fluency 发音
英:['fluːənsɪ] 美:['fluənsi]
英: 美:
fluency 中文意思翻译
fluency 同义词
ease | volubility |eloquence | articulateness | glibness | facility | confidence | smoothness
fluency 反义词
fluency 短语词组
1、with fluency ─── 流利地
2、key words for fluency ─── 流利性关键词
3、fluency tutor ─── 流利辅导
4、fluency passages ─── 流畅段落
5、fluency timer pro ─── 流利计时器专业版
6、fluency test ─── 流利性测试
7、ideational fluency ─── 理想的流利
8、fluency reading ─── 流畅阅读
9、fluency matters ─── 流利性很重要
10、fluency tutor pricing ─── 流利度导师定价
11、letter name fluency ─── 字母名称流利度
12、fluency builder ─── 流利度建设者
13、fluency tracker ─── 流利度跟踪器
fluency 相似词语短语
1、fluent ─── adj.流畅的,流利的;液态的;畅流的
2、fluences ─── n.(神秘的)影响;[物]积分通量
3、disfluency ─── n.不流利
4、fluently ─── adv.流利地;通畅地
5、lucency ─── n.透明;光亮
6、fluence ─── n.(神秘的)影响;[物]积分通量
7、dysfluency ─── n.言语障碍
8、affluency ─── n.富裕(等于affluence)
9、fulgency ─── 火药味,
fluency 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He was a fluent, cheerful, agreeable talker. ─── 他是个口若悬河的,兴致勃勃的,讨人喜欢的健谈家。
2、His self - confident fluency left her no room to talk back. ─── 他口若悬河,自以为是,使她没有机会回话。
3、His English then was fluent but not colloquial. ─── 他的英语讲得很流利,但不够口语化。
4、She speaks fluent though not very correct French. ─── 她的法语虽然讲得不太准确,但很流利。
5、She is fluent in five languages. ─── 她通晓五种语言。
6、Liu Mingkang 11 answers by a fluent English. ─── 刘明康以一口流利的英语一一作答。
7、More practice will make you speak with greater fluency. ─── 多练习就可以使你的口语更流利。
8、Mother, two very simple words, the early stages of school, we have learned the wording of it, but do not always feel that writing fluency. ─── 妈妈,很简单的两个文字,上学的初期,我们就已经学会它的写法,却总是觉得写的不流利。
9、At least CET 6, fluent English skills. ─── 6级,熟练的英语表达技巧.
10、What you speak is more fluent than me. ─── 你说的比我更流利。
11、On Friday, Mr Hu complimented Mr Rudd on his fluency and thanked him for his commitment to developing the Australia-China relationship. ─── 星期五胡先生夸奖鲁德先生中文流利并感谢他在发展澳中关系上所做出的贡献。
12、She speaks English with great fluency. ─── 她英语说得。
13、Robosapien speaks fluent international "caveman". ─── 全功能的臂膊;
14、Her fluent movements surprised us. ─── 她那协调优美的动作让我们惊奇。
15、She speaks fluent and idiomatic English. ─── 她讲一口流利地道的英语。
16、He speaks Englih and French with equal fluency. ─── 他说英语和法语同样流利。
17、He had a real feeling for literature, and he could impart his own passion with an admirable fluency. ─── 他对文字具有真正的爱好,能够痛快淋漓细致入微地把自己的感情表达出来。
18、The clerk at the front desk speaks fluent English. ─── 前台的职员可以讲流利的英语。
19、Basic and fluent copy writing skill. ─── 基本与扎实的文体撰写技能。
20、He is fluent in English and Spanish. ─── 他能说流利的英语和西班牙语。
21、His Indian robes contrasted oddly with his fluent English. ─── 他的印度长袍与他流利的英语形成奇特的对照。
22、His work is rather fluent and felicitous. ─── 他的作品十分流畅,措辞巧妙。
23、Fluent in English and Chinese is a MUST. ─── 具备良好的中英文能力。
24、He spoke fluent Chinese and told me about his rich experiences. ─── 他讲一口流利的汉语并将他的丰富经历讲给我听。
25、She is fluent in English. ─── 她熟练掌握英语。
26、I appealed to F.J. to publish a paper on the FLUENCY assessment. ─── 后来,我请求琼斯批准出版一份有关对“流畅”行动的判断的文件。
27、He turned out to be a personable and fluent East Indian. ─── 原来他是一个神采奕奕,口齿流利的东印度人。
28、He can speak fluent English. ─── 他英语讲得很流利。
29、She speaks fluent though not very correct English. ─── 她的英语虽然讲得不太准确,但很流利。
30、If a fluent vein were shown. ─── 如果有一种更流畅的乐曲。
31、A: Are you fluent in English yet? ─── 你的英文很流利吗?
32、Some of the tests that have been used are word fluency, use of grammar, spelling, reading, ability to understand, extend of vocabulary. ─── 在一些使用过这个词的测验中,它可以指话语流畅性,语法应用能力,拼写,阅读,理解能力,词汇扩展能力。
33、He speaks fluent German. ─── 他操一口流利的德语。
34、He speaks English with great fluency. ─── 他的英语说得非常流畅。
35、The team lacked fluency during the first half. ─── 该队在上半场打得不够流畅。
36、Above four levels, reads, said, writes, translates the fluency. ─── 在四级水平以上, 读, 说, 写, 翻译流畅。
37、His English is very fluent,and his pronuciation just pass muster. ─── 他的英语很流利,他的发音也不错。
38、You have to be fluent when you are using this language tool. ─── 在使用这个语言工具时你必须作到流利。
39、She can speak fluent English. ─── 她能说一口流利的英语。
40、She speaks Swahili with great fluency. ─── 她说的斯瓦希里语非常流利。
41、She happened/chanced to speak fluent Swahili. ─── 她偏巧很会说斯瓦希里语。
42、How come you speak such fluent English? ─── 你英语说得怎么这么流利?
43、Marked by a ready flow of speech; fluent. ─── 健谈的,流利的以言语快而著称的;流利的
44、We had a great spirit and great resilience, but we did not create enough going forward tonight - we did not find our fluency. ─── 我们有很好斗志和韧性,但是我们在进攻方面没有创造足够的机会,我们没有找到平时流畅的节奏。
45、As a tour guide, you must be very fluent in English. ─── 作为导游,你的英语口语必须非常流利。
46、Mr Thornhill expatiated upon the common topics of conversation with fluency. ─── 唐希尔先生平常谈话总是口若悬河的。
47、And they also have to be fluent in Chinese. ─── 他们的汉语必须说得好。
48、He thinks he's fluent, he jabbers along... ─── 他曾经含糊的说:“我认为自己的西班牙语还可以。”
49、Your writing is concise, fluent and comprehensible. ─── 你的作文简明、流利、易懂。
50、The research investigates how foreign speakers gain fluency. ─── 这项研究旨在调查讲外语的人如何增加流利程度。
51、Some young children achieve great fluency in their reading. ─── 一些孩子小小年纪阅读已经非常流畅。
52、It happened/chanced that she spoke fluent Swahili. ─── 偏巧她很会说斯瓦希里语。
53、He went on with his fluent explanations. ─── 他又滔滔不绝地讲解起来。
54、He speaks English as fluent as me. ─── 他讲英语跟我一样流利。
55、She speaks Swahili with great fluency . ─── 她说的斯瓦希里语非常流利.
56、His son was praised for speeches of remarkable fluency. ─── 他的儿子非常流利的发言受到了表扬。
57、Though lacking in fluency,he spoke to the point. ─── 他说得不流利但能切中要害。
58、Wow, your English is really fluent. ─── 啊,你的英文好流利。
59、Get better results faster with the Office Fluent user interface. ─── 使用Office Fluent用户界面可以更快地获得更好的结果。
60、He now called a variable quantity a fluent. ─── 他现在把变量叫做流。
61、She rose with the fluent movement of the athlete. ─── 她像运动员流畅运动般地崛起。
62、Her fluent spoken English made her popular amongst other students. ─── (9)她流利的英语口语使她在同学中名列前茅.
63、He studied German for nine years, so he is fluent. ─── 他学了九年的德语,因此德语很是流利。
64、A yacht with long,fluent curves. ─── 一条修长而曲线流畅的游艇
65、Learn the difference between fluency and speed. ─── 弄懂流利与速度的差异。
66、Her fluency in English reflected great credit on her teacher. ─── 她流利的英语为她的老师争了光。
67、You need to be fluent in English and be good at using computers. ─── 你必须能说流利的英语,熟练操作电脑。
68、His English is very fluent, and his pronunciation just pass muster. ─── 他的英语很流利,他的发音也还不错。
69、He thought of the tall man's poise and fluent way of talking. ─── 他记起那一双靴子,闪闪发光,以为不是极好的山柿油涂到上面,是不会如此体面好看的。
70、Fluent English alone can't guarantee you a job. ─── 只有流利的英语并不能保证你找到一个工作。
71、At Kai En, we focus first on fluency and secondly on accuracy. ─── 在凯恩,我们首先关注流利度,其次才是准确度。
72、Fluent English, both verbal and written. ─── 具备流利的英语口语和英语书写能力。
73、Sometimes, as I thought, I was vanquished more by his fluency than by the strength of his reasons. ─── 有时我想,我之所以败北,与其说是因为他理由充足,不如说是因为他口若悬河。
74、For this job you have to be fluent in French. ─── 做这个工作,你必须讲一口流利的法语。
75、She can speak English with great fluency. ─── 她英文说得非常流利。
76、She could never arrange her thoughts in fluent order. ─── 她永远不能把她的思想铺排得有条有理。
77、Was she not, indeed, too free, too fluent, for perfect naturalness? ─── 她是否自然得太夸张,太过分了?
78、Listen! She speaks a how fluent English! ─── 听!她讲一口多么流利的英语啊!
79、Is the Office Fluent user interface extensible? ─── Office Fluent用户界面是否可进行扩展?
80、With fluent English, with bachelor degree. ─── 大学本科以上学历,英语口语流利。
81、Neither fluency nor accuracy is easy to come by in learning a foreign language. ─── 学习外语要达到流利或精确的程度都是不容易的。
82、Take advantage of the Office Fluent user interface. ─── 利用Office Fluent用户界面。
83、His speech was fluent without dysarthria. ─── 他的讲话不流利的构音障碍。
84、Fluency in spoken English is a major requirement. ─── 主要条件为英语口语流利。
85、Keep good and fluent communication with customers. ─── 与客户保持良好而顺畅的沟通。
86、She speaks fluent and idiomatic French. ─── 她说得一口又流利又地道的法语。
87、He is fluent in a dozen foreign languages. ─── 他通晓十多种外国语言。
88、They speak fluent Chinese-some in two dialects. ─── 他们能讲流利的中文--有的能讲两种方言。
89、He is a writer of fluency and felicity,of graciousness and gentleness. ─── 他是一位文笔流畅,措词得体、文雅而且温和的作家。
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