epigrammatic 发音
英:[ˌepɪɡrəˈmætɪk] 美:[ˌepɪɡrəˈmætɪk]
英: 美:
epigrammatic 中文意思翻译
epigrammatic 网络释义
adj. 警句的;讽刺的
epigrammatic 短语词组
1、epigrammatic form ─── 警句形式
2、epigrammatic tale ─── 警句故事
3、epigrammatic define ─── 警句定义
4、epigrammatic clue ─── 警句线索
5、epigrammatic wit ─── 警句智慧
6、epigrammatic work ─── 警句作品
7、epigrammatic definition ─── 警句定义
epigrammatic 词性/词形变化,epigrammatic变形
副词: epigrammatically |异体字: epigrammatical |
epigrammatic 相似词语短语
1、epigrammatical ─── 警句
2、trigrammatic ─── 三语法
3、engrammatic ─── 英语的
4、epigrammatise ─── 警句
5、epigrammatism ─── n.警句文体;警句的使用
6、epigrammatist ─── n.讽刺诗人;警句作者
7、epigrammatiser ─── 警句学
8、epigrammatize ─── vt.以讽刺诗形式写;vi.写成警句
9、epigrammatised ─── 警句
epigrammatic 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、epigrammatic conversation ─── 富有警句的谈话
2、epigrammatic paradoxes ─── 警句式悖论
3、The Maximes are concise, often epigrammatic, reflections on human nature, typically written from a disillusioned or cynical point of view. ─── 其箴言(散文格言)简洁明了,往往是警句式的,对人的本性的思考,通常是从一个心灰意冷或愤世嫉俗的观点出发来写的。
4、Confucius stated with epigrammatic clarity the general laws and principles of education and learning. ─── 他关于教育和学习一般规律和一般原理的论述极其精辟。
5、an epigrammatic Japanese verse form of three short lines ─── 由三行短诗构成的警句式的日本诗
6、An epigrammatic Japanese verse form of three short lines. ─── 三行短诗构成的警句式的日本诗。
7、But whenever start to talk, have the sign with epigrammatic or breathtaking witticism surely. ─── 但每逢开口,必有妙语警句或惊人之语。
8、American writer known for his droll epigrammatic verse, much of which appeared in the New Yorker. ─── 纳西,奥格登1902-1971美国作家,因写没有固定韵律的幽默诗而闻名,其中大多数发表在《纽约人》杂志上
9、No painter had ever made the point that 'A painting is not what it represents' with such epigrammatic clarity before. ─── 此前从未有过一位画家如此精辟透彻地阐述了‘画非所画’的观点。
10、No painter had ever made the point that'A painting is not what it represents'with such epigrammatic clarity before. ─── 此前从未有过一位画家如此精辟透彻地阐述了“画非所画”的观点。
11、painter had ever made the point that 'a painting is not what it represents' with such epigrammatic clarity before. ─── 从未有过一位画家如此精辟透彻地阐述了‘画非所画’的观点。
12、Even in his style there is something of a modern epigrammatic ring. ─── 即使在他的风格中也可见几分现代警句的感觉。
13、an epigrammatic Japanese verse form of three short lines. ─── 由三行短诗构成的警句式的日本诗。
14、Public opinion is oriented and wrong, the disaster that is party and people " epigrammatic awaken the deaf, thought-provoking; ─── 舆论导向错误,是党和人民之祸”的警句振聋发聩,发人深省;
15、virtually her only contact with her friends came to be made through her whimsical and epigrammatic letters. ─── 也有以一星期、一月、或一年四季来喻人生的,少年是春天,青壮年是夏天,然后是秋天和冬天。
16、A lofty and forceful screen stands in the sitting room, write again windward elegant line, epigrammatic, have v/arc true man quite one peak alone beautiful artistic conception. ─── 客厅中竖一架高大挺拔的屏风,再书写上风雅诗句、警句,颇有大丈夫一峰独秀的意境。
17、Epigrammatic discourse or expression. ─── 警句般的表达或措词
EPI中国指EPI中国开设的分公司位于上海徐家汇,简称EGC(EPIC GAMER CHINA),主要从事游戏美术,虚幻引擎方面的工作,中国唯一授权虚幻引擎合作伙伴上海GA游戏教育基地
EPI(Expanded Programme on Immunization),也就是扩大免疫规划。基于消灭天花和经济发达国家控制上述传染病的经验,1974年5月第27届世界卫生大会通过一项决议。
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