计每年有五千万的女婴因此不能出生。
47、More than one fetus shares the space inside the mother's womb. ─── 妈妈的子宫由多个多个胎儿分享。
48、This is a second trimester fetus and uterus. ─── 图示中期妊娠的胎儿及子宫。
49、Advocating full legal protection of human embryos or fetuses, especially by opposing legalized abortion. ─── 反堕胎的主张对胚胎或胎儿的全面法律保护的,尤其通过反对堕胎合法化
50、Induced termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or fetus that is incapable of survival. ─── 堕胎促使怀孕的停止和无法存活的胚胎或胎儿排出
51、The new technique has been used to identify the sex of fetuses. ─── 这项新技术已被用来鉴定胎儿的性别。
52、The Chinese are the people who came to the earth first from the ocean just as the fetuses developed the uteruses. ─── 中国人就像处于胞中胚胎、胎儿发育过程一样,是从大海里走向大地最早的人。
53、The fetus develops lungs relatively late in the gestation period. ─── 在妊娠期胎儿的肺生长得相对晚些。
54、Two fetuses go head-to-head in the womb. ─── 子宫中,两个胎儿头顶头的肉搏战。
55、When I am a fetus, I will choose to be female. ─── 当我是一个胎儿的时候,我选择女性.
56、Objective To investigate different type of pregnant hepatopathy on perinatal fetuses. ─── 摘要目的探讨各类妊娠期肝病对妊娠结局及围产儿的影响。
57、For eggs much like a fetus, are eaten at a time when they are growing. ─── 因为蛋非常像一个胎儿,当它们正成长时就在某时被食用。
58、At the time of cutting apart legacies, the fetus'share should be kept . ─── 在分割遗产时,应当保留胎儿的那部分份额。
59、Advocating full legal protection of human embryos or fetuses,especially by opposing legalized abortion. ─── 反堕胎的主张对胚胎或胎儿的全面法律保护的,尤其通过反对堕胎合法化。
60、To give birth before the embryo or fetus is capable of surviving on its own;miscarry. ─── 他的计划失败时,他总是到处找人推卸责任。
61、Previous research has shown that fetuses can habituate to sounds and that the fetus has a short-term memory of 24-hours, but this study further examined how long these memories can last. ─── 之前的研究表明,胎儿能对声适应并且胎儿有24小时的短期记忆,但这研究进一步检查了这些记忆能持续多久。
62、In which organ of the human female does the fetus develope? ─── 人类女性中哪个器官是胎儿发育的地方?
63、Some parents choose to end a pregnancy if the fetus is a girl. ─── 一些夫妻发现胎儿是女孩的话,会选择打胎。
64、A. Identical Twins Fetuses are of the same sex and share one placenta. One outer membrane envelops both amniotic sacs. ─── 同卵双胞胎性别相同,并共享一个胎盘。两个羊膜囊由一个外膜层包裹。
65、He and his colleagues used the habituation tests to examine memory in fetuses 30 to 38 weeks old. ─── 他和他的同事应用适应实验去检查30-38周龄胎儿的记忆。
66、The lungs of CDH fetuses showed marked hypoplasia, in contrast to those of control (P0.05)。
67、While ECPC on human fetus lung fi-brocyte(HFLF)and human fetus kidney cells(HFK)showed growth promotion effect. ─── ECPC对人胎儿肺纤维细胞(HFLF)和人胎儿肾细胞(HFK)显示促生长作用。
68、Then a controversy erupted over an unnamed woman's decision to abort one of two healthy fetuses because she felt unable to care for twins . ─── 接着爆发一场争议,争执点在于一名不知名的妇女,因为自觉无力抚养双胞胎,而决定拿掉腹中两个健康胎儿中的一个。
69、Therefore, educating the fetus is very important. ─── 所以胎教非常重要。
70、Objective: To investigate the occurrence of birth defects fetus and it's relevant factors of fetuses during perinatal period in Jinhua areas, to provid basis for improvement of intervention measures. ─── 摘要目的:了解本地区出生缺陷发生情况,探讨影响出生缺陷的相关因素,为制定有效干预措施提供依据。
71、It was as if he had become again a fetus in his mother's womb. ─── 好象他又变成母亲子宫里的一个胎儿。
72、Therefore, an unborn fetus is alive, just like us. ─── 因此,胎儿的生命,是和我们一样的。
73、All he would say was that the cloned fetus was healthy and weighed roughly 6 pounds. ─── 只是说,这个克隆胚胎现在状态很好,非常健康,目前体重大约是6磅。
74、I am aware that some will argue that the fetus has an inalienable right to life. ─── 我很清楚一些人会争辩说胎儿有不可剥夺的生存权。
75、Exposure to ethanol during pregnancy has severe impact on the abnormal development of fetus. ─── 人类胚胎期暴露于乙醇对胎儿的生长发育有严重致畸作用。
76、In California, female sea lions are spontaneously aborting their fetuses. ─── 在加利福尼亚,雌海豹正自发流产它们的胎儿。
77、The researchers also found that 34-week-old fetuses were able to "store information and retrieve it four weeks later, " he said. ─── 研究者还发现,34周龄胎儿能“储存信息并在4周之后恢复它”。
78、But another bill could find more favor, funding studies on embryos incapable of developing into fetuses. ─── 据预计,总统将会否决资助一项利用人体胚胎细胞进行干细胞研究的提案。
79、Parturition is defined as the physiologic process by which the pregnant uterus delivers the fetus and placenta from the maternal organism. ─── 分娩的定义是妊娠子宫将胎儿和胎盘从母体排出的过程。
80、Pregnancy rats were conducted caesarean operation on the 20th day after gestation and the fetuses were taken out. ─── 于妊娠第20天剖腹,取出胎鼠,观察并记录各组活胎数、死胎数以及活胎鼠生长发育等情况。
81、Combination of AFI and NST are in favor of prediction the prognosis of perinatal fetus. ─── NST和AFI联合测定对预测围产儿的预后有着一定的价值。
82、The lungs of CDH fetuses showed marked hypoplasia in NS group, in contrast to improved mesenchymal differentiation in that of Dex, TET, Dex+TET groups. ─── 在Dex组、TET组和T+D组,肺组织处于原始肺泡期或进一步成熟。
83、However, if the girl aborts the fetus, she would be killing a life. ─── 但是,如果因此去堕胎,这是杀害一条生命。
84、Like an echo off a canyon wall, some of these waves bounce off the developing fetus and return to the probe. ─── 就像碰到峡谷里的墙壁会产生回声一样,这些波中的一些被发育中的胎儿反弹回来,并且返回到探针。
85、Doctors also need to follow pregnancies closely to look for signs of growth delays in the fetus. ─── 医生们也需要在孕期中严密监控胎儿出现的发育迟至征兆。
86、The stages of development for a baby are zygote, embryo, and fetus. ─── 婴儿的发育阶段有受精卵、胚胎、然后是胎儿。
87、To cause to terminate pregnancy prematurely, before the embryo or fetus is viable. ─── 使败育在胚胎或胎儿成活之前导致其过早停止怀孕
88、Theories of egoism and altruism; status of a fetus; problem of overpopulation; Judith Thomson; debate on local cases. ─── 利己主义与利他主义、胚胎的地位、人口过多的问题、汤逊、本地个案之研究。
89、Previously reported cases are briefly reviewed and the differences between teratoma and fetus in fetu are discussed. ─── 于此简略回顾过去的文献,并论述畸胎瘤与胎内胎之区别要点。
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