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08-24 投稿



fidget 发音

英:['fɪdʒɪt]  美:['fɪdʒɪt]

英:  美:

fidget 中文意思翻译




fidget 网络释义

vi. 烦躁;坐立不安;玩弄n. 烦躁;坐立不安;烦躁不安的人vt. 使不安;使烦乱

fidget 词性/词形变化,fidget变形

动词过去式: fidgeted |动词第三人称单数: fidgets |动词过去分词: fidgeted |动词现在分词: fidgeting |

fidget 短语词组

1、fidget pop ─── 烦躁不安

2、fidget bars ─── 烦躁的酒吧

3、fidget spinner games ─── 坐立不安小游戏

4、fidget toys ─── 坐立不安的玩具

5、fidget toys for kids ─── 烦躁的孩子玩具

6、fidget box ─── 坐立不安

7、fidget phone holder fidget ─── 电话支架

8、fidget spinner io Fife ─── 微调器io

9、fidget toy ─── 坐立不安的玩具

10、fidget cube ─── 抗焦虑魔方(一款减压玩具)

11、fidget spinner fidget ─── 微调器

12、fidget bar ─── 坐立不安的酒吧

13、ezoon fidget spinner ezoon ─── 小提琴旋转器

fidget 相似词语短语

1、fidgets ─── vi.烦躁;坐立不安;玩弄;n.烦躁;坐立不安;烦躁不安的人;vt.使不安;使烦乱

2、widget ─── n.装饰物;小机械;小部件;未定名的主要新产品

3、fidges ─── n.坐立不安的人;坐立不安的习惯或状态;vi.抽筋

4、fidge ─── n.坐立不安的人;坐立不安的习惯或状态;vi.抽筋

5、nidget ─── 一群野鸡

6、fidged ─── n.坐立不安的人;坐立不安的习惯或状态;vi.抽筋

7、midget ─── n.侏儒;(非正式)矮子,小东西;(修饰语)少年(业余运动)的;adj.极小的,小型的;n.(Midget)(美、加、澳)密德杰特(人名)

8、fidgeted ─── vi.烦躁;坐立不安;玩弄;n.烦躁;坐立不安;烦躁不安的人;vt.使不安;使烦乱

9、fidgety ─── adj.不安的,烦躁的;难以取悦的

fidget 习惯用语

1、be in a fidget ─── 忐忑不安

2、give sb. the fidgets ─── 使人烦躁不安

3、have the fidgets ─── 心神不安, 担心

fidget 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、At dusk, mother and son began to fidget up, while her son before her face were posted in the windows of the flat, Zhang looked at. ─── 黄昏时分,母子俩开始坐立不安起来,而儿子在窗玻璃前把脸都贴扁了,张望着。

2、It annoys me when you fidget! ─── 你一坐立不安,我就觉得厌烦!

3、Results:irregular menstruation of knowledge women is related to mental symptom such as unstable emotion,agitation,irritation,suspicious,fidget,strain,dread,scare,loneliness,oppression,anxiety. ─── 结果:知识女性月经不调与焦虑、情绪不稳、易激动、烦躁、易怒、多疑、压抑、紧张、恐惧、孤独等精神症状有关;

4、Stop fidget,children;just sit still and listen to the music. ─── 不要坐立不安,孩子们;坐正了听音乐。

5、Don’t fidget. ─── 不要慌张。

6、Be still and don't fidget about! ─── 安静,不要坐立不安!

7、Try not to fidget in your seat and otherwise show nervousness with your bod y (hands, posture, etc.). ─── 苏蕙英女士说,海外留学生大可不必为这个问题而担忧。

8、Rule Seven : As you stand in my front hallway, waiting for my daughter to appear, and more than an hour goes by, do not sigh and fidget. ─── 条例7:如果你在我家门口等了一个小时还没见到我女儿,请不要烦躁。

9、Not satisfied with my sources, he continues to fidget as I walk away. ─── 由于对我的消息来源不是很满意,我走开的时候,他还在抓耳挠腮。

10、We fidget more when we lie—actually, the opposite is true. ─── 我们撒谎的时候会更烦躁不安——事实上,反过来才是对的。

11、Some of us will have our mobile devices, others will have a notebook or folder with things to do or read, others will fidget. ─── 有些人摆弄手机,有些看看记事本或文件夹,还有些单纯的着急,不安。

12、fidget with ─── 不安地或心不在焉地玩弄

13、His conscience will make him fret, fidget, unable to eat or sleep well, dizzy, having many nightmares. ─── 那他内心的“良知”就会使他感到心烦急燥、寝食不安、头晕目眩、噩梦丛生。

14、Well, okay. But I do fidget. ─── 嗯,但是我真的感到坐立不安。

15、They tend to fidget and lose focus easily.Brain studies suggest they process language and emotions less efficiently than girls.Boys in the U. ─── 男孩们常常坐立不安,不容易集中.对大脑的研究说明他们处理语言和情感的效率比女孩低很多。

16、Do not keep fidget! ─── 别老动来动去!

17、Some people stare at their screen and fidget. ─── 有些人盯住屏幕,坐立不安。

18、Hurry up, your father is beginning to fidget, ie show signs of impatience. ─── 快点, 你父亲有些不耐烦了.

19、She began at length to recover, to fidget about in her chair, get up, sit down again, wonder, and bless herself. ─── 到最后她才完全弄明白了是怎么回事,于是在椅子上坐立不安,一会儿站起来,一会儿又坐下去,一会儿诧异,一会儿又为自己祝福。

20、At dawn, on a weedy Michigan lake, ten thousand mallards fidget. ─── 拂晓时分,在杂草纵生的密歇根湖上,上万只野鸭燥动不安。

21、As soon as the crowd starts to fidget change the music. ─── 一旦人群开始出现厌烦情绪,就改变曲目。

22、I wanted to be a good sport, but the second half of the show was interminable, and I started to fidget and check my email on my phone. ─── 我应该做一个讨人喜欢的人,但晚会的后半部分过于冗长,我开始烦躁不安,于是用手机查看电子信箱。

23、Romeo's father: Don't you feel fidget? should we go on acting? We are leading roles! ─── 罗父:烦不烦啊?还演不演啊?我们才是主角啊!

24、Or you could take all this as a license to fidget. ─── 或者你可以把这作为坐立不安的一个理由。

25、As you stand in my front hallway waiting for my daughter to appear and more than an hour goes by do not sigh and fidget. ─── 当你在我家前门口等我女儿等了一个多小时的时候,不要叹气和焦虑。

26、Sit still,you little fidget! ─── 坐著别动,你这坐不定的小东西!

27、One hundred twenty-nine boys in white shirts and brown ties stand on marble steps and fidget in the sun while the headmaster reads out their names. ─── 一百二十九个白衬衫棕领带的男孩站在大理石台阶上,顶着骄阳,听校长唱名,烦躁不堪。

28、Ado commotion tumult turmoil fidget hubbub quarrel ─── 烦扰;忙乱;争吵喧嚣声

29、It's bad manners to fidget about (with the cutlery) at the table. ─── 用餐时摆弄刀叉玩儿是不雅的。

30、Moving around throughout the day can inhibit a tendency to fidget and chatter. ─── 一天内四处走动可以抑制你的烦躁和喋喋不休的谈话。

31、You're such a fidget! ─── 你真是个坐不住的人!

32、4 In order to evade fidget the most important work the man of practice should do is that: Removing the things, such as cleft and black that stir mind. ─── 修行人要避免心情烦躁,其首要的工作就是如何将形如缝隙、状如障碍等之类轻易激起人们情绪波动的物件移开,消除;

33、In such a shabby place Yuan Xian didn't think it was hard.He could play music in heartsease without revealing any feeling of fidget. ─── 在这样恶劣的环境里,原宪并不以为苦,他可以心平气和地在屋内弹奏乐曲,丝毫听不出烦燥不满的情绪。

34、I felt as if something were missing.There was a sense of indescribable fidget in my heart.I couldn't concentrate on my books, nor could I enjoy drinking. ─── 那是忽忽若有所失的感觉,心里有莫名的烦躁,书看不下去,酒也喝不出味道;

35、Please don’t fidget. ─── 请不要乱动。

36、It may be, Patel said, that if people who sleep less, also move around or "fidget" less. ─── 帕特尔说,睡觉少的人也许来回走动和烦躁不安的时候也比较少。

37、He may not make eye contact with you; instead he may avoid your gaze and fidget, rock his body to and fro, or bang his head against the wall. ─── 或许是他的眼神不会与你的眼神接触,反而刻意?避你的眼光,同时也会坐立难安、前后摇晃身体,或许会以头撞墙。

38、Also, attentive people fidget less; ─── 而感到无聊的人们琐碎动作较多。

39、Results The cardinal symptoms of SARS patients six months after discharged were tachypnea, arthralgia and myalgia, palpitation and fidget. ─── 结果SARS临床确诊病例半年后的主要症状为气短、关节肌肉痛、心悸和烦躁;

40、because these men was in such a fidget now that some was wanting to start right NOW and lay for them desperadoes, and saying it warn't but a few minutes to midnight; ─── 因为这伙人如今已是焦躁不安,其中有些人主张立时立刻马上就动手,去埋伏好,等候那些亡命之徒。还说现在离半夜整只有几分钟了。

41、2 They tend to fidget and lose focus easily. ─── 他们易于坐立不安并失去注意力。

42、Presently he began to fidget on his seat. ─── 接着他就坐立不安起来。

43、Difference rate of SARS-CoV antibody was found among patients with arthralgia, palpitation or fidget. ─── 血清抗体与心悸、烦躁和肌肉关节痛的发生情况有统计学关联;

44、Without cigarettes your hands will get bored. You'll fidget, and you'll be tempted to light up. ─── 没有烟,您的手会无聊。您会烦躁不安而且有点燃香烟的冲动。

45、1. It's bad manners to fidget about (with the cutlery) at the table. ─── 用餐时摆弄刀叉玩儿是不雅的.

46、What a fidget you are! ─── 你老是不安生!

47、He sits down for five seconds and starts to fidget. ─── 他只坐下了5秒钟就又坐立不安了。

48、Great to fidget with. ─── 你可以把他们摆成很优雅的姿态,然后吸附在金属表面上,让他就在你面前展现自己的思想吧:)他们可是很愿意这么做的哦!

49、You'll fidget, and you'll be tempted to light up. ─── 您会烦躁不安而且有点燃香烟的冲动。

50、The killer may fidget your adversary, who can not concentrate on working and can not find a way out. It is your time to take the opportunity. ─── 幻影杀手让您的对手放松紧觉心,帮助您于无形之中战胜竞争对手,获得最后胜利。

51、Rule Six: As you stand in my front hallway, waiting for my daughter to appear, and more than an hour goes by, do not sigh and fidget. ─── 规矩六:当你站在我前门走廊等我女儿的时候,如果等超过了一个小时,不要叹气或者烦躁。

52、be in a fidget ─── 忐忑不安

53、Fidget with small objects when talking, indicating nervousness or boredom. ─── 与人交谈摆弄小物件显得心不在焉,表示你神经过敏或厌倦。

54、Fidget with one's tie ─── 不安地玩弄自己的领带。

55、A true master would not fidget so. ─── 一个正在的大师是不会这样惊慌失措的。

56、fidgety:Tending to fidget. ─── "坐立不安的,烦躁的"

57、People don't actually fidget and look away when they're lying. ─── 人们说谎的时候,并不会烦躁不安也不会看别的地方。

58、They tend to fidget and lose focus easily.Brain studies suggest they process language and emotions less efficiently than girls. ─── 关于大脑的研究表明男孩在驾驭语言和情感方面不如女孩。

59、When their legs began to ache, they would wince and fidget and then gently unbend and rub them. ─── 除了当时有一位志公祖师是参禅打坐的,也是得五眼的外;一般人都怕苦,不修行,没有认真去参禅打坐。

60、Don't fidget sth(about). ─── 不要搞小动作

61、Sit still, you little fidget! ─── 坐着别动,你这坐不定的小东西!

62、Tending to fidget. ─── 坐立不安的,烦躁的

63、Stop fidget,children; just sit still and listen to the music. ─── 不要坐立不安,孩子们;坐正了听音乐。

64、They fuss and fidget into the shade. This behavior is a lifesaver in the hot Mexican desert. ─── 它们慌乱不安地寻求阴凉之处。这种行为在墨西哥荒漠中是生命拯救行为。

65、He is a fraud, a viewer said.Another asked him why.The reply: He uses his hands to talk.A true master would not fidget so.He also pauses to find the right words. ─── 不管你是独自去教堂,还是看最新的最火热的心灵书籍,还是和朋友一起去倾听“最棒的深谙生活真谛的心灵导师”的讲演,你都会面临一些选择。

66、They tend to fidget and lose focus easily. ─── 他们容易烦躁,精力不够集中。

67、Today I discovered that my dear husband Fidget and all his family are fairies. ─── 今天我发现了,我丈夫Fidget一家都是仙人。)

68、Hurry up,your father is beginning to fidget,ie show signs of impatience. ─── 快点,你父亲有些不耐烦了.

69、When we don't, they fidget, they daydream etc. ─── 当他们不知道的时候,他们会烦躁不安,或者开始走神。

70、Don't fidget with the mouse, either. ─── 不要摆弄鼠标。

71、Do not fidget or constantly pull your skirt down, as this gives the impression you're neither comfortable nor confident wearing it. ─── 穿迷你裙的时候不要局促不安或者不断往下拉裙子,这样让人觉得你穿得既不舒服又不自信。

72、He likes to fidget with computers. ─── 他喜欢玩弄电脑。

73、be in a fidget; be distracted ─── 神思不定

74、To be nervous or uneasy; fidget. ─── 紧张或者不安;烦躁

75、They get fussy, and fidget in their restless ways. ─── 事实就是,他们如此幼小却仍尝试抗争,这让你觉得可怕。

76、Presently he began to fidget on his seat. ─── 接着他就坐立不安起来。

77、Stop fidget, children; just sit still and listen to the music ─── 不要坐立不安,孩子们;坐正了听音乐

78、Sometimes,if the shpt blocked,too much fidget I taken,to intercede all around in the factory,rush to this people,and push on that people. ─── 有时候一旦出不了货,我就急得到处乱窜,找这个沟通找那个施加压力.

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