mutilation 发音
英:[ˌmjuːtɪˈleɪʃn] 美:[ˌmjuːtɪˈleɪʃn]
英: 美:
mutilation 中文意思翻译
mutilation 短语词组
1、self-mutilation ─── [医] 自残
2、self mutilation ─── 自伤
3、genital mutilation ─── 生殖器割除
4、genital mutilation video ─── 生殖器切割视频
5、mutilation tag ─── 伤痕标志
6、mutilation method ─── 伤痕法
mutilation 词性/词形变化,mutilation变形
mutilation 相似词语短语
1、mamillation ─── 催眠
2、mutation ─── n.突变;变化;元音变化
3、butylation ─── n.丁化作用
4、mutilative ─── 破坏性的
5、mutilating ─── v.残害;篡改(mutilate的ing形式)
6、mutilations ─── n.毁损;残缺;切断
7、jubilation ─── n.喜欢;庆祝;欢呼
8、mutilator ─── n.毁损者,切断者
9、fusillation ─── 枪战
mutilation 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、In many cases the owners hear nothing at the time of the mutilation which is usually at night. ─── 在很多案例中,业主通常在晚上发生的毁伤时刻什么也没有听见。
2、Sightings of UFOs and strange, unmarked, black helicopters coincide with many cattle mutilation cases. ─── UFO目击和奇怪的没有记号黑色直升机与许多屠牛案例吻合。
3、The courts inflicted penalties ranging from capital punishment and mutilation to flogging, reduction to slavery, and banishment. ─── 法庭的刑罚从死刑和切断肢体到鞭打,再降为奴役和放逐不等。
4、Female genital mutilation or female part of tubular. The bottom of the vagina in cervical, bladder and rectum in the middle. ─── 女性或某些雌性动物生殖器官的一部分,管状。人的阴道在子宫颈的下方,膀胱和直肠的中间。
5、Despite the centuries of neglect, mutilation and pillaging, the Parthenon still stands -a remarkably powerful and beautiful symbol of the glories of ancient Greece. ─── 尽管经历了数世纪的疏于管理,毁损和掠夺,帕特农神庙依然矗立至今,成为古希腊光辉历史的美丽象征.
6、We can see some internal organs of tigers here such as tiger heart, tiger tongue, the Tiger liver, spleen tiger, the tiger"s genital mutilation and etc which were soaked by formalin. ─── 各位现在可以看到陈列的东北虎的内脏器官,这里有虎心、虎舌、虎肝、虎脾、虎的生殖器官等,这都是用福尔马林泡制的。
7、mutilation is the noun form of mutilate, to damage the body. ─── “毁伤;使残废. 仅仅出入审美的任何形式的对动物的残害。
8、An immigration court granted Alvarado asylum based on the earlier decision on female genital mutilation. ─── 移民法庭以早前针对妇女生殖器官割礼的判决为依据,给予了艾尔瓦拉多避难权。
9、Diabetic nephropathy is a diabetic microangiopathy complication,which is also the main cause of diabetic death and mutilation. ─── 糖尿病肾病是糖尿病微血管病并发症,是目前引起糖尿病患者致死致残的主要原因之一。
10、mutilation rate ─── 缺漏率
11、Inter-Agency Working Group on Female Genital Mutilation ─── 切割女性生殖器官问题机构间工作组
12、The Mutil Model Single Channel Angie Tracking System ─── 多模单信道角跟踪系统
13、The transference of karma from one human to another is a form of information brokering written about in earlier material (see Transcending Patterns of Mutilation and Destruction). ─── 人类间业力被从一个人转送到另一个人是一种信息贩卖的方式,有关内容写在早期的资料里(请阅“超越毁损和破坏性的模式”一文)。
14、Mutilation of others? ─── 残害别人呢?
15、"Killing Father" and mutilation of life ethic are two kinds of commonly seen patterns in reform hero s lives. ─── “弑父”和生命伦理毁损是改革英雄生命中常见的样态。
16、Rolling's name first came to the attention of investigators because he was suspect in the similar mutilation slayings of three people back in Shreveport (he later confessed,was never prosecuted). ─── 罗林的名字首先进入调查组的视线是他在返回什里夫波特后以相似的手段残杀了另外3人(他后来供认了这一罪行,没有被因此而起诉)。
17、Objective:To investigate the risk factors result in youth cerebral infarction,so as to prevent its occurrence,increase the cure rate,and decrease the mutilation rate or fatality rate. ─── 目的:探讨青年人脑梗死发生的危险因素,预防青年脑梗死的发生,提高青年脑梗死的治愈率,降低其致残率和病死率。
18、Witnessed the mutilation of his brother Charles Marquis family offenses, do not expose their own can not lift the "burden of conscience", is finally behind bars, therefore. ─── 他目睹侯爵兄弟残害狄更斯全家的罪行,不揭发就不能解除自己“良心上的负担”,终于因此身陷囹圄。
19、tightened sanctions on Haiti because of the continued killing and mutilation of Aristide supporters by Lieutenant General Raoul Cedras; ─── 加强了对海地的制裁,因为拉乌尔.塞德拉斯中将继续在屠杀并残害阿里斯蒂德的支持者;
20、Female genital mutilation usually involves the removal of the clitoris and other parts of female genitalia. ─── 女性割礼通常是将阴蒂或生殖器其他部份割除。
21、The Aghoris are a centuries-old faction near Bengali in India, who practice mutilation, pain and destruction as tools to surpass the mortal body. ─── The Aghoris是一个在印度孟加拉流传了数百年的派别,他们相信自残、疼痛和毁坏是超越凡俗的手段。
22、MCM (Mutil Chip Module) ─── 多芯片组件
23、What kind of place is Earth that such mutilation of the form is considered? ─── 地球是个什么样的地方,会把形态之毁损视为正常?
24、Objective To detect early clinical symptoms of trauma-induced tardive intracranial hematoma for the purse of lowering the mortality and mutilation rate. ─── 目的早期发现迟发性颅内血肿,降低死亡率和致残率。
25、Chemical mutilation of trigeminal gasserian ganglion following CT-guided percutaneous puncture for the treatment of severe trigeminal neuralgia ─── CT引导下经皮穿刺三叉神经半月节毁损治疗重度三叉神经痛
26、Thousands suffered death or mutilation in the bomb blast. ─── 在炸弹爆炸事件中,数千人被炸死,或成为残废。
27、The moral rights include the author's right to object to any distortion, mutilation or other modification of his work that might be prejudicial to his honor or reputation. ─── 精神权利包括作者反对对其作品进行歪曲、篡改或其他有可能损害其荣誉或声誉的修改的权利。
28、An African aid group opposed to female genital mutilation receives the Hilton Prize for humanitarian work. ─── 反对女性的生殖切断的一个非洲援助小组接受希尔顿奖为人道主义者工作。
29、As the drought grew worse, they had witnessed the barbarous rites of their elders, which they had never seen before, the mutilation of their bodies, and their prostration before wood and clay idols. ─── 他们目睹了老年人搞的那一套摧残身体的野蛮仪式,那种对木雕泥塑偶像的顶礼膜拜。他们过去从未见过这种场面。
30、Rolling's name first came to the attention of investigators because he was suspect in the similar mutilation slayings of three people back in Shreveport (he later confessed, but was never prosecuted). ─── 罗林的名字首先进入调查组的视线是因为他在返回什里夫波特后以相似的手段残杀了另外3人(他后来供认了这一罪行,但是没有被因此而起诉)。
31、Doctors performing physicals on Muslim women will be required to report cases of female genital mutilation and those who perform them will be prosecuted. ─── 在医疗这部份,医生对回教女性动手术,若有女性生殖器损毁相关情事,也应回报给政府相关单位;做相关手术的医生将被判刑。
32、Female genital mutilation and obstetric outcome:WHO collaborative prospective study in six African countries ─── 女性生殖器割礼和产科结局:WHO在6个非洲国家协作的前瞻性研究
33、CT-guided percutaneous puncture and chemical mutilation of gasserian ganglion in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia: comparison of the effects of ethyl alcohol and adriamycin ─── CT引导下乙醇或阿霉素半月神经节毁损术对三叉神经痛患者的效应
34、as more humans ascend into vegetarianism, they will address and release their consumption karma and thought-form for mutilation of the land and sea and forgive; ─── 当更多人类提升进入素食,他们将专注于解除他们的消耗业力以及毁损大地与海洋的思想形态并去宽恕;
35、Despite the mutilation and terror the child experienced, police say he was one of the lucky ones. ─── 尽管这个孩子遭受到肢残和恐惧,警察说他还是幸运的一个。
36、Mutil agent system ─── 多智能体系统
37、Abstract: The incurrence of stroke in youth is increasing year by year,the high mutilation resulted from the stoke in youth has attracted more attention from all walks of life. ─── 摘要: 青年脑卒中的发病率逐年增加,其最终导致青年人的高致残率已备受社会各界的关注。
38、But circumcision drifted out of fashion, and by the 1970s it was seen as an unnecessary mutilation, bordering on the barbaric. ─── 当割礼渐渐过时了,到了70年代,这项措施看上去没有不要了,这是在野蛮状态的边缘。
39、In short, this operation is an even more serious mutilation than a clitoridectomy alone. ─── 简而言之,这种手术甚至是比单独的阴蒂切除更为严重的器官毁损。
40、The mutilation of code or data caused by hardware or software failure. ─── 由于硬件或软件故障所引起的程序或数据的残缺不全(即出错)的现象。
41、emotional mutilation ─── 情感残缺
42、genital mutilation ─── 残毁女性外生殖器的行为
43、Rich variety of plant Qinfu factor, to softly Quchu aging sebum, mutilation, and other remnants of cosmetics, hair follicles and sebaceous clear, to ensure the improvement of oxygenation. ─── 富含多种植物性亲肤因子,能够柔和地祛除老化皮脂、残妆等遗留物,疏通毛囊及皮脂腺,确保氧合功能的完善。
44、extremity mutilation ─── 肢体离断
45、Then there's the Congo were the war means you live in daily fear, where mutilation is rife, where your chances of children living beyond the age of 5 are not good at all. ─── 然后是刚果。在战争中,你必须每天生活在恐惧中,因为毁损十分地普遍,同时你的孩子活到五岁也不是很容易的。
46、On the other foot, they’re a self-inflicted western version of Chinese foot binding, a painful mutilation. ─── 另一方面,高跟鞋是中国式裹脚的自加的西方版本,一种痛苦的毁损。
47、Circumcision, as supporters call it, or female genital mutilation, as opponents refer to it, was suddenly a ferocious focus of debate in Egypt this summer. ─── 对于这项手术,支持者称它为“割礼”而反对者把它叫做“割除女性生殖器”,在这个夏天突然变成一个十分引人关注的焦点。
48、mutilation with electric drills ─── 电钻截肢
49、A new spate of vandal attacks upon some of Rome's best known monuments - including the decapitation and mutilation of several famous statues and monumental fountains - is worrying city authorities. ─── 一大批新的破坏分子故意破坏罗马部分最著名的纪念建筑物,其中包括斩首和损毁几座著名雕像和具有纪念意义的喷泉,这使罗马当局烦恼不已。
50、Abstract: Self- mutilation behavior is defined as the deliberate, iterative and nonlethal destruction or alteration of body tissue without conscious suicidal intention. ─── 文章摘要: 自我伤害行为是指在没有自杀动机的情况下,个体反复地改变或伤害自己的身体组织,但不具致命性。
51、The fast rate of recuperation showed that the attempt did not aim at mutilation or injury, but murder. ─── 康复的速度之快表明,企图的目的不是致残或伤害,而是谋杀。
52、Results 6 cases were completely resected without operative mutilation and mortality. ─── 结果:6例肿瘤均获全切,无手术致残及死亡。
53、Despite the mutilation and terror the child experienced, police say he was one of the lucky ones. ─── 尽管这个孩子遭受到肢残和恐惧,警察说他还是幸运的一个。
54、Bodies indicated death by beating, bayoneting, shooting and execution by sword and mutilation. ─── 从尸体上可以看出,他们是被打死、刺死、枪毙、砍头或肢解而死的。
55、An Analyse on the Appreciation of Pulmonary Function and Mutilation Degree among the Coal pneumoconiosis Patients in a Certain Province Stage Coal-mine in Longyan City in ─── 年龙岩市某省级煤矿煤尘肺患者肺功能及致残程度鉴定情况分析
56、It has been recognized in the past that the traditional Database Management Systems cannot handle efficiently spatial data in mutil dimensional space. ─── 空间检索技术是有效地管理和操纵空间数据的一种必要手段。
57、Warfare and the above words based upon destruction are related, as a nation of humans embrace thought-forms that mutilate, over time mutilation shall occur between nations known as war. ─── 战争和上述基于破坏性的文字相关,当一个人类民族包含着毁坏的思想形态,随时间毁坏会在民族之间出现,即战争。
58、Some argue that there is no unusual "cattle mutilation" and that people are misinterpreting normal animal deaths. ─── 有些人争论说没有不寻常“屠牛”而是人们误解了正常的动物死亡。
59、Mutil time injection: the multi-time injection can be realized; the best common rail system can realize six times injection, which indicates better flexibility of the common rail system. ─── 多次喷射:可以实现多次喷射,目前最好的共轨系统可以进行6次喷射,这体现了共轨系统的灵活性好的优势。
60、The fast rate of recuperation showed that the attempt did not aim at mutilation or injury, but murder. ─── 康复的速度之快表明,企图的目的不是致残或伤害,而是谋杀。
61、The cause is unknown but it may be the result of unintentional self-mutilation. ─── 其原因不明,但可能是由于无意自残。
62、A omnidirectionaland mutil administrative levels international cooperative situation has formed. ─── 一个全方位,多层次的国际科技合作格局已基本成形。
63、Conclusion The development level of adapt behavior in childen is influened by mutil factors, more at... ─── 结论学龄前儿童适应行为发展水平受多种因素影响。应采取综合措施进行相对性干预。
64、In production, including mutilation, fill plastic, mill, cutting the bridge, stone-day Sichuan done at all levels to ensure the quality of equipment and link quality control. ─── 在生产环节上,包括大锯、补胶、磨机、桥切,天川石材做到层层质量把关,各个环节质量进行控制。
65、Application of inactivation mutilation fingers to rebuild of hand function ─── 断端挫灭的离断指体在重建手功能中的应用
66、9. Doctors performing physicals on Muslim women will be required to report cases of female genital mutilation and those who perform them will be prosecuted. ─── 在医疗这部份,医生对回教女性动手术,若有女性生殖器损毁相关情事,也应回报给政府相关单位;做相关手术的医生将被判刑。收藏指正
67、injure or wound seriously and leave permanent disfiguration or mutilation. ─── 严重的伤害或损害并留下永久的创伤或损害。
68、injure or wound seriously and leave permanent disfiguration or mutilation ─── 严重的伤害或损害并留下永久的创伤或损害
69、" Women running away from their countries because of fears of genital mutilation should be granted asylum on EU territory, EU lawmakers said. ─── 欧盟议员表示,因害怕阴蒂切除而逃离自己国家的女子,在欧盟境内应获得庇护。
70、The cast of the film act out various sadomasochistic practices before it delves into gory self mutilation. ─── 演员们先是演出了一些施虐受虐的行为,后来就是自残。
71、Female genital mutilation of any type has been recognized as a harmful practice and violation of the human rights of girls and women. ─── 任何种类的切割女性生殖器行为均被确认是一种有害做法,侵犯了女童和妇女的人权。
72、Report on Female Genital Mutilation ─── 《妇女外生殖器被残毁情况的报告》
73、However, the cause of the need for such forms of mutilation or consumption for survival was the result of the Blue-Race of mankind and their warfare. ─── 但是,导致这种需要形体被毁损或被食用来维生的需求是蓝色人种人类和他们战争的结果。
74、Diabetes mellitus (DM),as the global disease,jeopardizes mankind healthy.and its complication is the consideration Mutilation and mortiferous cause. ─── 糖尿病是目前严重危害人类健康的世界性疾病,而糖尿病的并发症是糖尿病致残、致死的重要原因。
75、They have thicker builds, and less hair atop their heads, and their custom of ritual mutilation helps obscure all but the most superficial resemblances to humans. ─── 但他们体格更强,头发稀少,他们仪式性的自残行为更使之与人类除了最表面的相似外,再无半点类同。
76、We now intend as a species no mutilation by the human species daily. ─── 我们现在作为一个物种每天都意愿不被人类物种伤害。
77、The result is not only a mutilation and scarring that puts all related form into great pain, but a degradation of each kingdom involved. ─── 结果不仅是毁害与创伤,这已将所有相关形体带入巨大痛苦,而且也是每一个相关王国的退化。
78、right to object to any distortion, mutilation or modification of the work. ─── 反对任何窜改、肢体不全或是修改作品的权利。
79、We were saddened by this discovery, and now understand that the manifestation of humans who kill and mutilate our species is a return of our own karma for the mutilation of Earth. ─── 我们对这个发现感到深切地哀伤,现在也了解到杀害并伤残我们物种的人类是我们自己残毁地球的业力的返回显化。
80、Some preach abstinence yet turn a blind eye to polygamous marriages, adultery and genital mutilation. ─── 一些人一边鼓吹节欲一边却对一夫多妻,通奸和摧残生殖器的行为视而不见。
81、An increasing number of immigrants from countries practicing female genital mutilation (FGM) has begun to concern Europe as well. ─── 越来越多的移民国家实行切割女性生殖器官(女性割礼)已开始关注欧洲。
82、Such penalties include beating, branding, mutilation, blinding, and the use of the stock and pillory. ─── 肉刑包括鞭笞、炮烙、断肢、割体、挖眼及上枷等方式;
83、Prohibition of discrimination, abuse, mutilation of women. ─── 禁止歧视、虐待、残害妇女。
84、"(3) the right of alternation, that is, the right to alter or authorize others to alter one' s works; (4) the right of integrity, that is, the right to protect one's work against distortion and mutilation;" ─── (3)修改权,即修改或授权他人修改作品的权利;(4)保护作品完整权,即保护作品不受歪曲,篡改的权利;
85、I might undergo mutilation. ─── 我可能要受金刃之伤。
86、The speedy analysis of flue gas by mutil - channel gas chromatography was set up. ─── 建立裂解气的多通道色谱快速分析法。
87、Relative analysis on mutilation disease and characteristics of dyslipidemia in the aged ─── 老年人致残性疾病与血脂异常特点的相关性分析
88、They are the key factors among multiplicate ones which mediate the generation and development of RA, bone erosion and Mutilation. ─── 是介导类风湿关节炎发生和发展以及骨质侵蚀、致残的众多因子中的关键因子.
89、Mortality rates subsided after Enga elders instituted stricter rules for warfare, such as bans on killing of women and mutilation. ─── 在恩加族的长者建立较严格的战争规则,禁止杀害妇女与残害伤者的肢体后,死亡率也随之降低。
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