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09-05 投稿



fictive 发音


英:  美:

fictive 中文意思翻译



fictive 网络释义

adj. 虚构的;想象上的;虚伪的

fictive 短语词组

1、fictive meaning ─── 虚拟意义

2、fictive kin ─── 干亲亲戚虚拟亲属称谓

3、fictive 3d ─── 虚拟三维

4、fictive stage ─── 虚构的阶段

5、fictive temperature ─── 假想温度

6、fictive kin slavery ─── 虚拟亲属奴役

7、fictive kinship groups ─── 虚拟亲属群体

8、fictive kinship ─── 拟亲属

9、fictive language ─── 虚拟语言

10、fictive means ─── 虚拟手段

fictive 词性/词形变化,fictive变形

名词: fictiveness |副词: fictively |

fictive 相似词语短语

1、furtive ─── adj.鬼鬼祟祟的,秘密的

2、fictively ─── 虚构的

3、afflictive ─── adj.难受的;苦恼的;给人痛苦的

4、fiction ─── n.小说;虚构,编造;谎言

5、festive ─── adj.节日的;喜庆的;欢乐的

6、fructive ─── 果实的

7、active ─── adj.积极的;活跃的;主动的;有效的;现役的;n.主动语态;积极分子

8、fictile ─── adj.塑造的;陶土制的;可塑造性的;n.陶制品

9、factive ─── adj.事实的;叙实的

fictive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Fictive temperature is used for measuring structural relaxation.By means of infrared spectra, fictive temperature and structural relaxation of silica glass can be characterized well. ─── 假想温度是玻璃结构弛豫的度量,而红外光谱是表征石英玻璃假想温度及结构弛豫的较好方法。

2、Bayonne, Bayonne, the perfect city: riverrain, aerated with sonorous suburbs (Mouserolles, Marrac, Lachepaillet, Beyris), yet immured, fictive: Proust, Balzac, Plassans. ─── 巴约纳,巴约纳,完美之都:河雨,伴着喧嚣的郊区;然而,亦是禁闭、虚构之都:普鲁斯特、巴尔扎克、普拉桑。

3、fictive motion ─── 想象性运动

4、fictive sympathy ─── 虚假的同情

5、In the context of the capitalist symbolic consuming logic, the boundary between the real and the fictive dissolves.So does the meaning of culture, as well as the standards for verities. ─── 在资本主义符号消费逻辑的语境中,真实与虚构的界限消失了,文化的意义与真理的标准消失了,一切都成为了拟像,成为了文本。

6、Mr Singh's defence, that to let Pakistan air fictive grievances was a tribute to Indian magnanimity and strength, looked weak. ─── 辛格辩称,让巴基斯坦将其矫揉造作的悲情情绪宣之于众,有利于塑造印度宽宏大量的强大形象,但这一解释难以取信于人。

7、fictive use of kinship terms ─── 亲属词的泛化

8、fictive narration ─── 虚构叙事

9、All the characters in this book are fictive. ─── 书中所有的人物都是虚构的。

10、Declaration: This is a fictive MV, all similarities are coincidences. ─── 声明:此MV纯属虚构.如有雷同,纯属巧合.

11、Mail a post card to a fictive address, it end up to go back to the sender. ─── 用虚拟的地址邮寄明信片,最终退回到自己手中。

12、Some people have said he's making up a name that's sort of a fictive name for any God loving or beloved by God reader. ─── 有人认为他创造了一个虚构的名字,以吸引那些信仰上帝,受上帝垂爱的读者。

13、5.an assumed name; an assumed cheerfulness; a fictitious address; fictive sympathy; a pretended interest; a put-on childish voice; sham modesty. ─── 假名;假装的快乐;假地址;虚假的同情;假装出来的兴趣;假装的孩子声音;假虚心。收藏指正

14、The robust performance problem of the networked control system is transformed into the robust stability problem of an augment system to solve via the introduction of a fictive uncertainty module. ─── 通过引入虚拟不确定块将网络控制系统的鲁棒性问题转化为广义系统的鲁棒稳定性问题求解。

15、On creating personality in fictive world ─── 论虚拟世界中的人格塑造

16、It used the classical coulomb friction law to model the friction between contact surfaces and introduce the so-called fictive contact elements for numerical calculation. ─── 文章指出,这里采用的求解接触问题方法在研究断裂力学中裂 纹的张闭扩展问题时也有意义。

17、fictive use ─── 泛化

18、24. an assumed name; an assumed cheerfulness; a fictitious address; fictive sympathy; a pretended interest; a put-on childish voice; sham modesty. ─── 假名;假装的快乐;假地址;虚假的同情;假装出来的兴趣;假装的孩子声音;假虚心。

19、fictive use of KT ─── 拟亲属称谓

20、Electro fictive lab ─── 电子虚拟实验室

21、Mail a post card to a fictive address, it end up to go back to the sender. ─── 虚拟的地址邮寄明信片,最终退回到自己手中。

22、Application of Fictive Use of KT in Chinese Social Address Behavior ─── 拟亲属称谓在汉语社交称呼行为中的运用

23、Furthermore, little effort has been devoted to the investigation of the function of fictive motion. ─── 另外,对虚拟运动作用的研究也没有继续深化。

24、fictive tears ─── 虚情假义的眼泪

25、As a man-made expanded form of kinship,the fictive kinship is widespread in Zhuang society with "making Laotong" being its typical relation. ─── 摘要拟亲属关系是亲属关系的人为扩展形式,其在壮族社会中也普遍存在,尤其以“结老同”现象最为典型。

26、fictive stage ─── 虚构阶段

27、Fictive force will be proved to be the liquid force under bending state of pipe string in the paper,and its characteristic will be analysed. ─── 文中将证明“虚力”是管柱在弯曲状态下的流体作用力,并对其特点进行分析,以便为封隔器管柱受力分析计算奠定严密的科学基础。

28、In addition, Wellek ascribed the literary essences to aesthetic fictive and imaginary character by comparing this structure with the other symbolic structures. ─── “结构”是韦勒克文论的理论基础,也是他整个文论体系的核心概念。

29、In the text of game, the fictive and the imaginary develop themselves in the process of their interaction. ─── 在文本游戏中,虚构与想象在相互作用中展开自身。

30、1. Her fictive world remains strikingly akin to that real one reflected in the daily newspapers. ─── 她所幻想的世界与报纸上所反映的竟是如此惊人的类似。

31、The lowest fixed price, or arbitrary or fictive prices. ─── (六)最低限价或武断、虚构的价格。

32、The alleged distinction of duty, conflict and validity between social rights liberal rights, which the mainstream human rights theory claims arbitrarily, are fictive and wrong. ─── 主流人权理论所谓社会权与自由权之间的“义务区别”、“冲突区别”和“效力区别”都是虚构的、错误的。

33、By means of infrared spectra,fictive temperature and structural relaxation of silica glass can be characterized well. ─── 假想温度是玻璃结构弛豫的度量,而红外光谱是表征石英玻璃假想温度及结构弛豫的较好方法。

34、As the main body of the thesis, Chapter Five analyses the processing of fictive motion from the viewpoint of conceptual blending theory. ─── 第五章是中心部分,从概念整合理论的视角分析了虚拟运动的理解过程。

35、All characters in the book are fictive. ─── 书中所有的人物都是虚构的.

36、He attempt to portray his own storis with plenty of fictive plots. ─── 他试图以大量虚构的情节为自己的故事添油加醋。

37、Short story, as a kind of small fictive narrating work, naturally fits do some narrating try in theory. ─── 从理论上讲,这是由短篇小说作为小型的散文虚构叙事作品这一特点所决定的。

38、But it arises as an artefact of the ability to build fictive worlds. ─── 但是,宗教的出现,乃是作为创造虚构世界的那种能力的一个人工产物。

39、Keywords silica glass;structural relaxation;fictive temperature;influencing factor; ─── 石英玻璃;结构弛豫;假想温度;影响因素;

40、Wolfgang Iser.( 1993).The Fictive and the Imaginary: Charting Literary Anthropology. Baltimore. Johns Hopkins University Press. . ─── 徐岱(2005).基础诗学:后形而上学艺术原理.杭州:浙江大学出版社.

41、fictive play ─── 虚构游戏

42、Therefore, Lost in the Funhouse is the fictionalization of the theoretical problems concerned with fictive writing. ─── 巴思在此小说中着力表现了作家在此困境中的挣扎与探索,和对读者参与创造过程的呼唤。

43、fictive talent ─── 创作的才能

44、in the grieve autumn. Occasionally I would like to conceal sorrow. in that I`m fictive. ─── 自己是如此文弱.不懂得如何面对令人伤感得秋天.偶尔.自己也想虚伪得掩盖自己得无助与悲痛.

45、Meta-fiction: the Discourse Strategy for Fictive Exposure ─── 元小说:暴露虚构的话语策略

46、This paper analyzes the series of religious topic novels of Xiao Qian from these aspects such as exposing fictive propagator and corrupt phenomena of church public; ─── 文章从揭落虚伪的传教者、腐败的教会现象;

47、fictive temperature ─── 假想温度

48、The writer has fictive talent. ─── 那作家有创作的才能。

49、An honest authoritarianism is better than the fictive babelism today, which is more constructive to build new nationality of China in some time. ─── 一个诚实的威权体制比当前虚伪的乱局好,更能建设性的在一定时间里重整国民精神。

50、an assumed name; an assumed cheerfulness; a fictitious address; fictive sympathy; a pretended interest; a put-on childish voice; sham modesty ─── 假名;假装的快乐;假地址;虚假的同情;假装出来的兴趣;假装的孩子声音;假虚心

51、in the grieve autumn. Occasionally I would like to conceal sorrow, in that I'm fictive. ─── 自己是如此文弱,不懂得如何面对令人伤感得秋天,偶尔,自己也想虚伪得掩盖自己得无助与悲痛。

52、The same strategy, which I am too familiar to disclose, is no longer applicable, but how come never look for actual reasons instead of fictive excuses from itself. ─── 因为人的无止境的欲望,物质的尤其是精神的,会因为达不到想象中的目标而总认为行走在逆境中,所以渴望沟通,旨在互相理解并互相认可的基础上的交流。

53、Fictive motion, the phenomenon of depicting static scenes in terms of real motion, has attracted attention from many linguists. ─── 虚拟运动,也就是以运动描写静止状态这种语言现象,引起了很多语言学家的注意。

54、fictive kinship ─── 虚拟亲属

55、fictive alimentation ─── 假饲

56、fictive marriage ─── 拟婚

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