desecration 发音
英:[ˌdesɪˈkreɪʃn] 美:[ˌdesɪˈkreɪʃn]
英: 美:
desecration 中文意思翻译
desecration 网络释义
n. 亵渎神圣;污辱神物
desecration 同义词
vandalize | unhallow | pervert | profane | violate | insult | deconsecrate | defile | damage |outrage | blaspheme
desecration 短语词组
1、desecration ekolu lyrics ─── 民主生态歌词
2、desecration demon mtg ─── 亵渎恶魔mtg
3、desecration definition ─── 亵渎定义
4、desecration demon ─── 亵渎恶魔
5、desecration of the flag ─── 亵渎国旗
6、desecration of the temple in jerusalem ─── 亵渎耶路撒冷的圣殿
7、desecration of a corpse ─── 亵渎尸体
8、desecration syn ─── 亵渎综合征
desecration 反义词
desecration 词性/词形变化,desecration变形
动词过去式: desecrated |动词现在分词: desecrating |动词第三人称单数: desecrates |名词: desecrater |动词过去分词: desecrated |
desecration 相似词语短语
1、execration ─── n.诅咒,憎恶;被诅咒之人或物
2、desecrating ─── vt.亵渎;污辱;把(神物)供俗用
3、desperation ─── n.绝望的境地;不顾一切拼命
4、obsecration ─── n.恳求;恳求祈祷句
5、deaeration ─── n.[油气][化工]脱气;通风
6、desertion ─── n.遗弃;开小差;逃亡
7、desiccation ─── n.干燥
8、deconsecration ─── 解离
9、desecrator ─── 亵渎者
desecration 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Desecration - Now Plague Strikes cause the Desecrated Ground effect instead of Obliterates. ─── 亵渎-现在瘟疫打击能引起亵渎大地效果而不是湮没。
2、But recent episodes of flag desecration have been more half-witted than high-minded, the work of hooligans and, in one case, a man intent on changing his oil. ─── 而现在,美国人往往已经没有了这些政治念头,焚烧国旗更像是恶作剧的行为,比如,曾经有人只是为了换机油,顺便就烧了面国旗。
3、In Judaism, a holiday celebrating the rededication of the Second Temple of Jerusalem in 164 BC, after its desecration three years earlier by order of Antiochus IV Epiphanes. ─── 犹太教节日,纪念西元前164年耶路撒冷第二圣殿重新献给上帝。三年前,亚述国王安条克四世原本将圣殿交付俗用。
4、4.consecrate anew, as after a desecration. ─── 像亵渎神圣后被重新施礼。
5、We are also likely to split Desecration into two abilities: a PvP-oriented snare and a PvE-oriented self damage buff. ─── 我们也有可能把亵渎分裂成两个能力:一个pvp向的和一个PvE向的单体buff。
6、In Psalm 74 we read of the destruction of Jerusalem, as well as the desecration and burning of the Temple. ─── 在诗篇第七四篇中,我们读到耶路撒冷的毁灭,以及圣殿的被焚与被亵渎。
7、Desecration is now also caused by Scourge Strike. ─── 亵渎 现在天灾打击也可以引发亵渎效果。
8、The ensuing battle carried them down into the very halls of the darkened Monastery, bringing a final desecration to the once holy sanctum of the Horadrim. ─── 随后的战斗把他们逼入了漆黑的修道院大厅中央,在这曾经神圣庄严的赫拉迪克圣地上抹下最后的亵渎。
9、Unfortunately, now it is a place of desecration. ─── 可惜的便是这里已经被恶魔侵蚀了吧。
10、The act or an instance of profaning; desecration. ─── 渎神不敬神的行为或事例;亵渎神圣的事物
11、Though the asset at stake in this case is intangible, given its unique value, the same interest supports a prohibition on the desecration of the American flag. ─── (2) 本案也给我们留下另外一个思考,那就是我们的执法水平及执法文明需要进一步提高和改善,促使行政执法更加合法、合理。
12、Desecration: will no longer break stealth. ─── 亵渎:不再消除潜行。
13、We are also likely to split Desecration into two abilities: a PvP-oriented snare and a PvE-oriented self damage buff. ─── 我们也会将亵渎分为两个天赋:针对PVP的诱捕效果以及针对PVE的自身伤害增益。
14、In the hands gently pressed the shutter, the camera did not dare, for fear the desecration of such a quiet grace. ─── 手中的相机不敢轻轻按下快门,怕亵渎了这种雍容沉静。
15、Afghan officials and witnesses say angry protesters in different parts of the country took to the streets after weekly Friday prayers to condemn the alleged desecration of the Koran. ─── 阿富汗官员和目击者说,全国各地愤怒的示威者在周五的祈祷结束后涌上街头抗议亵渎可兰经事件。
16、Imposing these remarks reflected the media, public opinion is against the desecration. ─── 这些堂而皇之见诸大众传媒的言论,实在是对民意的亵渎。
17、Concern sue Renzha confounding right and wrong, desecration of science, and trample on the Constitution, pray for stringent verification of the Central Political Bureau. ─── 关注控告人渣颠倒是非,亵渎科学、践踏宪法,祈求中央政治局严谨核查。
18、Imposing these remarks reflected the media, public opinion is against the desecration. ─── 这些堂而皇之见诸大众传媒的言论,实在是对民意的亵渎。
19、The whole area has been shocked by the desecration of the cemetery. ─── 整个地区都被对公墓的亵渎震惊了。
20、We do not consecrate the flag by punishing its desecration, for in doing so we dilute the freedom that this cherished emblem represents. ─── 我们并无法藉由处罚那些污衊国旗的人使得国旗变得更神圣,因为一旦我们处罚他们,将会使得这面国旗所代表的自由的意义被稀释许多。
21、If this leopard is out here somewhere, it is surely offended by your stepfather's desecration of the silence. ─── 如果这只豹子出现在什么地方,它一定是你的继父对宁静的污辱的触犯。
22、However, people are saddened by the individual local courts and judges have regarded the law as a result, the law as a hands "dough" wanton desecration law. ─── 然而,让人感到痛心的是,个别地方的法院和法官竟然视法律为儿戏,把法律当成手中的“面团”,肆意亵渎法律。
23、Lose shape of these replicas, let the public think that the master works varied, and this is the desecration of art. ─── 这些走样的复制品,会让公众觉得大师的作品不过如此,这是对艺术的亵渎。
24、Life for each person only once, it can not be the desecration of the sacred, it will not clean slate. ─── 生命对于每个人都只有一次,它神圣不容亵渎,它不会重新来过。
25、Desecration, and so forth, and lectured you on dignity and sanctity. ─── 比如亵渎神圣等。想用尊严和神圣不可侵犯之类的话来打动你们。
26、If he had burned the flag as a means of disposing of it because it was dirty or torn , he would not have been convicted of flag desecration under this penal law. ─── 因为言论自由不是绝对的,但是对特定言论的限制或处罚,要有充分理由,而这种理由便是保护其他权利或利益。
27、Desecration:This talent now has a 100% chance to be triggered, works with ScourgeStrike, and instantly snares targets within the Desecration area. ─── 亵渎:这一天赋现在将100%的触发,影响天灾打击,并将立刻诱捕所有身处亵渎范围内的目标。
28、Members of the Hmong community are expected to petition the Special Rapporteur to use his authority to make recommendations on ways to prevent grave desecration in the future. ─── 苗区的成员期望通过请愿书,让大会的报告人利用职权建议泰国人在将来不要挖掘苗族坟墓的这一类事情。
29、A few his correct run there the bishop to bring a lawsuit against immediately, say Dan Ding is intended desecration, the requirement gives punish severely. ─── 他的几个对头立刻跑到主教那里告状,说但丁有意亵渎神圣,要求予以严惩。
30、Perhaps, I should recede, and the shadow left alone to put away, to look back, not only for the desecration of a beautiful encounter. ─── 也许,我该退去了,把影子孤单地收起,把目光收回,只为不亵渎一段美丽的相遇。
31、the desecration of the countryside by new roads ─── 新公路糟蹋了乡村
32、To punish man's desecration, ecologist Edward Abbey urged anti- human terrorism in his influential novel, The Monkey- Wrench Gang . ─── 为惩罚人类的亵渎,生态学家爱德华·阿比在其颇有影响力的小说《扳手党》中号召发起反人类的恐怖活动。
33、Desecration of the time, the negative of its debt, it will be severely punished by it! ─── 亵渎了时间,负了它的债,就将受到它的严惩!
34、Though these people venerate the forces of nature, desecration of an alter forces them to take drastic measures to preserve their lives from the wrath of Mutikapa-sama, guardian of the forest. ─── 之后的一次偶然的事件使哈克奥罗成为了反抗国王暴虐统治的起义军领袖,并在推翻国王统治后成为了这个国家的新国王。
35、People's minds a resort, not the desecration of the Holy Land. ─── 使人们脑海中的一片胜地,不可亵渎的圣地。
36、Supreme Court rulings in1989 and1990 that burning and other desecration of the flag are protected as free speech by the First Amendment to the Constitution. ─── 第一次听说,在美国,焚烧国旗,还是受法律保护的,属于言论自由。
37、The fund seeks to prevent desecration of Pele, the native goddess of fire and volcanoes, and finds geothermal energy projects sacrilegious. ─── 后来,该基金会还用来保护裴乐的环境、当地的火神以及岛上的火山,同时寻找当地可以利用的地热资源。
38、Puluotesi King to cover up their own displeasure, he did not want to offend guests, the warm hospitality of the desecration of a sacred obligation. ─── 翻译:普洛特斯国王掩饰了自己的不悦,他并不想冒犯客人,亵渎热情待客的神圣义务。
39、But bull market commentators think this is the desecration of their views. ─── 但牛市论者认为这是对他们观点的亵渎。
40、But ignorance and holy desecration are far from America抯 worst public image problems. ─── 但是,无知以及亵渎神圣并不是美国人的世界公共印象的问题。
41、the desecration of a cemetery ─── 亵渎墓地
42、Some say that this is the sacred, a great literary circles was bustling and the desecration. ─── 有人说,这是对神圣的、热闹非凡的文坛的一种莫大亵渎。
43、And in which the desecration of the crime, because he does not believe in God. ─── 在其中又有亵渎之罪,因为他会不信上帝。
44、Messiah: Because of your desecration of holy places.I expel you from the top of the God Hill. ─── 弥赛亚:我因你感情很多,以至亵渎圣地,就从神的山顶驱逐你。
45、By no other means can one annotate the word desecration but doing something like the jerk did. ─── 没有什么比照片里这个傻瓜所做的事情更能诠释“亵渎”一词的意义了。
46、A country discovering a successfull assassination, supporting rebels or desecration of holy site now gets a casus belli against the offender. ─── 某国如果在暗杀,支持叛乱分子或者玷污圣地的时候被发现,敌国会拥有宣战理由.
47、Do not have psychological burden that the economy will be linked to love and, in the desecration of sacred and the purity of love. ─── 千万别有心理负担,觉得将爱情与经济挂钩,是在亵渎爱情的纯洁和神圣。
48、Wither's has informed me of the presence of a wizard named Ortufon at the desecration that took place outside the city gates. ─── 威瑟斯向我通报了一个亵渎了神圣的法师走出城市大门,他的名字是奥图番。
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