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08-29 投稿



insincerity 发音

英:[ˌɪnsɪnˈserəti]  美:[ˌɪnsɪnˈserəti]

英:  美:

insincerity 中文意思翻译



insincerity 短语词组

1、insincerity mean ─── 不真诚意味着

2、insincerity deutsch ─── 不真诚

3、insincerity def ─── 不真诚定义

4、insincerity verb ─── 不真诚动词

5、insincerity quotes ─── 不真诚的引语

6、insincerity images ─── 虚假形象

insincerity 词性/词形变化,insincerity变形


insincerity 反义词


insincerity 同义词

deviousness | disingenuousness | falseness | deceit |dishonesty | hollowness | service | mendacity | hypocrisy | lip service | lip

insincerity 相似词语短语

1、insincerities ─── n.伪善;无诚意;不诚实

2、instinctivity ─── 本能

3、insincerely ─── adv.无诚意地;不诚实地

4、indexterity ─── 缺乏技巧或灵活

5、insincere ─── adj.不诚恳的,虚伪的

6、insinewing ─── 正在更新

7、insecurity ─── n.不安全;不牢靠;无把握;心神不定

8、sincerity ─── n.真实,诚挚

9、insalubrity ─── n.有碍健康,对健康有害

insincerity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared, ─── 这是因为说谎之人的假冒;这等人的良心如同被热铁烙惯了一般。

2、The glaring insincerity of these sermons was not sufficient to compass the banishment of the fashion from the schools, and it is not sufficient to-day; ─── 在众目睽睽之下,这种说教虽然给人以假话的感觉,但这种风气还是消除不了,时至今日依然如故。

3、Workers' representatives walked out in anger, saying no consensus could be reached due to the insincerity of the employers. ─── 工人代表愤怒地离场抗议。工人代表表示,无法达成共识是因为资方无诚意。

4、Workers' representatives walked out in anger, saying no consensus could be reached due to the insincerity of the employers. ─── 工人代表愤怒地离场抗议。工人代表表示,无法达成共识是因为资方无诚意。

5、Insincerity is a bad characteristic.It can only be rectified by truthfulness. ─── 虚伪的坏风气,唯有真实能破除。

6、17 But the wisdom from above is first of all pure, then peaceable, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and good fruits, without inconstancy or insincerity. ─── 至于从上而来的智慧,它首先是纯洁的,其次是和平的,宽仁的,柔顺的,满有仁慈和善果的,不偏不倚的,没有伪善的。

7、3.His insincerity was revealed by the quick goggle of his eyes. ─── 他眼睛的快速转动泄露了他的不诚。

8、Punitive compensation for dishonesty and insincerity in commercial residential building business ─── 论商品房买卖中的诚信缺失及惩罚性赔偿

9、Lacks Germany is vehicle's that kind of insincerity, but exceptionally is actually sensitive nimble and resourceful, the increased speed, curved has not been loathsome. ─── 低油耗大空间,经济实惠好保养,渐渐成了大家买车的首要条件。

10、There arises a certain insincerity in our philosophic discussions. ─── 在我们哲学的讨论里,发生一种不诚实的情况。

11、The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. ─── 伪善是清晰语言主要的敌人。

12、2) False teeth may symbolize insincerity. ─── 假牙代表伪善,不真诚。

13、I have a right to argue in this way when suppositions of his insincerity are reasoned upon on the other side. ─── 在从另一方面分析关于波拿巴没有诚意的推测时,我有权这样争辩。

14、insincerity by virtue of pretending to have qualities or beliefs that you do not really have. ─── 装出是真实的或相信没有的东西。

15、The fashion business is, after all, a part of the entertainment industry, where sycophancy, exaggeration and gushing insincerity are not unknown. ─── 毕竟,时装业是娱乐业的一个组成部分,而在娱乐界,阿谀奉承,夸大其词和虚伪做作并非罕见。

16、Skepticism means not intellectual Doubt alone, but moral Doubt; all sorts of infidelity, insincerity, spiritual paralysis. ─── 怀疑主义不仅是指知识方面的怀疑,连道德层面,如诸般背叛、虚情假意、精神上的麻痹等等,也都无法幸免。

17、We all live in this period, which floods with insincerity and falsity.Wish my words make me frustrated again, I would not be regretted all my life! ─── 现在是假冒伪劣满天飞的时代,但愿我说的真话再让我碰一回壁,我一辈子也不悔!

18、Causes of Insurance Insincerity and Its Control ─── 保险业诚信缺失成因与治理

19、The instant her voice broke off, ceasing to compel my attention, my belief, I felt the basic insincerity of what she had said. ─── 她的话音一落,不再强迫我注意她和相信她时,我就感到她刚才说的根本不是真心话。

20、In China's current social life, there still exist some problems of administrative insincerity, and the public image of the government has been affected to some extent. ─── 在我国当前的社会生活中,仍存在一些行政失信现象,使政府在公众中的形象受到一定程度的影响。

21、Maybe one could admit his various weak points, but he will never admit his inveracity, his insincerity as well, for it needs a great deal of good faith to do that. ─── 一个人可以承认自己有种种缺点,但决不肯承认自己虚伪,不真诚。

22、It was all because of insincerity if Lakita gave up. ─── 若然我唾弃了什么,必然是因为此人此物的不真诚。

23、The news is the news, and the insincerity is the insincerity. ─── 新闻不是随便贴张照片附上标题就是了,即便是娱乐新闻。

24、She accused him of insincerity. ─── 她指责他缺乏诚意。

25、It's important to feel the truth behind each statement of love you send.If you parrot statements you truly don't believe, your insincerity will come through. ─── 如果在亲密关系建立之前,就向对方坦诚你所有的秘密,可能会让你在对方眼里变得无聊且毫无神秘感,两人从此划上句号。

26、characterized by insincerity or deceit; evasive. ─── 有不真诚的或欺骗的特征;逃避的。

27、She accused him of insincerity. ─── 她指责他缺乏诚意。

28、Though she was thoroughly aware of his insincerity, she much preferred him in the role of the romantic blockader. ─── 她尽管十分清楚他不是诚心的,但仍然非常喜欢他扮演的那个浪漫的封锁线冒险家。

29、Facile stresses readiness and fluency (a facile speaker ); often, though, the word has unfavorable connotations, as of lack of care, glibness or insincerity, or superficiality ─── Facile强调快捷与流畅(语言流畅者);然而该词常有不好之意,表示不细心、油嘴滑舌、不诚恳或浮夸

30、You have a keen sensitivity allowing you to sense insincerity in others. ─── 你有灵敏的感觉让你察觉到他人的不诚恳。

31、Keen sensitivities allow you to detect insincerity in others and to grasp the emotional coloring of your surroundings. ─── 敏锐的敏感度允许你探知到他人的不诚恳,并且充分了解你周遭的情绪色彩。

32、I cannot say that I no longer admire them, but for me to imitate them involves a certain insincerity. ─── 我不能说我已经不再羡慕那些,但是对我而言,去效仿它们只能显露出我的毫无诚意。

33、30 Is there insincerity on my tongue, or cannot my taste discern falsehood? ─── 我的唇舌上岂有不义?我的口腔难道不辨邪正?

34、A manifestation of intentional or unintentional insincerity; a pose ─── 装腔作势,假装:有意或无意的虚伪性的流露;造作

35、Some of this lag between talking and walking could reflect consumers' insincerity, laziness, posturing, or other unsavory traits. ─── 消费者有意愿,却行动迟缓,可以反映出消费者并非真心诚意、缺乏积极性,做做姿态而已,还有一些不便详述的人性弱点。

36、insincerity by virtue of pretending to have qualities or beliefs that you do not really have ─── 装出是真实的或相信没有的东西

37、Only say this if it's true - people can sense insincerity. ─── 只有你真的是这样想的时候才可以这样说——人们是可以感觉到虚伪的。

38、When we enjoy the long history, brilliant culture and noble disposition of Europe, simultaneously, its sophistication, insincerity, perseverance and corruption are also distinctly disclosed. ─── 在欣赏欧洲的悠久历史、灿烂文化及贵族气质的同时,也对它的世故、虚伪、保守、腐化进行了无情的揭露。

39、characterized by insincerity or deceit; ─── 有不真诚的或欺骗的特征;

40、His insincerity is revealed by the quick goggle of his eyes . ─── 他眼睛的快速转动泄露了他的不诚

41、There arises a certain insincerity in our philosophic discussions ─── 在我们哲学的讨论里,发生一种不诚实的情况。

42、So, awareness of when we're being put on may not be enough to curb the effectiveness of insincerity. ─── 所以,即使我们知道这不是发自内心的赞扬,也可能照样落入圈套。

43、Readily manifested, together with an aura of insincerity and lack of depth ─── 易显露的:容易显露出来的,常带有不忠实的气氛并缺少深度

44、This year's variety has been particularly virulent: the emotional stuff offends not so much for its mushiness but for its rank insincerity. ─── 今年流行的废话就特别恶毒:光是煽情也就罢了,不会让人过分反感,问题是它虚假得厉害!

45、He said that this movie was a tragedy reltated to the human nature and its age; the most dipressed spot lied in the man's insincerity . ─── 他说这部影片写的是人性与时代的悲剧,在这出悲剧中,最令人痛心处是人的背叛。

46、Marriage always demands the greatest understanding of the art of insincerity possible between two human beings. ─── 婚姻总是要求对两人之间可能存在的伪善艺术给予最大限度的理解。

47、When 'he who is free from insincerity makes any movement,' he will get what he desires. ─── 此象表明:只要不乱说乱动,就能够心想事成,夙愿得偿。

48、” He did not see beyond their flattery, their insincerity and their jealousy until it was too late. ─── 在阿谀奉承之下,王丝毫看不见他们的虚伪和妒忌;到他看清楚他们的真面目时,已经为时太晚了。

49、Though she was thoroughly aware of his insincerity , she much preferred him in the role of the romantic blockade. ─── 她尽管十分清楚他不是诚心的,但仍然非常喜欢他扮演的那个浪漫的封锁线冒险家。

50、He said he was very sorry , but I know he has no insincerity . ─── 他说他很抱歉,但我知道他毫无诚意。

51、Gradually a sense of the insincerity in her words began to bother her. ─── 逐渐地她的文字中的一丝言不由衷开始令她困扰。

52、Truthfulness and diligence Insincerity is a bad characteristic.It can only be rectified by truthfulness. ─── 真实与勤劳 虚伪的坏风气,唯有真实能破除。

53、If a mask of insincerity, prevarication, equivocation, and disguise was being put on, then Paul tore it off with no light hand. ─── 巴拿巴可能曾经要求和平、欲望大家都相安无事,并且应当作某些事来成全。

54、Marked by ease and fluency of speech or writing that often suggests or stems from insincerity, superficiality, or deceitfulness. ─── 油嘴滑舌的,能言善道的以自如流利的话语或笔调为特征的,常含有不诚实、轻率或欺诈之举动

55、But dusk's time, walks in the street corner, did not have the winter insincerity, actually had the feeling which one point wish flies. ─── 而黄昏的时候,走在街头,没有了冬日的厚重,却有了一分想要飞的感觉。

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