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dictatorship 发音

英:[dɪk'teɪtəʃɪp]  美:[dɪk'tetɚ'ʃɪp]

英:  美:

dictatorship 中文意思翻译



dictatorship 短语词组

1、dictatorship definition ─── 独裁定义

2、dictatorship of bourgeoisie ─── [法] 资产阶级专政

3、commissarial dictatorship ─── 政委专 ─── 政

4、target of dictatorship ─── [法] 专政对象

5、Facisit dictatorship ─── [法] 法西斯专政

6、exercise dictatorship over... ─── 对...实行专政

7、dictatorship apparntus ─── [法] 专政机关

8、dictatorship government ─── 独裁政府

9、functions of the dictatorship ─── [法] 专政功能

10、exercise dictatorship over ─── 对…实行专政

11、proletarian dictatorship ─── 无产阶级专政

12、non-dictatorship ─── 非独裁

13、yield to the dictatorship of ─── 屈服于…的独裁统治

14、dictatorship symbol ─── 独裁象征

15、dictatorship of proletariat ─── [法] 无产阶级专政

16、enforce dictatorship over ─── 对…实行专政

17、go under dictatorship ─── 遭受独裁统治

18、dictatorship manga ─── 独裁漫画

19、democratic dictatorship ─── [法] 民主专政

dictatorship 反义词

obey |submit

dictatorship 同义词

standard | verbalize | injunction | tenet | ordain | precept | instruct | command | prescription | order |rule | speak | advise | state | determine | say | demand | suggest | influence | decree | prescribe | charge | direct | principle | have a bearing on | lay down | recommend

dictatorship 词性/词形变化,dictatorship变形

副词: dictatorially |名词: dictatorialness |

dictatorship 相似词语短语

1、creatorship ─── n.创造者;创建者(creator的变形)

2、directorship ─── n.管理者的职位

3、cunctatorship ─── cUCtorship公司

4、spectatorship ─── 观看;观众;旁观者

5、directorships ─── 管理者的职位(directorship的复数)

6、dictatorships ─── n.专政;独裁权;独裁者职位

7、dictators ─── n.独裁者;命令者

8、curatorship ─── n.评议员的地位;管理者的职务

9、doctorship ─── n.博士学位

dictatorship 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If there is one thing the tinpot dictatorship hates, it is to be ignored. ─── 如果有一件事情令这位恶毒的独裁者憎恶,那就是无视。

2、The faces of the men and women showed that they had been held down by a dictatorship for long enough. ─── 从这些男人和女人的面部表情可以看出,他们已经在独裁统治下受到很长时间的压制了。

3、As an American of Chinese descent, I grew up hearing constant critiques of the terrible Communist dictatorship. ─── 作为一名美国华裔,在成长的过程中我不断听到人们批评糟糕的共产主义独裁状况。

4、They practice the dictatorship or totalitarianism of one class, the bourgeoisie, over the proletariat and the rest of the people. ─── 他们实行了资产阶级对无产阶级和其他人民的一个阶级的独裁制度,一个阶级的极权主义。

5、The race is now on to pull Iraq out of the scientific backwater it has become through two decades of war, UN sanctions and dictatorship. ─── 如今,让伊拉克脱离科学停滞状态的竞赛已经开始,持续二十年的战争、联合国的制裁和独裁造成了这种停滞。

6、They succeeded in overthrowing the fascist dictatorship. ─── 他们成功推翻了法西斯独裁统治。

7、Its first steps being taken in 1962, but the request was refused because of the EC's attitude to the dictatorship of Franco. ─── 1962年,西班牙初次提出入会申请,因西欧内部反佛朗哥独裁统治的政治因素而被拒绝。

8、We must stand up for the Four Cardinal Principles and especially the people's democratic dictatorship. ─── 四项基本原则必须讲,人民民主专政必须讲。

9、Military or imperial dictatorship; political authoritarianism. ─── 军国主义军队或帝王的独裁政权;政治上的专制主义

10、For some, it is an insurance against a return to dictatorship and autarky. ─── 对有些人来说,这保证了西班牙不会走回独裁统治和闭关自守的老路。

11、The people's democratic dictatorship needs the leadership of the working class. ─── 人民民主专政需要工人阶级的领导。

12、The second function of this dictatorship is to protect our country from subversion and possible aggression by external enemies. ─── 专政还有第二个作用,就是防御国家外部敌人的颠覆活动和可能的侵略。

13、transition from a dictatorship to a multi-party democracy is proving to be difficult. ─── 从专政国家到多党民主国家的转型证明是很艰难的。

14、Every country in the region was a military dictatorship. ─── 这个地区的每个国家都是军事独裁国。

15、Only when they truly fulfil it can we say that they have done their duty in helping to consolidate the dictatorship of the proletariat and to build socialism. ─── 只有很好地完成这个基本任务,才是为巩固无产阶级专政、建设社会主义真正尽了自己的责任。

16、The dictatorship of bureaucratic impotence fills in the lull before the battle, before the forces are openly matched. ─── 在各种力量公开较量之前,虚弱无力的官僚专政填充着战斗前的空白。

17、His protests were in vain.Whatever she said must be.He just had to submit to her benevolent dictatorship. ─── 他抗议无用,苏小姐说什么就要什么,他只好服从她善意的独裁。

18、She accuses the Russian leaders in domestic trend dictatorship despotic, even more has aggressiveness outward. ─── 她指责俄国领导人在国内走向独裁专制,对外越发具有侵略性。

19、Mr Koizumi's feat is to have let a Communist dictatorship wrest the high ground from a pacifist democracy. ─── 倒是小泉的言行让中国占了日本的上风。

20、A semi-feudal, semi-capitalist dictatorship of the masses of the people running dog lackeys will eat people swear to the great revolution in the end! ─── 一个半封建,半资本主义专政的人民群众的走狗的走狗,会吃人宣誓向伟大的革命到底!

21、Between 1927 and 1949, the Kuomintang headed by Chiang Kai-shek exercised one-party dictatorship and monopolized all state power. ─── 1927到1949年间,蒋介石领导的国民党实行一党专政,独揽大权。

22、Che Guevara was born in 1928 in Rosario, Argentina, in 1959 and now with Cuban leader Fidel Castro overthrew the Cuban dictatorship. ─── 切格瓦拉1928年出生于阿根廷罗萨里奥,1959年与现古巴领导人菲德尔卡斯特罗一起推翻了古巴的独裁政权。

23、KKE communist Party of Greece.The dictatorship the Resistance the Uprising and the Restoration of Democracy. ─── Music: 螝慰魏魏喂谓慰 蚂伪尾伪蚁慰 ("Red Banner") Almos all pictures are...

24、Only in Nicaragua would the Sandinista guerrillas be successful, against a dictatorship not unlike Batista's. ─── 只有尼加拉瓜的桑地诺解放阵线的革命是成功的,他们打击了一个与巴蒂斯塔不同的独裁统治。

25、They display the sheep's head of constitutional government while selling the dog-meat of one-party dictatorship. ─── 他们是在挂宪政的羊头,卖一党专政的狗肉。

26、The direct involvement of the U. S. saved the Philippines from a military dictatorship, but it did not spare them from authoritarianism. ─── 美国的直接干预虽然让菲律宾免受军事独裁的长期压制,但是维权政府还是难以避免。

27、One of these forces was dictatorship or despotism. ─── 其中有一个因素既是专制独裁制度。

28、Because this is regarded as the better form of proletarian dictatorship. ─── 因此被当作无产阶级专政的比较理想的形式。

29、What they really want is a one-party fascist dictatorship. ─── 他们实际上要的是法西斯主义的一党专政。

30、Democracy is practised within the ranks of the people and dictatorship over the enemy. This is the people's democratic dictatorship. ─── 对人民实行民主,对敌人实行专政,这就是人民民主专政。

31、The Chinese Government remains a dictatorship that is staunchly undemocratic, but is more responsive to its people than in the past. ─── 中国政府仍然是一个奉行不民主政策的独裁政府,但跟以前相比,更对人民负责。

32、If the capitalist road of bourgeois dictatorship is out of the question, then is it possible to take the socialist road of proletarian dictatorship? ─── 不走资产阶级专政的资本主义的路,是否就可以走无产阶级专政的社会主义的路呢?

33、But even though my life under Rumanian dictatorship was an unpleasant experience, looking at it now, it offered up many useful lessons to learn from. ─── 但是即便我在罗马尼亚专政下的生活是非常不愉快的经历,但是现在看来,它依然提供给我许多有益的课程来学习。

34、Alliance with the dictatorship he brutally established there seemed one of those embarrassing right-wing entanglements the cold war foisted on America. ─── 与蒋氏在台湾野蛮建立的独裁政权结盟似乎是冷战强加于美国的诸多令人尴尬的右翼势力主导的纠葛之一。

35、"Our government is a fascist dictatorship," a minister would remark to a foreign correspondent. ─── 一位部长可以对外国记者说:“我们的政府是一个法西斯独裁政权。”

36、DICTATORSHIP: You have two cows. The government takes both and drafts you. ─── 专政政体:你有两头母牛。政府征收你的牛,然后拉你去当兵。

37、As long as we persist in the people's democratic dictatorship and unite with our foreign friends, we shall always be victorious. ─── 只要我们坚持人民民主专政和团结国际友人,我们就会是永远胜利的。

38、To keep to the socialist road, we must uphold the dictatorship of the proletariat, which we call the people's democratic dictatorship. ─── 坚持社会主义就必须坚持无产阶级专政,我们叫人民民主专政。

39、What exists today is still the government of the Kuomintang one-party dictatorship. ─── 今天有的,还是国民党一党专政的政府。

40、People's democracy is inseparable from dictatorship over the enemy and from centralism based on democracy. ─── 人民的民主同对敌人的专政分不开,同民主基础上的集中也分不开。

41、By launching wars, he tried to divert the people's attention and reduce their discontent with him in order to consolidate his dictatorship. ─── 他想利用战争来分散百姓的注意力,减少人们对他的不满,巩固他的专政。

42、For the Chinese people do not want such a government and would not welcome a one-class dictatorship by the bourgeoisie. ─── 因为中国人民大家不要这种一个政府,而且不欢迎资产阶级一个阶级来专政。

43、The SS played a key role in this move to dictatorship. ─── 在他通向独裁道路上,党卫队扮演了关键的角色。

44、After years of dictatorship,Iraq will soon be liberated. ─── 在遭受多年的独裁统治之后,伊拉克即将获得解放。

45、Lenin's theory on the proletarian party and the dictatorship of the proletariat is by no means "outmoded", as alleged by certain people. ─── 列宁关于无产阶级政党和无产阶级专政的理论,决没有像有些人说的那样“已经过时”。

46、Anybody who dared to oppose the new dictatorship was cast out of his own country. ─── 任何敢于反对新专政的人都被驱逐出国。

47、In fact, two Zhangs had neither formed strong political force nor exercised dictatorship. ─── 其实,二张并没有形成强大的政治势力,更没有专政。

48、When did we ever say that the dictatorship of the proletariat was to be abolished? ─── 什么时候我们说过要取消无产阶级专政?

49、But, he said, "the transformation from dictatorship to civil society" is "a major task" likely to take many years. ─── 但是,他说,“从专制到民主社会的转变是主要的任务,有可能要花费许多年的时间。”

50、The regime he served was a squalid dictatorship that jailed those who challenged it and shot those who tried to escape. ─── 他为之效力的政权完全是肮脏的,独裁的。一切质疑的人都会被投入监狱,试图逃跑的人则会被枪毙。

51、The army is the major instrument of our proletarian dictatorship. ─── 军队是无产阶级专政的主要工具。

52、The people revolted against the military dictatorship. ─── 人民反抗军事独裁者的统治。

53、The fact of the matter is that socialism cannot be defended or built up without the dictatorship of the proletariat. ─── 事实上,没有无产阶级专政,我们就不可能保卫从而也不可能建设社会主义。

54、They can now establish outright dictatorship. ─── 他们现在可以建立起彻头彻尾的独裁制度了。

55、But in addition there must also exist in the world, on this account, “the dictatorship of workers and peasants” (for China, India, Spain). ─── 但是由于这个原因,此外世界上还必须存在“工人和农民的专政”(为适用于中国、印度、西班牙)。

56、"The truth is that we spent a lot of money after liberation to help the country get back on its feet, after years of dictatorship. ─── “事实是在获得解放后,结束了多年的国家独裁,我们也花费了很多资金来帮助国家重新站起来。

57、Madam, do you have any strong message for the dictatorship, military dictatorship in Burma as far as this democracy and this cyclone is concerned? ─── 夫人,您是否在缅甸有专政的任何丰富的信息,军事专政,就这民主和这旋风而言?

58、For the proletariat must rely on its broad allies to exercise dictatorship, it cannot do so all by itself. ─── 因为无产阶级专政要靠广大的同盟军,单是无产阶级一个阶级不行。

59、In 1979 the leftist Sandinista movement overthrew a corrupt dictatorship. ─── 1979年,左翼桑地诺解放阵线推翻了腐败的独裁政府。

60、"The truth is that we spent a lot of money after liberation to help the country get on its feet, after years of dictatorship, " he said. ─── 事实的真相是,我们在解放伊拉克之后花了很多钱以帮助该国在经过多年独裁统治之后重新站立起来。

61、His dictatorship was threatened by his opponents. ─── 他的独裁遭到反对派的威胁。

62、And where are China's bourgeois dictatorship and capitalist society? ─── 中国的资产阶级专政和资本主义社会又在何处呢?

63、Why is the principle of upholding the people's democratic dictatorship included in the Four Cardinal Principles? ─── 坚持四项基本原则中为什么要有一条坚持人民民主专政?

64、IF LIBERATING a nation from an egregious dictatorship had been the initial impulse behind the invasionof Iraq, it might have been a “just war”. ─── 如果将一个国家从一个极度独裁专政中解放出来是伊拉克战争的最初动力的话,它本应该是一场“正义的战争”。

65、Finally the people revolted against the military dictatorship. ─── 人民最终起来反抗军事独裁。

66、The people's democratic dictatorship has been consolidated. ─── 人民民主专政业已巩固。

67、Even if the Chinese Government is dictatorship, but the Chinese people are hospitable. ─── 中国政府即使是独裁的,但是中国人民是好客的。

68、Can we refrain from exercising the people's democratic dictatorship? ─── 人民民主专政能不用吗?

69、The overthrow of the Alawiyya Dynasty in 1952 did not produce a republic; it resulted in the dictatorship of Gamal Abdel Nasser. ─── 1952年推翻阿拉维亚王朝并没有产生一个共和国,而是导致了贾迈勒阿卜杜勒纳赛尔独裁专制。

70、The heart of his theories was the dictatorship of the proletariat. ─── 他的理论最实质的一条就是无产阶级专政。

71、The future of Iraq belongs to the Iraqi people. After years of dictatorship, Iraq will soon be liberated. ─── 伊拉克的未来属于伊拉克人民。在遭受多年的独裁统治之后,伊拉克即将获得解放。

72、In view of the fact that the Kuomintang government is a one-party dictatorship, your party can never escape this responsibility. ─── 在一党专政的国民党政府之下,国民党决不能逃避其责任。

73、It is still necessary to exercise dictatorship over all these anti-socialist elements,and socialist democracy is impossible without it. ─── 对于这一切反社会主义的分子仍然必须实行专政。不对他们专政,就不可能有社会主义民主。

74、The people cannot exercise dictatorship over themselves, nor must one section of the people oppress another. ─── 人民自己不能向自己专政,不能由一部分人民去压迫另一部分人民。

75、"The truth is that we spent a lot of money after liberation to help country get back on its feet, after years of dictatorship. ─── “事实上,我们在伊拉克解放后是花了很多钱,来帮助他们经历多年的专政之后重新站立起来。

76、Once this was the great democratic hope of Central Asia; the only one of the "Stans" that was not a pernicious dictatorship. ─── 吉尔吉斯斯坦曾经是中亚民主的希望,是唯一没有专制制度的“斯坦”国家。

77、In dictatorship, artists who wish to keep their pants must depict life in optimistic terms. ─── 在独裁制度下,艺术家们要想保持其地位就必须从乐观的方面去描写生活。

78、Founded during General Francisco Franco's dictatorship, ETA is becoming more anachronistic by the year. ─── 埃塔成立于弗朗西斯将军独裁统治期间。

79、The people's democratic dictatorship uses two methods. ─── “人民民主专政有两个方法。

80、His aim was to exercise economic dictatorship over the whole of Europe. ─── 他的目的是对整个欧洲实施经济独裁。

81、Dictatorship does not apply within the ranks of the people. ─── 专政的制度不适用于人民内部。

82、Finally the people revolted against the military dictatorship. ─── 人民最终起来反抗军事独裁。

83、X theory has set forth dyadic dictatorship administration style , Y theory has set forth democratic dyadic administration style then. ─── X理论阐述了独裁式的管理风格,Y理论则阐述了民主式的管理风格。

84、He said the problem was Beijing's totalitarianism, authoritarianism, and dictatorship. ─── 他说,问题所在是北京的极权、威权和独裁。

85、China's democracy is a democracy guaranteed by the people's democratic dictatorship. ─── 中国的民主是以人民民主专政为可靠保障的民主。

86、China does not participate in the international space station, due in part to American unease about allowing a communist dictatorship a place aboard. ─── 中国没有参与国际空间站,部分原因是因为美国对允许一个共产专政的国家加入感到不舒适。

87、However,the development of socialist democracy in no way means that we can dispense with the proletarian dictatorship over forces hostile to socialism. ─── 但是发展社会主义民主,决不是可以不要对敌视社会主义的势力实行无产阶级专政。

88、The people's army is a staunch pillar of the people's democratic dictatorship. ─── 人民军队是人民民主专政的坚强柱石。

89、He says millions of people are dying of starvation and suffering under dictatorship in the North. ─── 他说:"在北韩的独裁统治下,千百万民众在饥荒和迫害当中丧失了生命。

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