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08-26 投稿



rhetorically 发音

英:[[rɪ'tɒrɪklɪ]]  美:[[rɪ'tɒrɪklɪ]]

英:  美:

rhetorically 中文意思翻译



rhetorically 短语词组

1、rhetorically def ─── 修辞上的定义

2、rhetorically accurate verb list ─── 修辞准确的动词表

3、rhetorically syn ─── 修辞句法

4、rhetorically accurate ─── 修辞准确

5、rhetorically define ─── 修辞定义

6、rhetorically sound ─── 修辞的声音

7、rhetorically ask ─── 反问

rhetorically 词性/词形变化,rhetorically变形

副词: rhetorically |

rhetorically 相似词语短语

1、plethorically ─── 过分地

2、heroically ─── adv.英雄地;超人地;冒险地

3、rheologically ─── 流变学

4、motorically ─── 运动的

5、rhetorical ─── adj.修辞的;修辞学的;夸张的

6、meteorically ─── 迅速地;流星似地

7、hedonically ─── 享乐的

8、metrically ─── adv.韵律地;计量地

9、historically ─── adv.关于历史事件,从历史观点上说;在过去,历史上地

rhetorically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Don't you think I'm stupid? " she asked rhetorically . ─── “你以为我是傻瓜?”她反问道。

2、“Yes, that's as it should be,” thought Pierre, when the rhetor after these words left him again to solitary reflection; ─── “是的,一定是这样的,”皮埃尔想,修辞班教师说完这些话后就走开了,让他独自思考一番。

3、I don't ask that rhetorically, sometimes keeping things identifiable and seeming “right”, reminding us of the feeling of past games makes the experience better. So please discuss. ─── 我说的并不夸张,有时候保留一些被证实(可靠)的和看起来“正确”的东西,将让我们回忆起以前游戏的感受,让玩家体验更好。所以,请讨论下吧。

4、Though other big powers and countries of the world rhetorically blamed the United States, no one takes a firm objection towards the White House. ─── 一些国家出于实力的不足和希望在伊拉克战争或是日后的国际事务中得到好处,采取了拥护美国的政策。

5、For a long while Pierre could not utter a word, so that the rhetor was obliged to repeat his question. ─── 皮埃尔久久地说不出话,修辞班教师不得不重复地提出问题。

6、My guess is: rhetorically adjusted, about where it was before the crisis. ─── 我的猜测是:仅会在言辞上对上述基本争论加以调整,与危机前相比,不会有什么改变。

7、” He asked rhetorically if parliamentary democracy could ever have existed without Britain. ─── 他还文绉绉的反问道,如果没有英国,不知道议会民主是否会存在。

8、At least rhetorically, he has hasn't ruled out the option of taking military action against Iran's nuclear program. ─── 至少他还没有对于伊朗的核计划采取军事行动。

9、Wildean language is lofty, graceful, formal, rhetorically polished and sometimes full of humorous and fanciful expressions. ─── 唯美原则、快乐原则、艺术无功利等都在该剧中得到了完美的体现。

10、His famously asinine question about wives and servants was asked rhetorically and with utter sincerity. ─── 他用他著名的愚蠢关于妻子和仆人关系的问题执意修辞学和真心诚意。

11、Traditional studies usually regard metaphor as a rhetoric device, while modern studies view it more cognitively than rhetorically. ─── 传统的隐喻学研究把隐喻当作一种修辞手段,然而现代隐喻学研究更把它看作一种认知现象。

12、Homophonic hypertexts are of a function of puns and rhetorically featured with humor, novelty and brevity. ─── 谐音超文具有双关底文的功能,充满幽默、新异和简洁的修辞特点。

13、Instead, his voice comes zinging off the page, projecting a sincere effort to tell you something quite urgent in a rhetorically heightened version of actual speech. ─── 如部分刊登在这里的演说,其中的几篇已被他的伤心的书迷重新翻译过了,以证明他的死是不足为奇的,可预见的。

14、In order for rhetoric to be effective, the rhetor, writer or speaker, needs to consider the functional needs of and cooperate with his audience. ─── 因此,为了获得合意的修辞效果,修辞者需要考虑受众的功能需要并与之积极合作。

15、As an important semantic relation, antonymy is often rhetorically used in the practice of language. ─── 作为一种重要的语义关系,反义关系大量运用于语言实践,往往是为了获得某种修辞效果。

16、You need to budget both time and money into every market launch to make sure that rhetorically effective translations show up for each market in time for product introductions and Web site refreshes. ─── 每次推出新产品你都需要估算时间和预算以确保在产品推介和网站更新的时候,有说服力的译文会在每个市场上出现。

17、How, Pence had asked rhetorically, was $50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts going to put people back to work in Indiana? ─── (你还记得管子工乔么,很遗憾,我们还记得)看似很奇怪,这已经离题了。

18、'Is a degree in sociology, English or communications from a 'door-opening' school really going to help with that landscaping job that awaits you?' he asks rhetorically. ─── 他打了个比方:你在一所所谓的能开启机会之门的大学学什么社会学、英语或是传播学,毕业了做的是却园林景观工作,你这个学位真的有用处吗?

19、” asks Karim Khoja, rhetorically. ─── 凯利姆?库拉(KarimKhoja)诘问道。

20、Logically and rhetorically, I think this is such a poor sentence as will surely make native speakers of English laugh up their sleeves. ─── 无论是从逻辑上还是从修辞上,这句话都应是病句。

21、“Don't you think I'm stupid?” she asked rhetorically. ─── “你以为我是傻瓜?”她反问道。

22、PROF.: The Bible asks rhetorically, “Shall not the judge of all the earth do right?” (Genesis 18:25). ─── 如果这是真的,一个从未出生的孩子就不会下地狱接受审判.

23、"Are Chelsea still capable of winning the title?" asked O'Neill rhetorically. ─── 当被问道“切尔西是否还能赢得联赛冠军?”

24、Rhetorically Analyzing the Exceeding Uses of "We" ─── 从修辞角度看"我们"的超常用法

25、Meanwhile, it points out, from a rhetorical angle, that deliberately applying the change of the word order will create unique rhetor... ─── 同时从修辞的角度,指出有意识地运用语序变化,可以造成独特巧妙的修辞效果。

26、Besides pathos and Logos, Ethos, with which addressers persuade the addressees through establishing exclusive credit and power, which has been early realized by western rhetor. ─── 摘要西方修辞学从一开始就开始注意到除“情”、“理”之外,修辞人格即修辞者通过确立自己相对于受众的独有的信用和权威,对受众进行说服。

27、They lay upon me the duty of rhetor. ─── 他们要我承担教师的职务。

28、What can be done?' he asked rhetorically. ─── ‘能做什么呢?’他委婉地问。

29、A hieroglyph,” said the rhetor, “is the name given to a symbol of some object, imperceptible to the senses and possessing qualities similar to those of the symbol. ─── 修辞班教师说,“象形符号是一种不受制于情感的事物名称,它本身包函类似象征的性能。”

30、How does this introduction function rhetorically? ─── 这样的导言在修辞学上起什么作用?

31、'Is this a buy signal for the China developers?' they ask rhetorically. ─── 他们在文中艺术地问道:这是买进中国地产股的信号吗?

32、in a rhetorically grandiloquent manner. ─── 以讲究修辞的、夸张的方式。

33、Sports participation is kind of almost rhetorically positioned as a panacea for social ills; it will stop crime and alcohol and drug use. ─── 参与体育运动几乎被人们描绘成一剂整治社会弊病的灵丹妙药,它可以阻止犯罪、酗酒和吸毒。

34、Rhetorically, it is hardly the stuff of Dickens. ─── 就从修辞的角度说,这也与狄更斯的一套相距甚远。

35、He addressed the crowd very rhetorically, shouting and waving his arms ─── 他挥动着手臂,很做作地对群众演讲。

36、" he asked himself rhetorically. ─── 他文绉绉的问自己。

37、IN RECENT weeks the world economy has been on a war footing, at least rhetorically. ─── 近几周,世界经济领域的战争似乎是一触即发。

38、"Is it fair," demands Chan, rhetorically, "for these countries to go into a pandemic empty-handed? ─── 每一天每一分钟就有一名妇女死于分娩或妊娠。

39、Suddenly, the narrator speaks in his most rhetorically elevated mode. ─── 突然,讲述者以其最华丽的措辞方式讲起来。

40、Do you think I'm stupid?' she asked rhetorically. ─── 你以为我是傻瓜?”她反问道。

41、Sir Leon asked rhetorically whether these changes could continue and be sustained ─── 里昂爵士在发言中为取得修辞效果问题:这些变化是否能继续保持下去?

42、An unidentified Wa commanders during the meeting rhetorically asked, “How is it so easy for you to break the solemn promises given to us by your former leader General Khin Nyunt? ─── 在会谈中,一个佤邦官员义正言辞的问责:你们凭什么这样轻易的否决你们前总理钦钮将军对我们的庄严承诺!

43、It is one thing to rhetorically urge physicians to practice medicine according to the best scientific evidence or even to develop a guideline tied to a single randomized trial. ─── 如果我们问一个问题:医师是否有依照科学的原则来执行医疗行为?

44、He affirmed his solidarity with the Mongolian position by wondering rhetorically “how other parties would react if they were treated in this way? ─── 他通过询问“如果其他的政党遭到这样的对待,他们会怎样反应?”,承认了与蒙古的一致。

45、these kids know how lucky they are?" Jackson asked rhetorically. ─── 这些孩子知道他们有多幸运吗?”杰克逊反问道。

46、He listened to the rhetor in silence, feeling from everything he said that his ordeal was soon to begin. ─── 他沉默地倾听修辞班教师讲解,他凭各种迹象预感到考验就要开始了。

47、Rhetorically, Mr Murdoch hit all the right notes. ─── 默多克先生说起话来头头是道。

48、rhetorically, his speech was excellent ─── 从修辞学上来说,他的讲演很出色。

49、in a rhetorically stylistic manner. ─── 以一种修辞学上偏向于形式的方式。

50、Half an hour later the rhetor returned to enumerate to the seeker the seven virtues corresponding to the seven steps of the temple of Solomon, in which every freemason must train himself. ─── 隔了半小时,修辞班教师回来了,向求道者传达与所罗门神殿的阶梯总数相符的七条高尚品德。

51、humphrey paced the rug behind his desk and demanded rhetorically ─── 汉弗莱在他办公桌后面的地毯上,一边踱着步子一边慷慨激昂地问道。

52、He addressed the crowd very rhetorically, shouting and waving his arms. ─── 他挥动着手臂,很做作地对群众演讲。

53、Sir Leon asked rhetorically whether these changes could continue and be sustained. ─── 里昂爵士在发言中为取得修辞效果问题:这些变化是否能继续保持下去?

54、These poems particularized about the South with not enough precision, and generalized a little too rhetorically ─── 这些诗把南方写得不够确实,而且有一点过于雕琢。

55、Rhetorically he pursued elegance and narrated in a feminie discourse of equality and honesty. ─── 在词的创作上,他追求雅致,并表现出一种平等、真诚的女性观。

56、Rhetorically speaking, the author clung to the ways of using metaphor and personification to emphasize body position, mien and motion so as to describe what she really intend to imply. ─── 在修辞手法上,多用比拟手法,用人的身体部位、神态、动作等来体物写情。

57、How, Pence had asked rhetorically, was $50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts going to put people back to work in Indiana? ─── 在采访即将结束时Pence诘问到,怎样使用给国家艺术基金的5000万美元预算才能使印第安纳州的人们重新回到工作岗位?

58、'Do you think I'm stupid?' she asked rhetorically. ─── “你以为我是傻瓜?”她反问道。

59、The third time the rhetor came back sooner, and asked Pierre whether he were still resolute in his intention, and whether he were prepared to submit to everything that would be demanded of him. ─── 修辞班教师第三次回来得更快,他问皮埃尔,他的志向是否仍旧不变,对他要求的一切,他是否坚决服从。

60、It holds that the repetition in restatement helps the rhetor reach the optimum level of arousal and the different words in it give him the pleasure of change. ─── 对于修辞者而言,对关键意义的多次反复可以帮助他释放激情,达到体内平衡和最适宜兴奋度,且这种修辞对不同词语的运用又可满足他对心理变化的追求。

61、' Because he does not need the money 'for another 30 to 40 years,' he asked rhetorically, 'why should I worry myself about its performance over a period of days or weeks or even months? ─── 他反问到:既然我在接下来的30-40年并不需要动用那些钱,我为什么要对这些资金在过去几天或几星期甚至几个月里的表现感到担忧呢?

62、He just kept asking(rhetorically) a simple question: With what are we going to fight them? ─── 他不停地问一个问题:我们拿什么去对抗他们?

63、"What does this mean?" he asked rhetorically ─── 他煞有介事地问道:“这意味着什么?”

64、” she asked her colleagues, rhetorically. ─── 她问她的同事,口气夸张。

65、"Our season is now compromised, but are we thinking about next year?" he asked rhetorically in Italy's Corriere dello Sport. ─── "我们的赛季,现在损害,但是,我们想在明年?“他问道在意大利的罗马体育.

66、” Pierre took off his coat and waistcoat and left boot at the rhetor's instructions. ─── 共济会员掀开他的左胸前的衬衣,弯下身子,把他的左裤腿卷到膝盖以上的部位。

67、SHORTLY AFTER THIS, there walked into the dark temple to fetch Pierre not the rhetor, but his sponsor Villarsky, whom he recognised by his voice. ─── 嗣后不久,已经不是以前的修辞班教师,而是保证人维拉尔斯基走到了这座昏暗的富丽堂皇的宫殿来寻找皮埃尔,皮埃尔一听见保证人的嗓音就认出他了。

68、“If you are resolved, I must proceed to your initiation,” said the rhetor, coming closer to Pierre. ─── “如果您坚定不移,那末我就要开始引导您了,”修辞班教师走到皮埃尔近旁时说道,“我请您向我交出全部贵重的物品以示慷慨。”

69、a rhetorically structured essay ─── 讲究修辞结构的文章

70、It is not psychologically or rhetorically strange to say that these principles, even when imperfectly formulated, are infallible and infallibly known. ─── 但林贝克这种想法,很难容许历代教会曾经做错事,接受了错误的思想。

71、Used rhetorically to express surprise or wonder at or approval for something. ─── 修辞用法,表示对某事或物的惊奇、惊叹或同意

72、The rhetor cleared his throat, folded his gloved hands across his chest, and began speaking. ─── 修辞班教师咳嗽了几声,清清嗓子,把两只戴着手套的手交叉在胸前,开始说话。

73、” Yet on vision, rhetorically at least, there is little difference between Ukrainian politicians. ─── 然而,在梦想方面,乌克兰的政客们至少在口头上没有差别。

74、The problem with that idea, though, is that the administration is boxed in, politically and rhetorically. ─── 不过,推出第二轮刺激措施存在一个问题,那就是无论是在政治上还是说服力上,政府都受到了限制。

75、In this paper,the features of English newspaper headlines are briefly dealt with lexicologically,grammatically and rhetorically. ─── 本文从词汇、语法、修辞三个方面简要阐述了英文报刊标题的特点。

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