cockneyism 发音
英: 美:
cockneyism 中文意思翻译
cockneyism 词性/词形变化,cockneyism变形
cockneyism 相似词语短语
1、cockneys ─── n.伦敦腔;伦敦人(cockney的复数)
2、cockneydom ─── n.(总称)伦敦人;伦敦人居住区
3、cockneyfies ─── vt.使具有伦敦人的特性;vi.变得像伦敦佬
4、jockeyism ─── 赛马主义
5、hackneyism ─── n.乘用马;出租马车;出租汽车;操贱役的人(hackney的变形)
6、cockneyishly ─── 伦敦。
7、cockneyfied ─── vt.使具有伦敦人的特性;vi.变得像伦敦佬
8、cockneyisms ─── n.伦敦人的派头;伦敦佬的特点
9、cockneyish ─── 伦敦人
cockneyism 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Not such as summer brings, John, earnest 9)manly bees, but a kind of a 10)cockney, dressed in 11)jaunty clothes. ─── 约翰,它可不像夏天里那些辛勤而雄赳赳的蜜蜂,而像是一个穿戴洋洋自得的伦敦东区的人。
2、Meet a talking candelabrum, a yapping clock, a cockney teapot, an ensemble of singing, dancing household utensils -- and of course the Beast. ─── 影片中有滔滔不绝的烛台先生,絮絮叨叨的时钟管家,操着伦敦腔的茶壶太太,还有能唱会跳的碗碗碟碟,当然,他们都是中了魔法。
3、A true cockney is bear within the sound of the bell of st mary - le - bow church ─── 在圣玛利勒布教堂钟声所及的地方出生的人才是真正的伦敦人
4、52. Receive as one of yourselves this Cockney woman who was found dead, her body shielding that of a neighbor's living child; ─── 把这个伦敦东区妇女看作你们的一员吧!人们发现她已死亡,她用自己的躯体保护了邻居家的一个活泼可爱的孩子;
5、Higgins tried to mould the cockney girl into a elegant lady. ─── 希金斯想把那个柔弱的女孩造就成一位高雅的淑女。
6、cockney humour, slang, wit ─── 伦敦人的幽默、 俚语、 机智.
7、"Porky pies', comes from Cockney rhyming slang (East London slang in which a rhyming phrase is substituted for a word, e. g., "apples and pears" means "stairs", "frog and toad'" means "road"). ─── “Porky pies”来源于伦敦东区土话的同音俚语(东伦敦俚语中的同音俚语是字的替代,例如,“apples and pears”的意思是“stairs”;“frog and toad”的意思是“road”)。
8、“Becks hasn't changed since I've known him. He's always been a flash Cockney git.” ─── “自从我认识他以来,小贝从来没有改变过。他一直就是个光芒四射的伦敦饭桶。”
9、But with the cockney until recent however, the point i focus is actually moved significantly back and up high in our cavity. ─── 现在我们转换成标准美语来说一会儿。在美语中,我把重点集中在接近口腔中部一个想像中的“点”上。
10、He flung up his hands and tramped down the stone stairs, singing out of tune with a Cockney accent: ─── 他抡起双臂,咚咚地走下石梯,用东伦敦口音荒腔走调地喝道:
11、This combines many long lost cockney and Irish sayings of the early convicts with words from Aboriginal languages. ─── 这种语言包含有早期罪犯所用的许多早已失传的伦敦方言、爱尔兰俗语,还结合了原住民语言的一些词汇。
12、Mr Varney played the perky Cockney survivor making life hell for the lugubrious Blakey, the bus-inspector, a Hitler lookalike who swore at the end of every episode to get even with him, and never did. ─── 瓦尼饰演的大胆的英国幸存者让可悲的布雷基(Blakey)吃尽了苦头,这个长相酷似希特勒的检票员在每季末尾都发誓要和瓦尼算帐,但却只是说说而已。
13、The corporal, too, a cheerful little cockney, appeared to regard us as his brothers.He had a kind face. ─── 连下士也显得那么和蔼可亲,他操着欢快的伦敦腔,把我们称做他的好兄弟。
14、cockney ish ─── 带点伦敦佬派头的有点伦敦腔的
15、A true Cockney is born within (the) sound of Bow Bells. ─── 一个人,要是在他出生的地方能听得到伦敦鲍教堂的钟声,那他才算得上是真正的伦敦人。
16、Most songs were rendered in orthodox Southern English with Cockney or North-country thrown in for comic relief ─── 大多数歌曲采用正统的南方英语,并插科打诨地夹带些伦敦土腔或北方腔。
17、cockney ism ─── 伦敦佬派头,伦敦口音[语调]
18、The only hip-hop/rap songs in Change Me are Cockney Girl and Hua Ren Wan Sui.The latter is an enjoyable rap song which shows the playful side of Lee Hom. ─── 旋律简单,让人放松,但是缺乏强度和高潮,这使之成为一首普通的歌。
19、The idea of describing themselves as glorified delivery men may well still appeal to the cynics on the trading floor who work with shirtsleeves rolled up and hail each other loudly in Brooklyn or mock cockney accents. ─── 对于那些在交易所里工作、捋起衬衫袖子用布鲁克林口音或是模仿的伦敦口音相互大声喊叫的愤世嫉俗的交易员而言,把自己称为光荣的送货员的想法肯定还对他们颇具吸引力。
21、The cockney accent had disappeared ─── 伦敦土腔消失了
22、He is a true Cockney, born within the sound of Bow bells. ─── 他是个真正的伦敦人,一个地道的伦敦人。
23、Depending on who he is talking to, Harry can flip over from a cockney accent to a posh culturedone. ─── 根据说话的对像,哈里可以从说伦敦方言突然转为说优雅而有教养的语言。
24、He spoke with a cockney accent and dropped his aitches(= did not pronounce the letter 'h' at the start of words). ─── 他讲话带着伦敦东区的口音,把词首的 h 音给吞掉了。
25、Some say that Cockney was also used by small-time criminals to confuse the police. ─── 伦敦东区人口音指的是生活在英国伦敦东部穷困地区的那些人说的英语。
26、I'll tell you what I'll do: I'll trim this speech, and you can put back in those awful cockney gravediggers. ─── 其实是个舞台表演,很短很短,不过蛮有意思。
27、Cockney humour,slang,wit ─── 伦敦人的幽默、俚语、机智.
28、"Depending on who he is talking to, Harry can flip over from a cockney accent to a posh cultured one." ─── 根据说话的对像,哈里可以从说伦敦方言突然转为说优雅而有教养的语言。
29、U.K. regional dialects, such as Scots, Irish, Welsh, and Northern English are hard for foreigners to understand (and Cockney is impossible). ─── 英国地区方言,如苏格兰、爱尔兰、威尔士或英国北部方言对国外人而言难以理解(伦敦腔简直不可能)。
30、cockney dom ─── 伦敦佬
31、He was delighted to hear a Cockney call out above the cheering crowd"go it, old girl" ─── 他得高兴听到一个伦敦口音在喊道“加油,老姐姐”,这声音盖过了群众的欢呼声。
32、Were your actorly instincts stirred by the fact that you had to affect a cockney accent at school? ─── 你演戏的天分是受你在校期间不得不改变的伦敦腔的影响吗?
33、Read on, to learn more about Cockney rhyming slang. ─── 接着读一读吧,来更多地了解一下老伦敦的押韵俚语。
34、Audrey Hepburn plays a cockney flower girl who is trained to pass as an upper-class lady. ─── 奥戴丽·赫本在里面演一个说满口伦敦土话的卖花女,受训练让人把她当成上流社会的淑女。
35、So what then makes a cockney? ─── 那么到底什么样的人算是伦敦人呢?
36、He speaks with a cockney accent. ─── 他说话带有伦敦腔。
37、He also makes great use of local color, from the harsh Cockney accents of his characters to the dark streets of the East End of London. ─── 他还大量使用当地色彩,从主角们的伦敦腔到伦敦东区的黑色街道。
38、A typical cockney, time of son has the face. ─── ”一口地道的伦敦腔,倍儿有面子。
39、Cockney is the colourful dialect spoken in the East End of London. ─── 伦敦方言是在伦敦东区讲的颇有特色的地方语。
40、Cornwall's countryside ducks made "longer more relaxed sounds" and London's ducks sounded like Cockney's cross between a "shout and a laugh". ─── 康沃尔乡村的鸭子发出的声音“悠长而闲散”,伦敦的鸭子发出的声音则像伦敦音一样,听起来既像喊叫又象大笑。
41、a cockney accent ─── 伦敦口音
42、The little girl was blonde, chubby-faced, well built, and very healthy looking and spoke English with a strong Cockney accent. ─── 那个小女孩金发碧眼,脸蛋浑圆,体态匀称,看上去十分健康,说的英语带有浓重的伦敦土腔。
43、A true Cockney is born within (the) sound of Bow Bells ─── 一个人, 要是在他出生的地方能听得到伦敦鲍教堂的钟声, 那他才算得上是真正的伦敦人.
44、12. Cockney was his own man and had broad horizons beyond the office. ─── 卡克尼是个独立自主的人,他的眼界十分开阔,超出了办公室的范围。
45、Depending on who he is talking to,Harry can flip over from a cockney accent to a posh cultured one. ─── 根据说话的对象,哈里可以从说伦敦方言突然转为说优雅而有教养的语言。
46、but a kind of a cockney,dressed in jaunty clothes. ─── 而像是一个穿戴洋洋自得的伦敦东区的人.
47、A true Cockney is born within(the)sound of Bow bells. ─── 一个人,要是在他出生的地方能听得到伦敦鲍教堂的钟声,那他才算得上是真正的伦敦人.
48、A true cockney is born within the sound of the bells of St Mary-Le-Bow church. ─── 在圣玛利勒布教堂钟声所及的地方出生的人才是真正的伦敦人。
49、“Becks hasn't changed since I've known him. He's always been a flash Cockney git.”[/b ─── “自从我认识他之后,小贝从来没有改变过。他一直就是个光芒耀眼的伦敦佬饭桶。”
50、Cockney is a dialect of English. ─── 伦敦方言是英语中的地区性语言
51、The cockney accent had disappeared; ─── 伦敦土腔消失了;
52、Cockney is English spoken in the poor eastern neighbourhoods of London, England. ─── 这种同韵俚语很像伦敦东区人说的英语。
53、 双语使用场景
54、An accent not far removed from Cockney ─── 与伦敦土话差不多的口音
55、He spoke with a cockney accent and dropped his aitches (= did not pronounce the letter H at the start of words). ─── 他带伦敦东区的口音,总是漏发词首的 h 音。
56、The driver, a little Cockney dressed in proper black, not visibly suffering from the Moscow heat ─── 司机是个矮小的,穿着合乎传统的黑色制服的伦敦市井小民,看不出莫斯科的热浪对他有什么影响。
57、cockney accent ─── 伦敦腔
58、To be honest, I found it very difficult to understand cockney. ─── 说实话,我真的听不懂里面的伦敦腔。
59、Every so often a phrase from Cockney rhyming slang grabs public attention and becomes a part of popular speech all over Britain, as has happened recently with "porky pies". ─── 东伦敦土话的同额俚语间或吸引住公众的注意力并成为整个英国流行语言的一部分,如最近发生在“porky pies”这个词的现象。
60、relating to or resembling a cockney. ─── 关于或类似于伦敦人的。
61、Cockney is a London accent, widely broadcast by ’Enry ’Iggins in the musical My Fair Lady. ─── 伦敦人是拥有伦敦口音,在音乐窈窕淑女里被广泛传播的那种口音。
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