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08-29 投稿



restrictive 发音

英:[rɪˈstrɪktɪv]  美:[rɪˈstrɪktɪv]

英:  美:

restrictive 中文意思翻译




restrictive 网络释义

adj. 限制的;限制性的;约束的n. 限制词

restrictive 词性/词形变化,restrictive变形

副词: restrictively |名词: restrictiveness |

restrictive 反义词


restrictive 常用词组

restrictive condition ─── 限制条件

restrictive 同义词

obstructive | preventive | cramping | limiting |terminal | restraining | off-putting

restrictive 短语词组

1、restrictive business tariff ─── [经] 限制营业税率

2、restrictive practices court ─── [法] 限制贸易实施法庭

3、restrictive condition ─── [法] 限制条件

4、restrictive trade system ─── [经] 限制商业交易制

5、restrictive practices n. ( ─── 工业制造厂家间的)限制竞争协议( restrictive practice的名词复数 )

6、non-restrictive ─── 非限制性的; ─── 非限定的

7、restrictive rule ─── [计] 限定规则

8、restrictive endorsement ─── [经] 限制性背书

9、restrictive trade practices ─── [法] 限制贸易的实施

10、restrictive business clauses ─── [法] 限制商业条款

11、restrictive interpretation ─── [法] 限制解释, 缩小解释

12、restrictive trade practices act ─── [法] 限制贸易实施法

13、restrictive clause ─── [经] 限制条款

14、restrictive injunction ─── [法] 禁制令

15、restrictive trade practices act 1956 ─── [经] (英国)

16、Restrictive shell ─── 有限的外壳

17、restrictive credit policy ─── [经] 限制性信贷政策

18、restrictive immunity ─── [法] 有限制的豁免权

19、restrictive business practices ─── [经] 限制性商业作法

restrictive 相似词语短语

1、restriction ─── n.限制;约束;束缚

2、restrictions ─── n.限制;限制条件(restriction的复数形式)

3、restrictively ─── adv.限制性地

4、prestriction ─── 预应力

5、constrictive ─── adj.紧缩的;束紧的;压缩性的

6、restricting ─── n.整形,限制;扼流;v.限制(restrict的ing形式)

7、nonrestrictive ─── adj.非限制性的

8、destructive ─── adj.破坏的;毁灭性的;有害的,消极的

9、astrictive ─── adj.止血的;使收缩的;收敛的;n.收敛剂

restrictive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Don't restrict her proper activities. ─── 不要拘束她的正当活动。

2、If not, use the next less restrictive option, and so forth. It is a matter of trial and error. ─── 如果不是这样,利用今后较少限制性的选择,等等。这是一个试验和错误。

3、There are three occasions in which this approach of using Boolean expressions may appear restrictive. ─── 在三种情况下,使用布尔表达式去表述契约可能显得有些力不从心。

4、Restrictive duties, said the economists, would thwart the foreign debtors' ability to pay interest to American investors. ─── 限制性关税将削弱债务国向美国投资者支付利息的能力。

5、No organizations or individuals shall obstruct or restrict them. ─── 任何组织和个人不得阻挠和限制。

6、Next, analyze the restrictive factor of personal consumption credit. ─── 其次分析国内个人消费信贷业务的制约因素。

7、Goya, however, tends to restrict the bodyaaaaas expressive role. ─── 可是哥雅,他比较会限制身体的表达脚色。

8、Restrict sb/oneself(to certain conditions,a fixed occupation or place,etc. ─── 使某人[自己]受(某环境、固定的职业或地点等的)约束

9、Rewards can unduly restrict performance. ─── 奖励能过度的限制表现。

10、But for argument’s sake, let’s restrict this to spirituality. ─── 但是由于讨论的缘故,我们把这个限制在精神主义上。

11、Tobacco companies face increasingly restrict of (restrictive) market places in many wealthy (wealthier) countries. ─── 在很多富裕国家烟草公司面临越来越强的市场限制;

12、How do you feel about working for a big international brand? Do you think it's too restrictive? ─── 为一本国际品牌的杂志工作,你感觉如何?是否认为觉得它的限制性太大?

13、Adaptive Server Enterprise has a more restrictive name space on trigger names than Adaptive Server Anywhere. ─── 对于触发器名称,Adaptive Server Enterprise的命名空间限制比Adaptive Server Anywhere的更严格。

14、They attemp to restrict the scope of disease. ─── 他们设法将疾病控制在小范围之内。

15、If you think elbow and knee pads might be restrictive, try wearing a cast. ─── 如果你觉得护肘和护膝可能会限制活动,那去试试打石膏吧。

16、Become more restrictive or repressive. ─── 变地更加具有限制性或压抑性。

17、Some aerators can restrict flow to less than 1.0 gpm. ─── 一些通气器可以限制流量小于1.0界面。

18、And the sulfurified amino acid content is the second restrictive amino acid in alfalfa bud, nor in the product. ─── 在紫花苜蓿芽中含硫氨基酸(蛋氨酸+胱氨酸)是第二限制性氨基酸,而在其产品中不是。

19、The stifling atmosphere of the royal court,with all its petty restrictive rules. ─── 宫廷里那令人窒息的气氛,因为有各种繁文褥节。

20、Use this tab to restrict the rows in your result set. ─── 使用该选项卡可限制结果集中的行。

21、Restrict your choice of full-text key columns to a small column. ─── 仅选择较小的列作为全文键列。

22、Can be used to restrict queries made against the group table. ─── 可以用来限制对组表的查询。

23、However, several other countries also use very restrictive Islamic law. ─── 但还是有国家在使用禁忌颇多的伊斯兰教法。

24、Context, tense, style and modifiers all perform restrictive functions on semantic opacity. ─── 具体语境和上下文、时态、文体以及一些附加词对语义不明确具有一定的制约作用。

25、It is up to a company to restrict access to confidential information. ─── 公司有责任采取措施防止公司的机密消息被盗。

26、The other reason why costs are so high is the restrictive guild-like ownership structure of the business. ─── 成本如此之高的另一个原因是行业协会具有约束性的所有权结构等限制性因素。

27、He feels this new law will restrict his freedom. ─── 他觉得这一新法律会限制他的自由。

28、To hem in, hinder, or restrict with or as if with a hedge. ─── 围住,包围用树篱或者好象用树篱包围、设障碍、阻碍

29、To "open wide", or to "restrict"? ─── 两种方针,放还是收呢?

30、Their policy was to restrict our growth. ─── 他们的政策是限制我们的发展。

31、Similarly, a mother may excuse her son's behavior as "testing his wings" when the father wants to restrict him. ─── 同样,一个母亲会以“考验他的翅膀硬不硬”为由原谅儿子的行为,而父亲本是要严加管束的。

32、Adaptive Server Enterprise has a less restrictive name space for index names than Adaptive Server Anywhere. ─── 对于索引名,Adaptive Server Enterprise的命名空间限制比Adaptive Server Anywhere的少。

33、Water is the restrictive factor for sand industry development. ─── 制约沙产业发展的瓶颈因素是水。

34、Under restrictive assumptions, the actions of elected officials mimic the wishes of the median voter. ─── 在严格的假设条件下,政治家的行为会趋向于迎合中间投票人的利益。

35、Tobacco companies face increasingly restrictive marketplaces in many wealthier countries. ─── 在许多较发达国家,烟草公司面临着愈来愈严峻的市场环境。

36、Tabloid editors would not like this, or a formal privacy law if it were similarly restrictive. ─── 小报编辑们肯定不乐意,让他们也不乐意的是出台具有相似约束性的正式的隐私法。

37、On the other hand restrict the internal users with WWW proxy daemon procedure. ─── 同时使用WWW应用代理程序,控制内部用户对Internet的访问。

38、Accessibility and general weather prospects further restrict the choice. ─── 可达到的条件和一般的气象资料进一步限制了选择。

39、Sufferring other to restrict additionally is not sufferable. ─── 另外受他人制约是不可容忍的。

40、They are too restrictive, too loaded with fat and cholesterol, and too empty of life-saving nutrients. ─── 他们也过于狭窄,过于满载脂肪和胆固醇,太空救生养分。

41、You can also restrict the posts by author. ─── 你也可以根据作者限制文章数目。

42、and I was glad to hear it, for over-restrictive parents are a key stumbling-point when it comes to taking a girl home for the night. ─── 听到这我很高兴,带一个女孩子回家过夜对于那些要求严格的父亲来说是一个致关重要的障碍。

43、Realizes the algorithm about the restrictive four forks tree, is very good oh! ─── 关于限制性四叉树实现算法的,很不错哦!

44、Don't restrict the proper activities of children. ─── 不要拘束孩子们的正当活动。

45、It has laws that restrict deforestation in the rest. ─── 剩下的森林也有严格的法律限制砍伐。

46、Patriarch use only function,to restrict kids use disk and cd only. ─── 家长专用功能,限制小孩子只能使用的软件和光盘

47、Would it make sense for the city authorities to further restrict parking? ─── 对于市政当局来说,进一步限制停车是否有意义?

48、And why should I restrict myself, segregate myself? ─── 况且我何必限制自己,孤立自己呢?

49、He finds the job too restrictive. ─── 他觉得这份工作束缚太多。

50、You should be as restrictive as possible when you validate any input. ─── 你应当尽可能严格的检验输入的数据。

51、It was a decision to leave a particularly oppressive and restrictive way of living and to try living differently. ─── 是决定离开特殊压迫及限制的生活,或是跟随诱惑去尝试不同的生活方式。

52、The state will adopt a more restrictive policy on arms sales. ─── 这个州将对武器销售采取一项更具约束性的政策。

53、Peacekeeping mandates from the Security Council tended to be far too restrictive both in scope and numbers. ─── 安理会授权的维和行动在规模与数量上都远更倾向于有所限定。

54、A condition to restrict the values that are returned from the column list. ─── 一个限制从列列表返回的值的条件。

55、State enterprises were told to restrict their share purchases. ─── 国企被要求严格限制股票买卖。

56、To restrict to limited allotments, as during wartime. ─── 定量供给在例如战争期间等时候,把某物供应制定在一定数量以下

57、A category, especially an overly restrictive one. ─── 分类,类别分类,尤指受过度限制分类

58、Typical one is how restrictive the budget should be. ─── 其中比较典型的一个是与预算的限制程度有关的问题。

59、It offers a way to make a viable commitment in the present without restrictive tentacles to shackle the future. ─── 它提供了一条途径,以构成现实可行的委托义务,而不用限制性的绳索给未来套上枷锁。

60、With such restrictive conditions attached to government aid, the bank is doing its best to wriggle out from under it. ─── 在政府资助所附带的限制性条件下,该银行现在不得不想法设法摆脱它的影响。

61、Do not punctuate restrictive clauses. ─── 不要在限制性从句中使用标点。

62、Congress is considering measures to restrict the sale of cigarettes. ─── 国会正考虑采取措施限制香烟销售。

63、In some situations, you might want to restrict a property to a known value. ─── 在某些情况下,您可能需要将属性限制到已知值。

64、Use the most restrictive setting. ─── 使用最严格的设置。

65、In a very difficult or restrictive situation. ─── 在一个非常困难或受限的处境。

66、You can see why this might be useful in aircraft maintenance books but it would be unnecessarily restrictive in reporting the credit crisis. ─── 你可以意识到,为什么此项标准在飞机维修书中或许是有价值的,但在报道信贷危机时却会带来不必要的限制。

67、No units or individuals shall obstruct or restrict them. ─── 任何单位和个人不得限制和阻挠。

68、But it is still not enough because of various restrictive factors. ─── 但是它还不完善,正是这些不完善制约了功能的发挥。

69、Tag !ine restrict swinging of !oad. ─── 可限制负荷摆动弧度的牵线。

70、Who face a similar risk is a restrictive attributive clause modifying people. ─── 只有当面临同样风险的许多人共同分担保险费用时,保险才成为可能.

71、Restrict your drinking,even on special occasions. ─── 即使在特殊场合,也要节制饮酒。

72、Nevertheless, the Overton Park test has been criticized for being potentially too restrictive. ─── 可是,"奥弗顿公园"案的标准因其潜在存在的过分限制性而受到批评。

73、You cannot restrict people to just seeing some files in the Public folder. ─── 不能限制用户只能查看公用文件夹中的某些文件。

74、You can use search criteria to restrict the number of rows returned by a query. ─── 可使用搜索条件限制查询返回的行数。

75、So, we must be aware of the restrictive force of the nature, and admit to the sacredness and solemnness o... ─── 为此,我们必须认识到自然力量的约束性、神圣性和庄严性;要敬畏自然;把自己看作自然的儿子,要用实际的行动来保护自然。

76、Enable or restrict user input to the DataGridView control. ─── 允许或限制用户向DataGridView控件中输入数据。

77、ACLs can restrict the delivery of routing updates. ─── ACL能限制路由更新的传送。

78、Restrict your story to the facts. ─── 你讲的话必须符合事实。

79、Analysis on Times Significance and Restrictive Factors of Developing Directional Sport in High School P.E. ─── 中学体育教学开展定向运动的意义及制约因素。

80、He argued that the law was unduly restrictive. ─── 他辩称法律的约束性有些过分了。

81、The AD-curve shifts to the right (left) whenever expansionary (restrictive) fiscal or monetary policies are employed. ─── 专案曲线转移到右(左) ,每次扩张性(限制性)财政或货币政策雇用。

82、To modify,limit,or restrict,as by giving exceptions. ─── 修饰修饰、限定或限制,如通过给出异议

83、Place proper punctuation around nonrestrictive clauses, but do not place punctuation around restrictive clauses. ─── 在非限制性从句中可以使用标点,但在限制性从句中则不可以使用。

84、But the utility is overly restrictive in time and states of nature. ─── 但是可加效用对时间和自然状态有着太多的要求。

85、To hem in,hinder,or restrict with or as if with a hedge. ─── 围住,包围用树篱或者好象用树篱包围、设障碍、阻碍。

86、Due to the graphically restrictive nature of text communication, many symbols have been dreamed up that may (or may not) look like an image. ─── 由于文本交流中图形的自然限制,一些符号被期望当作图片来看待。

87、They should not themselves create restrictive, distorting or disruptive effects on international trade. ─── 原产地规则本身不得对国际贸易产生限制、扭曲或破坏作用。

88、Restrictive legislation in the 1920s and the Great Depression of the 1930s reduced the influx to a trickle. ─── 但1920年代的严格立法与1930年代的经济大萧条,使得进入美国的移民大量减少。

89、Students should keep in mind those regulations which restrict their behavior. ─── 学生应牢记那些规范自己的行为准则。

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