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08-22 投稿



highlander 发音

英:['haɪləndə]  美:['haɪləndɚ]

英:  美:

highlander 中文意思翻译



highlander 同义词

moorland | mountains | mesa | hilltop | uplands | upland | heights | high ground |plateau | peaks | tableland | fell | butte

highlander 词性/词形变化,highlander变形


highlander 反义词


highlander 短语词组

1、highlander toyota ─── 汉兰达丰田

2、highlander imdb ─── 汉兰达imdb

3、highlander d ─── 高地人d

4、highlander movie ─── 高地人电影

5、highlander cast ─── 海兰达石膏

6、Scottish Highlander ─── [网络] 苏格兰高地人图片

7、highlander hybrid ─── 汉兰达混合动力车

8、highlander 3 ─── 高地人3

9、highlander 2 ─── 高地人2

10、highlander film ─── 汉兰达电影

highlander 相似词语短语

1、Highlander ─── n.苏格兰高地的人;高地人

2、high-handed ─── adj.专横的;高压的

3、highlands ─── n.高原地区;山岳地带(highland的复数形式)

4、highbinders ─── n.恶棍;美国华人区黑社会中的党羽

5、highhanded ─── adj.专横的;高压的

6、highland ─── n.高地;丘陵地带;adj.高原的;高地的

7、highliner ─── 高端

8、highlanders ─── n.苏格兰高地的人;高地人

9、highbinder ─── n.恶棍;美国华人区黑社会中的党羽

highlander 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A drier, rocky highland which I already described, and a rising flood plain which breaks this region into a series of small islands set amongst a shallow watery swamp area. ─── 其中一个部分是我之前描述过的岩石高地,另外的一部分则是逐渐升起的被阴暗沼泽与河流分支包围的众多岛屿。

2、Today, the descendents of two prominent Highland clans, the Duke of Argyll and the Duke of Atholl, hold strongly opposing views about it. ─── 今天,苏格兰高地人的两个重要的宗族的后裔阿盖尔公爵和阿索尔公爵对此持截然不同的看法。

3、Highland barley has had another good harvest this year. ─── 今年的裸大麦收成很好, 又是一个丰收年。

4、There is a beautiful place in mid part of Tibet highland, the name is ZaBuYe Salty Lake. ─── 在青藏高原腹地有一个美丽的地方,那就是扎布耶盐湖。

5、The Mesozoic provenance was mainly the cent ral uplift belt in the north , and secondly the highland in the east and uplift region in the west . ─── 中生代沉积物源主要来自北部的中央隆起带,次为东部高地及西部隆起区;

6、After the visit of Mati Temple, I will guide to the tent of Yugu people to taste milk tea and liquor made from Qingke(highland barley) of local minorities. ─── 参观过马蹄寺之后,我会带大家去裕固族帐篷,喝奶茶和青稞酒,体验草原游牧民族独特的生活方式和文化特色。

7、As it is situated to the west of Shanyuan Highland (a plateau in the present-day Shanxian County, Henna Province), hence the name of the province. ─── 因其位于陕原(今河南陕县一带)以西而得省名

8、But it is likely to be the only piece of Highland action in the latest movie, Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire. ─── 但这很可能是哈利波特与火焰杯中仅有的在高地拍摄的戏。

9、Tateshina Kogen, a highland somewhere in Nagano Ken, Japan, saw my first tour in Japan. ─── 廖科高原位于日本的长野县,那见证了我在日本的第一次旅游。

10、Highland Lowland shall catch a little bit of that spirit, of these emotions and bring them back into your living room. ─── “高原谷地”抓到了一点这样的精神和情感,并且把他们带进了你家的客厅。

11、Topography: Qingdao is a hilly city. 40.6% of the total Qingdao area is highland and lowland areas. ─── 地势:为滨海丘陵地形,山地和丘陵占全市总面积的40.6%。

12、Because there is spit on highland. ─── 因为高原上下着小雨。

13、After holding to scold the folded wife, a second-hand husband moulds tha e threshold in shorthand onqthe highland. ─── 在赞成责骂被折叠的妻子之后,二手丈夫在高地以速记法铸成了一个门槛。

14、Information industry is importance for building Sichuan into economic province and Chengdu into strategic highland in West of China. ─── 信息产业对于四川省建设中国西部经济强省,成都市建设中国西部战略高地具有重要的意义。

15、And the highland charge like wax-hued elephants. ─── 原驰蜡象

16、The Highlander was appropriate, he said, given the size of his district and House rules setting fuel-efficiency standards for leased vehicles. ─── 他说,考虑到选区面积和众议院为议员租赁交通工具设定的能效标准,丰田汉兰达是合适的。

17、The main production of wheat, highland barley, broad bean, potato and other food crops, cash crops are Chinese angelica, Codonopsis, rhubarb, red, etc. stilbazolium. ─── 主产小麦、青稞、蚕豆、洋芋等粮食作物,经济作物有当归、党参、大黄、红芪等。

18、One must for all visitors is dining out on Icelandic specialties,including delicious seafood,ocean-fresh from the morning's catch,highland lamb and unusual varieties of game. ─── 对于游客来说,万万不能错过的是一定要品尝冰岛的各种特色菜,有当日早上捕捞、绝对新鲜甘美的海鲜;高地羊羔肉和各种珍禽野味。

19、The upgrade coincides with Toyota's decision to move North American production of the Highlander SUV to the Indiana plant. ─── 升级恰逢丰田决定把北美生产的Highlander越野车的印第安纳工厂。

20、One who lives in a highland. ─── 居住在高地的人

21、Added models and textures by Luigi, Septa, Highlander -- Thank you. ─── 加了些新的模形跟纹理。

22、He went to the Camelon highland yesterday for a change. ─── 他为着转地疗养昨天到金马伦去了。

23、The Qinghai-Tibet railway builds the project being to build in the world on the highland nowadays have challenge most , how long is after all? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>生活>青藏铁路建设是当今世界上建在高原上的最具有挑战性的工程,到底有多长?

24、Toyota's Mississippi plant, near Tupelo, was originally supposed to build the Highlander sport-utility vehicle. ─── 丰田在密西西比州的工厂位于图珀洛附近,原本计划生产丰田汉兰达(Highlander)运动型多用途车(SUV)。

25、The MC platform is the same one that underpins the Lexus RX, Lexus ES, Toyota RAV4, Camry and Highlander. ─── MC的平台是同一个基础的雷克萨斯RX,雷克萨斯胚胎,丰田RAV4,丰田和Highlander

26、The landlord's land on the highland of the mainland expanded a lot. ─── 地主在大陆高原上的土地扩张了很多.

27、Dennis, D. Mary, and Catherine Owen. The West Highland White Terrier . ─── 丹尼斯d.玛丽凯瑟琳和欧文。西部高地白色小猎犬。

28、The characteristic views are famous for the highland lakes, snow mountains and meadows, the rhododendra flowers, the jungles and camellia forests. ─── “九湖一山”藏语为“妈布格启”,意为水中的宝石,主峰海拔4000米,河流的两岸都是遮天蔽日的原始森林。

29、One executive at Highland says Mr Dondero did not want to get into a dialogue with the private equity firms. ─── 一个高地公司的经理说Dondero先生并不想与私募基金进行对话。

30、When Paul arrived in Highland Park, he was amazed at what he found. ─── 保罗来到海兰德公园的时候,他对所发现的情况大为吃惊。

31、In Mexico, highland Mayan farmers are fighting to survive amid decreasing rainfall, unseasonal frost and unprecedented changes in daytime temperatures, the U.N. reported. ─── 在墨西哥,玛雅高地农民正处于降雨量减少,异常霜冻和破纪录白天气温的变化中,努力为生存而搏斗。

32、The water potential productivity of alfalfa on rain fed highland in south of loess plateau was simulated for long term(30 years) using EPIC model. ─── 应用EPIC模型对黄土高原南部旱塬地苜蓿水分生产潜力进行了长期的模拟研究。

33、Most of the true Highland dances are connected with ancient Scottish folk customs. ─── 大多数高地舞蹈都与苏格兰的古老民俗有密切的联系。

34、British singer noted for his comic stage persona, a wry and nostalgic Highlander. ─── 劳德,哈里·麦克伦南1870-1950美国歌唱家,以讽刺怀旧的苏格兰高地人的喜剧舞台形象而著名

35、His works contain "The Solitary Reaper", "To a Highland Girl", "The Old Cumberland Beggar " and "The Ruined Cottage". ─── 他的作品包括《孤独的收割者》,《致高地姑娘》,《老坎伯兰的乞丐》和《被摧毁的茅屋》。

36、Dr. Victor Yun Wu is taking picture of Troides brookiana, the Malaysia national butterfly, on Cameron highland,1994. ─── 吴云医生1994年在马来西亚金马伦高原拍摄马来西亚国蝶的照片。

37、Peter kept going until he reached Highland Amusement park. ─── 彼得在高地乐园前停下了脚步。

38、The Hammer Event in the Luss Highland Games. ─── “鲁斯高地运动会”中的掷链球项目。

39、Yunnan has not only a variety of magnificent highland scene, but also charming frontier landscapes. ─── 云南既有雄伟壮丽的高原景观,又有妩媚迷人的边塞风光。

40、Highland Lowland is a carpet and a coffee table in one. ─── “高原谷地”将地毯和咖啡桌合二为一。

41、Lastly, Highlander latest post called "desperation" is very worrying especially when she asks whether "death is the only exit" . ─── highlander最新发表的一篇文章〈绝望〉特别令人担忧,她问「死亡是否是唯一的出口」

42、Agricultural production of wheat, highland barley, broad bean, potato, rapeseed rich sons, dangshen, Chinese angelica, etc.. Prince market in the territory of the mountains. ─── 农业主产小麦、青稞、蚕豆、薯类,盛产油菜子、党参、当归等。太子山林场在境内。

43、Fractionation is unique highland biological species of wild land, as well as the Qinghai " Treble " One. ─── 发菜是高原特有的野生陆地藻类生物,也是青海的"三宝"之一。

44、Last year the Forbes family motor yacht, the Highlander, was put into dry dock, its crew laid off. ─── 去年福布斯家族的汉兰达(Highlander)游艇都被拖到了干船坞里,船员也已被辞退。

45、Think of it as a cross between The Matrix and Highlander. ─── 但是,看过之后,细想起来,除了眼球的冲撞之外,影片似乎就没有什么让人印象深刻的地方了,我甚至想不起来这部片子到底讲述了些什么。

46、On June 2 06 when, b-6218 of branch of Dong Hang northwest the airport of accipitral " Cong Xianyang of date " highland takes off. ─── 6月2日06时,东航西北分公司 B-6218号"高原之鹰"从咸阳机场起飞。

47、The Hammer Event in the Luss Highland Games. This is part of a "Highland games" competition for traditional Scottish sports. ─── “鲁斯高地运动会”中的掷链球项目。这是为苏格兰传统体育项目举行的“高地运动”竞技中的一部分。

48、A member of the group of Quechuan peoples of highland Peru who established an empire from northern Ecuador to central Chile before the Spanish conquest. ─── 印加人秘鲁高原上克丘亚部落的一支,被西班牙征服前建立了一个北起厄瓜多尔南到智利中部的帝国

49、Not all of the Highland clans, who turned out to fight f0r the Jacobite cause were the old, traditional ones. ─── 出来为詹姆斯二世党人的事业而战的苏格兰高地人宗族并不都是古老而守旧的宗族。

50、But according to my experience, I can imagine how lack of water and close this loessial highland is. ─── 但根据经验,可以想象的是这样的黄土丘陵地区会怎样的缺水,怎样的闭塞。

51、His accent gave him away as a Highlander. ─── 他的口音让人知道了他是高地人。

52、I wonder you did that when you know the Act of parliament against wearing the Highland dress. ─── 你不知道你怎么这样做的,你不是知道国会的法令,禁止穿高地服装吗?

53、She recently refinanced her car, a 2002 Toyota Highlander, to help pay for her husband’s heart medicines, which cost some $400 a month. ─── 她最近抵押了她的车--2002年的丰田汉兰达--以支付她丈夫每月400美元的医药费。

54、The mission of Shanghai International Finance Human Resources Service Center is to accumulate elate of the world and, to construct international highland of financial talent. ─── 上海国际金融人才服务中心的宗旨是:汇聚天下英才,筑就国际金融人才高地。

55、The Industrial Areas Foundation, The Midwest Academy, Antioch, ACORN, and The Highlander Center are some of the better known. ─── 比如工业园区财团,中西部委员会,安提俄克,橡果,高地人中心,这些比较知名。

56、Highland barley liquor and fragrant buttered tea have brewed the kind of lover's prattle that burns hot . ─── 大碗大碗香醇的青稞酒,大口大口芬芳的酥油茶,酿造出热辣辣的情话。

57、The 72-year-old herdsman Laqiong is living on the Pagri Highland which is 4,800 meters above sea level. ─── 72岁的牧民拉琼就生活在帕里镇西边海拔4800米左右的帕里高原上。

58、The fierce battle lasted until past 3 pm, but Highland 345.6 was still hard to occupy. ─── 双方激战到下午3点多,还有345.6高地难以拿下。

59、He's an English teacher at Highland Road School. ─── 他是高地路学校的英语老师。

60、You'll hear me group Nepenthes together as "lowland", "intermediate", "highland", and "ultra-highland. ─── 你将会听我说明将猪笼草种植在一起,如,低地,中海拔,高地,及极高地。

61、It is 1994, Connor MacLeod, The Highlander, has successfully assimilated into modern life.He lives a peaceful life with his family. ─── 在1994年,来自西斯特星球的高原人康纳已经成功融入人类社会,过著宁静的家庭生活。

62、The Scottish Highlander considers himself the 'true' Scot and he wears his national dress, the kilt, with pride. ─── 苏格兰高地人自认为是“真正”的苏格兰人,她们自豪地穿戴其民族特有的服饰,褶裥短裙。

63、He was born in the Highland. ─── 他出生于苏格兰高地。

64、On the other hand, people from some of the Highland districts where the Catholic religion was strong refused to come out and fight for the Prince. ─── 另一方面,苏格兰高地的一些天主教势力强大的地区的人却拒绝出来替王子打仗。

65、There are the wide alternant distribution of basalt and diatomite in the basin and highland in ShengXian. ─── 在嵊县丘陵地区范围内,广泛发育有交替分布的玄武岩和硅藻土层,岩层倾角平缓。

66、And right now as before the northward photograph that Tian Han ground freezes is compared, spring already came early to laterite highland. ─── 和此时依旧天寒地冻的北方相比,春天已早早地来到了红土高原。

67、They had switched to the Prius a gasoline-electric hybrid from the Highlander a sport-utility vehicle without first consulting other key executives. ─── 他们事先未与其他高管商议,便将原计划在该厂生产的“汉兰达”(Highlander)运动型多用途车(SUV)换成了普锐斯(PRIUS)混合动力汽车。

68、Craniomandibular osteopathy is a hereditary disease in West Highland White Terriers and also occurs in other terrier breeds. ─── 头骨发育不良是一种常见于西部高地白梗和其他梗类犬的一种遗传病。

69、A skier is pulled by a horse during a traditional highlander's competition in Male Ciche, Poland January 30, 2011. ─── 一位滑雪者是拉着马在一个传统的苏格兰高地的男性Ciche,波兰2011年1月30日竞争。

70、The Yan 9 reservoir over the denudation plane were controlled by structures and sandstones, and oils distributed in highland and ridge. ─── 剥蚀面之上的延9油层主要受构造和砂体的控制,油层分布于高地和山脊;

71、The whole situation into amazon basin-shaped, Paraguay basin, Brazil and Guyana highland plateau, where the Amazon plains area accounting for about 1 / 3. ─── 全境地形分为亚马孙平原、巴拉圭盆地、巴西高原和圭亚那高原,其中亚马孙平原约占全国面积的1/3。

72、Fans waved Puerto Rican flags and kept screaming Martins name as his star was unveiled outside the Virgin Megastore at Hollywood Boulevard and Highland Avenue. ─── “添星”仪式在好莱坞大道及高地大街的维珍大型音乐连锁店外举行。当刻有瑞奇?马汀名字的星牌揭幕时,歌迷们挥舞着波多黎各的国旗,并高呼着他的名字。

73、Black tea of big auspicious mountain, highland takes the big Ji Ling that koel Xi Mengjia pulls province north the Himalayas to the foot of a hill or mountain. ─── 大吉岭红茶,产于印度西孟加拉省北部喜马拉雅山麓的大吉岭高原一带。

74、Is it faster if I take Highland avenue? ─── 如果我走海兰德林荫路会不会快点?

75、But due to being lack of water and highland , people can only cultivate potato、pea, wheat and other crop are hard to maintain the harvest. ─── 可是这里因为缺水,又是丘陵,只能种些土豆、豌豆,小麦等其他主要粮食作物收成很难保证。

76、Derek CONS than highland plateau north of the harbor are, elevation 200 meters (656 feet), have been numerous well-vegetated valley cut. ─── 康士比高原是海港以北的高原,海拔200米(656英尺),被草木丛生的溪谷切割开。

77、Temperate fruits and highland vegetables are planted on the farm. ─── 广植温带果树及高冷蔬菜。

78、The Incas adopted and improved the agricultural advances of previous highland cultures, and gave special importance to maize production. ─── 印加人在过去高山文化基础上应用并促进了农业的进步,特别注重玉米的生产。

79、He has got used to highland climate. ─── 他已经适应了高原的气候。

80、Wife: OMG, OMG, Highlander, Highlander.... I have to say it... It is enbaraasing.... For the sake of $5000, HIghlander..... For the sake of $5000,... ─── 妻子:老天爷,老天爷,亲娘哎,亲娘哎。。。我得说。。。这可丢人了。。。看在5000大洋的份上。。。亲娘哎。。。看在5000大洋的份上。。。

81、File photo dated 18/01/2007 of a young Highland cow covered in Snow at Carronbridge near Denny in Scotland after heavy snow fall. ─── 分说明:2007年1月18日,英国苏格兰,在遭遇大雪袭击后,一只小高原牛被厚厚的雪覆盖着,只露出脑袋。

82、For nightlife, rock star Cui reeled off a few clubs where he likes to go for live music: New Get Lucky Bar, Nameless Highland and CD Cafe. ─── 对于夜生活,摇滚巨星崔随口一些俱乐部那里,他喜欢去现场音乐:新侥幸酒吧,无名高地和唯餐厅等。

83、Highlander Construction Ltd, the main contractor of a housing development project, employed five. ─── 高原建筑工程有限公司为一项房屋发展计划的总承建商,并雇用了五名天秤。

84、In the Tibetan language Nyenchen means “big god” and Tanglha means “mountain on the highland”. ─── 念青,就是藏语“大神”;“念青唐古拉”,藏语的意思就是“灵应草原之神”。

85、Most sea life is dead.Human refugees now confined entirely to highland areas and the polar regions. ─── 大多数海洋生物都死了,余下的人类只能困居于高地和极地区域。

86、Hip Homes: There's a definite spark to Shallenberger and Cavanagh when they discuss Highland Homes and the future of the business. ─── 住宅时尚: 约翰和鲍勃谈起‘海兰建筑公司’和企业未来时总是神采奕奕。

87、Cartledge, Joe, and Catherine Owen. The Complete Illustrated West Highland White Terrier . ─── 卡特利奇,乔,凯瑟琳和欧文。完整说明西部高地白色小猎犬。

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