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flocculation 发音


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n. 絮凝;絮结产物

flocculation 短语词组

1、critical flocculation temperature ─── 临界絮凝温度

2、flocculation kinetics ─── [化] 絮凝动力学

3、chemical flocculation ─── 混凝

4、toxin-antitoxin flocculation ─── [医]毒素-抗毒素絮状反应,毒素抗毒素凝絮作用

5、flocculation basin ─── 絮凝池

6、flocculation tests ─── [医] 弗洛朗斯氏试验(检精液)

7、flocculation tank ─── 絮凝柜

8、perikinetic flocculation ─── [化] 碰撞凝结

9、Ramon flocculation test ─── [医] 腊蒙氏絮凝试验(检白喉毒素及抗毒素混合液)

10、flocculation ratio ─── 絮凝比

11、Penn sero-flocculation reaction ─── [医] 佩恩氏血清絮凝反应

12、Ramon's flocculation test ─── [医] 腊蒙氏絮凝试验(检白喉毒素及抗毒素混合液)

13、flocculation concentration ─── [化] 絮凝浓度; 絮凝浓度值

14、limit of flocculation ─── [医] 絮凝单位, 絮凝限度

15、flocculation value ─── [化] 絮凝值

16、equivalent flocculation ─── 当量絮凝作用

17、flocculation reaction ─── [化] 絮凝反应 ─── [医] 絮凝反应, 絮状反应(检梅毒)

18、catastrophic flocculation ─── 灾难性的絮凝

19、flocculation in the magnetic field ─── [化] 磁场絮凝

flocculation 词性/词形变化,flocculation变形

名词: flocculation |动词过去式: flocculated |动词第三人称单数: flocculates |动词过去分词: flocculated |动词现在分词: flocculating |

flocculation 相似词语短语

1、loculation ─── n.形成小腔

2、flocculate ─── v.絮凝;(使)絮凝

3、fasciculation ─── n.束状;自发性收缩(指肌肉、神经等)

4、deflocculation ─── n.抗絮凝作用;解絮凝;[物化]胶溶作用

5、floccillation ─── n.摸索(病人发烧时的行动);[医]捉空摸床(等于floccilegium)

6、flocculating ─── v.(使)絮凝,絮结(flocculate的现在分词)

7、flocculated ─── adj.絮凝的;v.使絮凝;凝聚(flocculate的过去分词)

8、flocculator ─── n.絮凝器;浮洗器

9、flammulation ─── n.红色斑纹

flocculation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The reactor is shared in two parts, with different flocculation energy. ─── 反应池分两部分,每部分的絮凝能量有所差别。

2、The flocculation of micro organism shares a sustainable effect for biological treatment on effluent. ─── 微生物的絮凝性在生物法处理废水过程中具有很重要的作用。

3、Flocculation: (1)A fault in paper making that fibres in pulp do not disperse evenly but kept as a flock. Paper so formed have uneven thickness. ─── 凝聚:(1)造纸时,纸浆内的纤维许句的故障。形成的纸页厚薄不均。

4、Ding, Y., "Beneficiation of Ultrafine Coal by Using Selective Flocculation and Oil Agglomeration," M.S. Thesis, University of Missouri-Rolla, Jan, 1989, 83pp. ─── 丁原智,翁祖炘,郑大伟,何震宇,林圣雄,陆地砂石专用区之电脑规划设计,资源与环境学术研讨会论文集,大汉工商专科学校资源工程科,台湾花莲,1998

5、Flocculation process has been used for lowering the oil content in circulating water of oil producing plants. ─── 采用絮凝法降低炼油厂循环水中油含量。

6、Obtained modified polyaluminium chloride features high salinity, obvious effect on flocculation for purifying water, less consumption, and high adaptability to water source. ─── 制得的改性聚氯化铝盐基度高,净水絮凝效果显著,投药量少,适应水源变化大的情况。

7、The principle of selective flocculation and the research of selective flocculation of coal separation are introduced in this paper. ─── 介绍了选择性絮凝分选原理和选择性絮凝在煤炭分选中的应用研究。

8、Detailed methods including filtration, separation, floatation, flocculation and use of oil and water separator are also recommended. ─── 对含油污水过滤、隔油、浮选、絮凝和应用油水分离器等具体处理方法。

9、The dispersant sodium hexametaphos-phate can selective disperse four kinds of gangue(calcite, fluorite, garnet and quartz)with no effect on selective flocculation of wolframite fines. ─── 在不影响微细粒黑钨矿选择性聚团的前提下,分散剂六偏磷酸钠对四种脉石矿物(方解石、萤石、石榴石和石英)具有选择性分散特性。

10、The effluent treatment process after renovation is “anaerobic + aerobiotic + three-stage flocculation treatment” ,and is the longestand largest efluent disposal treatment system in present China. ─── 改造后的污水处理工艺为厌氧+好氧+三级絮凝处理,是目前国内造纸行业流程最长、规模最大的污水处理工程。

11、The papermaking furnish components and its flocculation, adsorption, properties of colloid chemistry and action of surface dynamic electricity are discussed systematically. ─── 对造纸配料组分及其胶体化学特性、表面动电行为、配料组分的聚集、吸附等作了较为系统的论述。

12、A central zone, provides rapid flocculation, with mixing by an axial-flow impeller, which recirculates the flow within the reactor. ─── 中部絮凝速度快,由一个轴流叶轮进行搅拌,该叶轮使水流在反应器内循环流动。

13、The mechanism of flocculation dewatering was discussed,a primary experiential formula of predicting wet content of filter cakes was proposed bas... ─── 对絮凝脱水机理进行了探讨,在实验数据的基础上提出可以预测滤饼含湿量的初步经验公式。

14、The process such as mixing, flocculation, filtration, disinfection are used for preparing the municipal feed water. That make them achieve sanitary standard for drinking water. ─── 市政给水通常采用混合、絮凝、过滤、消毒等工艺去除水中杂质,使之符合生活饮用所要求的水质。

15、Combined with the application of fractal theory for flocculation morphology, three kinds of aggregation models are introduced.The fractal of flocs and the polymer molecule are disscu... ─── 在某些状态下,水中的固体微粒在不投加混凝剂时也能发生自动絮凝。

16、The dissolved organic matter is removed through chemical flocculation and biological adsorption in CBFP. ─── 对溶解性有机物的去除是通过化学和生物作用共同实现的,其中生物作用主要表现为生物吸附作用。

17、Present study and prospect of domestic flocculation ─── 我国絮凝剂的研究现状及前景展望

18、Flocculation The aggregation of soil particles into crumbs. ─── 凝集:土壤颗粒聚集成块。

19、Performance: added to the water to make the water of suspended particles together to form thick and compact flocculation and sedimentation quickly, Quick solid-liquid phase separation, to purify water. ─── 性能:加入水中,使水中悬浮颗粒凝聚成粗大而紧致的絮团,并迅速沉降,快速的固-液态相分离,水得以净化。

20、Turbidity, TSS, zeta potential, and dissolved silica were not related to floc size based on Flocculation Index (FI) and data analysis. ─── 从FI?与数据分析得知,浊度、总悬浮固体、界达电位与溶解矽酸与胶羽大小无关。

21、Compared with ferric salt flocculation , the microelectorlysis has better results of decolour and raises the BOD and COD values of the wastewater. ─── 与铁盐混凝法相比,微电解法不仅脱色效果好,而且也明显地提高了,废水的BOD_5/COD值,增加了废水的可生化性。

22、The limit sodium hydrox-ide concentration causing slow flocculation of cationic latices was lower than the concentra-tion needed for the polymerization, so that the format... ─── 在乳液聚合过程中所发生的相当部分的乳化剂从水相向有机硅相的转移也是影响阳离子型乳液稳定性的一个重要因素。

23、For determination of low components of petroleum in water samples,the aluminum sulfate flocculation was performed to preconcentrate the petroleum. ─── 为了检测水中低浓度石油类,通过硫酸铝絮凝沉淀,富集萃取,可以得到较高浓度的组分。

24、In order to improve their flocculation effect, F2 and F6 were used as parent strains, and protoplast-fusion technique was adopted. ─── 为了提高絮凝菌的絮凝效果, 利用F2和F6作为亲本菌株, 进行原生质体融合。

25、The high efficiency of flocculation technology is presented. ─── 为提高絮凝效率提供了技术途径。

26、The flocculation ratio of MBF-I3 to the suspension of kaolin is larger than 90 percent, and to Pb2+ in wastewater is 46 %. ─── MBF-I3对高岭土悬浮液的絮凝率大于90%,对铅离子废水中铅去除率达到46%。

27、Flocculation effect concerns with the flocculation property directly. ─── 絮凝剂的性质直接影响絮凝的效果。

28、At the same time, the chemical and physical methods of coagulation, flocculation, settlement and sand filtering process are also feasible to remover COD in SBR effluent. ─── 同时,混凝、絮凝沉淀及砂滤法等化学、物理方法对于去除SBR出水中的COD也是可行的。

29、A critical review on the progress of flocculation morphology was put forward within the scope of raw particulate, flocculant and floc. ─── 从水体中原始颗粒、絮凝剂和絮体3个方面综述了絮凝形态学的研究进展,尤其是分形理论在絮凝理论与工程中的应用。

30、Coagulation and flocculation are the methods used for aggregating suspended solids into larger and perhaps denser particles that will settle more quietly or become more filterable. ─── 我们供Flocculation PAC 我公司是中国最大的絮凝剂高分子净水材料进出口公司, 成立至今经历了二十多年, 注册资金五百万元人民币, 年营业额达三千万人民币。

31、It also has apparent flocculation effect in other direct dye wastewater treatment. ─── 该产品对其它直接染料废水也有明显的絮凝效果。

32、The flocculation and corroson inhibition effects of a new kind of flocculating-corrosion inhibiting agent CMT-A have been studied systematically in the laboratory using oilfield wastewater. ─── 以油田污水为处理对象,系统地研究了新型絮凝-缓蚀剂(CMT-A)的絮凝和缓蚀性能。

33、Paint wastewater of high concentration was treated by coagulation sedimentation and the designed oxidation flocculation reactor(OFR). ─── 利用混凝沉淀法和所研制的氧化絮凝复合床法联合处理了高浓度的油漆废水。

34、By bench scale and pilot tests using PAC and PAM as agents for Wool Scouring Effluent(WSE),the effect of influent density on the flocculation process was investigated. ─── 对PAC、PAM复合使用于洗毛废水时原水浓度与投药量关系进行了小试和中试。

35、In paper making, chitosan can be used as fortifier, sizing agent, retention and filtration aid, surface modifier and flocculation agent for paper-making effluent. ─── 在造纸方面,壳聚糖可用做纸张增强剂、施胶剂、助留助滤剂、表面改性剂和造纸废液的絮凝剂。

36、Abstract: Flocculation and deflocculation of fine sediment play an important role in soil structural stability, agrochemical compounds movement and eroded sediment transport. ─── 摘 要: 细颗粒泥沙的絮凝-分散对土壤结构的稳定性,土壤中农用化合物的迁移以及侵蚀泥沙的输移、沉积有重要作用。

37、ABSTRACT Coagulation and flocculation process of vancomycin fermentation broth were studied.Three coagulants and three flocculants were chosen to examine their effects on the pretreatment process. ─── 万古霉素是一种糖肽类抗生素,由微生物发酵法生产,是治疗由金葡球菌引起的严重感染的首选药物之一,临床上多使用其盐酸盐。

38、Thearticle deals with some principles under which molecular weights and extention of modifica-tion effect the flocculation. ─── 提出了聚合物分子量和改性程度对絮凝效果的影响规律.

39、Because the bridge and flocculation of the large molecules of HPAM in micelle and oil sand, the absorption loss of oleic acid and sodium oleate will increase further. ─── HPAM大分子在胶束和油砂粒子表面上的架桥絮凝作用,使油酸-油酸钠的吸附损失量进一步增大。

40、The "Crowding factor"can be used to characterize flocculation or dispersion of fibers in water suspension.The definition of crowding factor,the effects on crowding factor and the rela... ─── 利用“拥挤因子”可以较好地评价与判断纤维在水中的分散性和絮聚性。

41、Once the solubility decreases to a critical point, the asphaltenes will flocculate from crude oil and the point can be referred to as the onset of flocculation. ─── 当溶解能力下降到某一临界值后,沥青质就会从原油中絮凝析出,该临界值即为沥青质絮凝初始点。

42、Combined with the engineering examples, the process character of coagulation contact flolact flocculation, contact- sedimentation and BAF were introduced in the paper. ─── 摘要: 结合工程实例,介绍了翼片隔板絮凝、低脉动接触沉淀和BAF法工艺特点;

43、EWP efficient water purifier is a reaction effluent flocculation, sedimentation, adsorption, filtration, sludge thickening and other functions in one device. ─── EWP超级溶气气浮机是集污水絮凝反应、沉淀、吸附、过滤、污泥浓缩等功能于一体的设备。

44、The process used to remove pellet substances out of water normally involves three major procedures: (1) Coagulation;(2) Flocculation;and (3) Segregation of solids from liquids. ─── 以去除水中颗粒物质的主要目的之物化处理通常包括了三个主要程序:(1)混凝(2)胶凝以及(3)固液分离。

45、Flocculation reaction is a very important step during the water purification process in a water plant. ─── 在自来水厂的水质净化过程中,絮凝反应是一个十分重要的环节。

46、On the view of macroscopic, we definite the process Coagu-flocculation for three phases: mix, coagulation, flocculation. ─── 在宏观上,定义混凝过程为混合、凝聚和絮凝3个阶段。

47、So, flocculation modes of CBF are adsorption, neutralization and Chemi-bonded. ─── 因此,CBF的絮凝作用方式为吸附、中和及化学键合。

48、Researches of EM rejuvenation,EM addition as well as flocculation characteristics of EM are conducted in the activated sludge system. ─── 有效微生物应用于活性污泥系统中,分别进行了EM复壮、EM投加及EM絮凝性能的研究。

49、Differential flocculation was proposed as the mechanism to explain these observed variations in setting rates with salinity. ─── 有人提出用差异凝聚作用的机理来解释所观察到的沉降速度随盐度变化的原因。

50、The scale-up continuous test of magnetic flocculation and high gradient magnetic separation of municipal sewage was carried out on the basis of lab experiment. ─── 在小试研究基础上,开展了磁种絮凝高梯度磁分离净化处理城镇污水的扩大连续试验研究。

51、Flocculation Properties of Natural Pectin ─── 天然果胶的絮凝性能研究

52、The methods of organic flocculation and highspeed centrifugate were applied to clarify the extract. ─── 得到了有机絮凝法与高速离心技术相结合作为初提液的澄清处理方法。

53、High strength printing and dyeing wastewater was treated by the advanced supermicro aeration-electric flocculation process. ─── 应用先进的超微细曝气法和电絮凝法处理高浓度印染废水,处理效果显著。

54、The experiments with flocculation show that PFASSB has the advantages of discoloring the printing & dyeing waste water a... ─── 对印染废水的对比絮凝实验表明,PFASSB絮凝剂的应用性能明显高于传统的絮凝剂。

55、This work investigates how polyelectrolyte flocculation affects the dewatering efficiency of activated sludge and ball day slurry. ─── 摘要本报告探讨高分子电解质絮凝活性污泥与球土泥浆对其压榨脱水效率之影响。

56、Perfect positive relationship was exist between them because nitrobacteria population has weak flocculation ability. ─── 因为硝化菌群的絮凝效果较弱而引起的。

57、The experiment results are of certain guidance significance to the research and industrial application of the flocculation and settling of the existing phosphate ore beneficiation wastewater and similar wastewater in Florida. ─── 实验结果对佛罗里达现有磷酸盐矿选矿废水和类似废水的絮凝沉降研究及其工业化应用具有一定的指导意义。

58、Lots of researches indicated that the selective flocculation was an effective separation craft in many research works. ─── 已有大量的研究工作表明,选择性絮凝法是处理微细粒赤铁矿的有效分选工艺。

59、There are two modes in the preceding process,which are facultative biochemical mode and biologic enhanced flocculation mode. ─── 前处理单元在两个模式,即兼性生化模式与生物强化絮凝模式之间转换。

60、The microparticulate flocculation property on talc fillers by magnesium aluminum hydroxides/anionic polyacrylamide was investi-gated by means of flocculation analyzer and charge measurement technique. ─── 利用絮凝度分析仪和电荷测定等手段研究了氢氧化镁铝/阴离子聚丙烯酰胺对滑石粉填料的微粒絮聚特点。

61、Influence of flocculation on flux when the crossflow velocity 1.6m/s, operation pressure 0.1 MPa was also studied. ─── 在膜面流速为 1 .6m/s,操作压差为 0 .1 MPa条件下 ,研究了絮凝剂加入对过程稳定通量的影响。

62、It can absorb bile acid, fat, and cholesterol into flocculation, preventing the digestion and absorption and promoting their excretion. ─── 它可以吸附胆汁酸、肪和胆固醇形成絮凝物,不能被消化而被排出体外。

63、And also it is innoxious and can be biodegraded well.Its flocculation effect is better than polyacrylamide. ─── 它无毒,生物降解性好,不会形成二次污染,是环境友好的絮凝剂,与聚丙烯酰胺比较具有较好的絮凝效果。

64、The flocculation of easily water - soluble dyes such as reactive brilliant red, acid anthraquinone blue and reactive brilliant blue was obtained in acidic and weak acidic media by JAZ flocculants. ─── JAZ型絮凝剂与水溶性大的染料,如活性艳红,酸性蒽醌蓝、活性艳蓝的絮凝作用在酸性和弱酸性介质中出现。

65、The flocculation kinetics and floc structure of kaolin particles induced by cationic polymers were studied by small-angle laser light scattering (SALLS). ─── 利用小角度激光光散射在线监测技术研究了不同阳离子有机高分子絮凝剂对带负电荷的高岭土颗粒体系的絮凝动力学和絮体结构。

66、The equipment is developed on the research of shallow tank theory. It can help to form a special flocculation area to shorten the distance of settling and. ─── 利用浅池理论研发的沉淀设备,形成特有的接触絮凝区,缩短沉淀距离,使微小矾花得以快速沉淀。

67、A central zone, provides rapid flocculation, with mixing by an axial-flow impeller, which recirculates the flow within the reactor. ─── 中部絮凝速度快,由一个轴流叶轮进行搅拌,该叶轮使水流在反应器内循环流动。

68、Application: urban sewage and industrial effluent water treatment; Mineral processing, paper making, sugar refining, metallurgy, petroleum mining industries Process flocculation. ─── 应用:城市污水、各种工业污水、自来水处理中;选矿、造纸、制糖、冶金、石油开采等行业的工艺过程中絮凝性能。

69、Experimental results show that SFP lignin exerts three effectson drilling fluids: dilution, foaming and flocculation. ─── 实验表明,SFP木质素在钻井液中有稀释、起泡及絮凝三种作用。

70、Small particles (typically 0.01-1 micron) move randomly in the suspension, collide with each other and form flocculates, reducing their total energy. The smaller the particles, the stronger the flocculation. ─── 微小的粒子(粒径0.01-1微米)在悬浮液中自由移动,相互碰撞形成絮凝,降低总能量。粒子越小,絮凝作用越强。

71、The results showthat the selective flocculation character and the separating target of mineral treated with laser and the arebetter than those of mineral without laser treatent. ─── 对矿物和石英的混合矿进行了分离试验,结果认为,经过激光处理的矿物絮凝特性,效果和分离指标比未经激光处理的好得多。

72、Have come down in the filled product and chemical mixtures or flocculation. ─── 在填充产品中也出现了羽绒和化纤的混合物或絮片。

73、According to this approach, some basic conclusions have been achieved through investigat -ing the flocculation processes of concentrated kaolinite suspension-- poly -acrylamide systems. ─── 并通过对聚丙烯酰胺絮凝高岭土浓悬浮液体系的研究,初步得出了一些混凝形态学的基本结论。

74、Addition of collector or non-polar oil emulsion to extremely fine mineral suspension can intensify induction of hydrophobic flocculation of extremely fine mineral particles, forming floc. ─── 微粒矿物悬浮体加入捕收剂或非极性油乳状液能强化诱导疏水絮凝作用,从而使之形成絮团。

75、Coupled flocculation and oxidation process was used to treat acid brilliant scarlet dye wastewater with Potassium permanganate as oxidant and poly-silicic-ferric sulfate as flocculant. ─── 以高锰酸钾为氧化剂、自制的聚硅硫酸铁为絮凝剂,采用氧化-絮凝耦合工艺处理酸性大红废水。

76、The fundamental cause of generating influence on the settling velocity by ions is flocculation of fine sediment. ─── 对泥沙絮凝沉降过程进行理论分析,推导出絮凝沉速与离子浓度之间的关系式。

77、The utility model relates to a minute flocculation pressure filter basin. ─── 本实用新型为微絮凝压力滤池。

78、Color paste's dispersion is not very stabile by itself and is easy to produce flocculation, unstable color and precipitation. ─── 是色浆本身分散稳定性差,易产生絮凝、浮色、沉淀等弊病。

79、The flocculation mechanism and kinetics of opposite folded plate flocculator (OFPF) was studied on model test. ─── 在模型试验的基础上考察异波折板絮凝池的絮凝机理与动力学的研究。

80、ABSTRACT Studies the flocculation technology of extract and eluate of big bore adsorption resin in the isolation of stevioside. ─── 作者研究了甜菊甙分离过程中的提取液和大孔径吸附树脂解吸液的絮凝工艺。

81、By the microelectrophoretic technique, the flocculation mechanism of PDMDAAC flocculant series is discussed. ─── 借助于微电泳技术,探讨了该系列絮凝剂的絮凝机理;

82、The mechanism of separation by floatation and some relative processes such as coag ulation and flocculation of colloid,adsorption with the microbubbles,and the floating of the mixture,were introduced. ─── 介绍了气浮分离及其相关过程的机理,包括被分离杂质的主要成分胶体的凝聚、絮凝,与微气泡的粘附,粘附后混合体的浮升等。

83、With PAC, it can realize the complementation of their advantages, and can achieve the ideal flocculation performance. ─── 与聚合氯化铝(PAC)的复配可以实现优势互补,达到较理想的聚驱污水处理效果。

84、It was studied that ammonia-oxidizing bacteria(AOB) community in a nitrifying suspension tower for biochemical flocculation process,using PCR-DGGE technique. ─── 利用PCR-DGGE分析技术,对于化学生物絮凝处理工艺中悬浮填料塔的氨氧化细菌(AOB)群落进行了研究。

85、One is the pigment deposition and flocculation on color, effect of. ─── 一是颜料的沉降和絮凝不不不不不差浮色、发花的感化。

86、Further,the mechanism of flocculation of MBF and the prospect for its application are discussed. ─── 探讨了微生物絮凝剂的絮凝机理和应用前景.

87、An industrial mixing wastewater from an economic developmental area was treated by ferrum aeration and neutralization flocculation process. ─── 对某有机有毒酸性工业混合废水,采用铁刨花曝气还原加中和絮凝沉淀法进行预处理研究。

88、Dyeing and printing wastewater was treated biologically and then by "fluidized activated carbon" in place of flocculation to lower the treatment cost, decrease the sludge quantity and raise the treatment to a very high level. ─── 摘要印染废水经过生化处理后,采用“流炭法”取代混凝沉淀,可节省处理费用,减少污泥生产量,同时可使废水达到很高的处理要求。

89、Selective flocculation is introduced to separate combustible and noncombustible components of coal. ─── 介绍了用选择性絮凝对煤中可燃体和非可燃体进行分离的煤泥分选方法。

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