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08-22 投稿



cambial 发音

英:[['kæmbaɪəl]]  美:[['kæmbaɪəl]]

英:  美:

cambial 中文意思翻译



cambial 短语词组

1、cambial zone ─── 形成层带, ─── 形成层区

2、cambial wall ─── 形成层墙

3、cambial cells ─── 形成层细胞

4、cambial cell ─── 形成层细胞

5、cambial ring ─── 形成层环

6、cambial define ─── 形成层

7、cambial age ─── 形成时代

8、cambial def ─── 形成层定义

9、cambial derivative ─── 形成层衍生物

cambial 相似词语短语

1、Zambian ─── adj.赞比亚(人)的;n.赞比亚人

2、Gambian ─── adj.冈比亚人的;n.冈比亚人

3、camail ─── n.盔甲披肩

4、cambio ─── n.(Cambio)人名;(意)坎比奥

5、Zambia ─── n.赞比亚(非洲中南部国)

6、cambism ─── 寒武纪

7、cambiata ─── n.(Cambiata)人名;(德)坎比亚塔

8、cambia ─── n.形成层(cambium的复数)

9、Gambia ─── n.冈比亚

cambial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Resin was synthesized by the active cells in the cambium zone including secondary xylem cells, cambium cells, secondary phloem cells and ray cells. ─── 其形成的部位为当年的次生木质部,树脂道是由最幼嫩的木质部部分细胞分化形成。

2、One must be able to differentiate between cambium and heartwood when buying furniture. ─── 买傢俱的时候,一定要分辨边材和心材。

3、Interfascicular cambium A single layer of actively dividing cells between the vascular bundles in stems. ─── 束间形成层:束间形成层是位于茎的维管束间的具有旺盛分裂能力的一层细胞。

4、The secondary xylem of tuberous root is well developed,and there is supernumerary cambium around the vessels. ─── 块根的次生木质部发达,导管周围存在额外形成层。

5、The secondary growth mainly depended the activity of the vascular cambium and cork cambium. ─── 初生分生组织包括根冠原、表皮原、皮层原和中柱原;

6、To remove a band of bark and cambium from the circumference of(a tree), usually in order to kill it. ─── 剥去树皮剥去树周围的树皮带或形成层,通常是为了杀死树

7、cambial cell ─── 形成层细胞

8、stem cambium ─── 树干形成层

9、A nonliving,water-resistant protective tissue that is formed on the outside of the cork cambium in the woody stems and roots of many seed plants. ─── 栓皮一种无生命的、防水保护纤维,形成于许多种子植物的木质茎和根软木形成层的外部。

10、In radial sections, conduit lumen diameters increased linearly for the first 20-40 years of cambial age, and then stabilized in most of the eight trees of Fagaceae. ─── 4.在从髓芯开始往外的20-40个年轮范围内导管直径增加显著,但大部分植株导管直径在40个年轮后趋于稳定。

11、fascicular cambium ─── 束中形成层

12、primary cambium ─── 初生形成层

13、interfascicular cambium ─── 束间形成层

14、Early activity model of fascicular cambium and interfascicular cambium (from one layer of initial cells) ─── 束中形成层和束间形成层的早期活动模式(来自一层原始细胞)

15、Mechanism of Dormancy in the Buds and Cambium of Eucommia ulmoides ─── 杜仲形成层休眠机理

16、wound cambium ─── 创伤形成层

17、The base of scion is cut diagonally to expose a large oval of cambium. ─── 接穗的基部被切成斜形,暴露出椭圆形的大圈形成层。

18、cambium layer ─── 形成层

19、cambial derivative ─── 形成层衍生物

20、The for-mation of periderm is relatively late and cork cambium is come from the cortex cells which arenear endodermis. ─── 周皮发生较迟,其木栓形成层由紧靠内皮层的皮层细胞产生。

21、A series of detect confirm this cambium is belonged to malign, made complete larynx resection finally. ─── 一系列的检测证实此新生组织属恶性,最终作了全喉切除术。

22、cambial explants ─── 形成层外植体

23、The outer layers of tissue of woody roots and stems,consisting of the cork cambium and the tissues produced by it,such as cork. ─── 周皮木质根或干的外层组织,包括软木形成层和形成层的产物,如软木。

24、The outer layers of tissue of woody roots and stems, consisting of the cork cambium and the tissues produced by it, such as cork. ─── 周皮木质根或干的外层组织,包括软木形成层和形成层的产物,如软木

25、cambium miner ─── 形成层潜蝇

26、Pattern in Cambial Activity in Eucommia ulmoides ─── 杜仲形成层的活动式样

27、The vascular has one or three flats cells.The cork cambium originated from the pericyclic cells and created multi layer of phelloderm parenchyma cells. ─── 木栓形成层由中柱鞘细胞恢复分裂能力而形成,并且产生多层栓内层薄壁细胞。

28、10.The vascular cambium extends to form a complete ring of meristematic tissue around the stem, the separate vascular bundles being linked by interfascicular cambium. ─── 新的坏死乳管和形成层状分生组织继续在树皮内层形成,因而使该病成为不可恢复的。

29、Cambium tissue ─── 形成层组织

30、Intrafascicular cambium (fascicular cambium) The part of the VASCULAR CAMBIUM within the vascular between the xylem and phloem. ─── 束中形成层:是位于木质部和韧皮部构成的维管束内的一部分维管形成层。

31、Development and activity periodicity of cambium in Camptotheca acuminata ─── 喜树形成层的发育及周年活动

32、She introduces topics such as photosynthesis and the meaning of terms such as phloem and cambium. ─── 可以说是树的小百科,适合6岁以上儿童阅读。

33、cambium beetle ─── 小蠹虫

34、(4) Secondary structure occurs in the root hair zone, and vascular cambium is formed from the parenchyma cells between the primary xylem and primary phloem; ─── (4)次生结构发生于根毛区,维管形成层由初生木质部和初生韧皮部之间的薄壁细胞转化形成;

35、The growth of hypogeal stem contain tri-growth, and the anomalous secondary growth is the result of supernumerary cambium that derived from the outmost elements of secondary phloem. ─── 地下茎加粗过程中形成三生结构,其异常结构是由于次生韧皮部外侧发生的额外形成层所致,其起源于薄壁细胞;

36、1.Meanwhile, paraffin-cut section method was used for studying on callus formation, cork cambium and vascular cambium initiation. ─── 同时,运用石蜡切片法研究剥皮后愈伤组织的形成、木栓形成层和维管形成层的发生;

37、Vascular cylinder of adhesive disc turned into vascular bundles while adhesive disc enlarged, and the active stage of vascular cambium was short. ─── 吸盘膨大时维管柱转变成维管束,维管形成层活动期较短。

38、newly formed outer wood lying between the cambium and the heartwood of a tree or woody plant; usually light colored; active in water conduction. ─── 树木或木本植物形成层和心材之间的新生木质,通常色泽浅,水分传导性强。

39、The adventitious buds can be developed in the crossed area of both cork cambium and phloem ray inside the root. ─── 宿根上的不定芽发生于韧皮射线与木栓形成层交叉的区域。

40、cambial zone ─── 形成层带

41、The primary cambium is found in the stem and root between the phloem and xylem cells, and by division gives rise to the secondary phloem and xylem in woody dicotyledonous plants. ─── 它纵贯于根,茎等器官的木质部和韧皮部之间,是具有分生能力的组织。通过形成层的分裂可以在木本的双子叶植物中形成次生木质部和次生韧皮部。

42、These are formed from a zone containing larger vessel elements produced by the cambium in the spring (lighter layer), followed by a zone containing smaller vessel elements (darker layer) produced during the late summer. ─── 春季,形成层活动旺盛,形成的次生木质部细胞,管径大而壁厚,色泽较淡;夏末,形成层活动逐渐减弱,形成的次生木质部细胞,管径小而壁薄,色泽较深。

43、The outermost layers of a woody stem including all of the living and nonliving tissues external to the cambium. ─── 木质茎的最外层,包括形成层以外全部活的和死的组织。

44、Anatomical Observation on Development of Cambium Anatomical Observation on Development of Cambium ─── 杉木维管形成层发生发育的解剖学观察

45、cork cambium ─── 木栓形成层

46、Early development of cork cambium ─── 木栓形成层的早期发育

47、The tertiary vascular bundles were regularly,concentrically and centrifugally arranged and partitioned with connective parenchyma whose ring numbers were the same as that of extra cambium. ─── 三生维管束以离心方式排列成整齐的同心环状,由薄壁结合组织将其彼此分开,其圈数与额外形成层的圈数是一致的,随着根的个体发育而不断增加.

48、Periodicity of Cambial Activity and Variability of Peroxidase and Esterase Isozymes in Eucommia ulmoides Oliv ─── 杜仲形成层活动周期及过氧化物酶和酯酶同工酶的变化

49、In fact the fruit spot of the pear was one of phellem (the cork cells) formed by cambium of phellem of the periderm. ─── 有些地方由于大量木栓细胞的产生,并突出于果实表面,形成了所谓果点,其实这该认为是表皮上面大小不同的皮孔。

50、A nonliving, water-resistant protective tissue that is formed on the outside of the cork cambium in the woody stems and roots of many seed plants. ─── 栓皮一种无生命的、防水保护纤维,形成于许多种子植物的木质茎和根软木形成层的外部

51、and decreasing of stored starch are closely related to the periodicity of cambial activity. ─── 淀粉储量的消长与形成层活动周期有很强的相关关系。

52、cambium insect ─── 形成层害虫

53、Secondary growth occurs at the lateral meristems, namely the vascular cambium and cork cambium. ─── 木质部韧皮部相间排列,外抵中柱鞘。而此两者都来源于中柱鞘。

54、interfascular cambium ─── [医] 束间形成层

55、accessory cambium ─── 副形成层

56、The base of scion is cut diagonally to expose a large oval of cambium ─── 接穗的基部被切成斜形,暴露出椭圆形的大圈形成层。

57、A tissue produced inwardly by the cork cambium. ─── 栓内层在内部由软木新生层产生的组织

58、Bark The outermost tissue of the stem and roots in woody plants, on the outside of the phellogen (cork cambium). ─── bark树皮:木本植物中的茎或根中木栓形成层外方的全部组织,称为树皮。

59、Study of the Transition from Procambium to Vascular Cambium In Erythrina Arborescens Roxb. ─── 原形成层向维管形成层转化的研究。

60、acropetal differentiation of the cambium layer continues as the primary root elongates ─── 形成层的向顶分化像初生根伸长一样在继续进行。

61、The tough outer covering of the woody stems and roots of trees, shrubs, and other woody plants. It includes all tissues outside the vascular cambium. ─── 树皮,茎皮包在树、灌木和其它木本植物的根部、茎部的硬皮,包括维管形成层外的所有组织

62、There are two zones of cambium: the VASCULAR CAMBIUM, which produces secondary xylem and phloem, and the PHELLEM (cork cambium), which produces secondary cortex and cork or bark. ─── 有两种类型的形成层:一种是维管形成层,产生次生木质部和次生韧皮部。另一种是木栓形成层,产生次生皮层,软木或树皮。

63、cambium region ─── 形成层区

64、For the mesenchymal stem cell marker profiles, cambium layer and cartilage layer all expressed higher chondroprogenitor related marker profiles. ─── 在细胞表面标志上,年轻与成年兔形成层及软骨组织表现较多具软骨分化潜力之细胞标志。

65、3.About 15 days after girdling, a cork cambium developed near the surface of callus, then developed normal periderm rapidly. ─── 大约15天左右在愈伤组织近表面细胞中发生木栓形成层,以后迅速形成正常的周皮。

66、Hard, fibrous material formed by the accumulation of secondary xylem produced by the vascular cambium. ─── 木材为树干和树根中坚硬的纤维状物质。

67、The tough outer covering of the woody stems and roots of trees,shrubs,and other woody plants. It includes all tissues outside the vascular cambium. ─── 树皮,茎皮包在树、灌木和其它木本植物的根部、茎部的硬皮,包括维管形成层外的所有组织。

68、Annual ring (growth ring) The annual increase in girth of the stems or roots of woody plants, as a result of cambial activity. ─── 年轮:木本植物形成层的活动随着季节的更替而表现出有节奏的变化。

69、cambial initial ─── 形成层原始细胞

70、cambium ring ─── 形成层环

71、From pith outward, ring width becomes narrower gradually, and no significant relationship between ring width and cambium age is found. ─── 年轮宽度由髓心向外逐渐变窄,但年轮宽度与树木年龄回归显著性不高,相关系数均小于0.5。

72、cambium culture ─── 形成层培养

73、extra-fascicular cambium ─── 束外形成层

74、ray cambial initial ─── 射线形成层原始细胞

75、In woody plants, tissues outside of the vascular cambium. ─── 木本植物维管形成层外部的组织。

76、Starch grains decreased progressively after cambial activity was resumed in early spring until they disappeared in all the stem tissues. ─── 早春形成层恢复活动后,淀粉贮量逐渐减少直至消失。

77、However treatment with GA by itself promoted callus formation and inhibited new periderm,cambium and vascular tissues differentiation. ─── 单独用GA可促进愈伤组织的形成,抑制新的周皮、形成层和维管组织的分化。


79、The callus originated from several parts, but mainly from cambium. ─── 愈伤组织是多起源的,但主要源于形成层。

80、cambial activity ─── 形成层活性

81、storied cambium ─── 叠生形成层

82、A tissue produced inwardlyby the cork cambium. ─── 栓内层在内部由软木新生层产生的组织。

83、The variability of esterase isozyme activity in the vascular tissues was in consistent with the periodicity of cambial activity. ─── 酯酶同工酶的酶谱和酶活性亦随形成层的活动状态发生变化。

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