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09-11 投稿



disfiguring 发音

英:[dɪsˈfɪɡərɪŋ]  美:[dɪsˈfɪɡjərɪŋ]

英:  美:

disfiguring 中文意思翻译




disfiguring 同义词

damage | spoil | harm | injure | scar | deform | scotch |deface | blemish | knot | mar | mess | mutilate

disfiguring 反义词

beautify |embellish

disfiguring 词性/词形变化,disfiguring变形

动词第三人称单数: disfigures |动词过去分词: disfigured |名词: disfiguration |动词过去式: disfigured |动词现在分词: disfiguring |

disfiguring 短语词组

1、disfiguring def ─── 毁容def

2、disfiguring mean ─── 毁容平均数

3、disfiguring meaning ─── 毁容意义

4、disfiguring synonym ─── 毁容同义词

5、disfiguring scar ─── 毁容疤痕

disfiguring 相似词语短语

1、disinuring ─── 除虫

2、disfavoring ─── n.失宠;厌恶;不悦;vt.不赞成;冷待;vi.不赞成;不再宠幸

3、discouring ─── 折扣

4、disfigurer ─── 毁容者

5、disfavouring ─── n.不赞成,不喜欢;v.不赞成,不欢迎

6、disfigure ─── vt.使变丑;损毁…的外形;使大为减色

7、disfeaturing ─── vt.毁掉……的容貌

8、configuring ─── n.配置;v.配置;使成形(configure的ing形式)

9、disfigured ─── v.损毁……的外形,(使)变丑(disfigure的过去式和过去分词);adj.容貌受损的

disfiguring 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Cancer treatments today tend to be less harsh.Surgery is less disfiguring, chemotherapy less disabling. ─── 如今的癌症治疗趋向于减少副作用---减少手术对外形的影响,降低化疗的副作用。

2、They sat in wheelchairs, armchairs, on wooden benches, all with blood transfusions dripping into their thin and blotchy arms.Some had strange disfiguring marks on their faces. ─── 他们坐在轮椅上、扶手椅里或是木长凳上,所有人的瘦弱的布满针眼的胳膊上都连着输血管,有些人的脸上还带有破相的痕迹。

3、In the silver mirror, I can see the carmine wounds disfiguring me. ─── 银镜里朱霞残照。

4、It is the only recognized OTC treatment for improving the appearance of disfiguring and emotionally devastating pigmentary skin conditions. ─── 这是唯一承认的非处方药治疗改善外观毁损和感情上破坏性色素的皮肤条件。

5、A disfiguring mark; a blemish. ─── 一个有损外观的斑点; 污点

6、Some hemangiomas do require intervention, either because they could be disfiguring or might endanger the child's normal functions or life. ─── 一些血管瘤确实需要进行干涉,或者因为他们可能操作外貌,或者危及孩子的正常功能或生活。

7、These stem cells can differentiate into bone, fat, cartilage and other types of cells for facial reconstruction following disfiguring injuries from war, cancer surgery or accidents. ─── 这些干细胞能最终分化为面部的骨骼、脂肪、软骨等组织,这为由于战争、肿瘤或意外事故等导致的面部损伤带来了治疗的希望。

8、They don't care about the disfiguring mass, or at least they don't show it if they do. ─── 他们不介意他脸上那个丑陋的肿块,或者至少,他们不会表现出他们的介意。

9、The evil energies twisted Palpatine's face as they flowed through him, scarring and disfiguring his once handsome features. ─── 邪恶的能源流通白卜庭全身时扭曲了他的脸,将一度英俊的脸庞划出许多伤痕与损毁。

10、There are certain disfiguring and mortal diseases about which there has probably never been any snobbery. ─── 也许对某些毁容或致命的疾病从来没有使人感到势利。

11、The dissemination of disfiguring disturbed Miss X's life. ─── 毁容事件的散播打乱了X小姐的生活。

12、Ben: My ear pearled.I mean if I don't have an ear ring, all the other guys are gonna think I'm a sissy...and don't say I'd be disfiguring my face. ─── 本:想穿耳朵,要是我不带副耳环,同学们会说我女人腔,耳朵上打个洞,有什么大不了的。

13、My stunt showed me the disfiguring power of deception. ─── 我的花招为我展示出了欺骗中的扭曲力量。

14、We describe a human immunodeficiency virus-positive patient with a disfiguring molluscum contagiosum infection of the face. ─── 我们描述了人类免疫缺陷病毒阳性患者的毁损传染性软疣感染的脸。

15、Although histologically benign, tufted angioma may be disfiguring because of the disease's potential for infinite proliferation and a predilection for the head and neck. ─── 虽然簇集样血管瘤病理学上属于良性肿瘤,临床上生长的部位和持续增生的特性,仍可能造成功能及外表的缺陷。

16、Face lane after disfiguring, again no one dared to come to her this pure Quan Yuan to "deed boorishly" . ─── 脸弄毁容后,就再没有人敢来她这清绻苑“撒野”了。

17、Suffered disfiguring burns to her face ─── 烧至面部毁容

18、Leprosy is on the retreat but the stigma, fear and isolation associated with the disfiguring condition is now proving more damaging than the disease itself, health and human rights groups said. ─── 麻疯病例节节下降,但与(该病导致的)容貌变形有关之烙印、恐惧及隔离,如今已证实比这种病本身更具杀伤力,卫生及人权团体指出。

19、Scar formation was avoided, and disfiguring pigmentation in the paravenous connective tissue was hardly ever observed. ─── 并且避免了疤痕的形成,而且几乎没有观察到结缔组织有色素沉着。

20、how, nevertheless, it rested upon nothing, save that vile and infamous character of evidence too often disfiguring such cases, and of which the State Trials of this country were full. ─── 可惜这种做法除了证词那邪恶的不光彩的性质只会歪曲这类案件的形象之外全无根据。 它只能使我国的国事审判里充满了这类案件。

21、But she will never wake again -- for a heavy blow has killed her, disfiguring her features almost beyond recognition. ─── 那个男子突然转向另一边,她便前移到他原来的位置上。

22、' Ms.Dhara still has a disfiguring scar on her foot where the snake got her. ─── 达拉脚上毒蛇咬过的地方仍然留有一道明显的伤疤。

23、If the lamp topples, and the oil spills, it quickly ignites causing disfiguring burns or even death to thousands of people each year. ─── 万一油灯不慎倒落,油溢出后即迅速著火,每年被火烧伤甚至死亡者达数千人。

24、Researchers have yet to determine the underlying cause of this disfiguring, debilitating condition or find an effective anti-fibrotic remedy. ─── 研究人员尚未确定系统硬化的根本原因或者找到抗纤维化的有效疗法。

25、"It is difficult for a surgeon to reconstruct any complex disfiguring of the face using CT scans, but with this technology we are able to build a fragment which will fit exactly. ─── 这项突破克服了目前无法培植大型组织以及对所培养的组织生长形状和大小无法控制的难题。德比教授和他的研究小组取得进展的关键在于创新。

26、Scientists have shown how flesh-eating parasites responsible for the disfiguring tropical disease leishmaniasis dupe the immune system. ─── 科学家展示了可以导致热带地区疾病黑热病的食肉寄生虫如何骗过免疫系统。

27、Burns are the most painful and disfiguring pathology a person can experience and ozone therapy is so simple and so inexpensive. ─── 伯恩斯是最痛苦和毁容病理学一个人可以体验和臭氧治疗是简单又便宜。

28、Disfiguring subcutaneous lesions bulge onto the surface and at intervals discharge pus. ─── 皮下损害的形象是向表面凸起,并间断地分泌出脓液。

29、Depending upon the location and extent of the cancer, the surgery may leae disfiguring changes in the face, jaw or neck. ─── (此句话原文有误:原文中讲气管切开后放置胃管,这是不可能的)由于肿瘤的位置和程度,手术可能会遗留面部、颌部或颈部的变形。

30、Maggie: No we can't. I am not going to have a child of mine disfiguring his face for fashion. ─── 麦琪:不,不行,我绝不能让我的儿子为了赶时髦,去穿耳朵。

31、2. Disfiguring subcutaneous lesions bulge onto the surface and at intervals discharge pus. ─── 皮下损害的形象是向表面凸起,并间断地分泌出脓液。

32、Myth 10: Surgery will be disfiguring and recoery painful. ─── 误解10:外科手术会损伤容貌而且痊愈过程是痛苦的。

33、However, one of the most prominent figures in wiping out the deadly, disfiguring disease is in favor of destroying all remnants of it. ─── 然而,在消除可怕的致命疾病方面最权威的科学家中,有一位支持摧毁所有剩余病毒的计划。

34、A disfiguring mark;a blemish. ─── 一个有损外观的斑点;

35、Ms. Dhara still has a disfiguring scar on her foot where the snake got her. ─── 达拉脚上毒蛇咬过的地方仍然留有一道明显的伤疤。

36、vile and infamous character of evidence too often disfiguring such cases, and of which the State Trials of this country were full. ─── 可惜这种做法除了证词那邪恶的不光彩的性质只会歪曲这类案件的形象之外全无根据。它只能使我国的国事审判里充满了这类案件。

37、The doctors recommended radical, and disfiguring, surgery, but he refused, so they treated him as best they could. ─── 医生建议做彻底的但会毁容的切除手术,老爸拒绝了。因此医生只能尽力而为。

38、Poland's syndrome is a rare congenital anomaly characterized by deformities of the breast and chest wall that can be highly disfiguring in both men and women. ─── 摘要波兰氏症候群是一种罕见的先天异常,它的特徵是乳房及胸壁的畸形,造成男性或女性患者外观上极大的影响。

39、She castigates the way she is perceived and treated as a patient almost immediately, with wheelchairs and ramps disfiguring her home even before she needs them. ─── 在她需要之前,轮椅以及为她搭建的斜坡就已经开始充斥她美丽的房子,当她意识到别人像对待一个病人一样对待她的时候她总是马上抗议。

40、It is the only recognized OTC treatment for improving the appearance of disfiguring and emotionally devastating pigmentary skin conditions. ─── 这是唯一承认的非处方药治疗改善外观毁损和感情上破坏性色素的皮肤条件。

41、However, they are often disfiguring and sometimes disabling, especially when the underlying joints and muscles are severely affected. ─── 但是,它们常常损伤肌肤外貌,有时还造成畸形,特别是当皮肤下的关节和肌肉受到严重影响时要更加注意。

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