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09-05 投稿



trailed 发音

英:[treɪld]  美:[treɪld]

英:  美:

trailed 中文意思翻译



trailed 短语词组

1、trailed def ─── 跟踪def

2、maximum trailed load ─── 最大牵引负荷

3、trailed means ─── 跟踪手段

4、trailed mower ─── 牵引式割草机

5、trailed implement ─── 牵引式农具

6、trailed cultivator ─── 牵引式中耕机

7、trailed email ─── 跟踪电子邮件

8、trailed by ─── 尾随

9、trailed syn ─── 牵引同步器

trailed 词性/词形变化,trailed变形

原型:trail 过去式:trailed

trailed 相似词语短语

1、tailed ─── adj.有…尾的;去掉尾的;v.尾随(tail的过去式及过去分词)

2、trained ─── adj.培训;训练过的,受过培训的;v.训练(train的过去分词)

3、entrailed ─── 夹带

4、trailer ─── n.拖车;[电视]预告片;追踪者;vi.乘拖车式活动房屋旅行;vt.用拖车载运

5、railed ─── n.铁轨;扶手;横杆;围栏;vi.抱怨;责骂;vt.铺铁轨;以横木围栏

6、trailhead ─── n.小道的起点

7、brailed ─── n.卷帆索;(捕鱼用的)抄网;v.用卷帆索卷

8、traiked ─── 跟踪

9、drailed ─── n.加铅鱼钩;犁柄的铁制突出部分;vi.用加铅鱼钩钓鱼

trailed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Her voice trailed off ineffectually. ─── 她的声音渐渐微弱得听不见了。

2、The contemptuous nonchalance of her trailed hand irritated him. ─── 她的懒洋洋的手所显示出的蔑视而又漠不关心的态度激怒了他。

3、When she saw who had entered the room, her voice trailed of in fear. ─── 她看清进来为何人时,吓得说不出话来。

4、I trail my hand in the water as the boat drift along. ─── 小船漂流向前,我把手伸进水里让它拖着走。

5、The scene before him dimmed out and his words trailed off. ─── 他眼前的景象变得模糊起来,而他的话音也渐渐低下来。

6、Her interest in the work trailed off. ─── 她对这工作的兴趣逐渐减退了。

7、Trail use is recommended whenever possible. ─── 在任何可能时候,都推荐使用小路。

8、In the Pointer Trail area, drag the Length slider. ─── 在“指针尾部”区,拖动“长度”滑杆。

9、His voice trailed away to nothing. ─── 他的声音越来越小,最后消失了。

10、Her voice trailed to a whisper . ─── 她的声音越来越小,最后竟成了耳语声。

11、His sister trailed along behind him. ─── 他的妹妹慢吞吞地跟在他后面走。

12、The has blazed a trail in new methods of advertising. ─── 他首创了新的广告方式。

13、The wounded animal left a trail of blood behind it. ─── 受伤的动物在身后留下一道血迹。

14、They trailed the thieves to their hideout . ─── 他们跟踪那些贼一直到他们的藏匿之处。

15、The Lakers trailed by 12 points when Ariza went to work. ─── 当阿里扎上场时湖人落后12分。

16、When she saw that her pleas were disregarded, her voice trailed off in sobs. ─── 她发现她的要求被置之不理时,便呜咽起来,再也说不下去了。

17、The same evening the sheep had trailed homeward head to tail. ─── 就在这天的傍晚,绵羊首尾相衔地返回了羊栏。

18、The wagon left a trail of dust. ─── 大篷车过处扬起一片灰尘。

19、He left a trail of unpaid bills behind him. ─── 他走后留下一连串未支付的帐单。

20、They will put Jim on the trail for war crimes. ─── 他们将以战争罪审判。

21、In 1967 she hit the hippy trail to India. ─── 1967 年,她踏上嬉皮士之路去了印度。

22、Gore, trailed by the press as he left the White House, allowed that he and Bush spent the whole time talking about global warming. ─── 戈尔离开白宫时被媒体记者追问会晤内容,戈尔表示,他和布什谈的全是全球暖化问题。

23、She walked long past the end of the trail. ─── 她走到小径遥远的尽头

24、He came to see me and trailed a stranger. ─── 他来看我,还带了个陌生人来。

25、His words trailed away into silence. ─── 他渐渐不吱声了。

26、In the afternoon the man came upon a trail. ─── 到了下午,他发现了一些印迹。

27、A jeep has it over a regular car on rough mountain trail. ─── 吉普车爬崎岖的山路比普通汽车强。

28、The trail twists up on the mountainside. ─── 小路沿山腰盘旋而上。

29、She carried on alone for a few bars; then her voice trailed away. ─── 她独自唱了几句后声音就渐渐地消失了。

30、Her voice trailed to a whisper. ─── 她的声音越来越小,最后竟成了耳语声。

31、The queen'long robe trailed behind. ─── 女王的长袍拖在后面。

32、Her interest in the work soon trailed off. ─── 她对工作的热忱不久便淡化了。

33、He slung his rifle and struck off down the trail. ─── 他把枪一挎,就顺着小径走了。

34、This is the end of the trail for you. ─── 你的旅行结束了。

35、The road pinched down to a trail. ─── 大路渐渐变窄,成了羊肠小道。

36、As she finally hurried out the door, trailed by Adam and Lori , she found the car's luggage rack moving in the distance. ─── 他们跟在乔伊身后匆忙走出校门,这时,乔伊发现远处汽车的行李架正在移动。

37、The young girl rs hair trailed over her shoulder. ─── 年轻姑娘的长发披肩。

38、However, a message will be logged in audit trail. ─── 不过,会有一条消息记录在审核跟踪中。

39、They trailed by two goals to one at half-time. ─── 他们上半场以二比一落后。

40、It can experience the trail of time. ─── 它能经受时间的考验.

41、They made a trail of protests against the decision. ─── 他们对该项决定提出了一连串抗议。

42、Alright! Let go back to the trail. ─── 好的,让我们回到登山小径上.

43、Has the day been assigned for the trail? ─── 审讯的日期是否已定?

44、The puppy left a trail of destruction behind it. ─── 小狗一路留下了捣蛋破坏的踪迹。

45、I trailed my hand in the water as the boat moved along. ─── 我把手放在水里,让小船拖着往前划行。

46、The wounded soldiers trailed past us. ─── 伤兵们拖着步子从我们身旁走过。

47、The tired children trailed behind their parents. ─── 孩子们累了,疲惫的跟在父母后面。

48、Uzi and I led Attila to his room, trailed by Hans. ─── 尤兹和我边走边说,把艾希曼带进他的房间,汉斯跟了进来。

49、Once we left the trail the going was rough. ─── 一旦我们离开路径,路面就变得崎岖不平

50、They blazed a trail for other hunters to follow. ─── 他们在树木上做记号为其他猎人指路。

51、The roses trailed over the walls . ─── 四周的墙上长满了玫瑰花。

52、The tribesmen were hitting the war trail with spears and machetes. ─── 土著人开始挥动枪刀作战。

53、His voice trailed away as he sank within his memories, to the turning point in his life more than two years before, in the Time of Troubles. ─── 他的声音蔓延开来,他沉入了自己的回忆,回忆两年前那个灾难的时代,那个他生命中转折点。

54、The queen's long roBe trailed Behind. ─── 女王的长袍拖在后面

55、When he saw who had entered the room, his voice trailed off in fear. ─── 当看清是谁走进房间的时候,他的声音由于害怕而变得弱了下来。

56、The fox redoubled on its trail to escape the hunters. ─── 为了逃避猎人的追捕,狐狸循原路折回。

57、She was trailed by oxygen tubing and Otto. ─── 她在哪儿停下歇着,奥托也在哪儿歇着;

58、They did not take kindly to trace and trail. ─── 他们不喜欢缰绳和雪道。

59、They had a trail gouged out by a bulldozer. ─── 他们用推土机开出了一条小道。

60、The trail was beaten into a road. ─── 小径被踏成道路。

61、Their trail ends at a fish skeleton near the water. ─── 它们的踪迹消失在靠近水域的鱼骨架边。

62、Her interest in the work soon trailed off . ─── 她对这项工作的热情很快就凉了下来。

63、Mr.Brown sat in the jury at the trail. ─── 吃下去的食物沉甸甸地滞留在胃里。

64、He failed to pick up Bill's trail. ─── 他没找到比尔的踪迹。

65、Her long hair trailed over he shoulders. ─── 她的长发披散在肩上。

66、His voice trailed off in confusion. ─── 困惑中他的声音逐渐变小

67、At this point, his voice trailed off, he hung his head and stopped. ─── 说到这里,他垂下头,声音很低弱,停止了。

68、Some detail on Editions had previously been trailed by the company, which had initially planned to launch the service this year. ─── Google之前曾露出了Editions服务平台的一些细节,它原计划于今年推出这项服务。

69、The children trailed behind their teacher. ─── 孩子们跟在老师后面走。

70、He began by shouting, but his voice trailed off into a mere whisper. ─── 他开头大叫大嚷,后来声音渐渐低得像耳语一样。

71、Her thin voice trailed off into silence. ─── 她的声音越来越弱直至毫无声息。

72、Be courteous. Yield to other users on the trail. ─── 与礼,狭径相逢应避让。

73、The home team trailed by one point at half time. ─── 上半场主队落后一分。

74、His line of communications trailed back a thousand miles to Tripoli. ─── 他的交通线长达一千英里,直到黎波里。

75、The tired children trailed along behind their parents. ─── 孩子们累了,没精打采地跟在父母後面。

76、The lawyer is on the trail of new proof in the case. ─── 律师正在寻找关于案件的新证据。

77、Only in the last few days has the market rally trailed off amid questions about exactly how much the Fed will spend to buy bonds. ─── 过去几个交易日来,股市保持上涨势头,外界质疑美联储购买国债的具体规模。

78、The children trailed the parade down the street. ─── 孩子们跟在游行队伍的后面走过这条大街。

79、They climbed along the tortuous mountain trail. ─── 他们沿着崎岖的山路攀登。

80、They trailed from room to room and I followed them. ─── 他们慢慢地从一间房走到另一间房,而我则跟在他们后面。

81、Q. What if I see the trail varying in brightness? ─── 如果我看到一条轨迹有亮度的改变,该怎么办?

82、They were chosen to scout the trail. ─── 他们被选去探路。

83、He trailed his collegue by more than 100 votes. ─── 他比他的同事少得100多张选票。

84、Her dress trailed on the ground. ─── 她的长裙拖地。

85、The trail or scent of an animal. ─── 动物留下的痕迹或气味

86、kids trailed around after us while we shopped for clothes. ─── 我们在商店买衣服时,孩子们无精打采地跟在后面。

87、Her voice trailed off to a whisper. ─── 她的声音越来越低,最后成了耳语。

88、They lined out the donkeys along the trail. ─── 他们把驴子沿着小路排成一长串。

89、To indicate(a trail) by marking trees with blazes. ─── 在树上刻痕指示(道路)

tailed behind和trailed behind的区别?

tailed behind翻译为后面

trailed behind翻译为落后

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