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09-03 投稿



faux 发音


英:  美:

faux 中文意思翻译



faux 网络释义

adj. 人造的;(法)假的n. (Faux)人名;(英)福克斯;(法)福

faux 词性/词形变化,faux变形

形容词: fauvist |

faux 短语词组

1、faux fur throw ─── 人造毛皮投掷

2、faux fur lined ─── 人造毛皮衬里

3、faux suede ─── 麂皮绒;仿皮绒

4、faux fur bag ─── 人造毛皮包

5、grouting faux stone ─── 灌浆人造石

6、faux fur trim ─── 假毛发修剪

7、faux fur lining ─── 人造毛皮衬里

8、faux pas n. ─── 失礼, ─── 失言

9、faux leather jacket ─── 人造皮夹克

10、faux fur coat ─── 人造毛皮大衣

11、susan faux ─── 苏珊错了

12、faux fur fabric ─── 人造毛皮面料

13、chanter faux ─── 唱错了

14、faux fur upper ─── 人造毛皮鞋面

15、Faux Namti Bridge ─── 假南蒂桥

16、faux leather ─── 人造革仿皮

17、faux fur ─── 人造毛皮

faux 相似词语短语

1、fax ─── n.传真机;传真信件;传真;v.传真(信件或文档);用传真与(某人)联系;n.(Fax)(瑞、美、巴、德)法克斯(人名)

2、faix ─── n.(Faix)人名;(法)费

3、faut ─── 必须

4、faur ─── n.(Faur)(罗马尼亚)福尔(人名)

5、forex ─── n.外汇;外汇交易市场

6、aux ─── abbr.辅助设备的逻辑设备名

7、eaux ─── n.水溶液(尤指香水)(eau的复数)

8、faun ─── n.(古罗马传说中)半人半羊的农牧神

9、falx ─── n.镰;镰形内突

faux 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When a friend of yours makes a serious faux pas, he tries to make amends later and undo what damage can be undone. ─── 当你的一个朋友严重失礼时,他会试图以后弥补,挽回可以挽回的损失。

2、Starting a new job is as exciting as it is challenging. By being perceptive, engaged,willing to learn, you can make a great impressionsidestep these hard-to-recover-from faux pas. ─── 开始新工作即令人兴奋又是一个挑战。通过敏锐的观察、勤快工作、乐于学习,你就能给别人留下一个很好的印象,从而避开这些难以弥补的错误。

3、The Americans I met were very welcoming and helpful and I found they were patient with me when I made a social faux pas when I used an inappropriate word or phrase. ─── 因为我所碰到的美国人都十分热心且乐于助人;当我不恰当地使用了某个单词或短语而失礼时,他们总是耐心帮我。

4、Vous avez fait un faux numero . ─── 您打错了。

5、Walk right in. Sit right down. Cast an eye on the faux marble vamity, the brass fixtures, the tastefully appointed artwork. ─── 径直走入,舒舒服服地坐下,你便会看到那人造大理石的梳妆台,黄铜的支架,甚至还有一些颇有品位的艺术品。

6、She puts her hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle, sticks her tongue out sideways in embarrassment over a faux pas. ─── 她捂住嘴不让自己笑出声来,对自己失足而尴尬地吐吐舌头。

7、faux pas detection and understanding ─── 失言探测与理解

8、In my mind, it had become like the view of Emerald City just before Dorothy and the gang run through the poppies: a faux backdrop. ─── 在我印象中,它曾经如同一座翡翠城,但后来桃乐西一伙就给这里带来了一些人为的背景色彩。

9、Dislikes: Liars, whores, cheaters, bad manners, bad hygiene, fashion faux pas, The Upper West Side, flying coach ─── 不喜欢:撒谎的人、荡妇、骗子、无礼节、不讲卫生、穿着不合时宜、上西区、坐经济舱。

10、Another communication faux pas is transferring a customer from one telephone extension to another. ─── 另一个沟通失礼是把顾客从一个电话传到另一个电话。

11、A. Are you looking for a real fur or faux fur jacket? ─── 你要买真的还是假的皮草外套?)

12、What are the worse fashion faux pas in your career? ─── 在过去的工作中最差的造型是什么?

13、I made a faux call to him. ─── 刚刚我给他打了电话,在他接之前就挂了。

14、Genuineness in media and form in architecture and home interior design is using real material for finishes rather than faux. ─── 在建筑和家庭室内设计中,方法和形式的真谛就是利用真实材料完成而非人造。

15、Although I am not brave enough to get a mohawk, I would be willing to try out a faux hawk. ─── 尽管我没有勇气剃光两边只留中间,但我愿意试试“小贝”头。

16、Operation from faux or false lighthouses, lights on poles etc. is discouraged as they are not within the spirit of the event. ─── 从虚假或仿冒的灯塔、极光等进行的操作,是不被支持的,因为这违背了这一活动的精神。

17、Appearing in a simple purple and white colourway, the side panels feature patent leather faux- croc skin for a nice tonal effect. ─── 出现在一个简单的紫色和白色配色,侧面的鞋面专用人造皮革,鳄鱼皮的一个不错的效果。

18、Gallery Camel Faux Rabbit Fur Coat ─── 女士兔毛大衣

19、As footage of an Apollo launch plays back in real time and from all angles, the faux windows at the back of the theater glow from the fire, their louvers rattling. ─── 当阿波罗太空船升空的影片以连续镜头从各种角度同时播放,剧院后方的假窗映出火焰中的光芒,百叶窗被震得晃动;

20、They are layering their creations with the aspirational grandeur of faux stone turrets, Mediterranean tiles and entryways framed by soaring plastic columns. ─── 他们的创造力似乎只体验在哗众取宠的仿石构造塔楼,地中海式装饰瓷片,高耸的塑料门柱。

21、Their gee - whiz, faux - naif comportment is not always convincing(Madison Bell) ─── 他们耸人听闻的,假纯朴的表现并不总是有说服力的(麦迪逊 贝尔)

22、diplomatic faux pas ─── 外交失误

23、Its casing can be customized but other than that the phone is devoid of unnecessary features with the exception of a faux antenna which is just for retro nostalgia. ─── 可是在这个领域中几乎没有一款像样的产品。这款话机造型非常简洁,线条流畅。并且具备蓝芽,无线连接以及触屏等功能。

24、The salesman committed a major faux pas by criticizing his competitor's products. ─── 业务员批评竞争对手产品的言行失当。

25、Nevertheless, developers are confident the faux foreign neighbourhoods will soon win the hearts of the city's newly affluent. ─── 尽管如此,开发商仍然相信,这些仿西式小区将很快赢得上海新富们的青睐。

26、Must include matching faux fur changing pad. ─── 必须包含匹配的人造毛皮替换板。

27、Use the plate stand on your dining table in a similar manner to hold candles, or stack a couple with real or faux, sugared fruits. ─── 也可以将托盘放在餐桌上,并罗列上真的漂亮的水果。

28、They're faux fun, and they lead straight to misery. ─── 它们是冒牌货,而且直接导致出悲伤。

29、These are the shag carpets, sparkly popcorn ceilings, and faux wood paneling of the web design world. ─── 想来想去,我简单的翻成:那时的网站设计观念里流行的东西现在都成为了过去式。

30、Are you looking for a real fur or faux fur jacket ? ─── 您要买真的还是假的皮草外套?

31、Iran's ruling mullahs were always ruthless.But they disguised it a bit with faux elections. ─── 伊朗的执政者毛拉们一向很残酷.但是他们试图用人造选举去掩饰。

32、Ubiquitous photos of decolletage-revealing celebrities and models photographed on red carpets and runways do their part to encourage faux pas. ─── 他亲眼目睹了一位受人尊敬的同事在最近的一次商务晚宴上是如何颠覆了众人印象的。

33、"The goal of the Fine Faux Foie Gras Challenge is to give fine diners a compassionate alternative to eating the diseased liver of a tormented bird," says PETA Asia-Pacific's Su Zhongxi. ─── “最佳仿制鹅肝竞赛的目的在于给食客一个更为人道的选择,而不再食用曾饱受痛苦折磨的禽类病态肝脏,”善待动物组织的苏仲曦说。

34、The lid is a crumbling pig’s head, shaped out of faux brass.Inside is a litre of thin, urinous liquid. ─── 他喜欢扮演疯狂而有个性的角色,几乎从来不扮演那些没有自己特色的角色。

35、they feared some undetected trace of poison; she looked around to be sure her faux pas was undetected. ─── 他们担心一些未被识破的投毒痕迹;她看了看四周以确定她失礼的舞步未被发现。

36、Their gee - whiz,faux - naif comportment is not always convincing(Madison Bell) ─── 他们耸人听闻的,假纯朴的表现并不总是有说服力的(麦迪逊·贝尔)

37、Throwing up on the dessert might be regarded as a faux pas. ─── 否则可能会被视作失礼之举。

38、This hair and make-up artist's business card has faux hair. ─── 发型设计师的名片,名片的风格也可以很多变。

39、So, PETA has a solution: Let top chefs vie to create the best faux foie gras in the world and offer a prize and naming rights to the winner. ─── 因此,善待动物组织想出一个办法:让全球顶尖的主厨竞相创造最佳仿制鹅肝(肥鸭肝或肥鹅肝),获胜者将获得奖金和命名权。

40、I'll meet someone new and not say anything to them because I think it's a huge faux pas to ask them something uninspired, like where they work. ─── 我会新认识一些人,却不打算和他们说点什么。因为我认为,如果我说了什么让他们觉得毫无触动的东西,就是巨大的失礼,例如,询问他们在哪里工作。

41、As one guidebook put it: "Woe betide the mere mortals, with their few extra kilos, who commit the social faux pas of heading to one of the top beaches hoping to relax with a book. ─── 就像一本旅行指南上说的:“那些有权有势的人们,带着身上多余的脂肪,来到这个全球数一数二的海滩,妄图捧着书度过悠闲时光,殊不知,灾难已经降临到他们的头上。”

42、faux naïf ─── 伪装纯朴的,装作天真的

43、Another faux pas many unemployed job hunters make: Sending introductory notes that overextend gratitude, says Ms.Shapiro. ─── 夏皮罗说,许多失业者在求职时常犯就是在求职信开头说一些谦恭过头的话。

44、His accent was so faux. ─── 他的口音听上去很假。

45、Soft lined crochet straps keep your feet secured to a fully padded faux suede footbed detailed with intricate floral embroidery. ─── 以钩针编织出柔软的人字鞋带,加上鞋底用人造的仿麂皮织物和复杂精细的绣花,这样令人著迷的编织做法不经让人想多看一眼;

46、Murren is backed up by corporate etiquette consultant Ann Marie Sabath, who says simply, 'Frontal hugs: faux pas. ─── 她说,虽然有些人并不介意不至过份亲密的拍拍肩膀的动作,但是 “正面拥抱肯定是失礼之举。”

47、What is the greatest fashion faux pas? ─── 在时尚界,最丢脸的事是什么?

48、When the women ride through the streets in this making-up, one looks just like another, I fear I have made many faux pas by not recognising friends on such occasions. ─── 当妇女们这般穿戴着穿过街道时,这个那个怎么也分不清,恐怕我也就少不了把熟悉的朋友当作路人,那就失礼了哩。

49、We want to buy Women Wear, Finished Leather, Womenswear, Coats, Furs, Leather, Sheepskin, Faux Fur, Leather Women Wear ─── 我们要采购女装,完成的皮革,外套,毛皮,皮革,羊皮,毛皮,皮具

50、Iran's ruling mullahs were always ruthless. But they disguised it a bit with faux elections. ─── 伊朗的执政者毛拉们一向很残酷.但是他们试图用人造选举去掩饰。

51、I have to think about it quite hard before I find its faux homespun style annoying. ─── 我也是颇费了一番功夫,才觉得这个故作朴素的词面目可憎。

52、When I was in the grocery store I heard my friend moan ,"Oh, did I just make a faux pas!" I stoppe thumping melons and give her my full attention . ─── 在杂货店里我听见我的朋友嘟哝着说:“唉,我刚才犯了个失言的错喽!”我不再拍打甜瓜,认真地听她讲。

53、Our main product was textile synthetic woven fabric, such as Nylon, Polyester, N/C, Polyester Faux Suede, N/P,T/R and Jacquard. ─── 我们主要的产品是机织化纤面料,如尼龙、涤纶、N/C,麂皮绒、N/P,T/R和大提花产品。

54、faux pas understanding ─── 失言理解

55、Another faux pas many unemployed job hunters make: Sending introductory notes that overextend gratitude, says Ms. ─── 夏皮罗说,许多失业者在求职时常犯的另一个错误,就是在求职信开头说一些谦恭过头的话。

56、faux pearls. ─── 人工珍珠

57、We do like the plastic faux fender flares, which imitate the look of an off-roader, even if the X5 is not designed for any sort of rock crawling. ─── 我们不喜欢塑料人造挡泥板耀斑,其中的外观模仿的越野车,即使X5的,并不适用于任何类型的岩石检索。

58、We consider it very impolite to tell people when they have committed some social faux pas. ─── 我们认为当他人失礼时,告诉他这些是很不礼貌的。

59、For this reason, the decision of whether to offer the hand of friendship or accept someone as a friend is fraught with the potential for snubs and faux pas. ─── 因此,是否伸出友谊之手或是接受某人进入你的朋友圈,可能意味着怠慢或是失礼。

60、I saw at once that we had made a faux pas, but by now my young friend had become gay and lecherous and nothing would do but to get upstairs quickly and have it over with. ─── 我马上看出我们这是失礼,可我的年轻朋友此刻已经激动了、发情了,什么也顾不得了,只有快上楼去干完那件事拉倒。

61、was not long before I realized the enormity of my faux pas. ─── 没过多久我就发现了我有多么的失礼。

62、The chairs were covered in faux animal skin. ─── 椅子外层是人造兽皮。

63、Use the plate stand on your dining table in a similar manner to hold candles, or stack a couple with real or faux, sugared fruits. ─── 也可以将托盘放在餐桌上,并罗列上真的漂亮的水果.

64、In social situations, there is an uneasiness, clumsiness, or perhaps some sort of minor embarrassment or faux pas on your part. ─── 在社交场合,你显得有点不自然,有点笨拙,甚至可能会造成一些小尴尬和失态。

65、That there are even awards and nominees should be secondary to the faux glitz and trashy self-indulgence. ─── 所以,有很多奖项的提名人只是些虚无而又毫无价值的无名小卒。

66、And how do you know, until after the fact, whether it is friend or faux? ─── 如果不是一切都尘埃落定,你怎能知道这到底是真是假?

67、The winner must produce an original, purely vegetarian faux foie gras comparable in taste and texture to the real glob of prized bird fat, and the winning recipe must beat out all other entries. ─── 参赛者作品必须为原创且由纯素食制作而成的仿制鹅肝,其口感和质感要求能与真正的禽类肥肝相媲美,并能够打败众多竞争者方可获胜。

68、A blunder; a faux pas. ─── 大错;过失

69、It is written Faux, Fauq, and Faoucq. ─── 他们的姓,傅,有三种写法:faux,Fauq,Faoucq。

70、A new website hopes to save guests at president-elect Barack Obama's inauguration balls from the ultimate fashion faux pas -- wearing the same dress as someone else. ─── 一个新的网站新闻希望能够使奥巴马就职典礼上的宾客免受时尚尴尬--与别人穿同样的衣服!

71、Get Rid of Faux Terms in Practising Keeping Fit ─── 剔除健身活动中的虚伪谎言

72、faux pas ─── 失礼, 失言

73、Five hundred years ago there was a Raoul de Faux, a Jean de Faux, and a Thomas de Faux, who were gentlemen, and one of whom was a seigneur de Rocefort ─── 五百年来,有一个拉乌尔·德·傅,一个让·德·傅和一个托马·德·傅,都是贵人,其中一个是罗什福尔采地的领主。

74、The Faux Pas Task ─── 失言任务

75、Info:High end stylish dotted faux fur jackets available by special order with new spring branded styled t ...... ─── 主要材质:仿皮次要材质:其它尺码:全码适用季节:冬

76、Play in the woven upper with crochet flower detailing of this casual boot. Faux suede from heel to toe. Breathable, perforated microfiber footbed. ─── 充满閒情逸致的靴子,表层精制的编织加上钩针花朵,鞋跟到鞋尖缀著仿麂皮皮革,透气、网眼超纤维鞋床。

77、Good site! It very impressive, easy to find helpful information. Keep up the great work. Congratulations! hooded faux shearling coats man shearling coats sheep skin shearling coats ─── 我的手机内存卡上在我自已的手机上会自动关机,上在别人的手机上一点事也没有,而且别人手机的内存卡上在我的手机上也没事,这事为什么,手机坏了还是内存卡的问题?

78、Very few people wish to appear unsociable (see Stern, above) and turning down after-hours frolicking may convince the profferer that they've committed a faux pas. ─── 几乎没有人希望表现出不善社交(见上文中有关严肃型一节),而且拒绝工作后轻松一下的邀请可能会使邀请者感到自己失礼。

79、I have interrogated my brother with regard to the information which you desire on the subject of the Faux family. ─── 您问我关于傅家的历史,这事我已向我哥问明了。

80、Faux I D, Pratt M J. Computational Geometry for Design and Manufacture. Ellis Horwood, ─── 常庚哲等.飞机外形计算的数学基础.国防工业出版社,1978.3.

81、For I know that inside that fleshy colored faux suede exterior, lies an insulated furry interior designed soley to incubate sewer foot. ─── 因为我知道,里面的肉仿麂皮外观颜色,是一种毛茸茸的内部绝缘而只是为了孵化下水道脚。

82、The Americans I met were very welcoming and helpful, and I found they were patient with me when I made a social faux pas when I used an inappropriate word or phrase. ─── 我所遇到的美国人都十分热情且乐于助人,当我因为不恰当地使用了某个单词或短语而失礼时,他们对我很耐心。

83、Mr. Gao, 45, was piling beer (domestic) and wine (imported) into his brand new sport utility vehicle, with silhouettes of skiers on the side and faux leopard covers on the seats. ─── 45岁的高先生正在把国产啤酒和进口葡萄酒塞进自己崭新的越野车里,越野车的车身上印着滑雪健儿的剪影,车座上盖着仿豹皮的套子。

84、It is a major faux pas (social embarrassment) to arrive at a party early or even on time. ─── 参加聚会,早到、甚至准时抵达最令人难堪。

85、Tout cela se fonde sur de faux bruits. ─── 所有这一切都是建筑在谣传的基础上的。

86、Bush is no stranger to the occasional faux pas, and often jokes about his habit of mangling the English language. ─── 布什总统爱犯口误已不是什么新鲜事,他也常常拿自己爱说错话的毛病开玩笑。

87、Faux marble can be bought or made at home; either way, it will add a sophisticated, colorful element to your home. ─── 人造大理石可以从商店购买,或者自己在家制作。无论哪种方式,人造大理石的应用都将为家居增添几分色彩。

88、The fear-mongering and misinformation plaguing the faux-sweetener market seems to be rooted in a common misconception. ─── 在人造甜味剂市场上,恐慌和误传似乎深深植根于人们的错误观念中。

89、The suite was furnished in a modern clubby style: a faux fireplace, white leather couches, a cavernous Jacuzzi, a large wooden model of a schooner. ─── 房间装饰成现代风格:人造的壁炉,白色的皮质沙发,宽大的浴缸和一个木质的帆船模型。

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