conically 发音
英:[['kɒnɪklɪ]] 美:[['kɒnɪklɪ]]
英: 美:
conically 中文意思翻译
conically 短语词组
1、conically shaped ─── 圆锥形的
2、conically-nosed body ─── 有鼻子的身体
3、conically shaped teeth ─── 锥形齿
4、conically define ─── 圆锥定义
conically 词性/词形变化,conically变形
异体字: conical projection |
conically 相似词语短语
1、acronically ─── 肢端的
2、sonically ─── 声音地;音波地;音速地
3、comically ─── adv.滑稽地;诙谐地
4、chronically ─── adv.长期地;慢性地;习惯性地
5、tonically ─── 使精神振作地(tonic的副词形式)
6、canonically ─── adv.照教规地;宗教上地
7、iconically ─── adv.形象地
8、biconically ─── 双锥
9、cynically ─── adv.爱嘲笑地;冷笑地
conically 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Entity Modeling of the Conic Gear Based on Pro/Engineer ─── 基于pro/Engineer的直齿圆锥齿轮三维实体造型
2、Construction of Conic Cooling Tower Concrete Cylinder Wall ─── 双曲线冷却塔砼筒壁施工
3、According to the fUndamental theorem of coniC In projective geometry any five points can decide one conic section. ─── 在射影几何中,二次曲线定理告诉我们任意五点可以决定一条二次曲线。
5、Interpolating 2D Data Set by Conic Spline with G~2 Continuity ─── 一种G~2连续的二次曲线样条插值方法
6、In addition to plane, sphere, the LTP can test surface of cylinder, conic, toroid, ellipsoid, hyperboloid, different kind of rotary surfaces and no standard asphere. ─── 可测量的面形除了平面、球面外,还有所有非球面,如圆柱面、圆锥面、抛物面、椭球面、双曲面、超环面、各种旋转面和其他非标准非球面。
7、Conic roller bearing is used for desirable bearing capacity. ─── 园锥滚柱轴承,承载力大。
8、conjugate diameters of a conic ─── 二次曲线的共轭直径
9、Effect of Frits on Flow Profile and Column Efficiency in Conically Shaped Preparative Liquid Chromatographic Column ─── 筛板对台锥形制备液相色谱柱流型和柱效的影响
10、double-row conic roller bearing ─── 双列锥形滚柱轴承
11、The expressions of dual programming are the same both in the linear programming and in the conic programming, as the dual cone.And the method defining dual programming is universality. ─── 利用对偶锥,线性规划和锥规划的对偶规划有相同的表示形式,且这种定义方法具有广泛性。
12、Lambert (conformal conic)projection ─── 兰勃特正形投影
13、Conic is one of basic elements in reconstructing a model because of its good geometric characters, low order and flexible parameters. It plays an important role in the area of computer graphics and CAGD. ─── 二次曲线由于有着良好的几何特性、较低的次数及灵活的控制参数,成为基本的体素模型之一,在计算机图形学和计算机辅助几何设计等领域中起着重要的作用。
14、anthers connivent, locules equal in size and base conically pointed, bearded along slit after dehiscence. ─── 花药靠合,子房室大小相等和基部尖,具髯毛沿着在开裂之后裂缝。
15、Key words: Unity of geometry and algebra, conic sections, latus rectum. ─── 关键词:数形合一,圆锥截痕,正焦弦。
16、conic self-programming controller ─── 二次曲线自编程控器
17、The Properties of Average Chord in a Conic Curve ─── 圆锥曲线中的平分弦性质
18、conic selfprogramming controller ─── 二次曲线自编程控制器
19、The Handier Method of Simplifying Conic ─── 二次曲线的一种简便化简方法
20、conic projection with two standard parallel ─── 双标准纬线等积圆锥海图
21、Fruit is medium sized elongated conically shaped with very smooth skin and a high sugar content. ─── 果实中型细长锥形非常光滑皮肤和糖分过高。
22、Of the 14 conic volcanoes, the highest and most majestic is Nangelaqiu Hill. ─── 14座火山中,南格拉球山最为高大和雄伟。
23、Motion of planets and comets in conic sections; Kepler's laws. ─── 在锥截面上的行星与彗星的运动;开普勒定律。
24、The polar line of a point with respect to a conic. ─── 一点相对于一条二次曲线的极线。
25、He looks up to the mountainside ,seeing the spiral up path to that conic cross stela, blazing sun bleaches the stone white. ─── 他抬头向山坡望去,只见小路盘旋而上通向那个圆锥形十字石碑,炽热的阳光将岩石晒得发白。
26、conic projection with two standard parallels ─── 双标准纬线圆锥投影
27、The platonic school's most significant discovery was the conic sections. ─── Plato学派的最重要发现是圆锥曲线。
28、Compared with ECC, the computing on conic curve is much easier, and the facility of plaintext embedding is the most exciting feature of conic curve cryptography. ─── 在圆锥曲线群上的各项计算比椭圆曲线群上的更简单,尤其是在其上的编码和解码都很容易被执行。
29、A usually cylindrical or conic piece cut from something larger, often as a sample. ─── 圆柱状的样本从较大的物品上切下的通常为圆柱状或圆锥状的小块,常用作样品
30、Assembling Lathe Carriage for Machining Conic Internal Thread ─── 圆锥内螺纹组合车刀架
31、The paper introduces the principle of shaping high conic parts by using curved face transition method and the way to define the shape transition. ─── 介绍了用曲面过渡法成形高锥形件的原理及确定过渡形状的方法。
33、A conic section. ─── 圆锥部分
34、TS30000Tapered roller pyro-bearings Single-row conic roller , with the cage ,and separable . ─── 产品简介:TS30000型圆锥滚子高温轴承 单列圆锥滚子,有保持架。可分离。
35、The Note Solution of Asymptote Equations for Conic Section ─── 关于射影几何渐近线方程的注记
36、Herbs annual.Roots conic or spinose. ─── 一年生草本根圆锥形或具刺。
37、Ovary conic to gourd-shaped at anthesis, slightly pubescent. ─── 子房在花期为圆锥形到葫芦形,稍被短柔毛。
38、Analysis on the main axis of the conic by geometric method ─── 二次曲线主轴的几何法研讨
39、Of the conic volcanoes, looking majestic as well as mysterious, the older ones are now almost completely covered with plant life and so have lost the typical geomorphological features of volcanoes. ─── 在雄伟而神秘的火山群里,休眠火山地貌已被植被覆盖。
40、Conic sections and quadric surfaces. ─── 二次曲线与二次曲面。
41、Constructing Directrix for Conic Curve ─── 圆锥曲线准线的几何作图
42、On the Form and Projection Analysis of Conic Cut and Hand in Line ─── 圆锥截交线的形状及投影分析
43、a fixed reference point on the concave side of a conic section ─── 圆锥截面凹面的固定参考点
45、The results show that the developed model can guide the design and application of the conically-shaped dielectric EAP actuators. ─── 研究结果表明,本文的建立的模型可以为锥形介电型EAP驱动器的设计应用提供参考依据。
46、Extending a Group of United Nature of Conic ─── 圆锥曲线一组统一性质的推广
47、A Graphic Method of Determining Two Conic Sections Common Tangents ─── 两圆锥曲线公切线的图解方法
48、On the Point of Intersection of Conic Section in Parameter Form ─── 参数形式的圆锥曲线交点问题
49、Room of conic, umbrella or raceme, very unripe. ─── 圆锥.伞房或总状花序,顶生。
50、And at Versailles, we plant these conically cut trees in pairs and arrange them with perfect symmetry along a perfectly round circle or in perfectly rectilinear rows in army formation. ─── 在凡尔赛,我们把这些剪成圆锥形的树木一对一对很整齐地种成一个圆圈,或种成直行,象一排排的军队那样。
51、In order to insure the veracity of the data from software as possible, introduces the median filter and conic approach technique in dealing with measuring data. ─── 在测量数据的处理中,采用了中值滤波与二次曲线拟合技术,从软件上尽可能保证测量值的准确性。
52、The fixed curve traversed by a generatrix in generating a conic section or a cylinder. ─── 准线穿过产生圆锥部分或圆柱的母线而形成的固定曲线
53、a fungus having an acutely conic cap and dry stalks. ─── 一种有尖的圆锥形的帽和干的茎干的菌类。
54、California herb with white conic or bell-shaped flowers usually green-tinged. ─── 加利福尼亚的一种草本植物,花园锥状或钟状、白色、常略带绿色。
55、This article presents a built up sleeve method to change the collar of cone type piercer,including the calculation of the shrink fit of the roller ring that the roll surface is conic. ─── 介绍用镶套的方法更换锥形穿孔机轧辊辊环,对外表面为锥面的轧辊辊环的过盈联接进行了计算和设计,提出了一种对过盈联结中包容件外表面不是圆柱面时的实用计算方法。
56、GPLconx - GPLconx is an educational visualization tool that allows exploration of lines and conic sections in three models of 2-D hyperbolic geometry. ─── GPLconx是一个教学可视化工具,可以观看2D双曲线几何体的三种模型的线条和二次曲线部分。
57、The traditional procedure of conic fitting utilizes the standard Eigen Value Decomposition (EVD) algorithm. ─── 传统的二次曲线拟合使用标准特征值分析算法。
58、A usually cylindrical or conic piece cut from something larger,often as a sample. ─── 圆柱状的样本从较大的物品上切下的通常为圆柱状或圆锥状的小块,常用作样品。
59、A Conic Section and a Straight Line ─── 一条圆锥曲线和一条直线
60、computational method of conic curves ─── 二次曲线计算方法
61、His chief work was on the conic sections but he also wrote on other subjects. ─── 他的主要著作是关于圆锥线的,但也写过其他方面的著作。
62、SJSZ series conic twin-screw extruder is professional equipment for extruding kinds of PVC powder. ─── SJSZ系列锥形双螺杆挤出机,是一种适合于各类PVC粉料挤出的专用设备。
63、Some Properties of Conic Curve ─── 圆锥曲线的一组性质
64、Of the 14 conic hills, the one with the lowest elevation is named Yaoquan Shan or Medicinal Spring Hill which has now been turned into a good health resort. ─── 14座火山中,“药泉山”最小,是疗养胜地。
65、A conically shaped utensil having a narrow tube at the small end,used to channel the flow of substances into a container with a small mouth. ─── 一种在细的一端有窄管的锥形器皿,用来通过小口把流质分到容器里。
66、Olivier, R.J., and Simard, R.G., 1981, Improvement of the conic prism model for terrain correction in rugged topography, Geophysics, 46, 1054-1056. ─── 吴育霖,2000,苗栗地区之重力研究,国立中央大学地球物理研究所硕士论文,共76页。
67、Master, Universal Conic Warp Preparation Finished. ─── 主人,二次元曲线扭曲宇宙通道准备完毕。
68、Then the fundament matrix is estimated from matched corners by an improved weighted linear algorithm, which is based on the epipolar geometry and the absolute conic theory. ─── 利用加权归一算法估计基础矩阵的基础上,引入逐次去除异常匹配点,进行迭代计算,对基础矩阵求精。
69、Digital signature based on conic curve has more extensive application, but there also exists lots of problems for us to solve. ─── 圆锥曲线数字签名具有广泛的应用前景,也存在一些问题期待着人们去解决。
70、a fixed reference point on the concave side of a conic section. ─── 圆锥截面凹面的固定参考点。
71、Three expressions of conic section and central force problem ─── 圆锥曲线的三种表示和有心力问题
72、A conic section whose plane is not parallel to the axis, base, or generatrix of the intersected cone. ─── 圆锥的一部分,其切面既不平行于轴和基面,也不平行于圆锥母线
73、After the camera rectification intrinsic and extrinsic parameters are obtained based on the relationship between the homograph and absolute conic. ─── 在照相机改变本质和非固有的叁数之后是获得基于同形异义字和绝对的圆锥之间的关系。
74、The directrix line of a conic. ─── 二次曲线的准线。
75、Leaf blade leathery; pistillode conic to cylindric; drupes indehiscent, enclosed by persistent calyx lobes. ─── 叶片卵形到近圆形,先端钝,短渐尖,或骤尖;瘦果宽卵形或近球形,略带紫色的点或瘤状。
76、In one embodiment, the pleats are conically arranged. ─── 在一种实施方式中,所述褶皱成圆锥形排列。
77、A Discussion on the Main Axis Analysis Method Modeling of the Conic ─── 二次曲线主轴方程的解析法建模研讨
78、This paper mainly discusses the conic trust region subproblem which is a key problem in conic trust region method. ─── 在锥模型信赖域方法中,解锥模型信赖域子问题是关键,因此本文主要研究锥模型信赖域子问题及求解方法。
79、Herbs annual; flowers glomerulate; perianth conic; leaves expanded at base. ─── 一年生草本花团伞状;花被圆锥;叶膨大的在基部。
80、The Nine Point Conic to a Triangle ─── 三角形的九点二次曲线
81、Three kinds of the magnetic field:the sin function magnetic field,the conic function one and the tanh function one, are discussed. ─── 其中,共选择了3种电子枪区域的轴向磁场分布:正弦磁场、二次磁场和双曲正切磁场。
82、The Relation between a Kind of Straight Line and Conic ─── 一类直线与圆锥曲线的关系
83、Aesthetic quality education in teaching of "conic section" ─── "圆锥曲线"教学中审美素质教育
84、Based on the Second Desargues Theory and involution theory,a simple drawing method for a conic is presented. ─── 为了使二次曲线的作图更简便,文章以第二笛沙格定理和对合定理为基础,提出了一种新的作图方法。
85、Compared with classical group signature, the conic analog over Zn has strongly improved the security of computing discrete logarithm. ─── 与经典群签名方案相比较,离散对数问题更加困难,有效提高了方案的安全性;
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