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09-08 投稿



wharves 发音


英:  美:

wharves 中文意思翻译



wharves 网络释义

n. 码头;停泊处(wharf的复数)

wharves 常用词组

fisherman's wharf ─── n. 渔人码头(美国旧金山旅游观光名胜)

coal wharf ─── 煤码头

wharf apron ─── 码头岸肩;自码头货棚至水边间的空间

wharves 短语词组

1、wharves images ─── 码头图片

2、wharves define ─── 码头定义

3、wharves means ─── 码头意味着

4、wharves defined ─── 码头定义

5、wharves board ─── 码头委员会

6、wharves clue ─── 码头线索

7、wharves kin ─── 码头亲属

8、wharves definition ─── 码头定义

wharves 词性/词形变化,wharves变形


wharves 相似词语短语

1、harvest ─── n.收获;产量;结果;vt.收割;得到;vi.收割庄稼

2、wharfies ─── n.码头工人

3、whares ─── n.(新西兰毛利人的)棚屋,房屋

4、carves ─── v.雕刻(carve的第三人称单数)

5、charvet ─── 查维特

6、charver ─── 木炭

7、charvers ─── 查弗斯

8、wharve ─── n.小飞轮;锭盘

9、dwarves ─── n.矮人(dwarf的复数);v.使矮小(dwarf的第三人称单数)

wharves 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、SBM / SPM, FSU, FPSO, CBM, STS, Wharf, T / L jetty, Finger pier, Alongside, etc. ─── 单浮筒,多浮筒,“T”码头,手指状码头,靠码头,等

2、While Babbitt watched him anxiously he snapped,"come on, let's get out of this," and hastened down the wharf, not looking back. ─── 巴比特急切地望着他,他说:“走吧,咱们离开这里。”然后头也不回,匆匆走下码头。

3、There they found two boats tied up alongside the wharf. ─── 他们发现那里有两条船停在码头旁边。

4、The Bund usually refers to the buildings and wharves on this section of the road, as well as some adjacent areas. ─── 外滩通常是指建筑物和码头的该段道路,以及一些邻近地区。

5、Morning, Sightseeing tour of Golden Gate Bridge, Fisherman Wharf, Lombard Street, Palace of fine Art, etc. ─── 参观著名酒厂,欣赏田园风光,品尝葡萄美酒。

6、We reached the wharf gasping for breath. ─── 我们气喘吁吁地抵达了码头。

7、Wharf Cable Limited is licensed to operate a pay TV service until 2005. ─── 九仓有线电视获发牌照,以营办收费电视服务,牌照的有效期至二零零五年。

8、The renewal of the wharf area in polis has become a headache and a hot spot. ─── 大城市客运码头的更新开发已成为目前旧城改造的难点和热点。

9、Merchant's Wharf allows an extra trade fleet, and increases trade to the settlement. ─── 商业码头可以增添一条全新海运路线,并且提高海运贸易量。

10、The plane layout, wharf structural type and environment problems are analyzed and studied. ─── 分析和探讨了设计中的平面布置、码头结构型式及环境问题。

11、The Tianjin Port 25 10 thousand-ton deep water routes and 30 10 thousand-ton crude oil wharves already completed. ─── 天津港25万吨级深水航道和30万吨级原油码头已经建成。

12、According to the prediction results presented here the optimal loading/unloading facilities of these container wharves are decided. ─── 并利用外贸集装箱的预测结果,得到了这些港口装卸工艺的优选方案。

13、The morning tour does include a stop at Fisherman's Wharf,but I'm afraid our tours don't include the park. ─── 上午的半日游倒是渔民码头,但我们的半日游都不包括金门公园。

14、The design of the Tangshan project terminal and wharf trestle is basically complete. ─── 唐山项目接收站和码头栈桥基本设计已基本完成。

15、Why you been out on that wharf so long,Clara?... ─── 你怎么在码头那里待这么久,克拉拉?

16、Visit the Golden Gate Bridge, tour Chinatown, stroll along Fisherman's Wharf, and see many other popular destinations in exciting San Francisco. ─── 参观金门大桥,游览中华街,漫步渔人码头,并看到许多其他热门的目的地在激动人心的旧金山。

17、The container terminal at the Kaohsiung Harbor has seven wharves. By 1982, there will be 11 wharves and 13 container cranes installed at the harbor. ─── 图5:高雄港的货柜中心。高港现有货柜码头7座,预计在民国71年时可有11座,货柜起重机13台。

18、He wondered what boat it was, and why she did not stop at the wharf -- and then he dropped her out of his mind and put his attention upon his business. ─── 哈克不知道这是条什么船,随后他不再想船的事,专心致志于守夜。

19、The association has prepared some special activities, such as a year-end party on Fisherman's Wharf to welcome the mainland visitors. ─── 台湾业者准备了一些有特色的活动,如在淡水渔人码头联欢守岁等,来迎接大陆游客。

20、Historians have noted that at one time fruits, imported from Spain, used to be unloaded at a wharf on the Thames that once adjoined the old churchyard. ─── 历史学家说,有一段时间,从西班牙进口的水果曾在泰晤士河的一个码头卸货。

21、Silent, they loafed on the edge of the wharf, swinging their legs above the water. ─── 他们悄悄地坐在码头边上消磨时光,两腿在水面上来回晃荡。

22、One of its first targets, the Santa Cruz beachwear shop Noland's on the Wharf, has been selling bathing suits and beach hats for nearly half a century. ─── 头号目标之一是圣塔克鲁兹码头上的诺兰泳装店,因为该店已经贩卖泳装、泳帽超过半世纪。

23、If the cartons are moved about on an open wharf, the dampness or rain may get into them. ─── 如果纸箱在露天码头移动,潮湿和雨水会进去,

24、We walk her to the wharf and put her aboard the ship. ─── 我们陪她走到码头,将她安顿到船上。

25、The freighter mooredalongside the wharf. ─── 停泊在码头边的货轮。

26、It was very kind of you to come to meet me at the wharf. ─── 你真好,还到码头来接我。

27、The improved port buildings - and simple improvements like creating permanent wharves along a waterfront - allow more trade to occur. ─── 同时,仅仅在港口安置各类码头设施,即可极大提高贸易吞吐量。

28、One is the Fisherman's Wharf and the other is the Golden Gate Park. ─── 一个是渔民码头,另一个是金门公园。

29、The picture shows the liner wharf of Muuga Port in Tallinn of Estonia. ─── 图为爱沙尼亚塔林穆嘎港班轮码头。

30、The application of high-pressure jet grouting piles for soil treatment of a wharf s backland area is introduced. ─── 介绍高压旋喷技术在浙江某码头工程软土地基处理中的应用,阐述高压旋喷桩的施工工艺、技术参数及其特点。

31、The freighter moored alongside the wharf. ─── 停泊在码头边的货轮

32、Rectangular Rubber Fender Feature Applicable for all kinds of wharf, dry dock and shipboard. ─── 一、特点适用于各种码头、船坞、船舷。

33、The town's original wharf was at one end of Palafox, according to Tim Roberts, historic preservationist for the historic quarter. ─── 但这事就那么发生了,并且直到现在这种文化在这里继续并存。

34、The house they sought was about five minutes' walk from the wharf. ─── 他们找的那栋房子,从码头去大约只用走五分钟。

35、The utility model can be used for the material transportation of mines, wharves and industrial and mining enterprises. ─── 它可广泛应用于矿山、码头及工矿企业之物料运输。

36、Wharf, also known as River City, in Dunhuang City, 90 km west of NATO on the Gobi Desert. ─── 又名河仓城,在敦煌市城西北约90公里的戈壁滩上。

37、I hung around the wharf till it was dark. ─── 我在码头附近一直待到天黑。

38、To be widely used as the advertisement and information media in markets,banks,stock exchang es,stadiums,gym halls,stations,wharves,airports and etc. ─── 可广泛应用于商场、银行、证券、体育场馆、车站、码头、机场等行业,用做信息显示和广告宣传。

39、Why you been out on that wharf so long, Clara? ─── 你怎么在码头那里待这么久,克拉拉?

40、To take to or store(cargo) on a wharf. ─── 将(货物)卸在或堆存在码头

41、Fallen leaves lie on a path by the Thames opposite Canary Wharf. ─── 叶子掉落在泰晤士河对面金丝雀码头旁边的路上。

42、Fang then went on deck by himself and watched disconsolately as the ship drew up to the Kowloon wharf. ─── 一个人上甲板,闷闷地看船靠傍九龙码头。

43、Deserted like the wharves at dawn. ─── 如同黎明的码头一样遭人遗弃。

44、Someday I shall go to the tropical lands of my birth, to the coasts of continents and the tiny wharves of island shores. ─── 有一天我会走向自己诞生的热土,走向大陆的海岸和海岛之滨的小码头。

45、The goods were forwarded , in our van, to the London Wharf for shipment by m.s. "AsoMaru", for Yokohama, sailing on May 10th. ─── 为赶5月10日开往横滨的货轮"阿苏号",我司已用货车将您所订购的货物送至伦敦码头

46、Wharf Cable also carries several overseas channels, such as CNN and ESPN. ─── 九仓有线电视也提供数个报道海外信息的节目台,例如CNN及ESPN。

47、The boat thumped against the wharf. ─── 小船砰地撞到码头。

48、Portside Wharf is envisaged as the new international gateway to Brisbane at Hamilton. ─── Description Portside 码头被想象作为新国际门户向布里斯班在哈密尔顿。

49、There are several wharves in Halifax Harbour. ─── 哈里法克斯港有好几个码头。

50、The characteristics of subaqueous indiscrete concrete and its application for wharf repairment in Dalian Port are introduced. ─── 介绍水下不分散混凝土的特点及在大连港码头修复中的应用。

51、To moor(a vessel) at a wharf. ─── 使靠码头使(一只船)停泊在码头

52、I remember the black wharves and slips. ─── 我记得乌黑的码头和船台。

53、While Babbitt watched him anxiously he snapped, "come on, let's get out of this," and hastened down the wharf, not looking back. ─── 巴比特急切地望着他,他说:“走吧,咱们离开这里。”然后头也不回,匆匆走下码头。

54、He was the first man dawn the gangway and into the lone telephone booth on the wharf. ─── 他第一个冲下跳板,跑进码头上独一无二的电话间。

55、We fetch up at the wharf exactly on time. ─── 我们准时到达码头。

56、They are waiting for us on the wharf. ─── 他们正在码头上等着我们。

57、The great wharves and warehouses were alternately compared to the pyramids of Egypt , the aqueducts of Rome and the engravings of Piranesi . ─── 巨大的码头和仓库被比喻成埃及的金字塔或者罗马的高架渠,或者是皮拉内西的版画。

58、Chief mate, we've made the arrangement for discharge already 20000t to shore tanks and the rest to barges alongside other three wharves via shore one. ─── 大副,卸货是这样安排的:两万公吨的货物将卸入岸罐,其它的货物将通过码头的管线经另外三个小码头卸到驳船上。

59、He tooled me down to the wharf. ─── 他开车把我送到码头。

60、The crowd that throngs the wharf as the steamer draws alongside is gay and debonair. ─── 当轮船靠近码头时,蜂拥到岸边的人群兴高采烈而又彬彬有礼。

61、I'm sure you'll like Fisherman's Wharf. ─── 我相信你会喜欢渔人码头的。

62、We inform you that we have today send the goods to the american wharf addressed to you for shipment per m.s. ─── 今日已将下列物品装于“伦敦号”货轮,运到美国码头,以贵公司为收货人,特此通知。

63、By the end of 1997, about 1 020 000 homes were passed by Wharf Cable's MMDS network, and about 503 000 homes were served by its optical fibre network. ─── 截至一九九七年底,九仓有线电视利用微波方式传送节目的服务已直达逾102万个家庭,而利用光纤有线网络直达的家庭则约有503000个。

64、Can be widely used in oil fields,oil refineries, oil depots, ships,wharves,airports,hangars and other important occasions,to fight and prevent fires. ─── 可广泛用于油田、炼油厂、油库、船舶、码头、机场、机库等重要场合火灾的扑救与防范。

65、The seller has to bear costs and risks involved m bringing the goods to the named port of destination and discharging the goods on the quay (wharf). ─── 卖方应承担将货物运至指定的目的港并卸至码头的一切风险和费用。

66、The application of reinforced earth in the wharf structurs is the firstling in our country. ─── 加筋土在码头工程中的运用在国内尚属首次。

67、A cheap, gaudy steamboat arrived at the wharf from St. Louis. ─── 一艘来自圣路易,低廉且华而不实的汽船到达了码头。

68、Project of Liquid Bulky Cargo Wharf at Donggang Dist. ─── 东港区液体散货工程。

69、Three months after he was released into the wild, KP2 swam to the southern shore of Molokai and started befriending wharf dwellers. ─── 在把他放归自然3个月以后,KP2游到了莫洛凯岛的南部海岸,开始和码头居民们交上了朋友。

70、This article introduces the main geotechnical problems about pile foundation for wharves and ground treatment for land reclaimed area. ─── 该文介绍了码头区域桩基工程和陆域形成区域地基处理方面的主要岩土工程问题。

71、Fisherman's Wharf, a place all foreigners want to see, is at the end of the ride. ─── 国外游客都想访问一下缆车的终点站——渔民之埠。

72、I already posted Courthouse and Teddy Bears Museum, so let's jump to dinner on Stern Wharf. ─── 之前介绍了法院与泰迪熊博物馆,所以现在直接跳到码头的晚餐。

73、A cheap, gaudy St. amboat arrive at the wharf from St. louis. ─── 一艘来自圣路易,低廉且华而不实的汽船到达了码头。

74、While the ship going alongside Gaoyang Wharf, two barges were drifting towards her. ─── 如:该轮正在靠泊高阳码头时,突遇漂近来的两艘驳船。

75、But Mr Ishihara wants to move the market to Toyosu wharf, on reclaimed land three kilometres (two miles) further out in Tokyo bay. ─── 但是石原却希望将该鱼市移至豊洲港的填海之地,位于东京湾3公里(2英里)外。

76、So, the existed high-piled slab &beam wharf shall he demolished. ─── 为此,需将旧的高桩梁板码头拆除。

77、number of pleasure cruises still operate from some nearby wharves. ─── 一些高兴巡游仍然运作一些附近码头。

78、Hong Kong Animal Hospital, G/F, 126 Wharf Road, North Point, Hong Kong. ─── 98香港动物医院,香港北角和富道126号地下。

79、Did so much exploring at Fisherman's Wharf, am exhausted and don't feel like doing anything else. Early night tonight! ─── 在渔人码头看了这么多东西,我真的筋疲力尽了,不想再做其他东西.今晚早点睡!

80、The product applies in professions and so on metallurgy, petrification, electric power, ships, wharf, cement. ─── 产品应用于冶金、石化、电力、船舶、码头、水泥等行业。

81、What is your ETA at pilot station/ETD from wharf No4? ─── 你船预计抵达引航站/预计离开4号码头的时间是什么时候?

82、The canal does not smell, and small fish swim between the pylons supporting cargo wharves . ─── 运河已经不难闻了,并且有了小鱼在码头前的标塔之间戏水。

83、Passengers were waiting on the wharf to board the ship. ─── 乘客们在码头上等待搭船。

84、The dream of a home visit came true sooner than expected. Li-qing and I went back in 1995. This is my mother picking us up from the wharf, on pedicab. ─── 我和丽卿终于提早在1995年回了国。这是妈妈到码头接我们后乘坐三轮车回家。

85、I remember the black wharves and the slips. ─── 我记得那些黑色的码头和泊口。

86、Meanwhile, Don, his leg fractured, crawls out of the water at the wharf. ─── 同时,赛尔夫拖着受伤的腿,从水中爬上了码头。

87、The great wharves and warehouses were alternately compared to the pyramids of Egypt, the aqueducts of Rome and the engravings of Piranesi. ─── 巨大的码头和仓库被比喻成埃及的金字塔或者罗马的高架渠,或者是皮拉内西的版画。

88、A quiet place for having a rest in the market, the design has merged into the wharf style. ─── 市场内可以小憩的地方,设计与码头风格融为一体!

89、When they got out of the rickshaws at the wharf, Fang and Miss Pao lingered behind. ─── 到码头下车,方鸿渐和鲍小姐落在后面。

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