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09-06 投稿



horsemanship 发音

英:[ˈhɔːrsmənʃɪp]  美:[ˈhɔːsmənʃɪp]

英:  美:

horsemanship 中文意思翻译



horsemanship 网络释义

n. 马术,骑术

horsemanship 短语词组

1、horsemanship magic ─── 马术魔术

2、horsemanship 1 ─── 马术1

3、horsemanship pdf ─── 马术pdf

4、horsemanship 101 ─── 马术101

5、horsemanship shows ─── 马术表演

6、horsemanship mtg ─── 马术mtg

7、fine horsemanship ─── 马术精湛

8、horsemanship mb ─── 马术mb

9、horsemanship shirt ─── 马术衫

horsemanship 相似词语短语

1、batsmanship ─── n.击球技术

2、workmanship ─── n.手艺,工艺;技巧

3、airmanship ─── n.飞行术;导航技术

4、sportsmanship ─── n.体育精神,运动员风范

5、churchmanship ─── n.教士的职位(或品质、行为、态度等)

6、swordsmanship ─── n.剑术;剑法

7、oarsmanship ─── n.划桨技术

8、horsewomanship ─── n.女骑马者;女骑士(horsewoman的变形)

9、foremanship ─── n.基层管理能力

horsemanship 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、feats of horsemanship ─── 骑术

2、horsemanship and archery ─── 骑射

3、Where can I learn horsemanship ah? ─── 在哪儿能学骑术啊?

4、Orme's ranch setting makes it possible for the school to offer a diverfied program in horsemanship and riding. ─── 学校的牧场为学生马术课程提供了场所。

5、The show that comes with your Medieval Times restaurant meal was developed in Spain where t he Andalusian stallions used in stunning displays of horsemanship are revered. ─── 这种边品尝中世纪大餐边欣赏马术的方式是从西班牙发展而来的,在那里使用安达卢西亚雄马表演绝伦的马术很受人们推崇。

6、excel in horsemanship; be a good rider ─── 善骑

7、And from shape, in the form of ship, we have such words as friendship, penmanship,horsemanship. ─── 从形状和形式,船舶的,我们有这样的话作为友谊,书法,骑术。

8、Horsemanship sport item is numerous, can is divided into threemajor type generally speaking:The first is the traditional event ofeach race of world-wide locations. ─── 系列一:“青花瓷”系列设计灵感取自世界闻名的中国青花瓷器。

9、riding horses across country over obstructions to demonstrate horsemanship. ─── 骑马穿过障碍物来证明骑马术。

10、Now that her anger was fading she wanted to tell him that she held him guiltless of Bonnie's death. She wanted to cry in his arms and say that she, too, had been overly proud of the child's horsemanship, overly indulgent to her wheedlings. ─── 现在她的怒气已渐渐平息,她便想告诉他她并不把邦妮的死归罪于他了,她想伏在他怀里大声痛哭,告诉他她也曾将孩子的马术引为骄傲,并对她的甜言蜜语过分溺爱了。

11、And from shape, in the form of ship, we have such words as friendship, penmanship, horsemanship . ─── 从形状和形式,船舶的,我们有这样的话作为友谊,书法,骑术。

12、I discovered natural horsemanship, a method of training that focuses on communication. ─── 后来,我发现简单自然的马术是把交流作为中心的。

13、A creature with horsemanship can't be blocked by creatures without horsemanship. ─── 具马术异能的生物不能被不具马术异能的生物所阻挡。

14、SONG:Office for Military Training of Palace Youths (an agency responsible for training youthful princes and other young imperial kinsmen in archery and horsemanship) ─── 御前弓马子弟所

15、On 3 June, convention-goers will have the opportunity to attend a Host Organization Committee-sponsored party combining a barbecue with bush craft, horsemanship, and classic Australian entertainment. ─── 6月3日,与会者将有机会出席一项地主筹备委员会主办的派对。这项活动结合烤肉、丛林谋身技能、马术、及典型的澳洲风格娱乐节目。

16、Once in every session he can immediately redo a Horsemanship Test, and choose between the two results. ─── 每次跑团时他能立即重做一次骑术检定,并在两次检定结果中选择其一。

17、a school where horsemanship is taught and practiced. ─── 教授和练习马术的学校。

18、When Mark decided to study the martial art of aikido as a way to improve his horsemanship, he brought the same quiet determination to it that he exhibits in his work with horses. ─── 当马克决定以学习日本合气道这类的武术来作为改善马术现行之方式时,他便抱著与从事马的事业之相同决心来面对。

19、From teaching horsemanship to Adi Da's daughters, to managing Adi Da Samraj's household and travels, Michael has regularly served within the Divine Guru's intimate sphere. ─── 从教导阿谛达的女儿们马术,到管理阿谛达和家务和旅行,米谢时常服务于神圣古汝的亲密圈子。

20、Investigation and Analysis of Injuries in Horsemanship ─── 高脚马竞速运动损伤的调查与分析

21、burses;warehouses;exercises of horsemanship, fencing, training of soldiers, and the like;comedies, such whereunto the better sort of persons do resort;treasuries of jewels and robes; ─── 留心观察一切值得长久记忆的事物,并且访问一切能在这些方面给你以新知识的老师或人们。

22、a sport that tests horsemanship. ─── 测试马术的一种运动。

23、The group provides therapeutic riding and introduces low-income children to horsemanship and organic produce. ─── 该组织向其提供了马术治疗并为低收入家庭儿童引进了马术和有机农产品。

24、She started to ride a horse and put on frequently the attire of horse when she was three years old.She has several medal of horsemanship competitions. ─── 贾姬曾说她小时候像个男孩,三岁就开始骑马,经常穿著骑马装束,也得过几次马术比赛的奖章。

25、Kaiwei Horsemanship Sport Training Center ─── 乡村赛马场凯威马术运动培训中心

26、riding horses across country over obstructions to demonstrate horsemanship ─── 骑马穿过障碍物来证明骑马术

27、The foundation for good riding is good horsemanship and that starts in the barn,not in the tack shop. ─── 骑术的基础是好的人马关系,这开始于马厩而不是在马具店。

28、A creature with horsemanship can block a creature with or without horsemanship. ─── 无论某生物是否具有马术异能,具有马术异能的生物都可以阻挡它。

29、to test horsemanship ─── 测试马术

30、"Horsemanship is an art of riding and handling a horse, and includes diverse styles. ─── 马术是骑马和驯马的艺术,包括不同风格。

31、The dance is free and brisk, imitating the valor of a tribe excelling in horsemanship and marksmanship. ─── 舞蹈形象洒脱、矫健,尚保存着骑射民族的勇武古风。

32、..Let never a cavalier stir you to envy With Boasts of his horse and his horsemanship ─── 莫学游侠儿, 矜夸紫骝好。

33、In the horsemanship contest, a contestant was injured due to an accidental fall off his horse. ─── 马术比赛中, 一位选手意外堕马受伤。

34、She is proud of her horsemanship. ─── 她为自己的骑术感到自豪。

35、Horsemanship is an art of riding and handling a horse, and includes diverse styles. Equestrian competition is part of the Olympics . ─── 马术是骑马和驯马的艺术,包括不同风格。马术也是奥运会比赛项目。

36、Horsemen from different nations display their beautiful clothes and their fine horsemanship. ─── 来自不同国家的骑手展示自己漂亮的衣服和罚款马术。

37、Horsemanship is an evasion ability. ─── 马术属于躲避式异能。

38、Houses and gardens of state and pleasure, near great cities; armories; arsenals; magazines; exchanges; burses; warehouses; exercises of horsemanship, fencing, training of soldiers, and the like; ─── 观都市近郊壮美的建筑和花园;观军械库、大仓房、交易所和基金会;观马术、击剑、兵训及诸如此类的操演;

39、Classical horsemanship seems to have endured in Portugal without many modifications. ─── 古典马术似乎没有在葡萄牙经历许多修改。

40、Although many longbowmen possess horses for transport, only a select few have sufficient skills in archery and horsemanship, to fire from horseback. ─── 大多数长弓兵只是骑马行军而后步行作战,只有少数骑射皆精的优秀战士,方可成为长弓骑兵。

41、Horsemanship of west of quiet day last years of a dynasty or reign passes into China, get developing quickly after liberate. ─── 清朝末年西方马术传入中国,并在解放后得到迅速发展。

42、7.To the north, nomadic tribes have always roamed, developing skill of horsemanship, raiding, and warfare. ─── 在长城以北游牧部落一直到处漂泊,发展了骑术、袭击和战斗技能。

43、The traditional way of starting the Shonton Festival is to show Buddha paintings.The main contents include Tibetan operas and gala parties, as well as wonderful yak racing and horsemanship display. ─── 传统的雪顿节以展佛为序幕,以演藏戏、看藏戏、过林卡为主要内容,同时还有精彩的赛耗牛和马术表演等。

44、Horsemanship is an evasion ability. ─── 马术属于躲避式异能。

45、"Horsemanship is an art of riding and handling a horse, and includes diverse styles. Equestrian competition is part of the Olympics." ─── 马术是骑马和驯马的艺术,包括不同风格。马术也是奥运会比赛项目。

46、The popular breeches on the ave can not be the random popularity that does not have a basis.Because the costly brand of this year has,roll out horsemanship kind fashionable dress. ─── 大街上流行的马裤可不是没有根据的乱流行.因为本年度的奢华品牌都有推出马术类时装。

47、Once, the Duke Zhuang of Lu invited him to perform his horsemanship in the palace. ─── 有一次,鲁庄公邀请他到宫中来表演。

48、100. He chose to join the horsemanship program.He seemed to consider a horse a strange form of motorcycle,useful only as a vehicle for speed and thrills. ─── 马丁选择了马术训练项目,他似乎把马看成是一种奇特形式的摩托车,只是个用来寻求速度和刺激的交通工具。

49、excel in horsemanship and archery ─── 善骑射

50、She is proud of her horsemanship. ─── 她为自己的马术感到自豪。

51、I remember when I was first learning horsemanship, my instructor impressed this fact upon me: "Remember that a horse is an animal of one idea. ─── (如果单靠一个人集中心智就能消灭一个强大的王国,那么如果你也拥有同样的心智,在“构建”自己的商业奇迹之时还有什么是做不到的呢?)

52、I remember when I was first learning horsemanship, my instructor impressed this fact upon me: "Remember that a horse is an animal of one idea.You can teach him only one thing at a time. ─── (还记得我第一次学骑马的时候,我的导师这样教导我:“要记住马儿是个单心眼儿的动物,所以你一次只能教会它做一件事情。”)

53、2 Once, the Duke Zhuang of Lu invited him to perform his horsemanship in the palace. ─── 有一次,鲁庄公邀请他到宫中来表演。

54、"The sports are usually in three types: polo, horse racing, and horsemanship." ─── 马上运动通常包括马球,赛马和马术3种。

55、Horsemanship Medal ─── 骑术奖章

56、Horsemanship sport item is numerous, can is divided into three major type generally speaking:The first is the traditional event of each race of world-wide locations. ─── 马术运动项目繁多,一般而言,可分为三大类:第一是世界各地各民族的传统比赛项目。包括套马、叼羊、骑野马以及各种速度赛马。第二是被国际马联承认的正式比赛项目。

57、They show great horsemanship riding without stirrups or saddle and can throw javelins with deadly precision. ─── 他们骑术极佳,甚至不需鞍镫亦可出战,面对敌军标枪如雨。

58、He has the qualities of horsemanship, dancing, and fencing. ─── 他有马术、舞蹈和击剑的素质。

59、He kept his love of horsemanship. ─── 他保留着骑马的癖好。

60、adept in archery and horsemanship ─── 弓马娴熟

61、When I started applying natural horsemanship concepts to my life, I noticed a change in the way other people related to me. ─── 当我开始把简单自然的马术理念应用于生活时,我注意到其他人同我相处的方式发生了变化。

62、Squash, horsemanship and other unconventional sports get a look in as sports people want to play in the future ─── 壁球、马术和其它非传统的运动是人们未来想要进行的运动

63、I cannot but think that good horsemanship has a great deal to do with the mind. ─── 我认为,骑马好不好跟一个人的精神有很大关系。

64、Horsemanship of west of quiet day last years of a dynasty or reign passes into China, get developing quickly after liberate. ─── 清朝末年西方马术传入中国,并在解放后得到迅速发展。

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