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08-25 投稿



determinedly 发音

英:[dɪˈtɜːrmɪndli]  美:[dɪˈtɜːmɪndli]

英:  美:

determinedly 中文意思翻译



determinedly 短语词组

1、determinedly define ─── 下定决心

2、determinedly meaning ─── 坚定的意义

3、determinedly spelling ─── 坚决地拼写

4、determinedly definition ─── 坚定地定义

5、determinedly rewashes ─── 坚决地重蹈覆辙

determinedly 相似词语短语

1、determines ─── 决心;确定

2、determinable ─── adj.可决定的

3、determiners ─── n.[语]限定词(determiner的复数形式)

4、determined ─── adj.决定了的;坚决的;v.决定;断定(determine的过去分词)

5、determiner ─── n.[语]限定词;决定因素

6、determinably ─── 确定地

7、determine ─── v.(使)下决心,(使)做出决定;vt.决定,确定;判定,判决;限定;vi.确定;决定;判决,终止;[主用于法律]了结,终止,结束

8、determinately ─── adv.确定地;有限花序地

9、determinacy ─── n.确定性;坚定性

determinedly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He would have fought for this man as determinedly as for himself, and yet only so far as commanded. ─── 他会像为自己一样为这个人去坚决地战斗,但也只是奉命而行。

2、Keywords oxycodone hydrochloride rotundine high performance liquid chromatography determin; ─── 盐酸羟考酮;罗痛定;高效液相色谱法;测定;

3、The suggestion was that there was something determinedly European about this new American gaze. ─── 这种对一个新美国的凝视暗示出其中必然有些欧洲人的成分。

4、Before they struck he was merrily marketing himself as an updated version of Tony Blair, pledging to pursue many of the ex-prime minister's policies, only more determinedly. ─── 在此之前,他一直满足于自己翻版布莱尔的形象,表示将追随布莱尔的许多政策,而且会不遗余力地贯彻到底。

5、Accepts this living environment that is full of machine and pileup determinedly. ─── 坚决接受这个充斥着机器与交通工具的生活环境。

6、METHODS The reversal effect of the drugs on multidrug-resistant cell line were determin ed by MTT method. ─── 方法:采用MTT法测定药物的体外杀伤作用,应用流式细胞术测定细胞内药物浓度。

7、They had him surrounded and were determinedly snapping the breakers off. ─── 他们围住了他,非要关掉断路器。

8、I determinedly different idea your words, but I dare to die to defend your right of speech. ─── “我不同意你的观点,但是我誓死捍卫你说话的权力!

9、Even when he was forced to give up his cabaret act in 1994, he was happy to court publicity, remaining determinedly cheerful. ─── 即使在1994年他被迫放弃卡巴莱轮回滑稽表演之后,也仍热衷于博得公众的欢心,保持坚定乐观。

10、“Because I want she should learn the Christian faith,” returned Gerhardt determinedly. ─── “因为我要她学习基督教的信仰,”葛哈德坚决的回说。

11、Quantitative determin ─── 定量检测

12、That was the melting pot.But the new Hispanics are determinedly sticking to Spanish. ─── 但是现在新一波的拉美裔移民则断然决然地坚持使用西班牙语。

13、Regardless of what difficulties and complications we encounter, we must all even more determinedly walk towards the world, and extensively draw on all the nourishment of human civilisation; ─── 不管遇到怎样的艰难困扰,我们都要更加坚定地走向世界,广泛汲取人类文明的所有营养;

14、OBJECTIVE To establish a method for the determin ation of amikacin content in eye drops. ─── 目的:建立阿米卡星的一种新的测定方法。方法:采用旋光度测定法,在一定的温度下测定阿米卡星的比旋度。

15、Schryhart straightened up determinedly and offensively ─── 希哈利坚决地、无礼地挺起了身子。

16、s swiftly rooted out,it takes hold and grows,crippling and eventually even killing those who insist on clinging determinedly to it. ─── 如果不尽快铲除仇恨,它就会生根发芽,使那些执意仇恨无法释怀的人致残甚至死亡。

17、Did they all consistently hold firmly to their ideals, and had they been, throughout, determinedly good? ─── 他们中的所有人是不是都一贯地紧握着自己的理想,自始至终绝对良善?

18、He would have fought for this man as determinedly as for himself, and yet only so far as commanded.Strip him of his uniform, and he would have soon picked his side. ─── 在她采取行动之前,所有的广告栏和报纸上都登着:“伟大的喜歌剧之杰作上演最后两周--”云去。

19、It is very difficult to detect the drying mechanism, and determin e the critical point of stiffening reaction by normal analysis methods. ─── 在海藻酸钙胶囊干燥过程中,用常规分析方法确定干燥机理和硬化反应关键点等比较困难。


21、Methods to determin THPC content and organic phosphorus content were reviewed in this paper. ─── 本文介绍评述了目前测定THPC含量和与之相似的有机膦含量的分析测试方法。

22、But fully aware of the magnitude of her mission, she determinedly continues on her way, leaving the wide blue sea behind ─── 可是,她想到肩负的重托,又毅然前进,从此留下这一望无际的青海。


24、Methods To determin dyclonine hydrochloride D-value in transdermal solution by using transdermal test way and first order derivative spectrophotometry. ─── 方法采用一阶导数分光光度法和体外透皮吸收实验方法测定透过液中盐酸达克罗宁的振幅D值。

25、We determin to start the new plan. it is really a big affair. ─── 时间过得太快了。自9月出游回来,又是一个月的时间过去了,四处布道,希望有所斩获。

26、He would determinedly carry out detailed investigations and bring justice to the victims. ─── 每次遇到这样的案情,他总是深入调查,详细分析,替百姓伸冤。

27、The bottom-hole flowing pressure is a dominant factor to determin e gas well's pr oductivity.Gas well productivity equation can show the relationship between flow pressure and production directly. ─── 气井产能方程能够直接描述流压与产量的关系,但是传统的二项式产能方程在地层压力未知或者地层压力不准的情况下无法使用。

28、Two to hold tight from strict cure the officer this breaks.Lead the staff wants to aware of self from the strict 律 F, every prohibit of, can't break determinedly; ─── 二是要抓住从严治官这个突破口.领导干部要自觉从严律己,凡是明令禁止的,坚决不能违犯;

29、Results All case can determin the size,form,position,and other change. ─── 结果:所有病例均可明确结石的大小、形态、部位,以及继发改变。

30、She stepped determinedly in his way. ─── 她果断地拦住了他。

31、When Zhangbaoquan work in desk, he will already aware of the power of capital, resolutely and determinedly to join the business sea; ─── 当张宝全耕耘于案头时,他早已意识到了资本意志的力量,毅然决然地投身商海;

32、They were determinedly snapping the breakers off. ─── 他们非要关掉断路器。

33、The No.1 and No.2 comparers compare the upper characters and lower characters in a group to preset multiple values to determin the range of said upper characters and lower characters. ─── 第一和第二比较器对一组字符中的高位字符和低位字符与预定的多个数值进行比较,以确定该高位字符和低位字符的范围;

34、She shook her head, determinedly. ─── 她坚决地摇摇头。

35、Dorothy's chin set determinedly as she looked calmly at him. ─── 多萝西平静地看着他,下巴绷得紧紧的,看来是打定主意了。

36、She stepped determinedly in his way. ─── 她果断地拦住了他。

37、Noise in general becomes more striking, with waves slapping more determinedly at our sides. ─── 各种声响会更加惊心动魄,海浪拍打着船舷也更有力。

38、The Decathlon is one of the major events in the modern Olympic Games, the ultimate test of speed, endurance and ability. It takes both physical talent and unbending determin. ─── 十项运动是现代的奥运会的主要运动项目之一,是速度,忍耐和能力的终极测试。

39、“I know enough,” insisted old Archibald, determinedly. ─── “我清楚得很,”老头子坚持道。

40、At dusk one evening, deep in a Costa Rican forest, a young male jaguar rises from his sleep, stretches, and silently but determinedly leaves forever the place where he was born. ─── 某天傍晚时分,在哥斯达黎加森林深处,一只年轻的公美洲豹从睡梦中醒来、伸了伸懒腰,不声不响地决意永远离开牠的出生地。

41、In order to benefit society, the Wangma Computer Company determinedly gave up an opportunity that would have earned big money by dedicating unencoded floppy disks to users, allowing them to copy by themselves. ─── 为了造福社会,王码电脑公司毅然放弃本来可以赚大钱的机会,把不加密的软盘奉献给用户,让他们自行拷贝。

42、Based on the analysis of the survey of 2116 downhill area,provide three kinds of mining plans,finaly, determin the compound roof mining plan is the optimum one. ─── 在分析2116下山区概况的基础上,提出了3种开采方案,最后选定托复合顶板开采为最佳方案。

43、(Three), deepen economic system and political restructuring , block up the leak on system and system , ban the illicit income and various off-payroll income , moonlighting income etc. determinedly; ─── (三)、深化经济体制和政治体制改革,堵塞制度和体制上的漏洞,坚决取缔非法收入和各种隐形收入、灰色收入等;

44、He determinedly aspired after liberty. ─── 他矢志不渝地追求自由。

45、Turkey's friends agree that as a seasoned diplomat with determinedly pro-Western views, Mr Gul would make a fine head of state. ─── 居尔是一个富有经验的外交官,并持坚定的亲西方观点,这使得土耳其的盟友们认为他可以成为一个不错的国家首脑。

46、Hope your elephant hurricane, determinedly resolute! ─── 希望你象飓风,坚决果断!

47、The whole party will cling to their leader very determinedly. ─── 全党将极其坚定地紧紧跟随着他们的领袖。

48、To determin the levels of cortisol (Cs) and adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) and their diurnal rhythm , then investigate the function of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (H-P-A) axis and the changes in the condition of hyperprolactinemia. ─── 测定高催乳素血症妇女外周血皮质醇(cortisol Cs)? 肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(ACTH)水平及两者水平的日节律变化规律,探讨高催乳素血症状态时下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴(H-P-A)功能改变;

49、determin ation ─── 含量测定

50、Stepped forward determinedly, Mr. Johnson looked at the long road ahead of him. ─── 约翰逊先生望着面前漫长的道路毅然挺身而出。

51、objective:To investigate the effect of Rosa davurica pall on senile index SOD and MDA in mouse brain and liver .Methods:Using xantnin oxindase determin SOD .Using thiobarbituric acid determin MDA. ─── 目的:研究刺玫果提取物(喷雾干燥粉)对衰老小鼠脑、肝组织中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和丙二醛(MDA)含量的影响。

52、Different Corn Varieties'Roots Water Potential Determin ation and Drought Resistance Identification in Seeding Stage ─── 玉米不同品种幼苗期根水势测定及其抗旱性鉴定

53、One of the country's most influential organisations, the 3 million-member National Rifle Association, has determinedly fought any and all attempts to restrict the free trade in firearms. ─── 拥有300万会员的“国家来福枪协会”是美国最有影响的组织之一,这个组织对所有要限制武器自由贸易的企图都进行了坚决的斗争。

54、He bent to kiss me, but I turned my face determinedly away. ─── 他俯身要吻我,但我断然把脸扭开了。

55、With this function I was able to determin the position of the format characters I wanted to be shown. ─── 用这个函数我可以决定我想显示的格式化字符的位置。

56、Precisely because their motives and their standpoints differ,some will vacillate or turn traitor at the very start of the struggle,some will become indifferent or withdraw from the fight midway,and some will determinedly fight to the end. ─── 正因为他们的动机与立场各有不同,有的在斗争开始时就要动摇叛变的,有的会在中途消极或退出战线的,有的愿意奋斗到底的。

57、If possible, include them in determin ing terminology and style. ─── 如有可能,在决定术语和风格的时候也将他们包含在内。

58、And today, as the appreciation of a Primal Cause becomes more clearly defined, the spiritual instinct asserts itself determinedly. ─── 今天,幸亏远古成因已日渐清晰化,精神本能已能果断的宣称自己的地位了。

59、He was the Golden boy of those determinedly gay and resolutely cynical days that followed the Great War ─── 他成了第一次世界大战后这个决定要蔑视人生,纵情欢乐的时代的骄子。

60、This paper studied a new method for the determin ation of trace Pb in foods by hydride generation-atomic absorption spectrometry . ─── 本文研究了用氢化物发生-原子吸收光谱法测定食品中痕量铅的方法。

61、So this day, how do I also can not boil two months, the determinedly made to the relatives to leave requirements. ─── 于是这样的日子,我怎么也熬不了两个月,毅然地向亲戚提出了离去的要求。

62、By the method of extraction and concentration, the trace content of Pb in popped food is determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometer, and the determinedly conditions are explored preliminarily. ─── 利用萃取浓缩膨化食品中微量元素铅,用原子吸收分光光度法进行测定,并对测定条件进行了初步探索。

63、For the officials, they struggle determinedly. ─── 外戚与宦官都是皇权的异化。


65、Objective To triturate the compound prostatitis supposiitory and determin its bacteriostastic activity. ─── 目的研制复方前列腺炎栓剂及该栓剂的抑菌作用。

66、Even the EEC's determinedly optimistic projections anticipate a short-term loss of several hundred thousand jobs when national barriers fall. ─── 欧洲经济委员会虽然作出了极为乐观的估计,同时他们也预料到:在欧洲共同体内部取消边境之后,短期内会丧失数十万个工作机会。

67、One of the country's most influential organisations,the 3 million-member National Rifle Association,has determinedly fought any and all attempts to restrict the free trade in firearms. ─── 拥有300万会员的“国家来福枪协会”是美国最有影响的组织之一,这个 组织对所有要限制武器自由贸易的企图都进行了坚决的斗争。

68、AIM:To evaluate the effects of decompressive craniectomy for treating massive cerebral infarction and to determin the appropriate timing of the operation. ─── 目的:探索开颅减压术对大面积脑梗塞的治疗效果及实施手术的时机。

69、Also once fantasized oneself resolutely and determinedly wields thesword to cut the emotions, from this time on makes a clear distinctionthe boundary with Microsoft, never fondly remembers. ─── 也曾幻想自己毅然决然挥剑斩情丝,从此与微软划清界限,永不怀念。

70、A method of data processing to determin the dipole moment of the polar molecule by solution method ─── 溶液法测定极性分子偶极矩的数据处理方法

71、Disscussion on the possibility to Determin Sulpheric Acid Radical by a substitution of Ion Chromatogranhy for Barium Chromate Spectophotometry ─── 离子色谱法替代铬酸钡光度法测定硫酸根可行性探讨

72、Because of her, he gave up determinedly the great chace of developing his career in Beijing. ─── 为了她,他曾毅然放弃了在北京进行事业发展的大好机会。

73、But two powerful groups have remained determinedly sceptical: energy-intensivemanufacturers and organised labour, who fear the effects of higher energy costsin Americaand their impact on jobs. ─── 不过,能源密集型企业和工会这两个强势团体仍坚决地表示怀疑,他们担心能源成本 将升高,部分工人将失去工作。

74、To move ahead determinedly with your plans. ─── 坚定向前行动以您的计划。

75、As my day begins, I might feel overly careful -- which is weird for someone as determinedly optimistic as me. ─── 否则大家不如像白云公主一样,不用愁钱,时间,不需要面对任何困难吧。

76、TLC was used for identification of Phyllanthus amarus Linn,TLC-scanning was used to determin the content in glycyrrhiza. ─── 用薄层色谱法鉴别苦味叶下珠,薄层扫描法测定甘草中甘草酸单铵盐的含量。

77、And today, as the appreciation of a Primal Cause becomes more clearly defined, the spiritual instinct asserts itself determinedly. ─── 今天,幸亏远古成因已日渐清晰化,精神本能已能果断的宣称自己的地位了。)

78、Methods:The tube broth methods were used to determin minimal inhibition concentration(MIC)of 13 common bacteria strains. ─── 方法:采用试管稀释法测定吴茱萸提取物对13种临床常见病原菌的最低抑菌浓度(MIC),判定抑菌效果。

79、Stepped forward determinedly, Mr. Johnson looked at the long road ahead of him. ─── 约翰逊先生望着面前漫长的道路毅然挺身而出。

80、Keywords RP HPLC;Paroxetine;Sertraline;Plasma;Determin ation of contentLM; ─── 反相高效液相色谱法;帕罗西汀;舍曲林;血浆;含量测定;

81、“I can't see it, Robert,” he said finally and determinedly. ─── “我可还不明白,罗伯脱,”他最后坚决地说道。

82、It is characterized by high metallogenic elements and high heavy minerals and altered fractural rock type Au ore body(Yuershan).Isotopic age determin... ─── 断层倾角大于层状矿脉系,估计在深部会切错矿体,因此在断层深部上盘应存在着找寻工业矿体的远景。

83、” “I'll do it,” said Bass determinedly. ─── “那末我一定干,”巴斯坚决地说。

84、Exploiting Innovation Determinedly, Dauntlessly Enterprising and Continuously Increasing the Service Capacity of Research and Development of Agricultural Sci-tech Information ─── 开拓创新锐意进取不断提高农业科技情报研发服务能力

85、Turkey's friends agree that as a seasoned diplomat with determinedly pro-Western views, Mr Gul would make a fine head of state. ─── 居尔是一个富有经验的外交官,并持坚定的亲西方观点,这使得土耳其的盟友们认为他可以成为一个不错的国家首脑。

86、This paper estabilshed a colorimetric method to determin flavone in Compound Gymnema Sylvestre Capsules.Rutine served as control substance. ─── 以芦丁为对照品,用比色法测定了复方匙羹藤胶囊中山楂黄酮的含量。

87、Abstract It is more reliable to determin the viability of blue-green algal cells by FDA staining. ─── 摘要 使用荧光素二醋酸酯染色鉴定蓝藻细胞生活力较其他染色方法更可靠。

88、METHODS To determin paracetamol absorption value in transdermal solution by using transdermal test methed and differential UV-spectrophotometry. ─── 方法:采用体外透皮吸收实验方法和差示分光光度法测定透过液中对乙酰氨基酚的吸收度。

89、The county-level chief of local drought-relief efforts, Gong Xinzhen, is determinedly upbeat about the situation. ─── 本地旱情救援组的县级领导龚新征并没有被目前的形势击败。

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