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09-07 投稿



fossilize 发音

英:[ˈfɑːsəlaɪz]  美:[ˈfɒsəlaɪz]

英:  美:

fossilize 中文意思翻译




fossilize 网络释义

vt. 使成化石;使陈腐vi. 变成化石;变陈腐;使过时或固定不变;搜集(或发掘)化石标本

fossilize 词性/词形变化,fossilize变形


fossilize 短语词组

1、fossilize eso ─── 使eso僵化

2、fossilize mean ─── 石化平均值

3、fossilize in a sentence ─── 使句子僵化

4、fossilize antonyms ─── 使反义词僵化

5、fossilize veins ─── 使静脉石化

6、fossilize definition ─── 僵化定义

fossilize 相似词语短语

1、to fossilize ─── 石化

2、fossilized ─── adj.石化的;僵化的;老化的;v.石化(fossilize的过去式和过去分词)

3、fossilizes ─── vt.使成化石;使陈腐;vi.变成化石;变陈腐;使过时或固定不变;搜集(或发掘)化石标本

4、fossilised ─── v.(使)变成化石;变成化石;(使人或物)僵化(fossilise的过去实际过去分词,fossilise等于fossilize)

5、fossilises ─── v.(使)成为化石;变成化石;(使)(人或物)僵化(等于fossilize)

6、unfossilized ─── 未骨化

7、fossillike ─── 化石

8、fossilise ─── v.(使)成为化石;变成化石;(使)(人或物)僵化(等于fossilize)

9、fossilizable ─── 石化的

fossilize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Although the fossil record is incomplete, it still gives us a broad brush outline of what happened. ─── 尽管化石记录不很完全,但仍然给我们一幅关于到底发生了什么事情的大体轮廓。

2、We are also looking at the potential for developing waste-to-energy incineration so as to reduce our reliance on fossil fuel. ─── 我们也会深入探讨可否使用废物焚化发电,从而减少依赖矿物燃料。

3、If the flow of fossil fuels to the United States were ever cut off, the economy would come to a halt. ─── 假如有朝一日,向美国输送石油的渠道被切断,整个国家的国民经济将陷入停滞。

4、If we squander our fossil fuels, we threaten civilization. ─── 如果我们浪费矿物燃料,我们就威胁文明。

5、As such, Carpolestes provides the first fossil evidence that primates acquired their distinctive traits piecemeal. ─── 因此,盗果兽提供了第一个化石证据,证明灵长类动物系逐步发展出牠们独有的特性。

6、There are four widely different living groups: the cycads, ginkgo, conifers, gnetophytes, and several fossil groups. ─── 分为四个不同的类群:苏铁类、银杏类、松柏类、买麻藤类植物以及一些化石类群。

7、Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas have always been available, but they re becoming harder to find. ─── 一直以来,煤、石油和天然气等化石燃料都是可供使用的资源,然而,现在已较难发现新的化石燃料蕴藏。

8、Undertake to TV wall alone design and decorate, if use grain,coarse article fossil is enchased. ─── 对电视墙进行单独的设计与装修,如采用纹理粗糙的文化石镶嵌。

9、It resembled sedimentary rock with the occasional fossil of a long-lost feature or inadvertent vulnerability. ─── 它看起来就像是沉积岩,夹杂着灭绝生物的化石和不为人所知的弱点。

10、The study of the fossil will be published next month in the magazine SCIENCE. ─── 关于该化石的研究成果,将刊登在下个月的《科学》杂志上。

11、The epochal invention as great as the fossil?!?! ─── 和化石有著相同地位的伟大发明?!?!

12、It book millions of years for fossil fuels to be formed from plants . ─── 从植物燃料变成矿物燃料经过了几百万年。

13、They seem to want to fossilize the environment in which people live and work. ─── 他们看样子想把人们工作和生活环境陈腐化。

14、The tissue and cartilage of a nose are too soft to fossilize. ─── 鼻部的组织和软骨结构太软,无法形成化石。

15、Fossil records from two million years ago show evidence of jaguars. ─── 两百万年前,古老的记录中已有美洲豹的记录。

16、Oil and gas found near the earth's surface are often described as fossil fuels. ─── 在地表附近获取的油气资源通常被称为化石燃料。

17、The fact that the bee fossil also has some wasp traits suggests an evolutionary link between wasps and bees. ─── 事实上这个蜜蜂化石有一些黄蜂的特征,提示黄蜂和蜜蜂在进化上的联系。

18、Nuo is an ancient culture form which is titled as "fossil of Chinese drama". ─── 傩是一种古老的传统文化,被称为“戏剧的古化石”,最早关注傩文化的是戏剧学家。

19、And in places like India and China, where the fossil record is scanty, the genetic history will be the only history. ─── 像印度和中国这些地方,就缺少化石证据,遗传史将是惟一的历史。

20、A microscopic fossil, as of a pollen grain or unicellular organism. ─── 微体化石一种微小的化石,如花粉粒或单细胞有机体的化石

21、The search for fossil man then shifted to eastern Africa. ─── 对化石人的探索工作转移到了非洲东部。

22、Bryozoa was quite diversified in the Ordovician, but lacked fossil records in the Cambrian. ─── 古生物学资料表明 ,虽然苔藓动物的大多数类群在奥陶纪已经分化出来 ,但它在寒武纪却缺乏任何化石记录。

23、Fossil lagomorphs (Mammalia) from the Hetaoyuan Eocene of Xichuan, Henan. ─── Tong Y S(童永生),Lei Y Z(雷奕振),1987.

24、As a society, our reliance on burning fossil fuels to drive the kids down the street is disturbing. ─── 作为一个社会,我们依靠燃烧矿物燃料来驱动的孩子在街上是令人不安的。

25、The first reason is the loose rock? soil constitution and deformation of fossil landslide. ─── 分析表明,古滑体复活的首要原因是古滑体的变形破坏及其疏松物质组成为滑体复活创造了基础。

26、Reducing emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, which are produced by burning fossil fuels. ─── 减少排放矿物燃料燃烧产生的诸如二氧化碳等温室气体。

27、Although the fossil record is incomplete, it still gives us a broadbrush outline of what happened. ─── 尽管化石记录不很完全,但仍然给我们一幅关于到底发生了什么事情的大体轮廓。

28、Another example is the dawn red wood, metasequoia, which was described as a fossil in 1941. ─── 另外一个例子是黎明红木,水杉,在1941年的时候被称为活化石。

29、Several TSMS are operating under high pressure and temperature fossil power plant over 500MW. ─── 一些TSMS是在热电厂高于500MW高压及高温条件下使用的。

30、What do you call a fossil that doesn't ever want to work? ─── 你管永远不想工作的化石叫什么?答:懒骨头!

31、On a globle scale , 77% of energy is created from fossil fuels. ─── 在全球范围内,77%的能量产生自矿物燃料。

32、But so far the fossil record upholds other predictions of the team's model. ─── 不过,目前为止,化石证据支持该模型其他的推测结果。

33、For example, the fossil record shows elephants that found their way onto islands millions of years ago shrank rapidly. ─── 例如,化石记录显示,数百万年前开始到岛屿上生存的象群数量减少非常迅速。

34、The palaeontologist claimed that he had found a unique dinosaur fossil but it turned out to be a mare's nest. ─── 一位古生物学家声称,他已发现了一块罕见的恐龙化石,但结果根本不存在。

35、Clearer fossil finds may provide a definitive answer. ─── 如果能发现更清晰的化石,那么可能提供明确的答案。

36、It books millions of years for fossil fuels to be formed from plants . ─── 从植物变成矿物燃料经过了几百万年。

37、Professor Baboon is not an old fossil. ─── 巴布恩教授不是落伍的人。

38、Fossil seashells trace the evolution of various mollusks through millions of years. ─── 各种不同的软体动物,可以用化石海贝来追溯长达几百万年的演化史。

39、Exhibit dinosaur skeletons, fossil and the Jurassic Period. ─── 展示恐龙骨架、化石和侏罗纪时期。

40、The Burgess Shale fossil site, well known for its fossil remains of soft-bodied marine animals, is also found there. ─── 在这里的伯吉斯谢尔化石遗址里也有发现海洋软体动物的化石。

41、A finite list of choices; our finite fossil fuel reserves. ─── 为数有限的选择; 我们有限的矿物燃料贮量

42、Needs change while policies fossilize. ─── 政策僵化,需求就产生变化。

43、Power generated from wind, water and sunlight are commonly viewed as preferable to combustion of fossil fuel. ─── 利用风力,水力,太阳能产生的能量,要比燃烧石油优越得多.

44、They say part of the solution is to sharply cut use of fossil fuels. ─── 他们声称解决办法之一就是大量削减矿物燃料的使用量。

45、For fossil hunters it means paradise -- the richest dinosaur beds on the African continent. ─── 对于化石寻找者来说,这无疑正是理想之地--非洲大陆最盛产恐龙的地方。

46、No wonder I mistook it as a tree fossil. ─── 怪不得我以为它是古树的化石呢。

47、Scorpion Lives for 15 Months Without Food or Water Inside Plaster Mold of a Dinosaur Fossil. ─── 在恐龙化石的石膏模子中,没有食物和水,蝎子也能存活15个月。

48、Sulphur dioxide is formed primarily from combustion of sulphur containing fossil fuels. ─── 二氧化硫主要是由燃烧含硫的化石燃料产生。

49、There is a grave and unmistakable lack of intermediates in the fossil record. ─── 在化石记录中,中间环节有确凿而严重的缺失。

50、Paleontology the study of extinct organisms, including their fossil remains , and impressions left by them. ─── 古生物学:指对已经灭绝生物进行研究的学科,包括研究它们的化石残骸以及留下的痕迹。

51、Chinese late Homosapiens fossil, which was excavated in Upper cave in Zhoukoudian Beijing in 1933. ─── 中国的晚期智人(见智人)化石。1933年出土于北京市周口店的山顶洞。

52、Students found the impression of a leaf in a fossil. ─── 学生发现化石中一片叶子留下的痕迹。

53、Fossil Butte National Monument in Wyoming. ─── 化石地垛图片 Fossil Butte.

54、In the south area, there are mainly flysch and deep sea facies fossil, such as Graptolites in fossil feature. ─── 南区岩性为复理石建造,生物以深海相笔石为主。

55、The team found the fossil in a rock outcrop in North Attleboro, Massachusetts. ─── 化石发现的地点是马萨诸塞州阿特波罗北部一个露出地面的岩层。

56、A behavior pattern as complex as midwifery obviously does not fossilize, but pelvic bones do. ─── 助产是个复杂的行为模式,不会留下化石,但是骨盆会。

57、Too much ADB money is still chan-neled toward fossil fuel energy. ─── 亚银有太多经费投注在石化能源业。

58、Most fossil specimens are little more than carbon impressions although distinctive shapes are known. ─── 尽管清晰的形状已为人所知,但大多数化石标本只不过是炭质印痕。

59、ABSTRACT Non-marine dinoflagellate fossil of middle cretaceous is very rare in the world. ─── 中白垩世非海相沟鞭藻化石在世界上极为罕见。

60、The isotopic dating and fossil geochronometry are the basic methods of ophiolite geochronometry. ─── 同位素测年及化石年代学法是蛇绿岩年代学研究的基本方法。

61、On a global scale, 77% of energy is created from fossil fuels. ─── 在全球范围内,77% 的能量产生自矿物燃料。

62、Taiwan is short of fossil fuel, such as gasoline. ─── 台湾短缺化石燃料,比如像是石油.

63、They can be misidentified easily in the subsurface as fossil offshore bars. ─── 它们在地下深处最易于与石化了的滨外沙洲混淆起来。

64、If microbes could live and fossilize in such a difficult place, they might do the same in other hot spots, like now vanished hot springs on Mars. ─── 因为如果微生物能够在这样困难的环境下生存并演变成化石的话,那么它们也应该可以在像火星上消失的温泉那样酷热的环境中存活并演变成化石。

65、A shiny fossil "stone" called amber is in a beautiful box. ─── 一种名为琥珀的光彩夺目的化石在一个漂亮的盒子里。

66、To protect our environment we must decrease our reliance on fossil fuels. ─── 为了保护我们的环境,我们必须减少对化石燃料的依赖。

67、Academically, they are refered to as "live fossil". ─── 在学术方面有鱼类“活化石”之称。

68、Can you date the fossil exactly? ─── 你能确定这化石的确切年代吗?

69、Weaning our nation from fossil fuels should be understood as the most patriotic policy to which we can commit ourselves. ─── 使我们国家放弃使用矿物燃料,应该被视为我们能够制订的最爱国的政策。

70、Massive New Dinosaur Fossil Unearthed. ─── 中国发现最大似鸟恐龙化石。

71、Found a piece of fossil of an ancient bird. ─── 他发现一块古代鸟类的化石。

72、A fossil large enough to be examined without a microscope. ─── 巨体化石不用显微镜就能观察的大化石

73、Nigeria, the world largest producer of cassava, is keen to use its major crop as an alternative to fossil fuel. ─── 世界上最大的木薯生产国尼日利亚很热衷于将其主要的作物作为化石燃料的一种替代品。

74、Characteristic of or having the nature of a fossil. ─── 化石性的化石性的,有化石特性的

75、The solid matter in which a fossil or crystal is embedded. ─── 基质,脉石嵌有化石或水晶的固体物质

76、Most electricity still comes from fossil fuels, and so generates the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide. ─── 大部分电力仍来自于化石燃料,因而产生了温室气体二氧化碳.

77、Like living organisms, fossil plants and animals vary greatly in size and shape. ─── 像生命有机物一样,植物和动物化石在大小和形态上变化较大。

78、If nuclear power superseded fossil power, we would run out of uranium in 4 years. ─── 如果我们以核能取代所有化石能源,铀将在4年内耗尽。

79、Complex C thus appears to be a fossil from the ancient universe. ─── 因此,复合体C显然是古早宇宙所留下的化石。

80、The fossil (skull) of "Peking Man" (LPP) discovered in Zhoukoudian, Beijing. ─── 北京猿人头骨化石在周口店发现.

81、This dependency between fossil and living types is well illustrated when we deal with extinct groups. ─── 化石与现存类型之间的这种依赖关系在我们研究绝灭类群时是十分明显的。

82、A finite list of choices;our finite fossil fuel reserves. ─── 为数有限的选择;我们有限的矿物燃料贮量

83、As it is a pterosaur fossil found in Huanjiang, it is known as "Huanjiang pterosaur. ─── 因这具翼龙化石发现于环江,故取名为“环江翼龙”。

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