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09-03 投稿



disfiguration 发音


英:  美:

disfiguration 中文意思翻译



disfiguration 词性/词形变化,disfiguration变形

动词现在分词: disfeaturing |名词: disfea-turement |动词第三人称单数: disfeatures |动词过去式: disfeatured |动词过去分词: disfeatured |

disfiguration 短语词组

1、disfiguration synonym ─── 毁容同义词

2、disfiguration meaning ─── 毁容的意义

3、disfiguration definition ─── 缺陷定义

disfiguration 相似词语短语

1、effiguration ─── 花托余

2、Transfiguration ─── n.变形;变容;变貌

3、dissimulation ─── n.掩饰;虚伪;装糊涂

4、prefiguration ─── n.预示;预想;征兆

5、configuration ─── n.配置;结构;外形

6、figuration ─── n.成形;外形;定形;比喻表达法;图案装饰法

7、configurations ─── n.配置(configuration的复数);立体基阵

8、disfigurations ─── n.毁容;畸形;缺陷;损形

9、disambiguation ─── n.消除模棱两可情况,解疑

disfiguration 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A lace knitted fabric, and process for producing the same, capable of not only suppressing disfiguration but also preventing yarn fraying. ─── 本发明的目的是提供一种花边编织物,能抑制美观的降低并能够防止线的绽线。

2、they age, often causing disfiguration, hospitalization or surgery via falls and fractures. ─── 妇女随着年龄增大,易患上骨质疏松症,一旦跌倒,容易骨折,由此住院或手术。

3、injure or wound seriously and leave permanent disfiguration or mutilation ─── 严重的伤害或损害并留下永久的创伤或损害

4、AVMS might be associated with severe disfiguration, ulceration and bleeding. ─── 严重者可出现明显面部畸形,并可发生溃疡及出血。

5、Due to the disfiguration, stigma is a problem that also prevents people from seeking treatment. ─── 由于外形毁损,耻辱感是一个问题,也阻碍人们寻求治疗。

6、Familiar flaw, disfiguration and prevention of membrane structures ─── 膜结构常见疵病、损伤及防治

7、The emergence of disfiguration is influenced by many factors. ─── 这些缺陷的产生受许多因素的影响。

8、(Tan Zhihong.Numerical simulation and infrared thermal image research on brittle failure behaviour of medium disfiguration[M.S.Thesis][D]. ─── [8] 谭志宏. 含缺陷岩石脆性破裂的数值模拟及红外热像研究[硕士学位论文][D]. 沈阳:东北大学,2003.

9、injure or wound seriously and leave permanent disfiguration or mutilation. ─── 严重的伤害或损害并留下永久的创伤或损害。

10、Familiar flaw, disfiguration and prevention of membrane structures ─── 膜结构常见疵病、损伤及防治

11、Excision with skin graft of soar on the face can improve laxity and mobility of that portion, but it contributes little to remould the disfiguration. ─── 面部疤痕切除植皮只能改善功能,容貌损毁的改善远非理想。

12、Everyone had tentacles smothering their faces and dangling down their necks like fleshy snake beards, even the women and children were not exempt from this disfiguration. ─── 每人都长着遮住脸的须毛并且耷拉下的脖子像肉蛇线。就连妇女和孩子也无一例外的是这种畸形样子。

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