compensatory 发音
英:[kɒmpen'seɪtərɪ] 美:[kəm'pɛnsə,tori]
英: 美:
compensatory 中文意思翻译
compensatory 短语词组
1、compensatory balance ─── [经] 补偿余额, 最低存款额
2、compensatory financing facility ─── [法] 补偿贷款办法, 补偿性资金供应办法
3、compensatory duty ─── [经] 补偿税
4、compensatory fianacing facility ─── [经] 补偿性贷款
5、compensatory circuIation ─── [医] 侧支循环
6、compensatory financing ─── [经] 补偿贷款, 补偿性资金融通
7、compensatory financial transfer ─── [经] 补偿性资金调拨(金融性转让)
8、compensatory financial flow ─── [经] 补偿性资金流转(通)
9、compensatory curvature ─── [医] 代偿性弯曲
10、compensatory budget policy ─── [经] 补偿预算政策
11、compensatory hypertrophy ─── [医] 代偿性肥大
12、compensatory education ─── 补偿教育(美国提高贫苦儿童教育水平的教育工作)
13、compensatory errors ─── [经] 抵销错误
14、compensatory atrophy ─── [医] 代偿性萎缩
15、compensatory deposits ─── [经] 补偿性存款
16、compensatory fiscal policy ─── [经] 补偿性金融政策
17、compensatory damages ─── [法] 应予补偿的损害
18、compensatory hyperemia ─── [医] 代偿性充血
19、compensatory approach ─── [经] 赔(补)偿方式
compensatory 相似词语短语
1、compensators ─── n.[电][自]补偿器(compensator的复数);补偿装置
2、commendatory ─── adj.推荐的;赞赏的
3、compensator ─── n.[电][自]补偿器;自耦变压器;赔偿者;补偿物
4、compensate ─── vi.补偿,赔偿;抵消;vt.补偿,赔偿;付报酬
5、combinatory ─── adj.有结合力的;结合的;n.组合
6、compensated ─── v.补偿(compensate的过去式);偿还
7、comminatory ─── adj.威吓的
8、compensations ─── 补偿;[会计]补偿金
9、compulsatory ─── 强制者
compensatory 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Ellestad MH.Chronotropic incompetence:the implications of heart rate response to exercise (compensatory parasympathetic hyperactivity[J].Circulation,1996,93:1485. ─── 冯应君,杨汉东,闵新文,等.冠心病患者心脏变时功能不全的临床意义[J].中华心血管病杂志,2006,34(10):895.
2、If Party B sells the gold, Party B must pay overnight compensatory payment (50 Yuan per 100 ounces) to Party A. ─── 乙方卖出黄金的,则甲方需向乙方支付隔夜补偿金每100盎司50元人民币。
3、The ASIS not only depended on the change of the local blood flow in early period, but could relate with local tissue compensatory difference to anterior segment ischemia. ─── ASIS的发生不完全取决于局部血流量的早期变化,而与其晚期组织对缺血代偿反应差异有关。
4、Conclusion:The main causes of the disease might be of the retrogressive metamorphosis,compens... ─── 保留脊柱后结构的髓核摘除、椎管扩大减压的手术效果是满意的。
5、On the basis of previous research works, we select a pair of representative two-dimensional IRT models: the compensatory MIRT model and non-compensatory MIRT model. ─── 在前人研究的成果中,我们选取了一对有代表性的二维IRT模型:补偿MIRT模型和非补偿MIRT模型。
6、Compensatory leave of any kind, under conditions as determined by the competent authority or through the appropriate machinery in each country. ─── 在由主管当局或通过各国适当的机制确定的条件下,任何类型的补休。
7、Understood that I the person knew I am not the avaricious person, I will not want any compensatory payment. ─── 了解我的人知道我不是爱财的人,我不会要任何补偿金。”
8、While repair" mean compensatory trade. ─── “一补”是指补偿贸易。
9、Compensatory to flimsy eye ministry in sleep nutrient, the vitamin complements while fine yielding a key point rests. ─── 在睡梦中对脆弱的眼部补充养分,让眼晴休息的同时补充维生素。
10、The plaintiffs have not given any indication of the compensatory and punitive damages they are seeking, preferring to leave the matter, should they win, up to the jury. ─── 原告一方亦未披露他们所寻求的补偿性及惩罚性赔偿的具体金额;假设他们胜诉,他们倾向于由陪审团来决定这个金额。
11、Maintenance of the plants arising from compensatory planting, landscaping planting and other planting implemented during construction of the Project. ─── 工程项目建造时由补偿种植,景观美化种植及其他种植所产生的植物。
12、This paper introduces the principle, circuits, apllications and Maintenance of DBW/SBW5 no-contact compensatory regulator. ─── 介绍DBW/SBW5型无触点补偿式电力稳压器的工作原理、电路和使用维护要点。
13、Compensatory hyperhidrosis deeloped in 6 patients (12%), in 4 with rest and in 2 during exercise, all within 4 weeks. ─── 6例患者(12%)在(术后)4周内出现代偿性出汗症,其中4例为休息时,2例为活动中出现。
14、They are relatively easy to catalog, are self-contained, and they make it easier to identify (and execute) the compensatory procedure. ─── 它相对容易编目,并且是独立的,它们使得识别(和执行)补偿过程很容易。
15、The activity of the histaminergic system decreased and the decrease might be one of the compensatory mechanisms for maintenance of the normal sleep in the null mice lacking DPR. ─── DPR基因敲除型小鼠脑中组胺能神经活性显著降低,这一变化可能是该种小鼠尚能维持正常睡眠的代偿机制之一。
16、Experts say that, young patients of spondylodynia are still in compensatory state,i.e their illness can release if they make constant and systemic corrections. ─── 专家指出,这些年轻人的脊椎病多数还处于代偿状态,如果能接受一段连续的、系统的调整,这类人的情况是可以得到很大缓解的。
17、This indicated that Miichthy mijuy juveniles have had compensatory growth with refeeding after starvation. ─── 可见,饥饿后恢复投喂的鮸幼鱼具有补偿生长能力。
18、Balanced diet, in the doctor guidance issues compensatory and right amount vitamin just is advisability to lift. ─── 均衡饮食,在医生指导下补充适量的维生素才是明智之举。
19、But if the body is deprived of salt, the effects soon become dangerous, despite compensatory mechanisms. ─── 但如果身体里丧失了的盐分,尽管有各种的补偿机制,后 果将马上极其危险。
20、In succession, we propose corresponding forward-feedback compensatory algorithms and rolling correcting algorithms based on the dynamic model of the multi-fin propulsor. ─── 在此基础上,根据多波动鳍推进控制系统动力学模型,提出相应的航速通道前馈补偿算法以及横滚姿态修正算法。
21、Just finished how does the operation want compensatory nutrition? (note: Lady) can the food of and so on of soup of edible chicken, fish? What does need notice? ─── 刚做完手术要怎样补充营养?(注:女士)可以食用鸡、鱼汤之类的食物吗?需要注意哪些?
22、In the field of the state compensation, there are three compensation standards in the world, which are punitive damage, compensatory damage and appeasable damage. ─── 在国家赔偿领域,就赔偿标准而言,当前世界各国主要存有三种模式:惩罚性赔偿、补偿性赔偿和抚慰性赔偿。
23、Do not think spring does not need compensatory moisture damply. ─── 别以为春天潮湿就不需要补充水分。
24、If there is without the tremendous history which is catastrophic, it will not be the progress with the history which is compensatory. ─── 原句为了强调而省略,直译是:如果没有巨大的灾难性的历史,就不会出现有补偿的历史进步。也就是说,只有发生巨大的历史灾难,才会出现历史的进步为补偿。
25、Analysts believe that Lefort compensatory allowance by half mainly because of its poor management. ─── 分析人士认为,勒弗尔补偿性津贴减半主要是因为其管理不善。
26、Notice prevention and cure is affected at the same time, compensatory nutrition, convalescence should complement chalybeate, prevent iron shortage. ─── 同时注意防治感染,补充营养,恢复期应补充铁剂,防止铁缺乏。
27、Department of gynaecology turns cure patient. Alleviate vomitive method. How compensatory nutrition? ─── 妇科化疗病人.缓解呕吐的方法.怎样补充营养?
28、The purpose is to provide remedies for the legal interests of the promisee by compensatory damages which reaches the state as the contract has been performed. ─── 其目的在于使受害方通过损害赔偿达到合同如期履行后的状态,对违约后当事人的利益进行法律上的再平衡。
29、The combination of two drugs that mutually interfere with compensatory responses therefore increases the rate of blood pressure control. ─── 因此,两种作用机制上相互补偿的药物联合使用时,就能提高血压的控制率。
30、What to eat is compensatory vitamin much? ─── 吃什么补充维生素多?
31、At the end of 3 min of PPB, the anti-G suit of had the best compensatory effect and lower-abdomen bladder come next to it. ─── 从加压呼吸3mln末的代偿效果看:抗荷服的代偿效果最好;
32、After report go into effect, china friendship brother did not take the compensatory money of 3 websites tardy, applied for to be carried out compulsively to sunny court recently. ─── 判决书生效后,华谊兄弟迟迟未拿到3家网站的赔偿款,于近日向朝阳法院申请强制执行。
33、If it cancels an order during the contract term, it shall pay breach of contract damages and compensatory damages. ─── 中途退货应偿付违约金、赔偿金。
34、Tuesday's shareholder vote has thwarted Huang's plans for the board, but allowed him a compensatory victory on the general mandate. ─── 星期二的股东投票反对黄光裕的计划,但是给了他一般授权的补偿性胜利。
35、In the TAF experiment, vowel production exhibited a compensatory response for a perturbation in the feedback sound. ─── 变形听觉反馈实验的结果证实了对于反馈声音中的摄动元音生成系统作出了补偿性的运动。
36、Buyer shall be immediately entitled to compensatory liquidated damages of USD 250,000 and immediate payment by supplier of all such gross revenues. ─── 买家有权立即从买方总收入里扣除250000美圆的损害赔偿金(即违约金)。(这是与我国合同法相冲突的,约定了违约金,就不再计算实际损失)
37、Often the best choice is a compromise of the above, i. e. application of a somewhat reduced compensatory antithrombotic therapy. ─── 往往是最好的选择是一个妥协的上述情况,即应用有所减少补偿抗血栓治疗。
38、The jury awarded $11.2 million in compensatory damages. ─── 陪审团裁判1,120万美元的赔偿损失费。
39、Maintain water and electricity in time to balance, compensatory nutrition, to the seasonable and proper treatment of body complication. ─── 及时维持水电平衡,补充营养,对躯体并发症的及时恰当治疗。
40、Adscititious and a few more compensatory specific key word, for example LOGO design, VI design is waited a moment. ─── 外加补充一些具体要害字,例如LOGO设计、VI设计等等。
41、To negotiate with major water users over where abstraction permits might be given, with pre-conditions on compensatory activity?? ─── 在补偿活动为先决条件的前提下,就取水许可的可能发放地点与主要用水者谈判??
42、Once upon a time, because weather is colder, add physical labor more, the French regards bishop as compensatory body caloric is daily drink. ─── 从前,因为天气比较冷,加上体力劳动比较多,法国人把葡萄酒当成补充身体热量的日常饮品。
43、Does the unit organize check-up is this check-up result ask a master to help me look especially whether does hematic analysis think compensatory what nutrition anaemia needs? ─── 单位组织体检这是体检结果请大侠帮我看看特别是血分析是否想贫血需要补充什么营养?
44、Should the compensatory adjustment remain unacceptable, negotiations should be continued. ─── 如该补偿性调整仍不能接受,则应继续进行谈判。
45、A kind of compensatory mechanism exists somewhere in his nervous system. ─── 它神经系统的某些地方存在着一种补偿性机理。
46、Hayward R S,Noltie D B and Wang N.1997.Use of compensatory growth to double hybrid sunfish growth rates[J].Trans Am Fish Soc.,126:3 l 6-322. ─── 吴立新,董双林.2000.水产动物继饥饿或营养不足后的补偿生长研究进展[J].应用生态学报,11(6):943-946.
47、The obligations of state compensation shall be performed by the organs under compensatory obligations stipulated by this Law. ─── 国家赔偿由本法规定的赔偿义务机关履行赔偿义务。
48、Even if a guarantor has no full compensatory capacity, he shall still undertake guarantee liability with his own property. ─── 保证人即使不具备完全代偿能力,仍应以自己的财产承担保证责任。
49、Furthermore, nurses who were single and had a professional registered nurse license tended to use compensatory coping more frequently than others. ─── 且未婚比已婚、拥有护理师执照比只有护士执照,均较常使用补偿性的调适情绪。
50、It is the base of economic compensatory system establishment to scientifically valuate the resource and environment and to institute a reasonable price policy. ─── 对资源与环境科学计价并制定合理的价格政策,是建立经济补偿机制的基础。
51、The person is in when be born, from the fine that a priori obtained over there parents, essence is drawn from inside food after be born the essence with compensatory a priori. ─── 人在出生时,从父母那里获得了先天之精,出生后从食物中吸取精华以补充先天之精。
52、Compensatory transfer and assignment of land shall be notarised by a notary public office. ─── 土地在出让和转让时须经公证机关公证。
53、The mechanisms of the compensatory growth of V. spiralis were discussed. ─── 并初步探讨了水生植物受损后的补偿生长机理。
54、A study on compensatory effect of corn at different growth stages to water deficit change. ─── 夏玉米不同生育阶段干湿变化的补偿效应研究。
55、To take compensatory measures so as to counterbalance possible loss. ─── 以套期保值避免损失采取补偿性措施以平衡可能的损失。
56、To mitigate the ecological impacts on terrestrial habitats, compensatory planting of not less than 3.35 ha shall be implemented within the site limit. ─── 为减轻对陆上生境造成的生态影响,须在工地界线内进行不少于3.35公顷的补偿种植。
57、Although the vitamin is kind of good thing, if daily li of frivolous abundantly is compensatory, also can bring secondary action to the body. ─── 尽管维生素是种好东西,若每日里随随便便大量地补充,也会给身体带来副作用。
58、He also suggested that this is one of the compensatory mechanisms. ─── 他也提出,这是一种补偿的机制。
59、The evaporation from the leaf surface causes a constant compensatory suction of water. ─── 叶子表面的蒸发使水分不断地补充吸力。
60、The son should go up nursery school, when check-up, weight in a way slants thin, how compensatory nutrition, can make him haler. ─── 儿子要上幼儿园了,体检时,体重稍稍偏瘦,怎样补充营养,能使他更健壮.
61、The effect of the turbulence of the fan convection field and the position of the wind compen... ─── 在进行机械排烟时还应考虑风机对流场的扰动、补风口位置的影响。
62、The results indicated that the compensatory effects of lim ited water supply were very significant. ─── 不同的灌水量未引起小麦产量的显著差异,显示有限补偿供水的高效性;
63、It was suggested that there were completely compensatory growth in all groups.However, there were many differences on SGR, FR, CE of different groups during weight recovery. ─── 体重恢复过程中,各饥饿处理组的特殊生长率(SGR)、摄食率(FR)及饵料转化率(CE)均存在不同程度的差异。
64、The specially-designed compensatory movable valve seat construction made from metal is of great reliability in its sealing performance. ─── 采用特别设计的补偿性可动金属阀座结构,蝶阀密封可靠。
65、Can in time give skin compensatory moisture. ─── 可以及时给肌肤补充水分。
66、They are discussing the compensatory policy. ─── 他们正在讨论补偿的政策。
67、Compensatory hypertrophy is a different, temporary growth response in which residual tissue increases in mass and cell number: cells undergo mitosis but do not dedifferentiate. ─── 代偿式肥大是一个不同的,暂时的生长应答过程,残余组织在体积和细胞数量上增加:细胞经历了减数分裂,但没有去分化过程。
68、An award of aggravated damages if still compensatory. ─── 加重性损害赔偿仍然是补偿性的。
69、He received a compensatory payment of $20 000. ─── 他获得了2万元的赔偿金。
70、The organ which makes a wrong decision to arrest a person without criminal facts shall be the organ for compensatory obligations. ─── 对没有犯罪事实的人错误逮捕的,作出逮捕决定的机关为赔偿义务机关。
71、Compensatory what vitamin does the summer need? ─── 夏季需要补充什么维生素?
72、Punitive compensation is different from traditional compensatory measures in the aspects of existence conditions and scope of compensation. ─── 它在成立要件和赔偿范围上也不同于传统的填补性赔偿,主要表现在行为人行为的社会谴责性。
73、Once discover those who violate an agreement, castigatory measure will increase " compensatory yearly salary 5 times right-and-left amerce " . ─── 一旦发现有违反协议的,惩罚措施将增加到“赔偿年薪5倍左右的罚款”。
74、Cutting was not beneficial to tiller, all cutting treatments did not exist compensatory growth effect of tiller. ─── 刈割不利于多年生黑麦草的分蘖,所有刈割处理均不存在分蘖的“超补偿生长”效应;
75、He received a compensatory payment of $20000. ─── 他获得了2万元的赔偿金。
76、The paper construes the compensatory mechanism of anti-money laundering of banking industry. ─── 4.对银行业反洗钱补偿性机制的分析。
77、Be like likely, can give from lunch and dinner compensatory. ─── 如有可能,可从午餐和晚餐予以补充。
78、According to the basic concept of compensation damages, both tort liability and the liability of breach of contract are compensatory damages. ─── 依传统民事损害赔偿的基本理念,无论是侵权责任或是违约责任,都是一种补偿性的赔偿责任。
79、Enterprise complement endowment insurance ensures sectional government by labor, the unit executes compensatory endowment insurance, should choose labor to ensure the orgnaization agency that service maintains. ─── 企业补充养老保险由劳动保障部门治理,单位实行补充养老保险,应选择劳动保障行政部门认定的机构经办。
80、Increasing levels of FGF-23 "appear to be an appropriate compensatory response to decreasing ability to excrete dietary phosphorous" and maintain normal serum levels. ─── FGF-23浓度增加显然是排除饮食磷酸盐能力下降、且维持正常血中浓度一个适当的代偿反应。
81、The compensatory vitamin with what can better vegetable to eat? ─── 吃什么蔬菜能更好的补充维生素?
82、It remains unclear whether this is related to motor symptoms or represents adaptive compensatory changes to degeneration of dopaminergic neurons. ─── 但是,这种现象是否与运动症状相关,或者是一种针对多巴胺能神经元变性的适应性代偿改变。
83、Is draft fruit compensatory what nutrition? ─── 吃水果会补充什么营养?
84、Therefore, after Dekker summer bank vice-president Mill resigns, is compelled to announce that gives up the nearly 3,700,000 euros leaving job the compensatory payment. ─── 为此,德克夏银行副总裁米勒辞职后,被迫宣布放弃近370万欧元的离职补偿金。
85、Alchemy, Jung believed, stood in a compensatory relationship to mainstream Christianity, rather like a dream does to the conscious attitudes of the dreamer. ─── 容格相信,炼金术,与主流基督教有着补偿性的关系,更加像一个表明做梦者的意识姿态的梦。
86、Eat an apple vitamin of can compensatory what? ─── 吃苹果会补充什么维生素?
87、What kind of vegetable or fruit to eat can compensatory vitamin B2? ─── 吃什么样的蔬菜或水果会补充维生素呢B2?
88、Buyer and Supplier shall consult with each other whenever required to fix the extent of compensatory damages and amount of indemnities. ─── 买方与供应商将彼此协商补偿的程度及补偿的数量。
89、Secondly, the compensatory risk when on business of marry again employee gets hurt or dying, this kind of situation is general an inductrial injury of be confined to is safe. ─── 其二、转嫁雇员因公受伤或死亡时的赔偿风险,这种情况一般只限于工伤保险。
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