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08-29 投稿



provident 发音

英:[ˈprɑːvɪdənt]  美:[ˈprɒvɪdənt]

英:  美:

provident 中文意思翻译



provident 网络释义

adj. 节俭的;有先见之明的;顾及未来的

provident 常用词组

provident fund ─── 公积金;福利基金;准备基金

mandatory provident fund ─── 强制性公积金

urban housing provident fund ─── 城镇住房公积金

provident 同义词

farsighted | sensible |economical | foresighted | careful | cautious | discreet | wise | circumspect | mean | frugal | judicious | parsimonious | sparing | prudent | thrifty

provident 词性/词形变化,provident变形

副词: providently |

provident 反义词


provident 短语词组

1、Provident Society ─── 储蓄互助会

2、provident sign in ─── 公积金登录

3、provident metals ─── 普罗维登特金属公司

4、provident club ─── 公积金俱乐部

5、provident funding ─── 公积金;福利基金;[金融]准备基金

6、provident financial ─── 公积金金融

7、provident metal silver coins ─── 天意金属银币

8、provident fund ─── 准备基金

9、provident bank ─── 公积金银行

10、Friends Provident ─── 朋友节约

provident 相似词语短语

1、president ─── n.总统;董事长;校长;主席;总裁

2、procident ─── [医]脱垂的;下垂的

3、providently ─── adv.有远虑地

4、provided ─── conj.假如,倘若;v.提供,给予(provide的过去式和过去分词)

5、improvident ─── adj.浪费的;无远见的;无先见之明的

6、unprovident ─── 无证据的

7、provider ─── n.供应者;养家者

8、providence ─── n.天意;深谋远虑

9、provide ─── vt.提供;规定;准备;装备;vi.规定;抚养;作准备

provident 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If they were more provident and less perverse, ma'am, what would they do? ─── 如果他们能精打细算而少倔强一点的话,夫人,他们会怎样做呢?

2、"Previously, many customers are reluctant to choose Provident Fund loans, as compared trouble procedures. ─── “以前,很多客户都不愿意选择公积金贷款,因为手续比较麻烦。

3、Second, the level of protection uneven, the gap larger. Third, many parts of the housing provident fund management center unwilling to the value of the fund for the construction of low cost. ─── 三是不少地方的住房公积金管理中心不愿意把公积金增值收益用于廉租房建设。

4、Use this option if you are paying by personal cheque or if you wish Friends Provident International Limited to collect the premium from your bank on your behalf. ─── 如以個人支票支付保費或希望由英國友誠國際有限公司代您向銀行收取保費,請選擇此付款方法。

5、Careful in regard to one's own interests;provident. ─── 在自己的利益方面小心仔细的;节俭的

6、Completed the project,spot check in the contract,If not in the light of provid medicines gived.We assume the consequence. ─── 四、工程完工,在本合同工程范围内随意抽查,如防蚁药剂没按规定的配比进行施药,我公司承担由此引起的所有后果。

7、Early and provident fear is the mother of safety. ─── 及早和有预见性的恐惧,是安全之母。

8、Provid for the worst, the best will save itself heywood. ─── 为最坏的情况作准备,那么最好的情况就会来临了。

9、"Opinion" , the organizations throughout the region should be timely annual housing provident fund deposit base adjustments. ─── 《意见》中规定,各地应每年及时组织进行本地区住房公积金缴存基数的调整工作。

10、The insurance industry has been a key provider of provident fund and retirement scheme services in Hong Kong. ─── 保险界一向是香港公积金和退休计划服务的主要提供幫。

11、MRI provid es direct proofs in the diagnosis of CFE therefore can be the routine approach. ─── MRI可为CFE的诊断提供直接的证据 ,应作为诊断CFE的常规手段

12、After that,a method was explored for expanding the single mode radiation bandwidth of LCX with zigzag slots,provid. ─── 之后,探讨了一种扩展八字开槽泄漏同轴电缆带宽的方法,为泄漏同轴电缆用于超宽带通信提供了一种可实践的途径。

13、Fifth, the establishment of housing and real estate development enterprise cooperation provident fund personal loans pattern. ─── 五是建立与房地产开发企业合作发放住房公积金个人贷款的模式。

14、Jiang also said the government would use part of a pool of a 2 trillion yuan housing provident fund to build more affordable homes. ─── 姜表示,政府将从2万亿元全国住房公积金缴纳额中拿出一部分,支持经济适用房的建设。

15、He is provident of his money. ─── 他用钱很节省。

16、In 1998, Dr Lee was appointed by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government to coordinate the formation of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority. ─── 1998年,李博士获香港特别行政区政府委以重任,负责协调强制性公积金计划管理局的成立工作。

17、The chairman of a housing provident fund management committee shall be held by a person with high social prestige. ─── 住房公积金管理委员会主任应当由具有社会公信力的人士担任。

18、Over 95% washed white sticky goose down filling . bigger clusters composed , more fluffy and soft Hundreds of tiny , soft filaments radiating from a tiny central core Trap more air and provid more insulation . ─── 内填充物采用95%以上水洗白鹅吊绒,绒朵更大,牵挂成串,更蓬松,更柔软,并且大量绒毛紧密接触形成绝佳的保温性能。

19、Personal loans regardless of the manner in which a house (provident fund loans or business loans) acts always with the ultimate guarantor developers inextricable relationship. ─── 个人贷款买房不管以何种方式出现(公积金贷款或商业贷款)其最终的行为总是与担保人开发商有着千丝万缕的关系。

20、One-year loan has been paid Provident Fund is still in the original interest rate. ─── 一年期已发放公积金贷款仍执行原利率。

21、Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Advisory Board ─── 强制性公积金计划咨询委员会

22、But the business must directly provid provide a service to students. ─── 但是所做生意的内容必须是服务学生的。

23、administer the information system of housing provident fund. ─── 管理住房公积金信息系统。

24、transferability of provident fund ─── 公积金的可转移性

25、To further promote the commodification of housing, socialization process, the main target of future housing provident fund payment to the Housing Development Corporation to ordinary residents. ─── 为进一步推动住房商品化、社会化的进程,今后住房公积金发放的主要对象要由住房开发公司转向普通居民。

26、Lanzhou City non-public enterprise workers no housing provident funds from next year will change. ─── 兰州市非公有制企业职工没有住房公积金的情况将会从明年起发生改变。

27、The other mainstay is the Central Provident Fund. ─── 另一重点就是中央公积金。

28、Insurance stocks also rose, the United Kingdom Aviva rose 12.25%, Standard Life, Friends Provident, Prudential and the British insurance company etc. it was between 1.03% -5.07% increase. ─── 保险股也随之走高,英国英杰华大涨12.25%,标准人寿、友诚、保诚和法通等英国著名保险公司也获得了1.03%-5.07%之间的涨幅。

29、Developers with the attitude of the provident fund loans or business loans. ─── 开发商对待公积金贷款或商业贷款的态度。

30、The company provides Housing Provident Funds, settles for those staffs who have conditions to settle, so as to solve their concerns. ─── 公司为职工交纳住房公积金,为符合落户条件的职工办理落户手续,解决职工后顾之忧。

31、A provident father plans for his children's education. ─── 为孩子的教育做出计划的有远见的父亲。

32、IPF and Provident loan out smaller sums of money (the equivalent of a few hundred dollars, typically) at shorter durations and higher rates. ─── 远景金融和国际个人金融(IPF)所提供的贷款,往往数额较小(放贷金额通常相当于几百美元),还贷时间较短,利率较高。

33、Housing mortgage was (i) concentrated in a handful major cities and areas where housing prices rose strongly; (ii) accompanied by a rapid growth in housing provident funds, and (iii) with a low ratio of non?performing loans (NPL). ─── 个人购房贷款呈现以下特征:一是集中于少数重点城市和热点地区;二是个人住房公积金贷款快速增长;三是个人购房贷款的不良率较低。

34、Careful in regard to one's own interests; provident. ─── 在自己的利益方面小心仔细的;节俭的

35、They are provident statesmen. ─── 他们是有远见的政治家。

36、Mandatory Provident Fund Industry Schemes Committee ─── 强制性公积金行业计划委员会

37、PACS manage medical image.It provid clinicians and diagnosticd doctors with medical images to process and display.In the Hospital application, it require to conform with HIS. ─── PACS管理医学影像并向诊断和临床医师提供医学图像处理和显示功能,在医院的应用中必然要求与HIS融合。

38、Housing provident fund management center is a non-profit independent institution, not link it to any department or unit, nor investment, the company or setting up various economic entities. ─── 住房公积金管理中心是非营利性的独立的事业单位,不得挂靠任何部门和单位,也不得投资、参股或者兴办各类经济实体。

39、The scientific experiments can provid a nem path for utilizating of pyrite cinder. ─── 为硫铁矿烧渣的综合应用开辟了新的途径。

40、As essential part of Chinese housing system, the system of housing provident fund arouses concerns of all walks of life. ─── 住房公积金制度作为我国住房体系中的重要组成部分受到了大量的关注。

41、Mandatory Provident Fund Authority ─── 强制性公积金管理局

42、This paper summarized present status of safety of cereal foods, the food chain, the system of international criterion to provid reference for our country cereal processing. ─── 因为,文章着重针对当前我国粮食食品安全现状,食品链的建立及国际上常用的可追溯体系进行探讨,以期为我国粮食产品质量安全带来信息保证。

43、The book being translated is provid 5a8 ed for in your contract. ─── 在你们的合同中已确定要翻译这本书。

44、The second is in the hall to the provident fund management - and the borrower issuing questionnaires. ─── 二是在各管理处大厅向公积金经办人和借款人发放问卷。

45、Good harvests make men prodigal, Bad ones provident. ─── 丰年挥霍浪费,歉年勤俭节约。

46、Former regional housing fund management center management of the provident fund part of the newly formed District Yinchuan housing provident fund management centres sub-centres under management. ─── 原自治区住房资金管理中心管理的公积金部分交由新成立的银川住房公积金管理中心区直分中心管理。

47、Where is the housing accumulation fund management centres discounting conditions borrowers can apply for loans to commercial loans and provident fund interest loans to poor obtain. ─── 凡符合住房公积金管理中心贴息条件的借款人,都可以申请将商业贷款与公积金贷款的利息差以贴息方式取得。

48、The experiments show that the ANN systems are of high precision.It also provid es a new study and analysis method for the study of vibration drilling. ─── 实验表明,ANN优化精度较高,为振动钻削研究提供了新的分析方法与途径。

49、They provid a very convient check way for us! ─── 她们提供一个很方便的订购方式!

50、Now, in passing through this room, Andrea proved himself not only to be clever and intelligent, but also provident, for he helped himself to the most valuable of the ornaments before him. ─── 在经过这个房间的时候,安德烈不但证明他自己机智聪明,而且也证明了他的深谋远虑,因为他不客气地偷了一些最贵重的首饰。

51、In his usual provident manner, he had insured himself against this type of loss. ─── 他办事一贯深谋远虑,早给自己保了这类损失险。

52、New product review with related department at its development stage, to provid necessary suggestions to simplify production process and perfect quality control process at supplier end. ─── 与相关部门一起对新產品设计进行评估,提出意见,简化供应商的生產过程,并协助供应商完善其品控过程。

53、By H. Trescas subdued condition and Lagrange Multiplier,an optium design method for these thick-walled cylindrical pressure vessels is obtained. We also provid a group of practical fosmulae for design and manufacture departments. ─── Tresca屈服条件及Lagrange乘数法,对这类厚壁容器的优化设计方法进行了探讨,导出了一系列实用的计算公式,供设计及制造部门参考。

54、However, the reporter also learned that the public if it is to enjoy the new housing provident fund policy, the maximum loan for 20 million provident fund will have a certain amount of conditionality. ─── 不过,记者同时了解到,市民如果要享受新的住房公积金政策,贷满最高20万元的公积金额度会有一定条件限制。

55、provident fund operation company ─── 公积金经营公司

56、Kramer is a general partner of the hedge fund Boston Provident, LP. ─── 克雷默是对冲基金Boston Provident LP公司的一般合伙人。

57、Chonju housing provident fund established network management system. ─── 建立全州住房公积金联网管理体系。

58、Other large and medium cities in the provident fund some 20 million loan amount, some cities reached more than 30 million maximum. ─── 其他一些大中城市的公积金贷款额度有的在20万元左右,某些城市最高可达到30多万元。

59、And the SLA is introduced into the IP network. IP service providers begin to provid service with SLA. ─── 因此IP网络引入了电信界SLA的概念,IP网络服务提供商开始向用户提供SLA服务。

60、All housing provident fund coverage and increased accumulation capacity. ─── 各地住房公积金覆盖面扩大,提高了归集量。

61、Plastic embedded biopsy sections provid additional information about aspiration smears in the diagnosis of CNL. ─── 在CNL的诊断中,塑胶包埋切片对抽吸涂片有补充的作用。

62、This position is for Tenneco China Engineering Center which is located at Jiading Anting with shuttle bus provid...... ... ─── 公司名称:天纳克汽车工业(上海)有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-5-19

63、CSPF Scheme [Civil Service Provident Fund Scheme] ─── 公务员公积金计划

64、Office construction is done with, supervisory, financial and auditing departments of all oil, coal, and railroads housing provident fund management center field studies conducted, to hear their views. ─── 建设厅同编办、监察、财政、审计等部门对所有石油、煤炭、铁路等行业管理的住房公积金中心实地进行了调研,听取意见。

65、Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Appeal Board ─── 强制性公积金计划上诉委员会

66、Regulated housing units subsidized housing provident fund and the issuance to handling, and are not allowed to randomly stop or reduce. ─── 各企事业单位归集住房公积金和发放住房补贴,要依法办理,不得随意停止或减少。

67、They would also provid stockbroker services for the public. ─── 他们还会为大众提供股票经理人服务。

68、He graduated from computer science in 1996 a design institute backward Beijing, the monthly salary, wages, provident fund, a column should be so after deducting dozens yuan. ─── 学计算机的他1996年毕业后进了北京的一所设计院,每月发工资,工资条上的公积金一栏里都要扣掉几十元钱。

69、This article analysis the usage about double mainfrmes and display of monitor d evice on type8K elec-tric lo como tive and some existing problems ,and provid es the scheme to settle the hid den trou bles. ─── 分析了8K型机车监控装置双主机和显示器的使用及存在的一些问题,并针对这些问题可能造成的隐患提出了解决的方案。

70、In order to give a general standard of certificate, IPA developed a large of products and provid many kind of service. ─── 以美国华盛顿大学及其他国际行业协会共同协作组成,目的是通过学术交流和行业经验交流制定国际化的标准和惯例。

71、This paper can provid valuable data for work in soil improvement in planting blueberry. ─── 为我国蓝莓栽培中的土壤改良工作提供参考。

72、In the past decade, though housing provident fund system contribute a lot, it still remain some problems such as inadequate justice of the current system. ─── 十多年来,住房公积金制度为我国住房改革做出了颇多贡献,但也存在不足,主要是该制度的设计对社会保障责任引起的公平性问题未给予足够重视。

73、The fully funded principle, which is one of the key aspects of the Central Provident Fund, implies that welfare state expenditures in Singapore are marginal in comparison to traditional, Western welfare states. ─── 中央福利基金在为人民提供福利时是以完全补助为原则,相较于传统的西方福利国,新加坡的福利支出占总支出的比例很少。

74、Borrowers may make deposits at the housing provident fund operation centers nearest to their homes, and their monthly payment will be 10-24% of their incomes. ─── 借款人可以在其家附近的住房公积金管理中心缴纳首付款,此后,其每月工资收入的10-24%将用来按期偿还款额。

75、Thus, the housing provident fund system reform routing become an issue that deserves examination. ─── 于是,住房公积金制度改革的路径选择成为了一个值得研究的问题。

76、Provident Fund has been repaid, after vetting lenders may apply for the second Provident Fund loans. ─── 已还清公积金贷款者在经过审核后可申请二次公积金贷款。

77、Studys on chemical constituents of Portulaca oleraceae have been reviewed, which would provid the basis for further exploition of this plant and quality control of related products. ─── 对马齿苋的化学成分研究进行综述,将为马齿苋药材、提取物、保健品及药品的进一步开发及其质量控制的研究提供参考依据。

78、IFAST Financial is a Central Provident Fund Investment Scheme (CPFIS)-registered Investment Administrator (IA). ─── iFAST Financial是公积金投资计划注册投资管理人(IA)。

79、If they were more provident and less perverse, ma'ma, what would they do? ─── 如果他们能精打细算而少倔强一点的话,夫人,他们会怎样做呢?

80、Guangdong why freelances housing provident fund being done? ─── 广东为何对自由职业者的住房公积金问题暂不做规定?

81、Okay. Miss McDonald, do you think group medical insurance and provident fund are necessary in a medium-sized business? ─── 麦克唐纳小姐,你认为中型公司有需要设立团体医疗保险及公积金吗?

82、She has been provident since she was young, so she is thrifty in shopping. ─── 她从小节省惯了,买东西的时候很节俭。

83、Cage guiding, is a very durable design that provid exceptional wear life. ─── 导笼式是一种抗磨损的耐用型设计。

84、If the establishment of a provident fund security funds, housing provident funds and pension insurance funds together, that is two boxes of money together. ─── 如果设立公积金保障基金,住房公积金与养老保险基金合而为一,也就是把两个箱子里的钱放在一起。

85、They are also protected by the Employees' Compensation Ordinance, Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance, etc. ─── 他们亦受雇员补偿条例、强制性公积金计划条例等所保障。

86、Hospital Authority Provident Fund Scheme ─── 医院管理局公积金计划

87、Housing provident fund individual housing loan business to the massive development of its loans species requires constant innovation to meet the diverse needs of society. ─── 住房公积金个人住房贷款业务要有大规模发展,需要不断创新其贷款品种,以满足多元化的社会需求。

88、In addition, the housing provident fund roncador no annual fee and small account management fees. ─── 另外,住房公积金龙卡也不收取年费和小额帐户管理费。

89、provident fund investment management company ─── 公积金投资管理公司

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