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08-27 投稿



cotes 发音

英:[kəʊts]  美:[koʊts]

英:  美:

cotes 中文意思翻译




cotes 短语词组

1、cotes de gascogne ─── 比斯开额定值

2、cotes de nuits ─── 夜间额定值

3、cotes of london ─── 伦敦科特斯。

4、Cotes de Provence ─── [网络] 普罗旺斯丘;普罗旺斯坡;普罗旺斯角玫红葡萄酒

5、cotes du rhone ─── 罗恩评级

6、Newton-Cotes ─── [网络] 柯特斯;牛顿一柯特斯;牛顿科茨

7、cotes du luberon ─── 润滑油额定值

cotes 词性/词形变化,cotes变形

动词第三人称单数: cotes |动词过去分词: coted |动词现在分词: coting |动词过去式: coted |

cotes 相似词语短语

1、cites ─── n.引文(cite的复数形式);v.援引(cite的第三人称单数形式)

2、cates ─── n.精选美食,佳肴(cate的复数);n.(Cates)(美、英)卡特(人名)

3、codes ─── n.密码,代码;区号;编号;道德准则;法典;电码;(计算机)编码(code的复数);v.为……编码;把……译成密码;编程序;委婉地表达;给……编号;是(某种特征的)遗传决定因素(code的第三人称单数);n.(Codes)(美、西、印)科德斯(人名)

4、cokes ─── n.[冶]焦炭;焦煤;炭焦;薄锡层镀锡薄钢板

5、cetes ─── n.一群獾

6、comes ─── v.来自;从…来(come的三单形式);n.伴引血管;伴星;n.(Comes)人名;(法)科姆;(德、西、意)科梅斯

7、cones ─── n.视锥细胞(cone的复数);锥形体;v.使成锥形;使成斜角(cone的三单形式);n.(Cones)人名;(西)科内斯

8、coles ─── n.芸苔属植物(cole的复数);n.(Coles)人名;(英)科尔斯;(法)科勒;(西)科莱斯

9、botes ─── n.补偿;损害赔偿;森林采伐权

cotes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、cote drilling ─── 岩心钻探

2、Investigation of the cause for the fire of a cherry cote ─── 一起樱桃大棚火灾原因的调查

3、LAURUS COTES DU RHONE RED ─── 月桂花冠,罗纳山麓红

4、Cote de Lapin Wine Club invites our member to participate this charity.No matter how much you donated that will be appreciated.Cote de Lapin Wine Club will be the delegate to make donation. ─── 乐庞壑地葡萄酒俱乐部 邀请俱乐部会员参与慈善事业,捐款数额不限,捐款将以乐庞壑地俱乐部的名义统一捐献。

5、a former province of southeastern France; now administered with Cote d'Azur. ─── 法国东南部以前的一个省;现在与达祖角组成一个行政区。

6、May I serve the Cotes du Rhone now, sir? ─── 先生,现在可以上玫瑰酒了吗?

7、The Adjustment of French Foreign Policy Toward Africa--From The Republic of Cote d'Ivoire Incident ─── 从科特迪瓦事件看法国对非政策的调整

8、Association Fraternelle des Guineens en Cote d'Ivoire ─── 几内亚和科特迪瓦友好协会

9、The Implication from Cote d'Ivoire's Toxic Waste Pollution Crisis to Chinese Hazardous Waste import Management ─── 科特迪瓦毒垃圾事件对中国危险废物进口管理的启示

10、May I serve the Cotes du Rhone now,sir? ─── 先生,现在可以上葡萄酒了吗?

11、By the grace of God, I was aided by a business partner of my father through our church pastor in Kigali to escape to Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire. ─── 到了上帝的恩典,我是通过我们的资助在基加利教会的牧师逃到科特迪瓦阿比让由我父亲的商业合作伙伴。

12、But before you sign that contract, lets talk to our friends Jen &Sharrin.They were Peace Corps volunteers for one year in Cote dIvoire, West Africa. ─── 再说了,我现在觉得生活有点平淡,想找点刺激,我想去冒险。

13、Finally Cote d'Ivoire began its staggering but firm process of peaceful development on political and economic renaissance. ─── 在过去三年里,由于科国内局势的不稳定,在华独立日庆典活动亦一度搁置。

14、E.Guigal Cotes du Rhone AOC, Rhone Valley, France ─── 古佳乐世家(罗纳山麓, 法国)

15、The cote of your home is too dirty. Why not make some time to clean it. ─── 你家的畜圈太脏了, 找时间清理一下吧。

16、The proof that Cotes du Rhone can be a serious and elegant wine. ─── 此酒颜色深红鲜艳,有红浆果与香料的香韵。是一款端庄高雅的葡萄酒。

17、Cotes formula ─── Cotes公式

18、Study on Breeding Maize Parent Technique by Using Terra Film and Arch Cote for Adding Generation ─── 地膜加小拱棚加代繁殖玉米亲本技术研究

19、For little-heard areas in Medoc such as Premiere Cotes de Bordeaux or Cotes de Bourg, it is unfortunate that they don't have a classification above A. ─── 一些梅铎区里比较不著名的地方,例如波尔多一级谷和波格谷,它们都不幸地欠缺了A.

20、The Republic of Cote d'Ivoire ─── 科特迪瓦共和国

21、High Yield and Effect Cultivate Techniques of Capsicum in Sunlight Cote ─── 冷棚尖椒高产高效栽培技术

22、Applied of pound tube technology in construction of big tube cote ─── 夯管法技术在大管棚施工中的应用

23、Cote worries, for one thing, that the administration is taking on too much on issues like executive compensation. ─── 科特表示,他担忧的一个问题是,政府过于关注高管薪酬等问题了。

24、Cotes coefficient ─── Cotes系数

25、Cote attended Arvida Middle School in Miami, Florida, and later in life attended Carnegie Mellon University. ─── 科出席阿尔维达中学在佛罗里达州迈阿密,并在后期出席了卡内基梅隆大学。

26、Canadian history teacher Stephane Cote turned his 6th graders into filmmakers to learn the history of their province, Quebec. ─── 加拿大历史教师史蒂芬寇特让他的六年级的学生成为影片制作人,来了解他们所在的魁北克省的历史。

27、This 2013 Bastide Miraflors Cotes Catalanes is one of the greatest red wine values. ─── 这款2013年的巴斯蒂是最超值的红酒之一。

28、The Republic of Cote d'Ivoire gained independence during the tide of national liberation movement in Africa after World War II. ─── 科特迪瓦是二战后,伴随非洲民族解放运动而独立的新兴国家。

29、And we ended up in the same country in Cote d Ivoire in West Africa.So we were there for about a year. ─── 她们不但分别决定要加入和平队,而且还被派到同一个国家,西非的科特迪瓦。

30、Joseph Drouhin Cote De Nuits Villages A O C ─── 努依村-约瑟.杜华

31、They found an abandoned cote in the wild mountains. ─── 他们在荒山中发现了一个被废弃的小屋。

32、Ministerial Committee of Five on Sierra Leone [comprising the Foreign Ministers of Nigeria, Guinea, Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana, lately adding Liberia] ─── 塞拉利昂问题五国部长级委员会

33、So far, Uganda, Congo (Kinshasa), Gabon, Sudan and Cote d'Ivoire outbreak incidents of human infection. ─── 目前已有乌干达、刚果(金)、加蓬、苏丹和科特迪瓦暴发过人类感染事件。

34、It's to make the living cotes quarters bigger, so as many as 6 astronauts can live on the space station from early next year. ─── 此次改装将使得住处加大,至此从明年早些时候开始在空间站上就可以住多达6名宇航员了。

35、Cote had a small role on the long-running soap alongside Rudolf Martin who would later play her half-brother Ari Haswari in NCIS. ─── 有一个小角色,连续剧一起Rudolf Martin 稍后会发挥她的同父异母的弟弟阿里haswari在刑调处。

36、Indeed, in every country, it is possible to drink some wines coming from Bordeaux, Burgundy or Cotes du Rhone. ─── 在世界各地,都可以饮用到从波尔多、勃艮第和罗讷河谷生产的红酒。

37、The Rotary Eye Institute establish established eye centers cote called camps in place places far from the city.Team Teams from the institute travel as far as 150 kilometers to see patients. ─── 一些有眼疾的病人不是很容易送到大城市去检查和治疗,他们居住在遥远的山村而且没有交通工具。

38、The campaign will call for stiffer penalties against illegal wildlife trade in comparable CITES legislation (COTES) to bring it in line with CEMA, the legislation under which this case was tried. ─── 据有关媒体报道,北京人虽有“提笼架鸟”的传统,但北京市政府已下决心关闭了有名的玉蜓桥鸟市。

39、Jolie is staying on the Cote d'Azur with Pitt and their children, and disclosed that the twins may be born there. ─── 安吉丽娜称自己很希望为当地的孩子们做些什么,可是因为不是同一个国家,现在还不清楚通过什么样的方式能够实现。

40、/Du cote de chez Swann/Criticism and Interpretation. ─── 人名标题 Proust, Marcel,/1871-1922.

41、Reindeers can't be kept in cotes! ─── 驯鹿不是养的!

42、Joy Daku from Sierra-Leonebut currently reside in Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire, it... ─── 不是死老公,就是死双亲,反正天天死亲人,而且都是有钱人。

43、The red Cotes du Rhone wines exude fragrances of cherry, blackcurrant, raspberry, a touch of liquorices and even a hint of cinnamon. ─── 罗纳河谷山坡地红葡萄酒散发出樱桃、黑加仑、树莓、甘草、肉桂的芬芳。

44、Cote PJ, Korba BE, Miller RH, et al. Effect of age and viral determinants on chronicity as an outcome of experimental woodchuck hepatitis vires infection [J]. Hepatology, 2000, 31 (1): 190. ─── 王建设,朱启榕,张秀珍.分娩方式对乙型肝炎病毒母婴传播阻断效果的影响[J].中华医学杂志,2001,81(17):1080.

45、This wine is a blend of Merlot and Cabernet Franc from the areas of Castillon, Cotes de Franc and the Dordogne plain, near Saint Emilion. ─── 此款葡萄酒选用了产自圣埃米利永附近的卡斯蒂隆、弗朗克区和多尔多涅平原的梅洛和卡本妮弗朗克。


47、Pimiento Verities, Density and Seedtime Experiment in Plastic Cote ─── 塑料大棚甜椒栽培品种、密度和播期试验

48、now administered with Cote d'Azur. ─── 现在与达祖角组成一个行政区。

49、Whenthey had admitted him into the cote,they found that he made more havoc and slew a larger number of them inone day than the Kite could pounce upon in a whole year. ─── 当鸽子允许鹰进入它们的窝时,它们发现鹰制造了更大的毁坏,并且鹰一天向它们猛扑的动作比风筝一年的还要多。

50、SYKV type polythene cotes root-shaped medium radio frequency coaxial cable ─── SYKV型聚乙烯藕状介质射频同轴电缆

51、Cote then showed all of the films at a party Where students got awards based on how much they'd improved rather than how good their films were. ─── 寇特随后在一场派对上播放所有影片,学生因进步的程度而非影片好坏得奖。

52、Term of Serv ice: Service in Cote d'Ivoire's armed forces is by selective conscription, with terms lasting six months. ─── 科特迪瓦全国武装力量创建于1960年7月27日,由陆、海、空三军、宪兵和共和国卫队组成。兵役制度:义务兵役制,服役期为6个月。

53、COTES D’UZES in the region, manufacturers often add a licorice candy. ─── 在COTES D’UZES地区,制造者经常在糖果中加入甘草。

54、Precise Cotes integration method was proposed by combining precise exponential matrix calculation and higher accurate Cotes integration. ─── 利用指数矩阵的精细算法及精度较高的柯特斯积分方法,并将二者结合,形成柯特斯精细积分法。

55、This French wine coming from Appellation Cotes de Duras Controlee,It has strong flavor of fruits combined with light fragrance of chocolates and vanillas. ─── 来自杜哈法定产区的这款干红葡萄酒带有浓郁的果香气息,其间夹杂着丹丹的巧克力和香草的香味,优雅而丰富。

56、It's to make the living cotes quarters bigger, so as many as 6 astronauts can live on the space station from early next year. ─── 此次改装将使得住处加大,至此从明年早些时候开始在空间站上就可以住多达6名宇航员了。

57、Cote d'Azur ─── 科特达祖尔

58、But wait, there s more. After a year in Cote d Ivoire they also lived together for three months in France! ─── 两个人一起在法国住了三个月?你想想看,如果能和自己最好的朋友一起周游世界,那该多好啊!

59、Storehouses also for the increase of corn, and wine, and oil; and stalls for all manner of beasts, and cotes for flocks. ─── 又建造仓房、收藏五榖、新酒、和油.又为各类牲畜、盖棚立圈。

60、Official Name: The Republic of Cote d'Ivoire ─── 名:科特迪瓦共和国

61、The military camp is located at Todee, which is right on a strategic road from Monrovia to Cote d'Ivoire and guinea ─── 军营所在地多迪镇是首都蒙罗维亚通往邻国科特迪瓦和几内亚的必经之道。

62、A JACKDAW, seeing some Doves in a cote abundantly provided with food, painted himself white and joined them in order to share their plentiful maintenance. ─── 寒鸦看见一群不愁吃喝的鸽子舒适地住在鸽舍里,便将自己的羽毛全都涂成白色,跑到鸽舍里,与他们一起过活。

63、Established in 1964, we are a multinational development bank supported by 77 nations (member countries) from Africa, North and South America, Europe and Asia.Headquartered in Abidjan, Cote d?Ivoire。 ─── 科特迪瓦非洲发展集团是一家跨国发展银行,建立于1964年,得到非洲、美洲、欧洲和亚洲77个国家的支持,总部在科特迪瓦的首都阿比让。

64、The duck cote owned by Guo Ran's family. ─── 是!郭然家的鸭棚。

65、cote satinee ─── 单色法国哔叽

66、The Watermelon Multiple Cropping Cabbage Cultivation Technique in Arch Cote ─── 拱棚西瓜复种大白菜栽培技术


68、Celli BR, Cote CG, Marin JM, et al. The body-mass index, airflow obstruction,dyspnea, and exercise capacity index in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. N Engl J Med 2004; 350( 10): 1005 - 12 ─── 庞海江,任灵.中药联合医疗体操治疗缓解期慢性阻塞性肺疾病[J].中国临床康复,2002,6(17):2573

69、It mainly produce a series of pet use articles like: iron dog cage, dog bags, pet cote, steel cables for pulling dogs, tying stakes, pet diaper, pet drinkers, etc, which are of complete specifications and colors. ─── 主要宠物用品有:铁丝狗笼、包、物垫、狗钢丝绳、狗桩、物用饮水器等系列各种规格和颜色齐全。

70、hog cote ─── 猪舍

71、Cote d'Ivoire Minister of Health advised people "in regard to sexual conduct" and announced to allocate special funds for AIDS prevention and treatment. ─── 科特迪瓦的卫生部长劝告国民“在性生活方面要检点”,并宣布拨出专款用于防治艾滋病。

72、3- I come from Nice (pronounced Nissss) France: la cote d'Azur! ─── 3-我来自法国尼斯:香格里拉科特迪瓦蓝色海岸大区!

73、Cotes number ─── Cotes

74、He had to clean the chicken cotes every morning. ─── 他每天早晨得打扫鸡棚。

75、Cote F X.Domergue R.Monmarson S.Schwendiman J,Teisson C,Escalant J V Embryogenic cell suspensions from the male flower of Musa AAA cv 1996 ─── 崔凯荣.邢更生.周功克.刘新民.王亚馥植物激素对体细胞胚胎发生的诱导与调节[期刊论文]-园艺学报2000(5

76、May I serve the Cotes du Rhone now, sir? ─── 先生,现在可以上玫瑰酒了吗?

77、double cote ─── 双棱哔叽

78、an extension of a gable that serves as a bell cote. ─── 山形墙的一个延伸,可以作为挂钟的地方。

79、a former province of southeastern France; now administered with Cote d'Azur ─── 法国东南部以前的一个省;现在与达祖角组成一个行政区

80、A general enterprise resource optimization model based on SCU was a cote module of the system.The model construction was driven by data and graphic presentation of the system. ─── 一个基于供应链单元的、由数据和图形驱动的通用企业资源优化模型是新系统的核心模块。

81、Cote de Pablo was born in Santiago, Chile, but was raised in Miami. ─── 出生在智利首都圣地亚哥,但有人提出在迈阿密。

82、Cotes integration ─── 柯特斯积分

83、Cote d'ivoire ─── n. 科特迪瓦(非洲西部国家)

84、The Effects of Different Fertilization and EM Microbial Agent on the Problem of the Continuous Cote Planting ─── 不同施肥措施及EM菌剂对大棚黄瓜连作障碍的防治效果

85、an extension of a gable that serves as a bell cote ─── 山形墙的一个延伸,可以作为挂钟的地方

86、Ethnicity and Political Crisis in Cote d'Ivoire ─── 科特迪瓦的种族划分与政治危机

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