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08-23 投稿



dimidiate 发音

英:[dɪˈmɪdɪˌeɪt]  美:[dɪˈmɪdɪˌeɪt]

英:  美:

dimidiate 中文意思翻译




dimidiate 短语词组

1、dimidiate hermaphroditism ─── [医] 异侧两性畸形(一侧有一卵巢,对侧有一睾丸)

2、dimidiate placenta ─── [医]双叶胎盘

3、dimidiate pixel model ─── 像元二分模型

4、dimidiate definition ─── 二元定义

5、dimidiate meaning ─── 二分意义

6、dimidiate fascia ─── 半横带

dimidiate 相似词语短语

1、humiliate ─── vt.羞辱;使…丢脸;耻辱

2、dimidiated ─── adj.二分的;vt.将…两分

3、dimidiating ─── adj.二分的;vt.将…两分

4、dimidiates ─── adj.二分的;vt.将…两分

5、fimbriate ─── adj.[生物]有毛缘的;有须毛为缘的;vt.使…有毛缘

6、dimidiation ─── n.分为两半

7、to dimidiate ─── 减少

8、ascidiate ─── 瓶状的

9、digladiate ─── 已下载

dimidiate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A Dimidiate Grid Algorithm for the Unbounded Knapsack Problem ─── 背包问题的二分网格算法

2、In this study MODIS data of Jinan is selected as the data source to obtain the annual maximum vegetation coverage in different years based on the dimidiate pixel model. ─── 以济南市MODIS数据为数据源,应用像元二分模型计算,获得济南市不同年份最大植被覆盖度。

3、In the sequence of dimidiate tracts, mud.stone and oil shale in the lake expansion system tract are good source rocks and seals, providing favorable conditions for forming giant oil/gas fields. ─── 这类砂体成藏条件优越。往往形成大型油气藏;三分体系域层序的低位域砂体成藏条件优越,地震剖面易于识别,是隐蔽油气藏勘探的主要目标。

4、Dimidiate Frequency Phenominon and Rational Harmonic Mode-locked in an Active Mode-locking Fiber Laser ─── 主动锁模光纤激光器有理数谐波锁模与重复频率的分频现象

5、dimidiate pixel model ─── 像元二分模型

6、So the twenty-three feature variables have been partitioned four classes which contain continuous attribute, integer attribute, nominal attribute and dimidiate attribute. ─── 由于安全设备的故障特征具有很强的异构特性,所以首先对特征变量进行分类描述。

7、NDVI method for dimidiate pixel model ─── NDVI像元二分法

8、dimidiate cut ─── 二分分割

9、Integer Programming is a famous NP hard problem. This paper presents a new algorithm, in which the method of similar dimidiate is adopted. ─── 整数规划是NP困难的经典问题之一,将传统的二分搜索方法推广应用到整数规划的解空间中,提出一种求解整数规划的新算法。

10、Keywords slope-break;trisection tract;dimidiate tract;subtle trap; ─── 坡折带;三分体系域;二分体系域;隐蔽圈闭;

11、On the Application of Dimidiate Pixel Model to Inversion of Vegetation Coverage in Land-use Investigation ─── 像元二分模型在土地利用现状更新调查中反演植被盖度的研究

12、When the horizontal level cannot fall down the slope-break, an imperfect horizontal fluctuating cycle is formed, a system of lake expand and lake shrink (dimidiate tracts). ─── 当水平面未下降到坡折带以下时,构成一个不完整的水平面升降旋回,可形成包括湖扩展、湖萎缩2个体系域的层序(二分体系域)。

13、Through the Red or magenta filter observation of this printed matter, because the filter absorbed a green light, so green dimidiate black(charred). ─── 堵住赤或品赤滤波片查察此印品,由于滤波片汲取了赤平,所以赤像元变黑。

14、On the Application of Dimidiate Pixel Model to Inversion of Vegetation Coverage in Land-use Investigation ─── 像元二分模型在土地利用现状更新调查中反演植被盖度的研究

15、dimidiate fascia ─── 半横带

16、The dimidiate frequency of early oil whirl was found clearly from HHT time-frequency spectrum, which magnified the parameter of oil whirl fault and provided information for early fault diagnosis. ─── 该方法在早期油膜涡动中能够更加清晰地发现涡动二分频的存在,放大了涡动的故障特征,为早期故障诊断提供了方便。

17、Anti-false metamerism image by riguang under the prospect of indiscernibility dimidiate and dimidiate the background, foreground pixel and background color of a pixel in a different light shown. ─── 防伪同色异谱图像由在日平照明下不成鉴别的后景像元和配景像元组成,后景像元和配景像元的颜色差别在另一栽差别的平照下表现不入来。

18、When the horizontal level does not fall down the slope-break, it makes an incomplete horizontal fluctuating cycle, forming lake expansion and lake shrinking tracts (dimidiate tracts). ─── 这两种层序在纵向上呈规律性叠置组合。构成了盆地层序充填序列。在二分体系域层序中,湖萎缩体系域上覆的湖扩展体系域泥岩、油页岩是良好的烃源岩和盖层。

19、dimidiate partition ─── 折半划分

20、A Dimidiate Grid Algorithm for the Unbounded Knapsack Problem ─── 背包问题的二分网格算法

21、dimidiate hermaphroditism ─── [医] 异侧两性畸形(一侧有一卵巢, 对侧有一睾丸)

22、improved dimidiate pixel model ─── 改进像元二分法

23、dimidiate placenta ─── 双叶胎盘

24、The discharging board is dimidiate structure, with electroplating hard chrome on the surface.It is easy to be repaired and lengthen the useful time. ─── 出料板采用对开结构,表面镀硬铬,可便于维修和延长使用寿命;

25、As another example, we can use an infrared invisible ink green dimidiate of business card printing design, riguang, and the green light dimidiate is not visible. ─── 再如,我们可以用一栽赤外线不成见油墨包围赤像元的制卡安排,在日平照明下,赤像元不成见。

26、There are two kinds narratives which is leaned to subjcet and object on modern lierary history, both of them based on the dimidiate thinking mode. ─── 摘要现代小说史上的乡土叙事主要有偏于主观和偏于客观的两种类型,它们都建基于现代性的主客二分的思维方式之上。

27、dimidiate arithmetic ─── 二分查找算法

28、The results show that the dimidiate pixel model based on NDVI can ha used in the extraction of vegetation coverage in desertified region. ─── 研究结果表明,基于NDVI的像元二分模型适合于沙漠化地区的植被覆盖度提取。

29、Keywords dimidiate pixel model;vegetation coverage;NDVI;Maowusu sandland; ─── 像元二分模型;植被覆盖度;植被指数(NDVI);毛乌素沙地;

30、dimidiate tract ─── 二分体系域

31、The bucket element can be found by dimidiate research.The experimental results show that its comprehensive performance is better than other indexing algorithm. ─── 查找某个桶中的元素必须从常规桶开始,沿指针一直查找,直到末尾。

32、The results show that the dimidiate pixel model based on NDVI can ha used in the extraction of vegetation coverage in desertified region. ─── 研究结果表明,基于NDVI的像元二分模型适合于沙漠化地区的植被覆盖度提取。

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