vertiginous 发音
英:[vɜːrˈtɪdʒɪnəs] 美:[vɜːˈtɪdʒɪnəs]
英: 美:
vertiginous 中文意思翻译
vertiginous 网络释义
adj. 眩晕的,眼花的;旋转的;不稳定的
vertiginous 词性/词形变化,vertiginous变形
副词: vertiginously |名词: vertiginousness |
vertiginous 短语词组
1、vertiginous gait ─── 眩晕步态
2、vertiginous drop ─── 眩晕
3、vertiginous aura ─── 垂直光环
4、vertiginous syn ─── 眩晕综合征
5、vertiginous sx ─── 眩晕sx
6、vertiginous define ─── 眩晕定义
7、vertiginous epilepsy ─── [医]眩晕性癫痫
8、vertiginous economy ─── 垂直经济
9、vertiginous defined ─── 眩晕的
10、vertiginous definition ─── 眩晕定义
vertiginous 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、my small mind contained in earthly human limits,not lost in vertiginous space and elements unknown(bDiana Cooper) ─── 我的狭隘思想局限在人类世俗之中,不会在令人眩晕的空间和未知成份中迷失方向(b戴安娜·库珀)
2、5.Today, thanks to the vertiginous progress of technology, he learns something new every day, and yet he thinks that every day he know a little less. ─── 如今,多亏了令人目不暇接的技术进步,他每天都能学到些新东西,可同时他觉得每天又无知了一点。
3、And the next time you feel that vertiginous sensation of the floor disappearing, even as your reflexes tell you to duck and grab, you'll hear an even deeper instinct saying, "Fall in! ─── 下次,当你出现地板消失一般眩晕地感觉,即便条件反射告诉你要弯腰、抓牢,你会听的一个来自更深处的声音说:”落下!
4、Shoes from past, present and future collections will be hung over vertiginous towers made from hundreds of reclaimed drawer units. ─── 鞋过去,现在和未来的集合将笼罩眩晕塔由数以百计的填海抽屉单位。
5、was a vertiginous drop to the valley below. ─── 令人眩晕。
6、"my small mind contained in earthly human limits, not lost in vertiginous space and elements unknown" (Diana Cooper) ─── “我的狭隘思想局限在人类世俗之中,不会在令人眩晕的空间和未知成份中迷失方向”(戴安娜·库珀)
7、Vertiginous syndrome ─── 眩晕综合征
8、The announcement threw the emirate and the global credit markets into a vertiginous free fall. ─── 这一消息将这个酋长国和全球信贷市场一起抛入空中,进入了令人晕头转向的自由坠落状态。
9、You'll find 10 vertiginous slopes in 4 unique locations, each - with their features, bonuses and surprises. ─── 你会发现10眩晕斜坡4独特的位置,每个-其特点,奖金和惊喜。
10、A total of 80 patients with acute vertiginous attack received a bettery of audiologic and neurotologic tests, and their diagnoses were thus established. ─── 摘要1995年全年度,前来台大医院急诊处的眩晕病患,其中经一系列检查而确立诊断者计80名。
11、my small mind contained in earthly human limits, not lost in vertiginous space and elements unknown(bDiana Cooper) ─── 我的狭隘思想局限在人类世俗之中,不会在令人眩晕的空间和未知成份中迷失方向(b戴安娜 库珀)
12、This enhanced "transcendentalization" of money has been adding, now in a vertiginous way, more fuel to the bonfire in which the socially excluded are mercilessly burned out. ─── 这种“超货币”的增加为本来已经熊熊燃烧的社会淘汰之火又添了一把柴。
13、Borges dreams of libraries and Nabokov texts and commentaries纪事,回忆录, but Calvino pictures acres of vulnerable print, gathered into volumes but constantly menaced with dispersion or vertiginous error. ─── 博尔赫斯幻想图书馆,纳博科夫倾心文本和纪事,而卡尔维诺描绘了大量敏感脆弱的蓝图并收录成集,但他却不停地以分散或多变的误差实施威胁。”
14、5. Today, thanks to the vertiginous progress of technology, he learns something new every day, and yet he thinks that every day he know a little less. ─── 如今,多亏了令人目不暇接的技术进步,他每天都能学到些新东西,可同时他觉得每天又无知了一点。收藏指正
15、vertiginous current ─── 旋流
16、There was no cliff-edge vertiginous quality, no claustrophobia, no killing acoustic, no confusing of atmosphere with noise. ─── 这里没有悬崖峭壁般头晕目眩,没有幽闭,没有使人疲惫的声响,没有噪音的混乱。
17、This vertiginous contrast of the wavy zigzags way-in and way-out questions our humanity as the materialization of our innermost memory. ─── 令人目眩的起伏摇摆蜿蜒曲折的迷宫,作为我们深层记忆的视觉,体现质疑我们的人性。
18、Whereas Uccello's masterpieces are colourful, vertiginous yet ultimately static spectacles , Wittwer's interpretations have the gauzy , dynamic energy of film stills. ─── 试译:乌切罗的名作色彩丰富、令人眩目但看定后会发现它是静态的眼镜(?),而维特尔的译作则像是电影中的定格画面,单薄而充满活力。
19、Geographically, London's financial sector has expanded well beyond the City, partly in response to vertiginous office rents. ─── 从地理上来说,伦敦的金融业早已拓展到了城市的行政边界之外了,这部分要归功于节节攀升的房租。
20、Lisbon's vertiginous rise began under Joao I the Great, founder of the Aviz dynasty. ─── |里斯本的迅速崛起始于Joao大帝一世,他建立了Aviz王朝。
21、The most obvious is the vertiginous pattern of WuXi's financial performance, albeit from a low base. ─── 最明显的原因就是尽管名药康德的起点很低,但在财务表现很不稳定。
22、Methods The vascular vertiginous model rabbits with QDBS were prepared, and compared with medicine sibelium, the effects of XYD on REG and blood rheology in these models were evaluated. ─── 方法建立实验性血管性眩晕气虚血瘀证家兔模型,以西比灵胶囊为阳性对照药进行比较,观察眩晕定方干预前后血液流变学和脑血流图等改变情况。
23、A pause, and Leonicus felt a sudden vertiginous lurch, as if time itself had taken a deep breath. ─── 短暂的停顿中,狮子只觉得头晕目眩,眼花缭乱,就像是时间本身做了一次深呼吸。
24、To be sure, the ascending Jcurve of rising human numbers, accompanying the vertiginous obliteration of countless other species, leaves a stunning impression. ─── 可以肯定的是,升jcurve上升,人类的数字,伴随眩晕抹杀无数其他物种,留下了惊人的印象。
25、A pause, and Leonicus felt a sudden vertiginous lurch, as if time itself had taken a deep breath. ─── 短暂的停顿中,狮子只觉得头晕目眩,眼花缭乱,就像是时间本身做了一次深呼吸。
26、“When any of those inputs is out of sync, then you feel vertiginous, or dizzy,” he said. ─── 但这些输入任何一个不同步时,你就会感到头晕目眩,“他又说到。
27、From the top of the mountain there was a vertiginous drop to the valley below. ─── 从山顶向谷底望去令人眩晕。
28、A new lift, tricky to incorporate into a grade I building within a World Heritage site, would be needed to replace the present vertiginous spiral staircase tucked into an angle of Poet's Corner. ─── 这些计划需要新电梯,巧妙地纳入世界遗产场所一级建筑,来取代现在安装在诗人之角一隅令人眩晕的旋转楼梯。
29、yes,the big pressure.my boss wanted me to increase the sales volume,so i have stayed up for working in recent weeks.it's so tired that i am always vertiginous. ─── 是啊,工作压力太大了.老板要我提高销售额,所以最近几个礼拜一直在熬夜工作。太累了,累得头晕眼花的.
30、Influential outsiders have already begun to point the finger at the vertiginous deterioration in Britain's public finances. ─── 富有影响力的局外人已经开始指责英国的公共财政在急剧恶化。
31、a vertiginous height [speed] ─── 令人眩晕的高度 [速度]
32、status vertiginous ─── 眩晕持续状态
33、Labour's platform and its prospects are obscure.It faces multiple and vertiginous uncertainties. ─── 工党的计划和未来也模糊不清,它面临着很多不稳定因素。
34、vertiginous component ─── 眩晕成分
35、vertiginous cliffs ─── 令人晕眩的悬崖
36、vertiginous economy ─── 不稳定经济
37、Influential outsiders have already begun to point the finger at the vertiginous deterioration in Britain's public finances. ─── 富有影响力的局外人已经开始指责英国的公共财政在急剧恶化。
38、Diagnostic Significance of TCD in l75 Aged patients with Acute Vertiginous Attack ─── TCD对175例中老年发作性眩晕的诊断意义
39、The introduction of the philosophy, methodology and technology of CIMS will guarantee the power plants to adapt to the vertiginous power market. ─── 将CIMS的理念、方法、技术与体制改革之后的发电企业相结合,无疑会为发电企业迅速适应市场的变化提供强有力的保证。
40、The tactic worked well throughout the opening exchanges but just as the first groans were beginning to emanate from Old Trafford's vertiginous stands United began to emphasise the gulf in status between the clubs. ─── 最初的交易很成功,但在第一声叹息从老特拉福德的看台上传来的时候,曼联开始强调俱乐部正处于困境中。
41、vertiginous aura ─── 眩晕先兆
42、Chan, a 34-year-old high-school dropout, has one of Hong Kong's most vertiginous and challenging blue-collar jobs. ─── 陈,34岁,高中辍学生,是香港最令人眩晕,最具挑战性的蓝领工人之一。
43、The patients with their vertiginous attacks in the midnight were mainly the elderly, while those with attacks in the morning were usually the youth. ─── 若由病患抵达急诊处的时间来分析,则半夜前来的眩晕病人以老年人为多,且多属中枢性眩晕。至于年青人则多是晨起后眩晕发作前来求诊,以末梢性眩晕为多。
44、in vertiginous space ─── 在令人眩晕的空间里
45、With its vertiginous conduction, its spectacular regate and its stuck mortal destroyed an Athletic one that, orphan of Omen, was a toy into the hands of “King Leo”. ─── 梅西令人眼花的盘带、吸引人眼球的射门都给马德里竞技带来了致命的打击,没人怀疑“里奥(梅西)国王”的美名。
46、Images which rediscover old wounds, reawaken first fears, first desires and bear witness to our vertiginous within. ─── 这些意象揭出旧伤痕,唤醒我们初次感受到的恐惧、欲望,见证我们多变的内心世界。
47、There was no cliff-edge vertiginous quality, no claustrophobia, no killing acoustic, no confusing of atmosphere with noise. ─── 这里没有悬崖峭壁般头晕目眩,没有幽闭,没有使人疲惫的声响,没有噪音的混乱。
48、Vertiginous partial seizure ─── 眩晕部分性发作
49、Fuzzy mathematics comprehensive evaluation in differential diagnosis of vertiginous disease ─── 眩晕疾病鉴别诊断的模糊综合评判
50、She recorded the large charge and pleasure after sex, a full large drop of liquid is slipping down alone the surface the flower petal.Her body went round and round, and her mind was vertiginous. ─── 同时又描绘了性交后的快感,点滴饱满的液体沿着花瓣滑下来,她的身子则在旋转,在眩晕。
51、First the shock of love with its vertiginous rush and the sweet fire in his spine. ─── 首先是爱情的冲击,伴随着眼花缭乱的情感迸发和环绕在脊梁背上的甜蜜热火。
52、a vertiginous height. ─── 使人眼花的高度
53、vertiginous falling ─── 眩仆
54、I can well remember some of my own vertiginous epiphanies from childhood. ─── 我至今还记得我在孩童时期的一些经历。
55、Five vertiginous patients with tentative diagnosis of brain tumor demonstrated either by computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) turned out to have other lesions after electronystagmography (ENG) and other examinations. ─── 摘要5名病人因眩晕在他院求诊,经安排头部计算机断层扫描或核磁共振映像术检查,怀疑为脑肿瘤。
56、my small mind contained in earthly human limits,not lost in vertiginous space and elements unknown(Diana Cooper) ─── 我的狭隘思想局限在人类世俗之中,不会在令人眩晕的空间和未知成份中迷失方向(戴安娜·库珀)
57、Research on Vertiginous Rate and Stagnant Rate of Turbine's Variable System ─── 汽轮机调速系统速度变动率和迟缓率的探讨
58、vertiginous epilepsy ─── 眩晕性癫痫
59、Effects of Xuanyunding on REG and blood rheology in vascular vertiginous model rabbits with in Qi deficiency and blood stasis ─── 眩晕定方对兔血管性眩晕气虚血瘀证模型血液流变学和脑血流图的影响
60、Vertiginous disorder ─── 眩晕病症
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