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09-11 投稿



drillmaster 发音

英:[['drɪlˌmæstə]]  美:[['drɪlˌmæstə]]

英:  美:

drillmaster 中文意思翻译



drillmaster 相似词语短语

1、ballaster ─── n.[公路]铺碴机

2、divemaster ─── 潜水长

3、ringmaster ─── n.表演指导者;马戏演出指挥

4、stallmaster ─── 摊主

5、drill stem ─── [机]钻柱;[机]钻杆;钻具

6、drillmasters ─── n.教官;教练;训练员

7、stallmasters ─── 摊主

8、Grandmaster ─── n.大师;最高段的棋手

9、arblaster ─── 阿布拉斯特

drillmaster 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Simon Chen is a professional Enterprise drillmaster and Enterprise development consultant and HR Consultant in several Enterprise Management Consultant Company.Engaged in H. ─── 陈云海(艺名):现在几家管理顾问公司任专业培训师、企业发展顾问、人力资源顾问。

2、'My drillmaster said, 'I was a genius at Martial Arts and the drillmaster who taught us Military Boxing was a genius coach at Martial Arts. ─── 我们的教官说,‘我是武术天才,教我们军拳的教官是武术天才教练。

3、In here, I need to thank the drillmaster and the teacher , have let me learn firm. ─── 在这里,我要感谢教官和老师,让我学会了坚强。

4、Person of number of v/arc drillmaster of Taiwan of rate of general manager Mr Xiao Jianzhong plans as a whole each firm departments, since v/arc drillmaster is a director. ─── 总经理萧建中先生率台湾教官数人统筹公司各个部门,既是教官又是主管。

5、The equips and the drillmaster's specialty were reliable, the rationality confirmed us to past the guard rail by relaxed mood. ─── 装备牢固而可靠,教官的专业也很令人信赖,以轻松的心情跨过护栏,理性已确认没有危险。

6、Who was talking with our drillmaster? ─── 谁正在和我们的教官说话?

7、My son thought he maybe didn't well doing some exercises and the drillmaster would criticize him, so he answered in a weak voice. ─── 儿子以为是自己某些动作没有做好,教官要批评他,便小声地回答了教官的问题。

8、The new drillmaster has gained the soldier's respect quickly. ─── 新来的教官很快赢得了士兵的尊敬。

9、The drillmaster is training the new soldiers at the drill ground. ─── 教官正在校场训练新招收的士兵。

10、When one military affairs confuses the construction that explains a gun in v/arc drillmaster, tore open whole gun, have next installed. ─── 有一军事迷在教官讲解枪的构造的时候就把整支枪拆了,然后有装了起来。

11、Then a young drillmaster come up.The resounding streamer number,the straight standing manner, we silently felt this intense shock of a soldier in the quiet environment. ─── 然后我们眼前走来了一队年轻的教官,响亮的幡号、挺拔的军姿,一片沉寂中,我们默默感受这股军人的强烈震撼。

12、The drillmaster's throat would have frog, but they still serious revise our every move, all this inspires us, too, should try to exercise. ─── 教官的嗓子早就嘶哑了,可他们仍然地认真改正我们每一个动作,这一切激励着我们,也要努力锻炼。

13、Tears spin in my eyes when I said these words, the drillmaster give me a package of paper goods, they accepted me ! ─── 如果你觉得我可以的话,那么我就申请加入,眼睛中泪水开始打转,那个教官给了我一包纸巾,他们接受了我,是的!


15、At last the drillmaster told them the answer:" to find it from one side to the other side of the grass!" ─── 教练最后宣布答案是:“按部就班地从草地一头找到另一头!”

16、If so, maybe you could tell your drillmaster that you wouldn't like to do the soldiery boxing. ─── 如果这样的话,你可以告诉你的教官你不想参加军拳表演。

17、Does Wuhan radar air force school student from meeting Cheng Jun Xun drillmaster in the hereafter come out? ─── 武汉雷达空军学校的学生出来以后会成军训教官么?

18、But the drillmaster said to him, 'Please speak loudly!" ─── 然而教官却对他说:“请大声讲!”

19、Drillmaster System ─── 教官制度

20、My son thought he maybe didn't well doing some exercises and the drillmaster would criticize him, so he answered in a weak voice. ─── 儿子以为是自己某些动作没有做好,教官要批评他,便小声地回答了教官的问题。

21、'My drillmaster said, 'I was a genius at Martial Arts and the drillmaster who taught us Military Boxing was a genius coach at Martial Arts. ─── ' “我们的教官说,‘我是武术天才,教我们军拳的教官是武术天才教练。’”

22、V/arc drillmaster big Jing, see that recruit ran rapidly only, stand at attention, with high respect, say: "Report v/arc drillmaster, I a moment ago opened one gun to oneself, but did not hit. ─── 教官大惊,只见那新兵飞快地跑了过来,立正,敬礼,说:“报告教官,我刚才向自己开了一枪,但没击中。”

23、In order to learn flight, he developed a friendship with the drillmaster. ─── 为了学习飞行,他和教官交上了朋友。

24、Before starting the exercise, you need to listen to the specialized drillmaster’s suggestion! ─── 在开始运动之前,还是先听听专业健身教练的忠告与建议吧!

25、A:Then was there any interesting thing happened during your military training between the classes and the drillmaster? ─── 军训时候有什么好玩有趣的事情啊?我想信应该有苦有乐。

26、Then the drillmaster told us to keep our chin up, do the best we can,and don”t get discouraged. ─── 教官为我们加油打气,叫我们不要灰心,要继续全力以赴、不要泄气。

27、'My drillmaster said,'I was a genius at Martial Arts and the drillmaster who taught us Military Boxing was a genius coach at Martial Arts. ─── 我们的教官说,‘我是武术天才,教我们军拳的教官是武术天才教练。

28、Still have compare even strong and handsome brother and v/arc drillmaster muscle. ─── 还有个连健美的哥们和教官比肌肉。

29、I must take a photo with my drillmaster to remember the experience. ─── 我得和教官拍个照,留做纪念!”

30、One Friday morning, we have an interview with Major Drillmaster. ─── 一个星期五的早上,我们与主教有一个专题访问。

31、V/arc drillmaster has seized the soldier's gun quarrelsomely, ground of stern in voice and countenance says: "Fool! ─── 教官怒气冲冲地夺过士兵的枪,声色俱厉地说:“笨蛋!

32、”Tears spin in my eyes when I said these words,the drillmaster give me a package of paper goods,they accepted me ! ─── 如果你觉得我可以的话,那么我就申请加入,眼睛中泪水开始打转,那个教官给了我一包纸巾,他们接受了我,是的!

33、ChenYue Professor:the subdecanal of the computer and software academy of ZheJiang University,former drillmaster of the team of .the international academician programmer competition . ─── 陈越教授:浙江大学计算机学院、软件学院副院长。浙江大学国际大学生程序设计竞赛算法集训队前总教练。

34、My drillmaster looks like a sissy, but he is a kind man. ─── 舞蹈老师看起来娘娘腔的,但是他非常强壮。

35、Both my class and my drillmaster are the best.I have seen the ray of triumph, just stand on, it's no doubt that we will be the best. ─── 我的班级是最棒的,我的同学是最棒的,我的教官也是最棒的,我已经看到了胜利的曙光,坚持住,我相信我们会成功的。

36、We are always under the impression that Major Drillmaster is a mysterious person that always pops up from behind us all the time. ─── 我们对主教的印象,总是停留在他是神秘的人,随时闷不吭声的突然从你背后出现。他是个极有纪律,文质彬彬且非常敬业的好教官。

37、actual combat drillmaster of police training ─── 警察实战训练教官

38、Though Major Drillmaster is a serious man , as we talk about his family, his lips still stretches into an unnoticed smile, revealing that he is a tender man. ─── 虽然主教总是表现的很严肃,但当我们问到他的家人时,他的嘴角仍是泛出了一丝不易察觉的微笑,透露出他其实是个温柔的好人。

39、Simon Chen is a professional Enterprise drillmaster and Enterprise development consultant and HR Consultant in several Enterprise Management Consultant Company. ─── 陈老师:现在几家管理顾问公司任专业培训师、企业发展顾问、人力资源顾问。

40、The drillmaster of the tennis ball said to his students:"If a tennis ball fell into grass, how will do?" ─── 网球教练对学生说:“如果有一个网球掉进草丛里,应该如何找?”

41、Therefore, the results suggested regularly newly staff to train, the cultivation seed drillmaster, each solid service work flow, seminar with other school, to observe and to emulate the activity. ─── 因此,建议定期办理新(生)员工训练,培育种子教官,教导各项实务作业的流程,鼓励与他校办理研讨会、观摩活动。

42、As a soldier, Major Drillmaster is often regarded as a conservative man. ─── 军人出身的主教,常被人认为是个保守派的份子。

43、The drillmaster yelled when one of the marchers broke step. ─── 训练官在有一个行进者乱了步伐时大叫起来。

44、Yes, I did. When I was absorbedly practising Military Boxing and was sweating a lot, my drillmaster helped me to wipe off my sweat sometimes. ─── 当然了。我全神贯注练习军拳,出了很多汗,我的教官有时候都帮我擦呢。

45、3rd, when changnei combat must obey drillmaster's direction. ─── 在场内作战时要听从教官的指挥。

46、My victory owes to my drillmaster's patient instructions and the support from my family and friends. ─── 我的胜利应归功于教练耐心的指导以及家人和朋友的支持。

47、9 see joke: Recruit people accepting tactical training, content is empty-handed seizes knife and empty-handed to seize a gun, then v/arc drillmaster still made demonstrative motion for them. ─── 9看笑话: 新兵们在接受战术训练,内容是空手夺刀和空手夺枪,接著教官还为他们做了示范动作。

48、When the military would be over in the morning, the drillmaster asked my son what his name was. ─── 上午军训课快要结束的时候,教官问儿子叫什么名字。

49、Many women can smile just as sweetly, but their smile is only facial muscle calisthenics, as if a drillmaster were barking the order, “One!” ─── 但她们的笑容只是面部肌肉软操,仿佛有所教练在喊口令:“一!”忽然满脸堆笑,“二!”

50、Major Drillmaster seems to get along pretty well with girl students. ─── 主教在雄女,似乎都学生相处的颇为愉快。

51、To his pleasant surprise, the drillmaster said loudly to the class, 'This student has set up a good example for you this morning, I hope you will all do in the following days as well as he did! ─── 令他惊喜的是,教官竟然大声地对全班同学说:“今天上午这位同学为你们树立了很好的榜样,希望接下来的几天里你们能做得像他那样好!”

52、Having welcome drillmaster and put on army clothes, we seemed to be dynamic soldiers. ─── 在认识教官和穿上我的军装后,我看起来就像是个精力充沛的战士。

53、Second, it is necessary to improve the knowledge and enthusiasms of drillmaster in the Police College because they are the persons directly affect the students physical force training. ─── 第二,提高公安院校体能训练教官的积极性和加强警察体能训练专业知识培训和考核;

54、V/arc drillmaster asked achievement best student again: "How does announce guide you again? ─── 教官又问了成绩最好的学生:“你又是怎么宣导的?”

55、When I was absorbedly practising Military Boxing and was sweating a lot, my drillmaster helped me to wipe off my sweat sometimes. ─── 我全神贯注练习军拳,出了很多汗的时候,我的教官有时候都帮我擦呢。”

56、drillmaster is drilling privates how to use bayonet. ─── 教官正在教士兵们使用刺刀。

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