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08-25 投稿



devoutness 发音

英:[[dɪ'vaʊtnɪs]]  美:[[dɪ'vau:tnɪs]]

英:  美:

devoutness 中文意思翻译



devoutness 短语词组

1、devoutness defined ─── 虔诚的定义

2、devoutness meaning ─── 虔诚的意义

3、devoutness thesaurus ─── 虔诚主题词表

4、devoutness define ─── 虔诚定义

5、devoutness definition ─── 虔诚的定义

6、devoutness mean ─── 虔诚意味着

devoutness 词性/词形变化,devoutness变形

形容词比较级: devouter |副词: devoutly |名词: devoutness |形容词最高级: devoutest |

devoutness 同义词

staunch | fervent | hearty | religious | heartfelt | sincere | committed | monastic | zealous | dear | deep | dedicated |pious | sanctimonious | earnest | spiritual | serious | pure | devoted

devoutness 反义词


devoutness 相似词语短语

1、stoutness ─── n.坚固;刚毅;肥胖

2、outness ─── n.外在性,客观存在性

3、deftness ─── n.熟练;灵巧;敏捷

4、devotees ─── n.信徒;爱好者

5、decentness ─── 正派

6、deviousness ─── n.迂回;曲折

7、devotedness ─── 投身;献身;敬业精神

8、nervousness ─── n.神经质;[心理]神经过敏;紧张不安

9、devotes ─── v.致力于,奉献于;把……用于,作……专用;降祸于,诅咒

devoutness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Across America other devout environmentalists live "off the grid", building shacks in the wilderness without running water or electricity. ─── 在全美,还有一些虔诚的环保主义者住到了没有电力网的地方,在荒郊野地盖起小屋,没有自来水,没有电。

2、Curis o'Keefe, he remembered, was notably devout. ─── 他记得柯蒂斯?奥基夫是非常虔诚的。

3、He is a devout disciple of the Episcopal Church. ─── 他是英国圣公会的一名虔诚的信徒。

4、Paul Begala, a devout Catholic, helped prepare my remarks, and Boston mayor Ray Flynn and Senator Harris Wofford came along to lend moral support. ─── 保罗.贝加拉是一位虔诚的天主教徒,他帮我准备了演讲稿,波士顿市长雷.弗林和参议员哈里斯.沃福德来到现场给予我精神上的支持。

5、In Middle East and North Africa there are a lot of devout Islamic believers. ─── 在中东和北非有许多虔诚的伊斯兰教信徒。

6、Wind around the clouds, a group of devout monks began a one-day chanting. ─── 云雾缭绕间,一群僧人虔诚的开始了一天的诵经。

7、And some of them believed, and consorted with Paul and Silas; and of the devout Greeks a great multitude, and of the chief women not a few. ─── 4他们中间有些人听了劝,就附从保罗和西拉。并有许多虔敬的希腊人,尊贵的妇女也不少。

8、She never forgets to say her prayers;she is a devout girl. ─── 她是个虔诚的女孩,从来不忘做祷告。

9、Devout Jews around the globe observe the special outdoor prayers just once every 28 years during the spring equinox. ─── 全世界虔诚的犹太人都会遵守这个每28年一次的春分期间的特殊户外祈祷。

10、The birthplace of Mohammed, it is the holiest city of Islam and a pilgrimage site for all devout believers of the faith.Population, 550,000. ─── 它是伊斯兰教创始人穆罕默德的诞生地,是伊斯兰教最神圣之地,也是笃信伊斯兰教的虔诚教徒的朝拜中心。

11、Perhaps the most commonly seen of these secondary characters is neighbour Ned Flanders, a devout Christian whose decency rarely wavers despite Homer's constant ridicule. ─── 在这些配角中,最常露面的可能要数邻居耐德?弗兰德斯了,他是一位虔诚的基督徒,尽管荷马不断地嘲弄,他仍不改秉性。

12、The devout were all hurrying to the mosque. ─── 信徒们都赶往清真寺。

13、To this, indeed, we are not drawn by levity, or curiosity, or sensuality, but by firm faith, devout hope, and sincere love. ─── 可是不是轻浮、好奇或情感引他们领这神恩;而是坚信,切望,热爱的缘故。

14、She was a devout Buddhist , and spent money lavishly on the construction of temples. ─── 同时她也是一位虔诚的佛教徒,耗费巨资修建寺院。

15、Under Mr Gulen's guidance, he became devout and generous, helping a university in Georgia, and schools in India and Azerbaijan. ─── 在葛兰先生的指导之下,他变得虔诚而慷慨,资助格鲁吉亚的一所大学以及印度和阿塞拜疆的几所学校。

16、Those devout traders, called ‘Wali Ullah’ or ‘those close to God, ’ energetically spread both trade and religion by adapting their appeals to the native mysticism of Java. ─── 他们通过这一途径积极热情地拓展商业买卖和宗教信仰。

17、DUP is a member of the miscellaneous, both devout supporters in rural areas have no city workers, supporters of religious belief. ─── DUP的成员非常杂,它既有农村虔诚的支持者也有城市里无宗教信仰的工人支持者。

18、He piously sang several songs, absolutely engrossed in praising God. Silently, I prayed to God to bless this devout disciple. ─── 他很专注投入地唱了几首,完全沈浸在对上帝的赞颂中,我默默地祈祷上帝赐福给这个虔诚的弟子。

19、ONE evening in mid-July Anwar Ibrahim was deep in the rubber-tapping state of Kelantan in northern Malaysia, urging a crowd of rural folk to vote for a devout fishmonger. ─── 七月中旬的一个傍晚,大马北部采集橡胶闻名的吉兰丹州,安瓦尔.易卜拉欣深入人群,呼吁一群乡巴佬为一位虔诚的鱼贩子投票。

20、Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men, from every nation under heaven. ─── 5那时,有犹太人,就是从天下各国来的虔诚人,住在耶路撒冷。

21、His grandfather is a devout Buddhist. ─── 他的爷爷是一个虔诚的佛教徒。

22、The Prince of Conti renounced theatre in 1657 to follow a more devout life.He was to become an ardent opponent of the theatre. ─── 1657年孔蒂亲王与剧团断绝了关系而要过一种更虔诚的生活,他甚至成了戏剧的激烈反对者。

23、Those people who lifted up arms of sensation with dolorous hearts yearned for retaining a sentence of words from God with stretching devoutness. ─── 那些怀着悲苦的心灵举起了意念手臂的人,渴望以伸展的虔诚留住一句神语。

24、He was by turns devout and obscene, merry and lachrymose. ─── 他时而虔诚时而淫秽,时而欢天喜地,时而凄然泪下。

25、She was a devout catholic. ─── 她曾是个虔诚的天主教徒。

26、Shi Li Jia Ye on both sides of the disciples strict Laocheng, Anan devout God, Buddha Duanlijinchi, heavenly kings Cumeinumu, Guinness mighty Xiongjian. ─── 两旁侍立的弟子迦叶严谨老成,阿难虔诚顺服,菩萨端丽矜持,天王蹙眉怒目,力士威武雄健。

27、In Turkey Mr Obama's visit is remembered less for what he said, than for some neat choreography that managed to please devout Muslims without upsetting secularists. ─── 在土耳其,奥巴马的访问被铭记并不是因其所言,而是一些意在取悦虔诚的穆斯林所做的简单编排,而同时并未打压非宗教主义者。

28、And some of them were persuaded and joined Paul and Silas, as did a great many of the devout Greeks and not a few of the leading women. ─── 他们中间有些人听了劝,就附从保罗和西拉,并有许多虔敬的希利尼人,尊贵的妇女也不少。

29、Among the devout, especially men, it is expected. ─── 在那些虔诚的信徒,特别是男性信徒中,这种渴望尤甚。

30、Bakr Melhem passed himself off as Adnan while wife Sanaa said she was called Jamila, an unmarried lady of culture who was interested in reading and was a devout Muslim. ─── Bakr Melhem称自己为Adnan然而老婆Sanaa说他自己是Jamila,未婚还有兴趣是读书还是名千诚的回教徒。

31、He and all his family were devout and God-fearing; he gave generously to those in need and prayed to God regularly. ─── 他是个虔诚人,他和全家都敬畏),多多周济百姓,常常祷告)。

32、A devout Muslim who never touched alcohol, she gave massages to help barren women conceive and washed the dead before burial. ─── 作为一个虔诚的穆斯林,她从不喝酒。 她为那些不能生育的妇女做推拿,以帮助她们受孕。 她还替死去的人们在下葬前清洗身体。

33、I tell thee, dear child, open thy heart to the pain, and it will do thee more good than if thou wert full of feeling and devoutness. ─── 亲爱的孩子,我告诉你,你要打开心扉接受上帝所赐的苦药,这比仅有情感和虔诚,对你更为有益。

34、When the angel who spoke to him had gone, Cornelius called two of his servants and a devout soldier who was one of his attendants. ─── 向他说话的天使去后,哥尼流叫了两个家人和常伺候他的一个虔诚兵来

35、Therefore, follow the Noble One, who is steadfast, wise, learned, dutiful and devout. ─── 因此,人们应跟随智者、慧者、多闻者、持恒者及尽责的圣者;

36、There you may see some really devout prayers who kneeled up the mountain, praying for hopes that rise from the ashes. ─── 在那里你能看到一些磕长头上山祈福的人,虔诚地祈祷着灰烬后重生的希望。

37、A devout man, and one that feared God with all his house, which gave much alms to the people, and prayed to God alway. ─── 他是个虔诚人,他和全家都敬畏神,多多周济百姓,常常祷告神。

38、E.g. Paul, a devout Baptist, director of his church choir, and certified straight arrow, listened patiently while the legislators droned on. ─── 保罗,这位虔诚的浸礼会教徒、教堂唱诗班指挥和十足的老实人,则耐心地听着他们几位喋喋不休的数落。

39、Devout Christians, the Georgia couple believed that life begins at conception- and that each of the23 embryos, which were being preserved in cold storage, was a human being. ─── 作为虔诚的基督教徒,这对佐治亚洲的夫妇相信,生命始于受孕,这23个被冷藏的胚胎中每一个都是一条生命。

40、Southerners vote for politicians they judge devout. ─── 南部人把选票投给那些他们觉得足够虔诚的政客。

41、A devout elderly lady from a nearby province came on a pilgrimage to Wat Pah Pong. ─── 一位虔诚的年老妇女从邻省出发,开始她的朝圣之旅。

42、Unlike most other state-funded schools, religious ones select pupils according to their parents’ devoutness, rather than their proximity to the school. ─── 宗教学校则不像大部分国有学校那样按照与学校的远近来选择生源,它们强调的是父母虔诚与否。

43、"I am a devout Christian, I pray to the matter," Scolari think Drogba spared long, God is entirely the result of listening to his plea, "I do this because this is Drogba A family. ─── “我是个虔诚的教徒,我为这事祈祷来着,”斯科拉里觉得德罗巴幸免长假,完全是老天听了他恳求的结果,“我这么做,因为德罗巴是这个大家庭的一员。

44、The island has become an attraction not only to devout believers in Buddhism but also to tourists both Chinese and foreign. ─── 一年到头不仅佛教虔诚者络绎于途,旅游者 亦纷至沓来。

45、There are different traits in these tow climaxes.In terms of literature spirit, the former was completely devout to the life and society, wiile the latter plas with life. ─── 两个阶段的校园文学具有不同的特徵,从文学精神看,前者对待生活,对待社会一片虔诚,而后者则是调玩生活;

46、Egyptians remark that a lot of their countrymen who spend a few years working in Saudi Arabia return home as devout Salafists. ─── 埃及人说该国许多在沙特工作了几年的人回国时就变成了忠心耿耿的萨里菲派。

47、Mainly used for asphalt and concrete pavement so signs coating line. I companies of various road marking paints, as you pointed devout route, with your safe driving. ─── 主要用于柏油、混凝土路面做道线标志涂料。我公司的各类道路标线漆,为您虔诚指航,伴您安全行驶。欢迎选购!

48、And some of them believed, and consorted with Paul and Silas; and of the devout Greeks a great multitude, and of the chief women not a few. ─── 他们中间有些人听了劝,就附从保罗和西拉。并有许多虔敬的希腊人,尊贵的妇女也不少。

49、She is a devout Roman Catholic. ─── 她是虔诚的天主教徒。

50、She was a sincerely devout girl. ─── 她是个真挚虔诚的姑娘。

51、During the holy month of Ramadan, devout Muslims abstain from food, drink and smoking during daylight hours as an act of sacrifice. ─── 在回教神圣的斋戒月间,虔诚的回教徒为求牺牲,黎明到日落间禁止吃喝和吸烟。

52、She freely admitted that many devout ministers and professors in times past had enjoyed downright revelation. ─── 她完全承认在过去的时代有许多虔诚的牧师和信徒曾受到上天的启示。

53、One of the best views, shown live on several television channels, appeared to be in the Indian town of Varanasi, on the banks of the Ganges river, sacred to devout Hindus. ─── 在众多最佳观测地点中,印度瓦腊纳西小镇被几家电视台选中,在印度圣河--恒河的岸边进行现场直播。

54、The son of a retired marine, Bernard, from New Portland in rural Maine, was described as a devout Christian, an Iraq war veteran, a keen snowboarder and an avid hiker. ─── 伯纳德是退役海军陆战队士兵的儿子,来缅因州农村的纽波特兰,被形容为一个虔诚的基督徒、伊拉克战争老兵、喜爱滑雪还是个狂热的徒步旅行者。

55、In the school founded by the Caliph for the study of divine things sat the devout Mullah Ibrahim. his hands folded in his lap, in an attitude of meditation . ─── 在国王建的神学校里坐着虔诚的易卜拉欣毛拉,他双手叠在膝上,正在那儿沉思默想。

56、Among these I found a few paper-covered books, the pages of which were curled and damp: The Abbot, by Walter Scott, The Devout Communicant and The Memoirs of Vidocq. ─── 他喜欢翻一些没有人要的旧纸堆,并在里面找到了一些书页已经发黄的旧书。而事实上,他喜欢这些书的主要原因正是因为这些发黄了的书页。

57、Natlie Henry encountered Berel as a devout prosperous merchant. ─── 娜塔丽·亨利见到班瑞尔的那会儿,他是一个虔诚殷实的商人。

58、To thank the women look Antilles, it was decided to sacrifice her devout pray her mid gave rise to a bumper harvest. ─── 为了感谢女神色列斯,于是人们虔诚地祭祀她,祈求她年年都给人们带来丰收。

59、He was deified by the senate, while all men vied with one another to give him honour, and all extolled his devoutness, his mercy, his intelligence, and his righteousness. ─── 他被元老院奉为神,而所有人争相荣耀他,称赞他的虔诚、仁慈、智慧和公正。

60、Pious Buddhists make a pilgrimage to a mountain temple where they burn incense before Buddha in a display of devout reverence. ─── 信徒们朝山进香,无比虔诚。

61、And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him. ─── 在耶路撒冷有一个人名叫西面,这人又公义又虔诚,素常盼望以色列的安慰者来到,又有圣灵在他身上。

62、A devout Buddhist encountered difficult, we seek to worship Goddess of Mercy temple. ─── 一名虔诚的佛教徒遇到了难事,便去寺庙里求拜观音。

63、She never forgets to say her prayers; she is a devout girl. ─── 她是个虔诚的女孩,从来不忘做祷告。

64、She never forget to say her prayers; she is a devout girl. ─── 她是个虔诚的女孩, 从来不忘做祷告。

65、Over the years she's been abstaining from meat and praying to Buddha. She's such a devout Buddhist. ─── 她长年吃斋念佛,可诚心了。

66、A good and devout man arranges in his mind the things he has to do, not according to the whims of evil inclination but according to the dictates of right reason. ─── 一个心善而虔诚的人,在内心预先规划他所必须作的事,不是按照恶念的起伏,而是遵循正确的理性的指挥。

67、I tell thee, dear child, open thy heart to the pain, and it will do thee more good than if thou wert full of feeling and devoutness . ─── 亲爱的孩子,我告诉你,你要打开心扉接受神所赐的苦药,这比仅有情感和虔诚,对你更为有益。

68、But the Jews incited the devout women of high standing and the leading men of the city, stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and drove them out of their district. ─── 但犹太人挑唆虔敬、尊贵的妇女和城内有名望的人,逼迫保罗、巴拿巴,将他们赶出境外。

69、Those devout traders, called 'Wali Ullah' or 'those close to God, ' energetically spread both trade and religion by adapting their appeals to the native mysticism of Java. ─── 在印尼神秘主义似乎涉及到印尼生活的各个方面,商业也不例外。

70、He had wanted the coffin to reflect his mother's position as a devout(3) churchgoer(4) in this suburb of Accra, Ghana's capital. ─── 他的妈妈住在加纳首都阿克拉,是位虔诚的教徒。他希望棺材能够反映出妈妈的信仰。

71、Paul, a devout Baptist, director of his church choir, and certified straight arrow, listened patiently while the legislators droned on. ─── 保罗,这位虔诚的浸礼会教徒、教堂唱诗班的指挥,而且还是个十足的规矩人,则耐心地听着他们几位喋喋不休的数落。

72、But the patient's devout family believed in miracles and did not want to withdraw support. ─── 不过,该名患者虔诚的家属相信奇迹会出现,因而不愿放弃治疗。

73、Because of her very beautiful, devout, he very love her, and call person to she do a silvers hand, and marry her to do the king the empress. ─── 因为她非常美丽、虔诚,他很爱她,叫人给她做了一双银手,娶她做王后。

74、Red China as a cultural totem of the Chinese people and the spirit of conversion, its origins date back to ancient Japan devout worship of God. ─── 中国红作为中国人的文化图腾和精神皈依,其渊源追溯到古代对日神虔诚的膜拜。

75、The righteous perish, and no one ponders it in his heart;devout men are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil. ─── 义人死亡、无人放在心上.虔诚人被收去、无人思念.这义人被收去是免了将来的祸患。

76、Therefore disputed he in the synagogue with the Jews, and with the devout persons, and in the market daily with them that met with him. ─── 于是在会堂里,与犹太人,和虔敬的人,并每日在市上所遇见的人辩论。

77、To the Hindus he was an orthodox Brahmin, with a sacred fire, enjoining the worship of many gods and the devout study of various Hindu scriptures. ─── 对印度教徒来说他是位正统的婆罗门,拥有圣火,参与崇拜很多神,并虔诚的学习各种印度经文。

78、A devout Muslim who never touched alcohol,she gave massages to help barren women conceive and washed the dead before burial. ─── 作为一个虔诚的穆斯林,她从不喝酒。她为那些不能生育的妇女做推拿,以帮助她们受孕。她还替死去的人们在下葬前清洗身体。

79、This was booming before the crisis, thanks to oil-fuelled liquidity in the Gulf, rising devoutness among Muslims and a fast-developing market infrastructure. ─── 在海湾地区由石油激发的巨大流动性,穆斯林与日俱增的虔诚和快速发展的市场基础设施都使得穆斯林的融资在危机之前得到了繁荣兴旺的发展。

80、Devout and one who feared God with all his household, giving many alms to the people and beseeching God continually. ─── 他是个虔诚人,同全家都敬畏神,多多周济百姓,常常祈求神。

81、"I had expected to become more devout as I grow older but somehow I haven't," he said. ─── “我本以为年纪越大,一定更热心信教,但是我并没有这样的变化,”他说。

82、A devout Christian, the president said that Christmas is a time to "give thanks for the birth of Christ. ─── 作为一个虔诚的基督教徒,总统说到圣诞节是一个感谢耶书诞生的日子。

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