pillaging 发音
英:[ˈpɪlɪdʒɪŋ] 美:[ˈpɪlɪdʒɪŋ]
英: 美:
pillaging 中文意思翻译
pillaging 词性/词形变化,pillaging变形
动词现在分词: pillaging |动词第三人称单数: pillages |动词过去式: pillaged |动词过去分词: pillaged |名词: pillager |
pillaging 短语词组
1、pillaging quote ─── 掠夺性引述
2、pillaging means ─── 掠夺手段
3、pillaging a village ─── 掠夺村庄
4、pillaging law ─── 掠夺法
5、pillaging definition ─── 掠夺定义
pillaging 相似词语短语
1、pillaring ─── v.用柱支持(pillar的现在分词)
2、pillorying ─── v.抨击;(当众)嘲笑;将……夹于颈手枷中;(使)受公众批评;n.(古刑具)木枷,颈手枷
3、ullaging ─── 根据罐空计量罐内油料量
4、pillowing ─── n.枕头;vt.垫;枕于…;使…靠在;vi.枕着头;靠在枕上;n.(Pillow)人名;(英)皮洛
5、pupillating ─── 化蛹
6、pilling ─── n.起毛粒,起毬;v.把…做成药丸;形成小圆球(pill的ing形式);n.(Pilling)人名;(英、德、西)皮林
7、bilging ─── v.船底破裂;船舱进水;舱底破损(bilge的ing形式)
8、tallaging ─── n.地租,税;佃户缴的税;vt.向……征税
9、collaging ─── n.抽象拼贴画(用报纸、布、压平的花等碎片拼合而成的);vt.把…创作成拼贴画,拼贴
pillaging 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Stay not pillaging! To the castle! ─── 别抢劫!去城堡!
2、Bavarian authorities have given farmers, who are irate about the pillaging of their sheep, permission to shoot the bear on sight. ─── 据路透社5月23日报道,上周末,当这只棕熊穿越德国与奥地利的边境线进入该地区时,还曾受到过人们的欢迎,但没过多久,它就变成了一位不受欢迎的客人。
3、Additional attacks launched during this time will result in the base being occupied, but will not give additional credits from pillaging. ─── 在这期间,基地仍然会被占领,但攻击者将不会得到任何掠夺收益。
4、Thus other missions can then take place there, for example pillaging and blockades. ─── 如此能从这个城镇发动军事活动。例如掠夺跟封港。
5、Ordinary people are salvaging destroyed pig farms, recuperating cents-worth scrapped metals, or pillaging victims' homes. ─── 百姓们试图救出受灾养猪场的牲畜,也在瓦砾间收集价值菲薄的报废金属;
6、For this, it is ideal to use a pair of spearmen, these can protect each other while pillaging. ─── 出于此目的,一个好的方法是使用两个矛兵,他们在破坏期间可以相互保护。
7、Again, when oscillating, focus on pillaging these reasources (and luxuries too, of course) first, it will always take the AIs a while to recover. ─── 再就是,考虑毁坏/切断它们的资源路线(当然也包括奢侈品),这将导致AI要花费一段时间才能恢复过来。
8、7. make a pillaging or destructive raid on (a place), as in wartimes. ─── 战争期间,在一个地方进行掠夺或进行破坏性的袭击。
9、The act of pillaging. ─── 抢劫行为
10、All was dark in the hall, excepting where the light shone from the dining-room in which the Indians were pillaging the shelves and fighting over their 14)booty. ─── 到达城外时,他们从一个荷兰劳工口中得知将军的房子由六名士兵进行守卫,三人守日,三人守夜。他们随后放了那个荷兰人。
11、Talking About the Principle and Methods of Arresting Pillaging Criminal Tools Based on Two Typical Cases ─── 从两个典型案例谈抢夺凶器缉捕的原则与方法
12、Japanese forces laid siege to the then-Chinese capital on Dec. 10, 1937 , and Nanking fell three days later, opening the door to a six-week campaign of pillaging and executions of unarmed civilians. ─── 1937年十二月十日,日本军队包围了当时的中国首都南京,三天后南京陷落,南京的城门被打开,手无寸铁的平民迎来了为期六周的被掠夺和被屠杀。
13、The invader roved through the country Burning and pillaging houses in their pathway ─── 入侵者在乡间扫荡,一路上烧毁房屋,抢劫财物。
14、there are countries where the black man protests by setting fire to cities and by looting and pillaging. ─── 答案在第二段,真正有理智的人鼓吹法制,遭到同类们的轻视、不信任和迫害。
15、Chaos Marauders from the north frequently mount massive campaigns into the Empire, pillaging and destroying all that they can. ─── 北方的掠夺者频繁得对帝国出动军队,肆意掠夺和破坏。
16、Despite the centuries of neglect, mutilation and pillaging, the Parthenon still stands -a remarkably powerful and beautiful symbol of the glories of ancient Greece. ─── 尽管经历了数世纪的疏于管理,毁损和掠夺,帕特农神庙依然矗立至今,成为古希腊光辉历史的美丽象征.
17、of,relating to,or characterized by plundering,pillaging,or marauding ─── 掠夺、抢劫或劫掠的或与之相关的,或以之为特征的
18、Of, relating to, or characterized by plundering, pillaging, or marauding. ─── 掠夺性的掠夺、抢劫或劫掠的、与之相关的或以之为特征的
19、But the first pillaging parties were followed by others; ─── 但是,紧接着第一批抢劫者进城抢劫之后,又来了第二批、第三批。
20、Botany is a precise art.It can be extremely rewarding, and it is a wonderful counter to my daily activities of plundering booty and pillaging enemy ships. ─── “植物学”是一门精准的学问,而且有相当的投资报酬率,而且对于我的每日活动有相当大量的财富进帐,对于破坏敌人船舰的功效也相当显著。
21、After centuries of pillaging, little remains of the original church, but today the Iona Community is bringing new life to the Abbey with a focus on peace, justice, and reconciliation. ─── 历经数百年劫掠,原始教堂已所剩无几.但今天,埃阿娜社区正把崭新的生活带到威斯敏斯特大教堂,致力于和平,正义与和解.
22、For as long as anyone could remember, Eldar pirates had plagued the people of Nocturne, constantly pillaging the small settlements and enslaving their children. ─── 从当地的人们能记得的时代起,灵族的海盗就一直光顾这里,贪婪的洗劫居民的财物,甚至野蛮的劫掠孩童。
23、In the game PuzzlePirates I own an Iron working shop, this shop makes cannon balls which the pillaging hordes of pirates can buy to fire at their enemies. ─── 在PuzzlePirates游戏中我有一个铁匠工作铺,这个铺子制作大炮炮弹,大群前来劫掠的海盗可以买这些炮弹来轰击敌人。
24、Though a man of few words, he radiates a calm and focus that unnerve the others, who are only interested in pillaging and looting. ─── 虽然他少言寡语,但他浑身上下散发出一种沉着冷静的态度,并寻找使其他冒险者变得失去生气的原因,现在那些人只是热衷于掠夺战利品。
25、"In 18th Century China, bandit hordes roamed the provinces pillaging and plundering villages. ─── “ 18世纪中,土匪成群出没各省抢劫和掠夺村庄。
26、A kind of bird evolved to follow the pillaging army, happily picking off the agitated fleeing insects in the air. ─── 于是,一种鸟逐渐形成了跟随这个掠食大军的习惯,愉快地将那些在空中慌不择路的飞虫一一享用。
27、Now, China has been introduced to the world stage as just one more industrialized nation pillaging world resources and trying to catch up to the consumption habits of the U.S. and Europe. ─── 现在中国在世界上的形象就是又一个掠夺地球资源并试图赶上欧美消费习惯的工业国家。
28、His example of this is the case of the Marcoses, who had been accused of pillaging the nation for 20 years, but they are now back. ─── 他举马可斯家族为例子。马可斯被指敛财穷国超过20年,他的遗孀和孩子却能获准回国参政。
29、The rebels went looting and pillaging. ─── 叛乱者趁火打劫,掠夺财物。
30、Though a man of few words, he radiates a calm and focus that unnerve the others, who are only interested in pillaging and looting. ─── 尽管他沉默寡言,但是他散发着冷静与专注让其他人黯然失色,那些人只对抢劫和掠夺感兴趣。
31、When life is no longer a "feeling" but "form", in the face of pillaging, spring flower Autumn Leaves, we will have much moved? ─── 当生活不再是“感受”,而是“形式”时,面对绿水青山,春花秋叶,我们还会剩下多少感动?
32、A year on since a shipwreck off the English south coast, locals are still talking about their wild days of pillaging .But they are keeping mum on who grabbed the best plunder. ─── 一年前,有艘船在英国南部外海失事,当地民众至今仍对当时的疯狂抢夺津津乐道,但对谁拿了最好的赃物却三缄其口。
33、3.The grim advance of the pillaging army. ─── 以抢劫、掠夺或劫掠为特征的。
34、Larger cities have learned to either bribe or fortify well in order to deal with the threat of these pillaging horsemen. ─── 为了对付这些掠劫成性的马民,大城市学会了贿赂和筑墙。
35、The amount of loot you get from pillaging is decided by the number of trade ships you have available, but more importantly by the foreign towns trading port. ─── 抢夺的总量是由你所拥有的贸易船的数量决定的,但是更重要的是国外的贸易港口。
36、But the first pillaging parties were followed by others; and every day as the numbers pillaging increased, the work of plunder became more difficult and assumed more definite forms. ─── 但是,紧接着第一批抢劫者进城抢劫之后,又来了第二批、第三批。然而,随着抢劫者的与日俱增,要想抢到东西,就变得越来越困难了,并已形成了一些更加确定的方式。
37、make a pillaging or destructive raid on (a place),as in wartimes ─── 战争期间,在一个地方进行掠夺或进行破坏性的袭击
38、“Then a patrol came up and all who were not pillaging, all the men, that is, they took prisoner.And me with them. ─── “这时来了巡逻队,他们把未遭抢劫的人,所有的农民都捉走了,我也被捉去了。”
39、Gabriel Garmendia not only had to pay for the tickets, but also our "pillaging" of the candy store. ─── 加布里埃尔·加门迪亚不仅要付门票钱,而且还为我们在糖果店“洗劫”了一番买单。
40、One day, he decided to go and defeat the ogres living on Ogre Island that were pillaging the land. ─── 老公公每天都上山砍柴,老婆婆则是到河边去洗衣服。有一天,老婆婆在河边洗衣服的时候,一个大桃子漂了过来。
41、He roamed the Atlantic coast, murdering and pillaging and laying waste to the countryside as he passed. ─── 他出没的大西洋沿岸,谋杀和掠夺和荒芜的农村,他通过。
42、From Scandinavian Vikings pillaging British shores to African, Indian and Polynesian tribes, the same trend was seen around the world. ─── 从斯堪的纳维亚北欧海盗掠夺英国海岸到非洲、印度和波利尼西亚部落,全世界都能看到这种倾向。
43、The other two are for war crimes, for intentionally directing attacks against civilians and for pillaging. ─── 另外两项是支持战争罪,支持故意袭击平民和抢夺财物罪。)
44、9. For as long as anyone could remember, Eldar pirates had plagued the people of Nocturne, constantly pillaging the small settlements and enslaving their children. ─── 从当地的人们能记得的时代起,灵族的海盗就一直光顾这里,贪婪的洗劫居民的财物,甚至野蛮的劫掠孩童。收藏指正
45、The longer the pillaging of the French lasted, the more complete was the destruction of the wealth of Moscow and of the forces of the pillagers. ─── 法国人的抢劫持续的时间越久,莫斯科的财富遭受的破坏就越严重,抢劫者的力量也就损失得越多。
46、On entering the ruined city, and finding it pillaged, the Russians fell to pillaging it too. ─── 进入被破坏了的莫斯科的俄国人,发现莫斯科已被洗劫之后,他们也开始抢劫起来。
47、then a patrol came up and all who were not pillaging , all the men , that is , they took prisoner . and me with them. ─── 这时来了巡逻队,他们把未遭抢劫的人,所有的农民都捉走了,我也被捉去了。
48、Soldiers went on a rampage, pillaging stores and shooting. ─── 士兵狂暴地掠夺商店,不停地扫射。
49、burning and pillaging ─── 烧杀掠抢
50、Mainly used as troop carriers, these ships carried the mighty Viking warriors across Europe for raiding and pillaging, and today it carries their equally fearsome decedents. ─── 长船将剽悍的维京战士运送到欧洲各地,船头所指之处,必将血肉横飞,残垣遍地。现在维京后裔们将驾驭长船,重温祖辈荣耀。
51、the thought process which leads to the pillaging of an idea ─── 引起偷盗念头的思想过程
52、The rebels went looting and pillaging. ─── 叛乱者趁火打劫,掠夺财物。
53、The raiders then sailed their ships up the rivers at will, striking far inland on foot or on horseback, and pillaging far and wide ─── 于是掠夺者任意地驶入江河的上游,步行或骑马袭击遥远的内陆,抢劫的区域在内地扩大。
54、British and American collusion in the pillaging of Iraq's heritage is a scandal that will outlive any passing conflict. ─── 英美合谋抢掠伊拉克文化遗产丑行的影响异常深远,将超过任何其他短暂的冲突。
55、When life is no longer a "feeling" but "form" , in the face of pillaging , spring flower Autumn Leaves, we will have much moved? ─── 当生活不再是“感受”,而是“形式”时,面对绿水青山,春花秋叶,我们还会剩下多少感动?
56、After pillaging a broad swath of cities in his path, he was near obtaining the surrender of Orleans when the combined Roman and Visigoth armies arrived and forced Attila's retreat to the northeast. ─── 他对途径的大片城市进行掠夺。就在奥尔良快要向他投降的时候,罗马和四哥特人的联合部队到来了,迫使阿堤拉向东北撤退。
57、On the other hand, the overseas pillaging strategy of Spain during the Age of Discovery was different from the British overseas colonialism, and thus resulted in different tracks of history. ─── 另一方面,西班牙在大航海时代的海外掠夺策略与后来的英国海外殖民不同,亦造就了不同的历史轨迹。
58、Some said German occupiers were pillaging Belgium. ─── 有人说德国占领者正在对比利时进行大肆掠夺。
59、Chaos Marauders from the north frequently mount massive campaigns into the Empire, pillaging and destroying all that they can. ─── 北方的掠夺者频繁得对帝国出动军队,肆意掠夺和破坏。
60、The act or practice of pillaging, destroying, or devastating. ─── 蹂躏抢劫,毁坏或毁灭的行为
61、As this occurs, the pillaging of Terra's resources will cease and another time will be born where consumption is less of the focus and ascension becomes the new focus of the human kingdom. ─── 当此发生,对Terra的资源的掠夺将会停止,而另一个时代将诞生,在那里对消费的专注会极少,而提升变成人类王国新的焦点。
62、He roamed the Atlantic coast, murdering and pillaging and laying waste to the countryside as he passed. ─── 他出没的大西洋沿岸,谋杀和掠夺和荒芜的农村,他通过。
63、the grim advance of the pillaging army. ─── 一支掠夺性部队的野蛮行径
64、To engage in pillaging. ─── 抢劫参与掠夺
65、and every day as the numbers pillaging increased, the work of plunder became more difficult and assumed more definite forms. ─── 然而,随着抢劫者的与日俱增,要想抢到东西,就变得越来越困难了,并已形成了一些更加确定的方式。
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