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devolution 发音

英:[ˌdevəˈluːʃn]  美:[ˌdiːvəˈluːʃn]

英:  美:

devolution 中文意思翻译



devolution 短语词组

1、devolution title ─── [法] 产权继承

2、devolution of authority ─── [法] 权力移交

3、devolution definition ─── 权力下放定义

4、devolution of power meaning ─── 权力意义的转移

5、devolution agreement ─── [经] 移交协定

6、devolution of intestacy ─── [经] 无遗嘱的财产继承

7、devolution images ─── 权力下放

8、devolution clause ─── 移交条款

9、devolution novel ─── 权力下放小说

10、tax devolution meaning ─── 税收转移含义

11、meaning of devolution ─── 权力下放的含义

12、devolution definition government ─── 权力下放定义政府

13、devolution meaning ─── 权力下放的意义

14、devolution book ─── 移交书

15、devolution treaty ─── 移交条约

16、devolution in spain ─── 西班牙的权力下放

17、Devolution in the United Kingdom ─── 联合王国的权力下放

devolution 反义词


devolution 词性/词形变化,devolution变形

名词: devolutionist |形容词: devolu-tionary |

devolution 同义词

federalization | devolvement |decentralization | transfer | transference | degeneration | delegation

devolution 相似词语短语

1、revolutions ─── n.革命,转数(revolution的复数形式)

2、involution ─── n.退化;纠缠(的事物);乘方;卷入,内卷

3、evolution ─── n.演变;进化论;进展

4、coevolution ─── n.共同进化(指两个以上相互依存的物种共同进化)

5、devolutions ─── n.权力下放,分权;倒退,堕落;退化;(财产的)合法转让;相传,转移;委付;依次;落下

6、evolutions ─── n.演变;进化论;进展

7、revolution ─── n.革命;旋转;运行;循环

8、devaluation ─── n.货币贬值

9、devotion ─── n.献身,奉献;忠诚;热爱

devolution 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Once accountability is clarified along these lines, it should be possible to reconcile the need for proper accountability with devolution of responsibility. ─── 一旦责任按照这一原则确认了以后,各级管理者就可以根据自己的责任对事情后果负责了.

2、If it needs to, the ruling party can drum up regional support by offering devolution that does not compromise fiscal austerity. ─── 如果社会党想对抗,执政党在不在严肃的财政政策上让步的前提下,通过下放权利以获得地方支持。

3、devolution clause ─── 转移条款

4、" Brand depends on word-of-mouth devolution. ─── 其中主 药半枝莲具有清热解毒、止血定痛的作用;

5、rolling program of devolution ─── 滚动式权力下放计划; 渐进式放权计划

6、That is why the third thing Mr Rajapaksa’s government needs to do is to attack the basis of the Tigers’ residual support by offering Tamils a genuine devolution of political power. ─── 这也是为什么拉贾帕克萨政府需要做的第三件事是通过给泰米尔人授予政治权利来打击猛虎组织残余支持势力的基础。

7、However, some observers argue that devolution is irreversible and that, given the size and diversity of the country, the government will eventually have to be reorganised along federal lines. ─── 但是, 一些观察员争辩说, 退化是不可逆的并且, 给国家的大小和变化, 政府最终将必须被整顿沿着联邦线。

8、He is also keen on devolution. ─── 他同样渴望中央政府能进行权力下放。

9、There were significant relativity between the ventricular function parameters and clinical heart function class, devolution was EDV, GEF, PER, PFR, PS. ─── 同时表明:心血池显像所获各项参数之间相关非常显著,且与临床心功能分级的相关性良好,依次为EDV、GEF、PER、PFR、PS。

10、6.War of Devolution: Tied; Frenchmen take to wearing red flowerpots as chapeaux. ─── 权力转移战争:平局;法国人把红色花瓶当成帽子戴在头上(庆祝)。

11、While squabbling continues in Kathmandu, organic devolution is taking place in many mutinous places. ─── 当加德满都争吵不断时,缓慢的权力下放正发生在许多反叛的地区。

12、Soil systems entropy of devolution mountains in Hebei province ─── 河北省退化山场土壤系统熵研究

13、On the Formation of the Devolution of the Technique ─── 技术异化的生成

14、"This isn't revolution, this is devolution." ─── 这不是革命,这是退化.

15、a supporter of devolution for Scotland ─── 向苏格兰分权的支持者

16、Keywords township health center;devolution;condition; ─── 乡镇卫生院;管理放权;条件;

17、Women's team, the jump in right away, the absolute position of the Philippines believe that the process will not let most of this devolution of the gold medal. ─── 女队方面,在跳马上,拥有绝对优势的程菲相信不会让这枚最有希望的金牌旁落。

18、Devolution of a pair of straw sandals a few broken stone, the temple has two plot of leeks. ─── 石几下放一双破草鞋,庙前有两畦韭菜。

19、Devolution of the right of patent application or the patent right; ─── 专利申请权、专利权的转移;

20、A system of devolution exists but has not been implemented. ─── 一项转换体系,但至今还未实施。

21、Even before the sentence was passed, however, Spain appeared to have reached the high-water mark of devolution. ─── 即使在判决获得通过之前,西班牙似乎已经达到了高度的权力下放。

22、devolution agreement ─── 移交协定

23、Devolution mountain ─── 退化山场

24、The second is the report of the Calman commission on Scottish devolution, which is expected to recommend giving Scotland more power over taxes. ─── 第二个是卡尔曼委员会对苏格兰权力下放做出的报告。据估计,该报告将会建议在税收方面赋予苏格兰更多的权力。

25、devolution programme ─── 移交计划

26、Third, we should streamline the administrative structure, and this is related to the devolution of powers. ─── 第三个内容是精简机构,这和权力下放有关。

27、If Sun Yue was "devolution", must be arranged in a close relationship with the Los Angeles Lakers team defender. ─── 倘若孙悦被“下放”,那么肯定是被安排在了与湖人队关系密切的洛杉矶防守者队。

28、Third,we should streamline the administrative structure,and this is related to the devolution of powers. ─── 第三个内容是,精简机构,这和权力下放有关。

29、While squabbling continues in Kathmandu, organic devolution is taking place in many mutinous places. ─── 当加德满都争吵不断时,缓慢的权力下放正发生在许多反叛的地区。

30、cultural devolution ─── 文化退化

31、Tamil demands for equality and for a real devolution of power in the north and east are far from unreasonable. ─── 塔米尔人要求在北部和东部地区得到平等的地位和真实的放权,这些要求远不为过。

32、There were significant relativity between the ventricular function parameters and clinical heart function class,devolution was EDV,GEF,PER,PFR,PS. ─── 同时表明 :心血池显像所获各项参数之间相关非常显著 ,且与临床心功能分级的相关性良好 ,依次为EDV、GEF、PER、PFR、PS。

33、Politics is more fragmentary, too, thanks to Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish devolution. ─── 由于苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰的政权更替,政见也是越来越难保持一致。

34、However, a thorough investigation "of foreign approval" of the problem Meanwhile, it has been in the devolution of power to explore ways to reduce the space rent-seeking. ─── 中英文对照:但在彻查“外资审批”中的问题同时,有关方面亦在探索如何下放权利,减少寻租空间。

35、devolution of duties ─── 职务转交

36、The formation and development of the devolution and balance ideas in western politics history ─── 西方政治学说史上分权和制衡思想的形成与发展

37、devolution of intestacy ─── 无遗嘱的财产继承

38、Irrigation Management Transfer (IMT) is a process of devolution, which allocates increased responsibilities for water management and operation to farmers and other water users. ─── 理论界认为灌溉管理转权( IMT)是分权改革的过程,通过农户或用水户的参与,重新有效地分配各种利益集团的责任权利。

39、devolution mountain; ─── 退化山场;

40、For instance, we encourage devolution of powers, but other people take powers back. What can we do about it? ─── 事情要人来做,你提倡放权,他那里收权,你有什么办法?

41、The Discussion of Ice Stored Application's Load Devolution ─── 探讨冰蓄冷装置负荷转移问题

42、Such trend as the devolution of financial function also takes place in China during the transformation of banking system. ─── 中国的金融转型也出现金融功能退化的趋势。

43、devolution treaty ─── 移转协定

44、The majority of people in the province are in favour of devolution. ─── 该省大多数人赞成权力下放。

45、"Only a fool could think there was any advantage for Scotland in devolution"I'm sorry but I do not agree" ─── “只有傻瓜才认为把权力下放给苏格兰会对它有好处。”“对不起,我不同意你的看法。”

46、War of Devolution ─── 权力转移战争(1667-1668)

47、That is why the third thing Mr Rajapaksa's government needs to do is to attack the basis of the Tigers' residual support by offering Tamils a genuine devolution of political power. ─── 这也是为什么拉贾帕克萨政府需要做的第三件事是通过给泰米尔人授权政治权利来打击猛虎组织残余支持势力的基础。

48、Diagonal Devolution: the New Visual Angel of Channel Right Theory Research ─── 对角线转移:渠道权力理论研究的新视角

49、devolution of title ─── 产权让渡

50、THE crowds in Nuuk, Greenland's pretty coastal capital, marked the devolution of more powers from Denmark, on midsummer's day, with cheers, processions and flags. ─── 夏至这天,格陵兰岛美丽的海滨首都努克人头攒动,充斥着欢呼声,庆祝人群和彩旗,这标志着更多的权利从丹麦移交到格陵兰手上。

51、But there are fears Tiger activists overseas may seek to undermine Tamil politicians who press for devolution rather than a separate Tamil state. ─── 然而仍然有人担心海外的猛虎极端分子可能会迫害那些寻求权利下放而不是一个独立的泰米尔国家的泰米尔政治家。

52、A radical devolution of power to localities, like the one France pulled off in the 1980s, may prove politically wiser than gradual, imperceptible divestment. ─── 比较先锋的观点如合并社团预算有点意思,但既然目的是改革如今过分集权的政府,这种小打小闹有点说不过去。

53、This week responsibility for policing and justice was transferred from London to Belfast in what was hailed as the completion of devolution. ─── 本周,对政策和公正的责任,从伦敦转到了贝尔法斯特,这被称作终结转移。

54、Inheritance refers to the devolution of property on the death of its owner to other persons. The existence of the concept and of legal rules about it depends on the recognition of individual or group property rights. ─── 继承是指财产所有人去世时将财产转移给其他人。有关继承的概念和法律原则的存在取决于对个人或团体财产权的承认。

55、From that time on, generation and YiNan person torch devolution, struggle not an interest. ─── 自此,一代代暨南人薪火相传,奋斗不息。

56、Zheng Zhi Chu in the hearts of the status of an unlimited upgrade, captain of power devolution, so that all of a sudden Li Weifeng feel lonely, helpless. ─── 郑智在老朱心中地位的无限提升,队长大权的旁落,突然让李玮锋觉得孤独,无奈。

57、devolution of authority ─── 权力移交

58、They discount the president’s vague promises of a serious devolution of power. ─── 权力下放方面的模糊承诺,他们不置可否。

59、If it needs to, the ruling party can drum up regional support by offering devolution that does not compromise fiscal austerity. ─── 如果社会党想对抗,执政党在不在严肃的财政政策上让步的前提下,通过下放权利以获得地方支持。

60、Another is how much the Supreme Court will be called upon to police devolution. ─── 另外,最高法院将有多大的权限监督权力下放也是个问题。

61、Devolution and curriculum policy change ─── 权力下放与课程政策变革

62、London has had a degree of devolution dating from about the same time in the form of the London Assembly. ─── 几乎从同一时间起,伦敦市也通过伦敦议会的形式进行了一定程度的权力下放。

63、And a politically important devolution of power and resources has worsened an old problem: that Indonesian governments lack the capacity to spend money as fast as they should. ─── 在政治上很重要的权力和资源的转移让一个老问题恶化:印尼政府不能及时进行支出。

64、Discussion is made on the causes and types of main highway disaster in mountain terrain including devolution, landslide and debris flow, and provided the countermeasures. ─── 从设计和施工的角度,论述了山区公路的主要病害,如崩塌、坡和泥石流的种类及成因,并阐述了防治的办法。

65、On Legal Analysis of Interest Devolution of Interest Collaboration Corporation in China ─── 我国股份合作制企业股权转让的法律分析

66、But with devolution, the Scots and Welsh are becoming keener on their more local identities( see article) and less interested in being British. ─── 但是随着权力的下移,苏格兰和威尔士人越来越希望拥有他们自己的身份而不是英国人这个身份。

67、devolution of institution ─── 制度变迁

68、It achieved its aim of getting agreement on the early devolution of justice. ─── 它完成了目标:达成了司法移交的早期协议。

69、Law of succession is the branch of law which deals with the devolution of a person's property to others on his death. ─── 继承法是有关个人财产在死后转移给其他人的法律。

70、The UML wants a ceremonial president, a directly elected prime minister and a similar devolution, but to less ethnically-tinged states. ─── UML则想要一个象征性的总统,一个直接选举的总理以及一个类似的权力下放,但只对民族色彩不那么浓厚的州而言。

71、A New Perspective on the "Devolution of Sovereignty Power" ─── "主权权力让渡"新解

72、Elsewhere, devolution has had some successes. ─── 在其它地方,权力下放已颇有成效。

73、Tamil demands for equality and for a real devolution of power in the north and east are far from unreasonable. ─── 塔米尔人要求在北部和东部地区得到平等的地位和真实的放权,这些要求远不为过。

74、genetic devolution ─── 遗传退化

75、In contrast , much later in the century, London had conceded bilingualism, and Welsh radio and TV and in the end almost had to force the Welsh to accept devolution. ─── 相反地,一个世纪后,伦敦承认了双语言,而且威尔士的广播电台和电视台在最后都必须强迫威尔士转型。

76、Devolution of more responsibility for pay policy and administration to individual Departments and Agencies ─── 进一步把薪酬政策和管理职能下放予个别部门和机构

77、The majority of Scots favour an autonomous Scotland involving devolution or complete independence. ─── 大多数苏格兰人都赞成一个中央权力下放自治苏格兰或完全独立。

78、It is attacked from below by demands for devolution and from above by supranational confederations, such as the EU and NAFTA. ─── 这种冲击自下而上是权力下放的需要,自上而下是超国家的联邦,就像欧盟和北美自由贸易协议。

79、devolution of financial function ─── 金融功能退化

80、Study on the condition of devolution for the township health center ─── 乡镇卫生院管理权下放的条件初探

81、The collection costs may be transferred and the entity may be changed in the devolution of the institution. ─── 制度的变迁将使征收费用发生分流和转移,其承担主体也会发生变动。

82、devolution title ─── [法] 产权继承

83、For instance, we encourage devolution of powers, but other people take powers back. ─── 你提倡放权,他那里收权,

84、Research on Gauss Devolution of Raman Spectrum of Diamond Like Carbon Thin Film ─── 类金刚石薄膜的喇曼光谱高斯分解研究

85、devolution of powers ─── 放权

86、Pay close attention to the central government to amend the approved list of investment projects, investment to narrow the scope of audit, review devolution of authority. ─── 中央政府抓紧修订投资项目核准目录,缩小投资审核范围,下放审核权限。

87、Politicians and parties who argued for a more strongly centralised state, as Mr Maliki did, fared better than those who urged devolution for the regions. ─── 与一些要求权力下放的人相比,那些强烈要求建立一个中央集权政府的政治家和政党更加有所作为,马利基便是后者的代表之一。

88、First of all, the reorganization of the role of state and local government in planning responded to the goal of effective devolution of power. ─── 专业者致力于永续人类发展的努力,以追寻人类的整体繁荣昌盛取代过往对支配阶级的服务;

89、The Nepali Congress, the third main party, advocates a Westminster-style parliamentary system, and less devolution. ─── 尼泊尔国大党,第三大主要政党,则致力于一个英国会议似的议会体制,希望权力不那么分散。

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