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09-12 投稿



defendable 发音

英:[[dɪ'fendəbl]]  美:[[dɪ'fendəbl]]

英:  美:

defendable 中文意思翻译



defendable 短语词组

1、defendable homes ─── 可防卫房屋

2、defendable meaning ─── 可辩护的意思

3、defendable training ─── 可防御训练

4、defendable space ─── 可防御空间

5、defendable synonym ─── 可辩护同义词

6、defendable values ─── 可辩护价值观

7、defendable truism ─── 可辩护的真理

defendable 相似词语短语

1、demandable ─── adj.可请求的,可要求的

2、deferrable ─── adj.可展缓的;可延期的;可推迟的;n.缓役者

3、deferable ─── adj.可缓期的;可延期的;n.缓征者

4、defensible ─── adj.可防御的;可辩护的;可拥护的

5、emendable ─── adj.可修订的

6、descendable ─── adj.可遗传的

7、definable ─── adj.可下定义的;可确定的;可限定的

8、dependably ─── adv.值得信任地

9、dependable ─── adj.可靠的,可信赖的;可信任的

defendable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They did everything they could to defend their motherland. ─── 他们尽一切力量保卫祖国。

2、He won't defend us; he cannot say boo to a goose. ─── 他不会帮我们说话的,他胆子很小(对一只鹅也不敢嘘一声)。

3、A modern navy will defend our seas. ─── 一只现代化的海军会保卫我们的领海。

4、It will risk life and limb to defend its family. ─── 会用生命保护主人。

5、The ancient Chinese practiced Kungfu to defend themselves. ─── 古代中国人练武是为了防身。

6、The first law of kung fu is to defend. ─── 功夫的第一条规矩就是防卫。

7、Defend our homeland to the last drop of our blood! ─── 为保卫国土流最后一滴血!

8、So I put on my glasses to defend my eyes from the arrows. ─── 于是我戴上眼镜以保护我的眼睛,免得被箭射中。

9、Their duty is to defend the country against its enemies. ─── 他们的职责是保卫国家不受敌人的侵袭。

10、Why do you cling thim?Why do you defend him? ─── |你为什么粘着他? 你为什么要替他说话?

11、He had a good lawyer to defend him. ─── 他有一个好律师为他辩护。

12、Do you know enough about the component to defend against the claim? ─── 关于元件你是否知道其细节,能够争辩不侵权?

13、You will need a lawyer to defend you . ─── 你需要一位律师为你辩护。

14、It is our duty to defend our country. ─── 保卫国家是我们的义务。

15、He also had a gun with which to defend himself. ─── 他还有一把自卫用的枪。

16、I did not fail once with this build, however i realize that it is probably defendable if you rly see it coming pretty early. ─── 用这种方法我一次也没失败过,不过我意识到如果对方很早就侦察到的话就可能会化解这个战术。

17、Every absurdity have a champion to defend it. ─── 任何谬论都拥有拥护它的斗士。

18、XSS is actually very easy to defend against. ─── XSS实际上是非常容易防范的。

19、This may lead to reflections over which governing technologies are considered appropriate and defendable. ─── 这可能导致对这些管理技术被认为是适当及合理的思考。

20、Only a weak country can't defend themselves. ─── 只有虚弱的国家才不能保护他们自己。

21、It's an area that's very highly defendable. ─── 这是一个防御级别非常高的领域。

22、They retained a famous lawyer to defend their case. ─── 他们聘请了一位著名的律师为他们的案件进行辩论。

23、We shall defend this island, whatever the cost may be. ─── 不管付出什么代价,这个岛我们一定要保卫。

24、It is the nature of a mother to defend her child from harm. ─── 保护自己的孩子不受伤害是一个母亲的天性。

25、He undertook to defend this attitude. ─── 他开始为这一态度辩护。

26、There was simply "no defendable explanation" for the millions of dollars in gestor payments, he wrote. ─── 对几百万美元的经办人支付款,根本没有站得住脚的解释,他写道。

27、They know when to defend what they are doing. ─── 他们知道什么时候为他们所做的事情辩护。

28、You will need lawyers to defend you. ─── 你将需要请律师为你辩护。

29、He felt that all his resources could not defend him. ─── 他竭尽智慧,一筹莫展。

30、Act of come to court to defend or prosecute a case. ─── 出庭为一诉讼案进行辩护或出庭提起公诉的行为。

31、He called on the people to take up arms to defend their freedom. ─── 他号召人民拿起武器保卫自由。花园里开满鲜花。

32、The P. L. A. men defend our great motherland day and night. ─── 人民解放军日日夜夜保卫我们伟大的祖国。

33、He intends to defend his seat in the next election. ─── 他想在下届选举中寻求连任。

34、He never lost a chance to defend her. ─── 他要想尽办法为她辩护。

35、The people were called on to take up arms to defend their freedom. ─── 号召人民拿起武器保卫自由。

36、They were trying to defend their land. ─── 他们一直都在努力捍卫自己的祖国。

37、Defend those who are absent. ─── 保护不在场的人。

38、On the plaintiff's application for summary judgment the master give the defendant unconditional leave to defend. ─── 原告一提出即判决申请后,法院书记官无条件允许被告进行辩护。

39、They were on fire with zeal to defend their native land. ─── 他们热血沸腾,决心捍卫自己的祖国。

40、A patriot recognizes his duty to defend his country . ─── 一位爱国主义者知道他的保卫自己的国家的责任。

41、Therefore,if we wish we could fully defend the dollar. ─── 因此,如果我们要捍卫美元,我们是完全可以做得到的。

42、Ovett attempted to defend his 800m title in 1984. ─── 1984年洛杉矶奥运会,奥维特希望能在800米比赛中成功卫冕。

43、A family must defend its home against attack. ─── 一个家庭必须保护其不受袭击。

44、The army is to defend our country from those who want to attack. ─── 军队防卫我们的国家免于被攻击。

45、He got the best advocate in town to defend him. ─── 他请城里最好的律师为他辩护。

46、He has a heart to defend the hono(u)r of his country. ─── 他有勇气保卫国家的荣誉。

47、And would you defend me no matter how all these people attacked me? ─── 不管所有这些人怎样攻击我,你会保护我吗?

48、Electrical switch boxes, gas meters, or your PC make ideal homes because they are dry and have small, easily defendable entrances. ─── 而电器转换盒、煤气表、个人电脑之所以成为蚂蚁们的理想居所是因为它们的内部环境干燥,有微小的孔缝,成为了蚂蚁最适于防御的入口。

49、How can you defend such behaviour? ─── 你怎能为这种行为辩解呢?

50、They summoned men to defend their country. ─── 他们召集男人来保卫国家。

51、The army is to defend our country against attack. ─── 军队防卫我们的国家以免受攻击。

52、Jeebuz: It's a not so well known fact that Taiwan is a very highly defendable country. ─── 大家都还不清楚的事实是台湾是一个高度防御的国家。

53、He engaged in a tilt to defend her honour. ─── 他参加骑马持矛比武来捍卫她的荣誉。

54、Besides, she was young and lusty and would defend herself. ─── 何况,她年纪轻、力气大,一定会自卫。

55、A person has the right to defend himself/People have the right to defend themselves. ─── 人人均有自卫权。

56、Your angel will defend you, even it means risking her life. ─── 你的天使会保护你,即使那意味着冒着她生命的险。

57、What sword did he defend himself withal ? ─── 他用什么剑防卫自己 ?

58、May God bless our country and all who defend her. ─── 上帝保佑我们的国家,保佑我们的战士们。

59、He retained the best lawyer in the state to defend his case. ─── 他为他的案子聘了该州最好的律师。

60、He used the old trick of attacking in order to defend himself. ─── 他采用了以攻为守的老招数。

61、Fixed a problem with Defend not absorbing Piercing splash damage. ─── 修正了防御不能吸收穿刺性飞溅伤害的问题。

62、All the villagers took to the boats to defend their island against the attackers arriving by sea. ─── 全体村民上了船,抵抗海上的来犯者,保卫他们的海岛。

63、What you value, you will defend. ─── 保卫你所珍视的一切!

64、He has employed one of the UK's top lawyers to defend him. ─── 他请了英国一位顶尖律师为他辩护。

65、Be prepared to defend the practice. ─── 准备好为实践辩护。

66、He retained the best lawyer in the state to defend his case . ─── 他聘到了本州内最好的律师为他的案子辩护。

67、The people were quick to take up arms to defend their homeland. ─── 人民迅速拿起武器保卫自己的祖国。

68、The company has briefed a top lawyer to defend it. ─── 公司已将案件委托给最好的律师进行辩护。

69、They fight for defend the county. ─── 他们为保卫祖国而战斗。

70、Would you defend them or be a good witness? ─── 你是选择保护他们还是要做一个好的目击证人?

71、They have briefed a top lawyer to defend it. ─── 他们已聘请最好的律师对此案进行辩护。

72、How can you defend the killing of animals for pleasure? ─── 你怎么能为杀死动物取乐的行为辩护呢?

73、Every one is duty-bound to defend his motherland. ─── 保卫祖国人人有责。

74、When two different mappings are both defendable, the most obvious one is used. ─── 如果两个不同的映射相互抵制,那么请使用最明显的那个。

75、He won't defend us; he can't say boo to a goose. ─── 他不会帮我们说话的,他胆子很小(对一只鹅也不敢嘘一声)。

76、Build Turrets and upgrade them to defend your base. ─── 修造塔楼和升级他们保卫您的基地。

77、Unless you say we want to go for national pride and ego, so we just play our best players in this tournament, then it is defendable. ─── 除非你说我们想要追求国家的荣誉和自豪,所以我们必须让我们最好球员去参加欧青赛,那么这是可以说得通。

78、Soeur Rebecca: I can defend myself. ─── 丽蓓嘉:我能保护我自己。

79、And be prepared to defend our own. ─── 也会保护自己的家园。

80、What weapon would you use to defend youself? ─── 你将会使用什么武器来自卫?

81、We shall defend our city, whatever the cost may be. ─── 不管代价如何,我们要捍卫我们的城市。

82、Defendable earthworks were the first phase of the building of the Defence Line. ─── 在防线上首先建造起来的是防御工事,防御工事完工以后,随后紧接着在防线上又修建了防弹掩体。

83、We shall defend our city,whatever the cost may be. ─── 不管代价如何,我们要捍卫我们的城市。

84、You are ready always defend by me. ? ─── 你准备好随时被我保护了么?

85、They are too weak-kneed to defend themselves. ─── 他们太软弱不能保卫他们自己。

86、Freedom from tyranny is a principle we should always defend. ─── 从专制中获得自由是一个我们应该永远维护的原则。

87、We are always ready to defend our country from enemy invasion. ─── 为保卫我们的国家,我们随时准备歼灭敌人。

88、Your angel will defend you even if it means risking its life. ─── 你的天使就是冒着生命危险也会保护你。

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