cloudiness 发音
英:[ˈklaʊdinəs] 美:[ˈklaʊdinəs]
英: 美:
cloudiness 中文意思翻译
cloudiness 短语词组
1、cloudiness clue ─── 云状线索
2、cloudiness map ─── 云量图
3、cloudiness data ─── 云量数据
4、cloudiness unit ─── 云量单位
5、cloudiness name ─── 云量名称
6、cloudiness in oil ─── [建] 石油产品的混浊
cloudiness 相似词语短语
1、bloodiness ─── n.残忍,残酷;血腥;血污
2、cloudiest ─── adj.多云的;阴天的;愁容满面的(cloudy的变形)
3、lousiness ─── n.不清洁;卑鄙
4、clottiness ─── 血块
5、cloudless ─── adj.无云的;晴朗的
6、cloud nines ─── n.九重天(想象中的天堂);极乐心境;狂喜状态
7、cloddishness ─── 笨拙
8、loudness ─── n.[声]响度;吵闹
9、clogginess ─── 堵塞
cloudiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Moreover, on rare occasions, the mei-yu seems to wither away to scattered cloudiness, bringing large areas of sunshine across the whole country. ─── 此外,难得的情况是梅雨似乎消退了,变成了疏云,并带来大范围的遍及整个国家的晴天。
2、When waves of low-pressure move along the front, cloudiness increases and steady rains can be expected, occasionally with flooding. ─── 当低压波沿着锋面移动时,云量的增长和稳定的雨量都是可以被预测的,偶尔还发大水。
3、Cloudiness near the center of the lens, however, usually interferes with clear sight. ─── 然而如果混浊体长在晶状体的中间,通常会影响视力。
4、The house was shrouded in some strange cloudiness. ─── 房子被笼罩在一种莫名其妙的晦黯中。
5、Cloudy: An evident lack of visual clarity. Fine for old wines with sediment, but in younger wines cloudiness can be a warning signal. ─── 阴沉:看起来显著缺乏澄清度。对于带沉淀物的老龄葡萄酒而言无伤大雅,但在年轻的葡萄酒当中阴暗朦胧可能是一个警告信息。
6、Each rise correlates with the windward-facing slope of the terrain, while declines in cloudiness are found in valleys on the leeward side. ─── 图中每一个上升沿都与朝向迎风面的地形的倾斜相关,同时下降沿出现在阴雨天时背风面的山谷。
7、Other models predict reduced cloudiness and magnified warming. ─── 其它的模型则预测云量减少,大幅升温。
8、Please follow the pointed direcition of my hand to the opposite middle part of the mountain ridge, in the obscure cloudiness wasn't there standing a fair, slim and gracefull image of a woman? ─── 请大家顺着我手指的方向看到对面山岭的中部,在朦胧的云雾中是不是有一个美女的倩影在云雾中亭亭玉立呢?
9、When waves of low-pressure move along the front, cloudiness increases and steady rains can be expected, occasionally with flooding. ─── 当低气压随锋面一起移动时,就会云量增多,持续降水,偶尔会引起洪水。
10、She feels that his love has always been covered by thick cloudiness. ─── 她觉得他的爱总是笼罩在浓厚的朦胧中。
11、cloudiness of consciousness ─── 神志不清
12、Frontal zones are frequently accompanied by low barometric pressure, marked changes in wind direction and relative humidity, and considerable cloudiness and precipitation. ─── 在锋区经常伴有低气压区(气压槽),并有显著的风向变化和相对湿度变化,以及相当大的云量和降水。
13、”Also some very important condition, at the same day Nanjing's weather must be the sunny slight cloudiness. ─── 还有一个很重要的条件,当天南京的天气必须是晴朗少云的。
14、Insert the picture of cloudiness into the Diffuse Color bookmark (in web there are many finished samples and I won't pay special attention to this). ─── (给漫射通道指定一个云的图片,网上有很多完整的图片,所以我并没有花费太多精力。)
15、Pudong, however, is a new airport, and statistics from the area are only available since 2004, a period too short to accurately reflect the climatological cloudiness. ─── 而然,浦东机场是个新机场,这个地区的可以信赖的统计数据仅仅从2004年开始,时段太短以致于不能准确反映气候上的云量。
16、As it turns out, the formation of dew is linked to the amount of cloudiness in the sky at night. ─── 随着它出现,露水的形成与夜间云层的数量有关。
18、Aerosol non-sea-salt sulfate in the remote marine boundary layer under clear-sky and normal cloudiness conditions: Ocean-derived biogenic alkalinity enhances sea-salt sulfate production by ozone oxidation ─── 远海边界层中的气溶胶非-海-盐硫酸盐晴空和正常云量条件下:臭氧氧化使源自海洋的生物碱度提高海盐硫酸盐的产生
19、free from cloudiness; allowing light to pass through. ─── 没有混浊;光线能穿透。
20、Such an instrument can also measure the clarity or cloudiness of a liquid depending on the amount of light the liquid lets pass. ─── 根据光线的穿透量,这类仪器还可以检测液体的澄清度或混浊度。
21、Also some very important condition, at the same day Nanjing's weather must be the sunny slight cloudiness . ─── 还有一个很重要的条件,当天南京的天气必须是晴朗少云的。
22、Keywords emulsion flavors;cloudiness;stability;raw materials;emulsification;analysis; ─── 乳化香精;浊度;稳定性;原料;乳化工艺;分析;
23、Daily satellite images show a dynamic cloudiness across the whole of south and central China. ─── 每日卫星图片显示云层移动笼罩了中国南部和中部。
24、One key finding in the study is that it is not the warming of the ocean alone that reduces cloudiness -- a weakening of the trade winds also appears to play a critical role. ─── 研究中还有一个关键发现就是不仅海洋的变暖会减少云层数量,信风的日益减弱似乎也扮演着关键角色。
25、The power of the lifeThere is absolutely no cloudiness, darkness, rottenness or moaning in LIXI’s works. ─── 在我二十几年艺人生涯中,写实的功夫在上大学以前也曾认真的修炼过。
26、The results show that COD,cloudiness and colority of the papermaking wastewater are all decreased under the discharging standard and the mechanism of cleaning is discussed. ─── 结果表明,造纸废水经酸化后的粉煤灰处理及高铁酸钾处理后,其COD值、浊度、色度均降至排放标准以下。初探了净化机理。
27、Cloudiness in the urine. ─── 溷浊尿的颜色阴暗
28、Cloudiness Measuring and Calculating Quantitatively ─── 云量定量测算
29、Oh yeah! The music wants me tonightWhat time will you let me downI look pretty good tonightOh yeah! Little black cloudLittle black cloudI don't wanna go home ─── 噢耶!音乐今晚需要我你怎么会让我失望我今晚看起来很美噢耶!小黑云哪我不想回家啊
30、Cloudiness Variation Observed at Yangbajing during Forbush Decrease of Galactic Cosmic Rays ─── 宇宙线福布什下降期间羊八井云量的变化
31、clouding, blurring, cloudiness, dullness, opacification, haze, opacity ─── 朦胧。模糊。雾状。不透明。阴晦。
32、Maximum Cloudiness Zone ─── 最大云量区
33、Using the temperature, humidity and cloudiness define the weather effect.The weather influences sentiment and sentiment difference. ─── 利用气温、湿度与云量,作为本文所使用之天气变数。
34、silky cloudiness ─── 丝状混浊
35、albuminous cloudiness ─── 蛋白混浊
36、Thus cloudiness decreases even as the hydrological cycle accelerates and precipitation and evaporation increase. ─── 云量降低甚至出现在水循环加速和降水、蒸发增加以后。
37、They tested the idea that increased solar activity reduces cloudiness by changing cosmic rays, and that the reduced cloud cover let in more sunlight, causing the earth to warm. ─── 过往认为增加的太阳活动导致宇宙射线变化,从而减少了云量;而减少的云层又让更多阳光到达地球,造成地球温暖。
38、resembling milk in color or cloudiness; not clear. ─── 在颜色或者不透明的特点上类似于牛奶;不透明。
39、These zones each have their own characteristic cloud patterns, and so the eclipse path alternately moves through regions of high and low cloudiness, some of which offer good viewing prospects. ─── 这些区域,每一个都有它们自己的特征云型,从而日食路径交替的穿过多云和少云地区,其中的一些区域有很好的观测条件。
40、PE is the enzyme responsible for the hydrolysis of pectin present in orange juice,which causes the loss of fresh juice cloudiness and influences the colour and sweetness of the juice. ─── PE会引起果胶的水解,使新鲜果汁特有的浑浊状态丧失,影响柑橘果汁的色泽、美味。
41、convective cloudiness ─── 对疗量
42、It is cloudiness for several days,The mood is effected on it. ─── 这些时天一直阴沉沉的,人的心情也被天气所左右。
43、Statistics show that the weather condition of high temperature, low cloudiness, and weak wind are considered favorable for the production and accumulation of ozone. ─── 若以因子分析、判别分析之方法,对中午12时臭氧浓度进行预测分组,结果以太阳辐射、大气扩散这两个因子的判别能力最强,但高浓度组却有正确率过低之问题。
44、Between Chongqing and Yichan, the cloudiness climbs about 10% as the track moves across the 2000-m to 3000-m peaks of the Fangdou Shan. ─── 图中重庆和宜川之间,云量上升了10%,因为食为什么道别离径经过高达2000-3000米的四川方斗山。
45、While renewable energy resources have been dismissed for intermittency, the causes of variations in solar resources (e.g. diurnal cycles, cloudiness, etc.) are well understood and fairly predictable. ─── 虽然可再生能源由于具有间歇性的缺点而遭忽视,但是人们已经充分了解了太阳能资源的这种波动(如昼夜交替、阴天等情况),并可以做出相对准确的预测。
46、total cloud cover, total cloudiness ─── 总云量
47、Keywords Emulsion Flavor;Stability;Cloudiness;Raw Materi als;Application; ─── 乳化香精;稳定性;浊度;原料;应用;
48、In a climate where cloudiness rules, this 4% difference is significant, and argues strongly for a viewing site right on the waterfront, southeast of Shanghai where the central line crosses the coast. ─── 在一种多云规律的气候中,4%的差异是不可忽略的,并且为在岸边(上海东南方,中心线穿过的海岸)的观测点是否正确而激烈的争论。
49、cloudiness of cornea ─── 角膜混浊
50、Such an instrument can also measure the clarity or cloudiness of a liquid depending on the amount of light the liquid lets pass. ─── 根据光线的穿透量,这类仪器还可以检测液体的澄清度或混浊度。
51、Analyses of Cloudiness, Sunshine, Temperature and Daily Range on the Eastern Side of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau in Recent 40 Years ─── 近40年青藏高原东侧地区云、日照、温度及日较差的分析
52、Wet means high humidity, instability, and numerous thunderstorms that bring high levels of cloudiness. ─── 潮湿意味着高湿度,不稳定,以及数量众多的雷暴雨,并带来极大的云量。
53、On most days, the mei-yu can be seen in satellite photos angling across inland China, or straddling the coast, bringing broken-to-overcast cloudiness to regions under its influence. ─── 大多数时期,从卫星云图上能够看到梅雨锋斜跨过中国内陆或沿海地区,带给受影响的地区断断续续的阴雨天气。
54、Lindzen states that a reduction in tropical cloudiness would produce a marked cooling effect overall and thus serve as a stabilizing negative feedback. ─── 林德生说,热带地区云量降低会产生显著的全面冷却效果,因而具有稳定的负回馈作用。
55、The Diurnal Cycle in Circulation and Cloudiness over the Subtropical Southeast Pacific: A Modeling Study. ─── 副热带东南太平洋环流和云量的日循环:模拟研究。
56、On the diagram, propagation is manifested as a coherent line of cloudiness sloping in one direction or another. ─── 在这张图上,传播表现为向某一方向倾斜的相互密合的云带的形成。
57、granular cloudiness ─── 颗粒状混浊
58、Each rise correlates with the windward-facing slope of the terrain, while declines in cloudiness are found in valleys on the leeward side. ─── 图中每一处云量的上升都与迎风面斜坡相关,同时,云量的下降出现在背风面的山谷。
59、Cloud statistics in Table 17 show that the average cloudiness at Pudong is much lower than at Hongqiao (50% versus 67%). ─── 表17的云量统计显示,浦东机场的平均云遮比比虹桥机场低得多(50%vs67%)。
60、Cloudiness is the key problem in vinegar. Clarification effects of clarifier on vinegar were studied. The results showed that clarification of complex clarifier on vinegar is effective. ─── 针对食醋的混浊问题,分析了复合型澄清剂对粮食醋的澄清效果。结果表明,复合澄清剂对粮食醋具有理想的澄清作用。
61、She feels that his love has always been covered by thick cloudiness ─── 她觉得他的爱总是笼罩在浓厚的朦胧中
62、photovoltaic generation;cloudiness;solar irradiation;loss of load hour;fuzzy reliability index ─── 太阳能发电;云层覆盖;日照辐射量;大气状况;缺电时数;模糊可靠度指标
63、“Our study shows that tropical forests are ery beneficial to the climate because they take up carbon and increase cloudiness, which in turn helps cool the planet” Bala said. ─── “我们的研究表明热带的森林对气候是很有好处的,因为他们吸收二氧化碳,增加云,而使地球变凉”
64、Generel methods on determination of cosmetries--Determination of cloudiness ─── 化妆品通用检验方法浊度的测定
65、Keywords Ca ion;chelating power;mixed indicator;cloudiness;hardness;test methods;comparison; ─── 钙离子;螯合力;混合指示剂;浊度;硬度;测试方法;比较;
66、surface cloudiness ─── 表面浑浊度
67、In the eye, there is little wind or cloudiness. ─── 在飓风眼里,几乎没有风,或云。
68、The Earth's albedo varies mainly through varying cloudiness, snow, ice, leaf area and land cover changes. ─── 地球的反射率主要因云的变化、冰、雪和土地覆被状况的改变而变化。
69、cloudiness resulting from haze or mist. ─── 因薄雾而造成的晦暗状态。
70、The new service provides, for the first time, global official weather observations on cloudiness and rain. ─── 新服务首次提供全球官方天气观测,并以云量和降雨的全球分布图为率先推出项目。
71、As it turns out, the formation of dew is linked to the amount of cloudiness in the sky at night. ─── 事实证明,露水的形成是与晚上天空中云的数量有联系的。
72、This is mostly due to higher temperatures and reduced cloudiness and precipitation over Europe and it leads to a higher number of ozone events exceeding information and warning thresholds. ─── 最大可能原因为高温、云量降低及雨量下降而导致臭氧浓度超过标准。
73、This constant cloudiness is what gets me down. ─── 老是这样浓云密布,我真受不了。
74、Cloudiness near the center of the lens, however, usually interferes with clear sight. ─── 然而如果混浊体长在晶状体的中间,通常会影响视力。
75、English: 117. On the diagram, propagation is manifested as a coherent line of cloudiness sloping in one direction or another. ─── 中文:在这张图上,传播表现为向某一方向倾斜的相互密合的云带的形成。
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