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09-07 投稿



fountful 中文意思翻译



fountful 相似词语短语

1、boatful ─── n.一船所载的量

2、faultful ─── adj.缺点很多的

3、bountiful ─── adj.丰富的;慷慨的;宽大的

4、boastful ─── adj.自夸的;自负的;喜夸耀的

5、fruitful ─── adj.富有成效的;多产的;果实结得多的

6、poutful ─── 撅嘴的

7、doubtful ─── adj.可疑的;令人生疑的;疑心的;不能确定的

8、vauntful ─── adj.自负的

9、forgetful ─── adj.健忘的;不注意的;疏忽的;使遗忘的

fountful 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、fount converted to digital form for storage on magnetic medium. Good resolution digital type may consist of 600 dots per cm (1500 dots per inch). ─── 一副数码字:一副印刷字体转换为数码形式,以贮存于磁性媒体上。解像度高的数码字可由厘米600点(时1500点)组成。

2、The tune turns to a very sweet melody of petition. Salva me, fons pietatis! (Save me, fount of merciful love!) This was echoed various times by the Chinese choir. ─── 在甜美的曲调中,萦绕着这样的恳祷:“拯救我,仁慈之爱的源泉!”中国合唱团不停地吟咏着。

3、fount of inspiration to his audiences ─── 对他的听众来说(他的演说, 歌唱等)是灵感之源

4、Font: American spelling of fount. ─── 一副字:英文是美氏写法。

5、I felt very surprise when I fount that the famous is related to me. ─── 当我发现那位著名画家竟与我家有亲戚关系时,感到十分惊讶。

6、A lack of capital is also a major hindrance to the creation of the sort of small hi-tech startups that have been the fount of so much innovation in the United States, experts say. ─── 专家认为,缺乏资金支持也是催生大批小型高科技企业的一个重大障碍,而这种小型高科技企业在美国却恰恰是许多创新理念、创新科技的源泉。

7、Resident fount : In laser printers, founts which are suppiled by the manufacturer.Also known as Internal fount . ─── 常用字款:在激光印字机内,由制造商供应的字款。亦称内置字款。

8、(PRINC "Con't fount dialog file! ─── 未找到对话框文件!"

9、Title fount Type fount of capitals that are the full body height, with no matching lowercase alphabet and used for headlines or titles. ─── 全字身字是副用来排标题的大写字母活字,字面估全字身长,并无配合使用的小写字母。

10、type fount ─── 字体

11、optical type fount ─── 光学字模

12、Prophet Velen says: In time, the light and hope held within - will rebirth more than this mere fount of power...Mayhap, they will rebirth the soul of a nation. ─── 时间到了之后,圣光和希望会伴随着他以比这更强大的力量而重生,也许,一个国家的灵魂也会因此重生.

13、Soon the Sunwell will shine once again, but whether the sacred fount will usher in deliverance or destruction remains to be seen. ─── 我担心你太低调,有时要强悍一点,被欺负的时候,一定要讨回来!但是不要记恨。小人之见,随他们去好了。怜悯,会使你高贵。

14、Postscript fount: A fount specially written in PostScript code which can be used in a PostScript-compatible printer or image-setter. ─── 后记码字:特别用后记码编写的一套字体,可应用于后记码兼容的印字机或影排机上。

15、Analyzed by Marks's logic, it can be fount that the law of distribution according to production factors is rather a shared law to all social forms than one peculiar to market economy. ─── 按照马克思的逻辑展开分析,可以看出按生产要素分配规律并不是市场经济所特有的,而是一切社会形态所共有的分配规律。

16、Imagination is not only the human to that which is not, and therefore the fount of all invention and innovation. ─── 想象力不仅是一种能促使人类预想不存在事物的独特能力,从而成为所有发明和创新的源泉;

17、save me,fount of pity. ─── 拯救我,仁爱之源。

18、A List Ladybug Fount In Tea Garden of China(First) ─── 中国茶园瓢虫资源名录(上)

19、Although traditional advisory and underwriting services have recently improved, trading has been the fount of profitability. ─── 尽管传统的咨询和承销服务情况有所改善,交易却一直是盈利的主要来源。

20、Resident fount In laser printers, founts which are suppiled by the manufacturer.Also known as Internal fount. ─── 常用字款在激光印字机内,由制造商供应的字款。亦称内置字款。

21、The Feasible Analysis About Protecting Jinan Fount by Crtificial Precipitation in Southern Mountain of Jinan ─── 济南市南部山区人工增雨保泉工程可行性分析

22、It should be kept in mind here that the fount, the shining sun that is in the center of the soul, does not lose its beauty and splendor; ─── 我们应该注意,这个水泉,这个闪亮的太阳,在我们灵魂的中心,从不失去它的美丽与光亮。

23、The Use of Fount Solution in Printing ─── 润版液在印刷过程中的作用

24、Summary of Fount Solution's Market ─── 润版液市场概况

25、The glorious fount of arcane energy known as the Sunwell empowered the high elves for millennia, until the death knight Arthas laid siege to the elven kingdom and corrupted its sacred energies. ─── 别瞧不起劳动人民。不要为劳动羞耻。土地不脏,汗味不难闻。请尊重那些似乎生活状况不如你的人,因为这样才是尊重自己。

26、titling fount ─── 标题字铅字

27、 双语使用场景

28、digitized fount ─── 数字化铅字

29、This week, shortly after visiting Washington for talks with George Bush, he toured the Middle East, the fount of more than three-quarters of Japan's oil. ─── 是周,访华府会布什未久,旋即马不停蹄奔赴中东-此一地供日原油三分有四强。

30、"America is still the fount of management concepts. ─── 他说道:“美国仍然是管理思想的发源地。

31、Responsibilities:The data analyst will be collect data sources from Disty ARPP OM JDE and any other data fount...... ... ─── 公司名称:施耐德电气关键电源及制冷服务--美国电力转换公司北京代表处工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-4-8

32、A sacred fount of untold power, it saturated every fiber of our being. ─── 一眼浸润我们每个人血管的无尽的力量之泉。

33、” Manufacturers of inks and fount solutions have responded to the quest by introducing liquids that will run with little or no isopropanol (IPA) element. ─── 制造商的油墨和润的解决方案作出答复的追求引入液体,将执行与很少或根本没有,异丙醇( IPA )的元素。

34、Character master: A photographic or digitized fount which is used to create typeset images. The term is used to refer to filmstrips, discs, and digitized founts within phototypesetting equipment. Also called Character store. ─── 字符母片:用来产生字体影像的一副照相或数码字体。在照相排字机方面,它包括长条菲林带、圆碟和数码形式的一副字体。亦称字模库。

35、That is, the offset within the meaning of water in that we are often mentioned in, which is the fount powder presented in a ratio of chemonucleolysis. ─── 即平版胶印洋所指的火不离是我们凡是所讲的润版液,它是不兵润版粉按照必定的比例凝固而不败的。

36、Modern life is a fount of as-if technologies. ─── 现代生活就是似科技的源泉。

37、Bar-Ilan University is the fount of the right-wing political teaching in Israel, who is the stage for a speech that offer one important shift made in otherwise heavy show of movability. ─── Bar-Ilan大学是以色列右翼政治教学的发源地,它为现阶段发表演说提供了政治舞台,这演说是要完成一个以其他能展现极大可动性的形式完成的重大转变。

38、Title fount: Type fount of capitals that are the full body height, with no matching lowercase alphabet and used for headlines or titles. ─── 全字身字:是副用来排标题的大写字母活字,字面估全字身长,并无配合使用的小写字母。

39、Design on Fount Solution of Offset Printing ─── 关于平版印刷用润版液的设计

40、The scienfific name,host and distribution of 90 kinds of ladybug fount in Chinese tea garden were introduced in alphabetic order. ─── 本文收集了我国茶园瓢虫资源90种,并以瓢虫学名字母排序、列出各种瓢虫的学名、寄主及分布省(市)区。

41、It's also elucidated in the article the reason of the drought of the fount and the possibility and difficulty of rehabilitation. ─── 文中还阐明了"天下第一泉"泉水干枯的原因以及复苏的可能性与艰巨性。

42、There is a force in this world, love, which is the fount of everything. ─── 但,如今再拿来看,心情却似乎变的有点复杂了。

43、Fount(Font): A complete assortmant of characters for a given size and style of type, including alphabet in capital and small letters, figures, punctuation marks,and other signs needed for typesetting. ─── 一副字:排字用的 一字款和字大小的全部字符组合:包括大写及小写字母、数字、标点及其它符号。

44、Her speeches have ever been a fount of inspiration to her audiences. ─── 她的演说对于听众来说永远是灵感之源。

45、Wrong fount (w.f.): An error in typesetting in which an incorrect type-fount has been used in setting. It is a common practice to use its abbreviation for proof reading. ─── 用错字体:排字时,错用另一款字体的情况.校对时,常用它的英文缩写作标志。

46、“We let the ink supplier recommend a fount, because that way we have a promise it works with the ink, but also we get a better deal. ─── “我们让油墨供应商推荐源泉,因为这样,我们有一个承诺,它与油墨,但我们也得到较好的处理” 。

47、Developing the Talent Resources Is the Fount of Achieving Socialism Modernization in Regions of West China ─── 开发人才资源是西部地区实现社会主义现代化的源头

48、Damascus-the fount of modern Arab nationalism. ─── 圣达马苏斯一世--现代阿拉伯民族主义的发起人

49、Pi characters: Special characters outside the normal alphabetic range and not normally contained in a standard fount, e.g. maths symbols etc. ─── 特别字符:不入标准西文字母,又并不包括在一副常规字体内的特别字符。例如数学符号等等。

50、And we also fount out some problems should not be ignored.Then inquired into the reason why the college students" personality not harmonious. ─── 同时,也发现一些不容忽视的问题,进而探究了大学生人格不和谐现象出现的原因。

51、Proportional space characters: The design of a fount of type in which each characters were assigned a width, known as set, in accordance to its shape. For example, the set for the letter M is three times of the letter I. ─── 比例字宽字:一副英文字的设计,各字母宽依照该字的形状,有着不同比例的字宽。例如M字的字宽是I字的三倍等。

52、Digital fount (font): A typeface fount converted to digital form for storage on magnetic medium. Good resolution digital type may consist of 600 dots per cm (1500 dots per inch). ─── 一副数码字:一副印刷字体转换为数码形式,以贮存于磁性媒体上。解像度高的数码字可由 厘米600点( 时1500点)组成。

53、middle whirlpool fount ─── 中泠泉

54、We fount it an easy thing to get along with him. ─── 我们发现和他相处很容易

55、Mother had always been just as she was, a pillar of strength, a fount of wisdom, the one person who knew the answers to everything. ─── 母亲总是那个样子,一个力量的支柱,一个智慧的源泉,一个知道所有事情的答案的人。

56、The Sacred Fount ─── n. 《神圣源泉》,亨利·詹姆斯(Henry James)著, 神圣源泉

57、Fount of pity, then befriend us. ─── 怜悯之泉,请善待我吧!

58、Lower case (l.x.): In hand composition, two cases are used to accommodate a fount of type; one for capital letters, the other for small letters. ─── 小写字母:手工排字,一副英文字粒是用两个字盘装载:大写字母一盘,小写字母一盘。

59、However, on a PostScript printer, the fount must first be converted to a PostScript outline, the quality of output depends on the quality of output depends on the quality of the conversion. ─── 在后记码的印字机上,真实字体先要转为后记码的轮廓,输出的品质便转为后记码 的轮廓,输出的品质便依赖转换时的品质。

60、card fount ─── 最小号字体

61、A lot of enclaves named spinel lherzolite and pyroxenite derived from the mantle were fount in alkali basalt of Miocene Naitoushan period. ─── 其中奶头山期碱性玄武岩中含有幔源的尖晶石二辉橄榄岩包体和辉石岩包体。

62、Face:(1)The printing surface of any piece of type.(2)The particular design of a fount of type.Another term for typeface. ─── (1)字面、(2)字体:(1)铅字粒的印刷面。(2)一副字的特别设计。

63、Title fount: Type fount of capitals that are the full body height, with no matching lowercase alphabet and used for headlines or titles. ─── 全字身字:是副用来排标题的大写字母活字,字面估全字身长,并无配合使用的小写字母。

64、King of awful majesty, who freely savest those worthy of salvation, save me, fount of pity. ─── 君王可怕而且威严,他将值得挽救的人赦免保全。拯救我,仁爱之源。

65、it was called the sunwell, a sacred fount of untold power, it saturated every fiber of our being. ─── 它,被称作为太阳之井,拥有着无尽的神圣能量源泉,它的能量渗透并滋养了我们的每一根纤维。

66、Generic fount: A fount used in screen display or a proof printer to represent an entire category of higher-quality output founts. ─── 总字体:萤幕显示或稿样印字机用的字 体,它代替输出用的高品质字体。

67、Now, promising salvation for his people, Kael'thas has returned.Soon the Sunwell will shine once again, but whether the sacred fount will usher in deliverance or destruction remains to be seen. ─── 也许是造物主故意的安排,让性劣势的男人得到智力上的优势,让性优势的女人在智力上劣势,少年维特的烦恼,青年良平的疑惑。

68、3.Character master: A photographic or digitized fount which is used to create typeset images. ─── 字符母片:用来产生字体影像的一副照相或数码字体。

69、At the continent's center, the Titans crafted a lake of scintillating energies.The lake, which they named the Well of Eternity, was to be the fount of life for the world. ─── 泰坦在这块大陆的中心凿出了一片充满魔法能量的湖泊,并将它命名为永恒之井,以此作为这个世界生命的源泉。

70、Then they gave him the mill. He put it under his arm and went out of fairy-land. He fount the old man waiting for him. ─── 于是,他们把磨给了他,他把磨夹在腋下,走出了妖精的住所。他发现那位老人正等着他。

71、Rather than working from stored and fixedformat fount templates held in memory as in the less sophisticated template-matching systems. Also called Intelligent character recognition (ICR). ─── 它不像简单的样板比较系统,要和存贮的字符样板作比较。亦称智能辨字系统。

72、wrong fount ─── 字体不对

73、a fount of wisdom ─── 有无穷智慧的人

74、Postscript fount A fount specially written in PostScript code which can be used in a PostScript-compatible printer or image-setter. ─── 后记码字特别用后记码编写的一套字体,可应用於后记码兼容的印字机或影排机上。

75、SP_Vele_EndEvent07.wav -> In time, the light and hope held within will rebirth more than this mere fount of power. ─── 假以时日,它所蕴含的光明和希望不仅仅会复生力量之源。

77、She treats him as if he were the fount of all knowledge. ─── 她把他当成无所不晓。

78、To ensure that line endings in the generic fount match the eventual output,inter-character spacing is adjusted to compensate for the variations in set width between the generic fount and the ultimate output fount. ─── 为使每一字行和输出的效果相 符,字符间的空位可作调整, 弥补输出字体的不同字宽。

79、Seeing no other alternative, a band of survivors led by Prince Kael'thas destroyed the ancient fount. ─── 永远体恤那些生活在底层的人们,因为我们的亲人就是在这些人群中。

80、They became aware that the late 18th-century cult of sensibility, which had championed untrammelled emotion as the fount of altruism, could easily spill over into self-indulgent histrionics; ─── 他们开始认识到,18世纪后期对敏感顶礼膜拜,将未驾驭的情感视为利他主义之源泉,却往往过于汹涌而沦为个人放纵的表演;

81、the fount of all wisdom ─── 一切智慧的源泉.

82、SHe is hunting jobs,but haven't fount the suitable one. ─── 她正在找工作,但还未找到理想的.

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