emancipate 发音
英:[ɪˈmænsɪpeɪt] 美:[ɪˈmænsɪpeɪt]
英: 美:
emancipate 中文意思翻译
emancipate 词性/词形变化,emancipate变形
emancipate 短语词组
1、emancipate antonym ─── 解放反义词
2、emancipate yourself from mental slavery ─── 把自己从精神奴役中解放出来
3、emancipate definition ─── 解放定义
4、emancipate define ─── 解放定义
5、emancipate nc ─── 解放nc
6、emancipate meaning ─── 解放意义
7、emancipate means ─── 解放手段
emancipate 相似词语短语
1、emancipative ─── adj.解放的;有助于解放的
2、emancipator ─── n.释放者;解放者
3、mancipate ─── 约束
4、mancipated ─── 已完成
5、to emancipate ─── 解放
6、emancipated ─── adj.被解放的;v.解放;使…获得自由(emancipate的过去分词)
7、mancipates ─── 曼奇帕茨
8、emaciate ─── v.(使)消瘦;(使)衰弱;消瘦
9、emancipates ─── vt.解放;释放
emancipate 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Through these movements the broad masses should be able to emancipate themselves, organize, and become the conscious masters of the Liberated Areas. ─── 使广大群众,在此运动中翻过身来,并组织起来,成为解放区自觉的主人翁。
2、We should further emancipate our minds, be more daring in reform and opening up, quicken the pace of economic development and not lose any favorable opportunity. ─── 我们要思想更解放一点,改革开放的胆子更大一点,建设的步子更快一点,千万不可丧失时机。
3、You people in charge of educational work have yet to emancipate your minds. ─── 你们的思想没有解放出来。
4、So I hope the people of Shanghai will further emancipate their minds, be more daring and move ahead faster. ─── 希望上海人民思想更解放一点,胆子更大一点,步子更快一点。
5、Step with Times, Emancipate the Mind, Completely Start to Develop Future of Yinbao ─── 与时俱进解放思想全面开创银宝发展新未来
6、Emancipate the mind and seek truth from facts; do not stick to old ways and make no progress. ─── 坚持解放思想、实事求是,反对因循守旧、不思进取
7、I took a drive today Time to emancipate I guess it was the beatings Made me wise But I'm not about to give thanks Or apologize. ─── 我今天去飙车,是时候解放了,我想这对我的聪明才智是个挫折,但我也不打算道谢或说什么。
8、The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee called on all Party members to emancipate their minds, use their heads, seek truth from facts, unite in looking ahead, study new situations and solve new problems. ─── 党的三中全会要求全党解放思想,开动脑筋,实事求是,团结一致向前看,研究新情况,解决新问题。
9、He made up his mind to emancipate himself from the habit of smoking ─── 他下决心使自己摆脱抽烟的习惯。
10、Strive to emancipate from worldly influence of illusion and Mara, like the lotus above water in a detached position, or like the sun and moon in the cosmos circulating by but never abiding. ─── 于诸惑业及魔境,世间道中得解脱,犹如莲华不着水,亦如日月不住空。
11、Thus, it is advancing with the times and continue to emancipate our minds, seek truth from facts of the inherent requirements of the Party's ideological line of organic content. ─── 因此说,与时俱进是坚持解放思想、实事求是的内在要求,是党的思想路线的有机内容。
12、The basic principle set forth at the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of our Party was that we must emancipate our minds and think independently, formulating policies in light of our own realities. ─── 我们党的十一届三中全会的基本精神是解放思想,独立思考,从自己的实际出发来制定政策。
13、Even when they have worthwhile opinions,they hesitate to express them,and they are not bold enough in struggling against bad things and bad people.If this doesn't change,how can we persuade everyone to emancipate his mind and use his head? ─── 好的意见不那么敢讲,对坏人坏事不那么敢反对,这种状况不改变,怎么能叫大家解放思想,开动脑筋?
14、This new machine will emancipate us from the hard work. ─── 这部新机器将把我们从繁重劳动中解放出来。
15、To free from slavery or bondage;emancipate. ─── 从奴役或束缚中获取自由;解放
16、To emancipate all mankind, we will balk at no sacrifice. even that of our lives. ─── 为了全人类的解放,即使牺牲生命也在所不惜。
17、If we want to be practical and realistic in all our work, we must continue to emancipate our minds. ─── 今后,在一切工作中要真正坚持实事求是,就必须继续解放思想。
18、As I said at the Central Working Conference, it is essential that we emancipate our minds, use our heads, seek truth from facts and unite as one and look to the future. ─── 我在中央工作会议上讲过,我们要解放思想,开动脑筋,实事求是,团结一致向前看。
19、The former wished to maintain their" states' rights", in particular the institution of slavery, and claimed the right to secede from the Union; the latter fought initially to maintain the Union, and later(1863) to emancipate the slaves. ─── 前者希望维护其"州权",特别是维护奴隶制度的权利,要求与北部邦联正式脱离;而后者开始是为保留邦联而战,后来则是为了解放黑奴。
20、Therefore, we should change the stereotype, emancipate Orient from the disadvantageous ideology of Orientalism. ─── 所以我们必须打破这种固有模式,将东方从对其非常不利的东方主义的意识形态中解放出来。
21、From the party led by the great cause, only to emancipate our minds, can we grasp the essence of socialism, continue to expand the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. ─── 从党所领导的伟大事业来说,只有坚持解放思想,才能抓住社会主义的本质,不断拓展中国特色社会主义道路。
22、We've often said that people in production teams too should emancipate their minds, use their brains, and solve their own concrete problems. ─── 我们多次讲过,就是一个生产队,也应该解放思想,开动脑筋,解决本生产队的具体问题。
23、The early critical theorists turned to art in an attempt to emancipate us from the grip of technology in modern industrialized society. ─── 早期的理论家试图用一种艺术的手段将我们从现代工业化社会的束缚中解放出来。
24、We must eliminate the poisonous influence of Lin Biao and the Gang of Four, set things right and cast off our mental shackles so that we can really emancipate our minds.This is without question a most arduous task. ─── 我们一定要肃清林彪、“四人帮”的流毒,拨乱反正,打破精神枷锁,使我们的思想来个大解放,这确实是一个十分严重的任务。
25、To emancipate all mankind, we will balk at no sacrifice, even that of our lives. ─── 为了全人类的解放, 即使牺牲生命也在所不惜。
26、In order to achieve this goal, we must reform the old economic system, in order to further emancipate the productive forces. ─── 为了实现这个目标,我们必须改革旧的经济体制,以便进一步解放生产力。
27、To Consistently Emancipate Mind is the Key to Building a Well-off Society in an All-round Way ─── 全面建设小康社会的关键在不断解放思想
28、As the rural reform place of origin, we must continue to emancipate the mind, expands the opening unceasingly, promotes the whole city economy and social each enterprise progresses comprehensively. ─── 作为农村改革发源地,我们要继续解放思想,不断扩大开放,,推动全市经济和社会各项事业全面进步。
29、We will continue to advance the market-oriented reform , readjust and improve ownership structure, and further emancipate and develop productive forces. ─── 我们将继续推进市场取向的改革,调整和完善所有制结构,进一步解放和发展生产力。
30、We insist to emancipate the mind, realistic, has chosen the reform and open policy path, this is decides the Contemporary China destiny the key choice. ─── 我们坚持解放思想,实事求是,选择了改革开放的道路,这是决定当代中国命运的关键抉择。
31、Our vow is to live or die together with the people of Hubei, Henan and Anhui provinces, to liberate the Central Plains and to emancipate the people of these provinces. ─── 我们的口号是与鄂豫皖人民共存亡,解放中原,使鄂豫皖人民获得解放。
32、We should do away with all superstitions and emancipate the mind. ─── 当前我们应努力克服个人主义和享乐主义各种错误思想。
33、Thus it is still an important task for Hunan ideological and cultural circles to continually emancipate thought, accelerate opening up and abolish the thought of "valuing official titles". ─── 所以继续解放思想、扩大开放和破除“官本位”思想,仍是湖南思想、文化界的重要任务。
34、To achieve this goal,we must reform the old economic system and further emancipate productivity. ─── 为了实现这一目标,我们必须改革旧的经济体制,进一步解放生产力;
35、It is what is commonly called vocation: an irrational factor that destines a person to emancipate himself from the herd and from its well-worn paths. ─── 它就是我们通常所称的天命:一种非理性因素,它注定一个人要从民众、从民众的衿熟之路中解脱出来。
37、We must emancipate the primary productive forces. ─── 我们必须解放第一生产力。
38、Seek truth from facts emancipate the mind keep pace with the times ─── 实事求是·解放思想·与时俱进
39、If we fail to analyse it properly and to understand it correctly, we shall become overcautious, not daring to emancipate our minds and act freely. ─── 如果分析不当,造成误解,就会变得谨小慎微,不敢解放思想,不敢放开手脚,
40、We must emancipate our thinking in a bold way. ─── 我们必须大胆解放思想。
41、to emancipate someone from prejudices ─── 使某人摆脱偏见
42、The 60 million referred to the working masses, who accounted for 90 per cent of the population in the Southwest. We had to arouse them to carry out land reform and emancipate themselves. ─── 六千万就是西南地区人口中百分之九十的基本群众,要把他们发动起来,搞土改闹翻身。
43、We should emancipate our minds, seek truth from facts and work hard and creatively. ─── 我们必须解放思想、实事求是、扎实工作、开拓进取。
44、Her whole life expected the "Female Conscientious" and sought the way to emancipate women. ─── 她一生都在呼唤“女人的自觉”,寻求妇女解放之路。
45、To emancipate all mankind, we will balk at no sacrifice. even that of our lives. ─── 为了全人类的解放, 即使牺牲生命也在所不惜。
46、Today, I mainly want to discuss one question, namely, how to emancipate our minds, use our heads, seek truth from facts and unite as one in looking to the future. ─── 今天,我主要讲一个问题,就是解放思想,开动脑筋,实事求是,团结一致向前看。
47、Philosophic Specula of Relations Between Progress with Times and to Emancipate the Mind, to Seek Truth from Facts ─── 与时俱进与解放思想、实事求是关系的哲学之镜
48、Taking the Spirit of Emancipate the Mind and Seek Truth from facts, Enthusiastically Explore Ways of Brace up and Development State Construction Enterprises ─── 以解放思想、实事求是的精神积极探索国有施工企业振兴发展之路
49、Third, we must continue to emancipate the mind, promoting career development. ─── 三要继续解放思想,促进事业发展。
50、The organizer who, the pusher the cadres at all levels emancipate the mind, must be the demonstration who emancipates the mind, lead. ─── 各级领导干部是解放思想的组织者、推动者,更要做解放思想的示范者、带动者。要进一步发挥年度目标责任考核在抓落实中的导向作用。
51、We must continue to emancipate our minds and speed up the reform and the opening process. ─── 思想要更加解放一些,改革开放的步伐要走得更快一些。
52、We can already see from this that to emancipate woman and make her the equal of the man is and remains an impossibility so long as the woman is shut out from social productive labor and restricted to private domestic labor. ─── 在这里就已经表明,只要妇女仍然被排除于社会的生产劳动之外而只限于从事家庭的私人劳动,那么妇女的解放,妇女同男子的平等,现在和将来都是不可能的。
53、Thinking of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and the road bud formation, from the beginning to emancipate the mind as a clear-cut features and the powerful driving force. ─── 中国特色社会主义思想的萌芽和道路的形成,从一开始就是以解放思想作为鲜明特征和强大动力的。
54、We should emancipate our minds and restore the good social conduct that prevailed for a long time. ─── 我们要解放思想,也要恢复我们长期已有的好的社会风尚。
55、It was in order to emancipate poor people that we made the revolution. ─── 我们搞革命就是要解放穷人。
56、It is with those ones who have this attitude that you can seek to emancipate their motivation to serve in the project of God. ─── 你可以尝试去释放拥有这种态度的人的动力,让他们去服侍神并参与?的计划。
57、Emancipate ourselves from our past. The only way to move forward is to stop looking back! ─── 把自己从过去解放出来,前进的唯一方法是别往后看。
58、Women have been struggling to emancipate from old restrictions of various kinds. ─── 妇女们一直在为摆脱各种旧束缚而斗争。
59、We must continue to emancipate our minds and accelerate the reform. ─── 思想更解放一些,改革的步子更快一些。
60、In the new era of building a harmonious socialist society, the new situations of our party and our nation require us to further emancipate our minds. ─── 在新时期构建社会主义和谐社会的伟大征程中,新的党情国情要求我们进一步解放思想。
61、We should continue to emancipate our minds, seek truth from facts, keep pace with the times and make innovations in a pioneering spirit. ─── 不断解放思想、实事求是,与时俱进、开拓创新,
62、To achieve these goals, the company will further emancipate the mind ,keep reform and strive to make their enterprise bigger and stronger ,creating a more brilliant achievements. ─── 为实现上述奋斗目标,集团将进一步解放思想,不断加大改革力度,力争把企业做大做强,创造出更加辉煌的业绩。
63、Radio People Should Emancipate Their Minds and Perform Feats Again ─── 广播人要解放思想,再创辉煌
64、One needs to dare to emancipate the mind. ─── 一要勇于解放思想。
65、The invention of agriculture, however, did not permanently emancipate man from the fear of food shortages, hunger and famine. ─── 然而,农业的发明并未永久地使人类摆脱对食品短缺和饥荒的恐惧。
66、It needed the genius of the Tang dynasty to emancipate Tea from its crude state and lead to its final idealization. ─── 使茶道脱胎于原始阶段达到最终的完善,这要归功于唐代的智者。
67、We have a lot of talented people.The key thing is to emancipate our minds and break away from convention. ─── 我们的人才是有的,关键是要解放思想,打破框框。
68、In a word, the Ministry of Education should emancipate its thinking and take the initiative into its own hands. ─── 总之,教育部要思想解放,争取主动。
69、Groups or organizations are always the best choice for an individual to emancipate himself/herself from limitation. ─── 团体或者组织总是一个人从个人局限的束缚中解放出来的最佳选择。
70、For this aim, we should reform the traditional economic system, emancipate the productive forces further and open to the world, learn the advanced science and technique. ─── 为了实现这一目标,我们必须改革旧的经济体制,进一步解放生产力;我们应当向世界敞开大门,学习其他国家的先进的科学和技术。
71、The Issue of Era: Emancipate Farmers to a Larger Extent ─── 世纪课题:进一步解放农民
72、After establishment of People's Republic, to emancipate and develop productive forces in order to meet the needs upgraded daily life of the people. ─── 建国以后,发展成为解放生产力、发展生产力,满足广大人民群众日益增长的物质文化生活需要的人民利益观;
73、In future study, researchers should furthar emancipate their minds, strengthen basic study, "piece" and"section" researches,comparision study and building up of materials. ─── 在今后的研究中,应进一步解放思想,加强基础研究、“条条”研究、“块块”研究、比较研究和资料建设。
74、"The whole Party must continue to emancipate the mind, come up with new ideas in respect of theory and create something new in practice." ─── 全党必须在思想上不断有新解放,理论上不断有新发展,实践上不断有新创造.
75、This new machine will emancipate us from all the hard work. ─── 这台新机器将使我们从繁重的劳作中解脱出来。
76、So long as we unite as one, work in concert, emancipate our minds, use our heads and try to learn what we did not know before, there is no doubt that we will be able to quicken the pace of our new Long March. ─── 只要我们大家团结一致,同心同德,解放思想,开动脑筋,学会原来不懂的东西,我们就一定能够加快新长征的步伐。
77、We issued an order and adopted a slogan: 'Emancipate feet. ' The family of any woman with bound feet was fined. ─── 一九四二年我们禁止缠足,当时我们下了一道命今,提出了一个口号,叫‘解放小脚’,凡是缠足的女人都罚款;
78、Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind. ─── 从精神枷锁里解放自己,只有我们自己可以解放我们的思想。
79、We must Always Emancipate Our Minds, Seek Truth from Facts and Keep Pace with the Times ─── 必须始终坚持解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进
80、Upholding the mass line is the only way to emancipate ─── 坚持群众路线是解放思想的必由之路
81、First, the study practice scientific development concept, must further emancipate the mind, develops this first essential meaning prominently, sets up the scientific progress the new idea. ─── 一是学习实践科学发展观,必须进一步解放思想,突出发展这个第一要义,树立科学发展的新理念。
82、In study practice, must emancipate the mind penetration throughout, in obtains diligently to the scientific development concept understanding in the new enhancement; ─── 在学习实践活动中,要把解放思想贯穿始终,努力在对科学发展观的认识上取得新的提高;
83、"Become overcautious, not daring to emancipate our minds and act freely." ─── 变得谨小慎微,不敢解放思想,不敢放开手脚。
84、He managed to emancipate himself from the influence of undesirable companions ─── 他终于使自己摆脱了那些不良伴友的影响。
85、We must emancipate our minds and we should do so even in answering the question as to what socialism is. ─── 不解放思想不行,甚至于包括什么叫社会主义这个问题也要解放思想。
86、I took a drive today Time to emancipate I guess it was the beatings Made me wise But I'm not about to give thanks Or apologize. ─── 我今天去飙车,是时候解放了,我想这对我的聪明才智是个挫折,但我也不打算道谢或说什么。
87、In the course of study like this , should emancipate the mind first to make the spirit of the times of the pattern be reflected. ─── 这样在学习的过程中,首先要解放思想使图案的时代精神得以彰显。
88、In order to realize this goal, we must reform the old economic structure ,in order to further emancipate the productive force. ─── 为了实现这一目标,我们必须改革旧的经济体制,进一步解放生产力;
89、to emancipate oneself from the habit of smoking ─── 使自己摆脱吸烟的习惯
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